What exactly was the point of preserving Lenin's body?
What exactly was the point of preserving Lenin's body?
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to protect it from Stalin
idk man eurasians are fucking weird
To pretend Stalin was his rightful successor all while acting like a complete retard
stalin powered the ussr with the rolling
This is probably the best answer
To remind the Fascists of what once was
I like that
You ask this now, but just wait until he rises from his tomb this October and saves us all.
To keep his spirit trapped lest he inspire a new generation of proletariat to rise
Putin returned state funding to the maintenance of the body and the mausoleum, I find that odd since he has criticized Lenin very openly.
In a few decades they are going to clone him and revive him, so that when Putin dies, he can lead the neo-Soviet eurasian Union.
To shove all of this under the rug: leftcom.org
He requested to be cremated to prevent people from fetishizing his grave site. Stalin had other ideas.
for propagada usage lenin is a symbol even i death.
So we could revive him eventually and bring back the good ol days.
These three sum it up pretty well.
He's coming buckos
Lenin's final wish was to be buried at a particular place.
It is Stalin, who like always, did what he want.
Yes, he wanted to be buried next to his mother and wife.
His brain, what actually matters, is preserved too.
"But whatever is happening to his body and his political reputation, Lenin's brain is treated with more respect. It is kept on the third floor in two large roll-top wooden cabinets. Each has dozens of meticulously labelled drawers. ('Right hemisphere, 1-18 block, sections 1-35,' reads a handwritten card on one.) Around 1,000 have been stained purple and black for study under microscopes. The vast majority, though, are a milky grey, unsullied and awaiting new techniques to probe the mysteries of Lenin's thought.
Next to a window, shielded by a padlocked metal shutter, stands another cabinet. It holds 14 large volumes bound in thick green leather and embossed in the top right hand corner with a single word: LENIN. They contain what used to be one of the most sensitive of Soviet secrets - a detailed map of Lenin's brain. If Marxism was a science, reason was its tool. And Lenin's brain was its ultimate weapon."
They're just waiting until they can put it in a robot to create Super Mecha Death Lenin complete with sonic death ray and porky seeking missiles.
Holy fuck, they're waiting until they can recreate Lenin's brain from all the scans they made.
Apparently, Orthodox tradition says that the bodies of saints don't decay, or so I'm told. So Stalin exploited a subconscious superstition. Psy-ops, in other words.
Incidentally, his cult of personality began while he was still alive, by the comrades in his inner circle. And he fucking hated it.
It's 5 now
Any proof that he disliked it?
Starting in page 55's last paragraph. His Wikipedia page sources other episodes.
The man really lived for and by Marxism, and completely rejected the Great Man Theory. I still don't know how he conciliated such a dogma with his own, patently undeniable role in history. I never found anything by him about this clash.
The second file is a rarified, clinicial assesment of Lenin's personality based on his statements and actions. It's weird, but you might find it interesting. The third one I just found but seems interesting too.
So he could later be resurrected
The kikes like to preserve thier best "pets".
Putin knows that Russians cherish their communist past. It is this nationalism that will save the planet once the American empire starts crumbling in earnest.
Take that fucking flag off right now.