Was the holodomor genocide y/n

was the holodomor genocide y/n

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In order for it to be a genocide it would first have to happen.

Was there people in Ukraine who starved during the 1920s while it was under soviet control? Yes.
Was that famine caused by soviet economic policy? Partially yes, but you can't blame the state for everything as famines were fairly common in that region during that time period, even under the Tsar.
Was this famine an intentional genocide of Ukrainians by the big bad soviets? Hell no.

Please stop thinking with memes. How are we better than Holla Forums if we learn from jokes turned consensus?

How can it be a genocide? Stalin had no motive to create a famine, it actually weakened his position thus why in response to the famine Stalin cracked down on opposition. Holodomor is a tin foil hat conspiracy theory.

It's ironic the US cries about that considering they carried out one of the most focused and unrepentant genocides of all time with the Indian wars

Holodomors were regular in Russian Empire. Productivity of agriculture highly fluctuated because of periodic drought. The last holodomor, which happened in Stalin's time spread over some parts of Ukrane, south Russia and north Kazakhstan. The Kazakhstan suffered the most.
After resolution peoples who responsible for failing the provision of food got implantation of lead in their bodies.
Was it genocide? No. Because not only Ukranians died in that catastrophe.
Was it on purpose? No. Otherwise it had to continue, but it's not.
Was it the fail of socialism? No. Because famine was not only in UUSR, but in nearby countries too, like Poland.
I hope, your eyes doesn't flow out while you read that text with my awful english. Sorry.


Anyone with half a brain would say no. It's only used as a smear tactic–"Soviet's holocaust", etc.

Stalin sure didn't send any grain.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but I think that it's fair to say that it was partly caused by climate conditions.

He still could have sent grain.

The Holodomor aka Holohoax is the greatest lie ever perpetrated upon mankind.

From were?? Lots of people starved as well in Russia and Khazajstan

Holodomor denial is a lot like holocaust denial.

It happened, we can only argue how much did Bolsheviks fuck up intentionally and how much they were just stupid












true revoltionary vanguard

counter-revolutionary trotskist infiltrators

It was just doing the usual collectivisation of the crops. There was a shortage from a drought and Stalin didn't compensate for that enough.

That sounds like Stalin had to personally harvest crops in the garden of his Dacha

that would be amusing. Maybe i could have worded it better.

Have some retarded nazi propaganda

Really activates my almonds

Ironically that is actually nazi propaganda.


- Spams nazi lies -

Is that a fucking alien in the top right of the first picture?

While there certainly were famines, there had also been famines in 1891 and 1914 in Tsarist Russia, and leading up to that there had been regular famines going back almost 1000 years (first documented in the Nikonian Chronicles). While people did starve under Stalin, I would be hard-pressed to acknowledge it as a genocide. In fact, one of the few positives of Stalinism from an anarchist perspective such as mine is that his industrialization did end the famines - there have not been any since 1947 due to the consistent policy of surplus production to compensate for the unreliability of steppe soil in output.

sounds like a great idea mate