what about prostitutes?
will the state pay for them under communism?
they always have and always will.
What about prostitutes?
if you reply to this without saging you deserve to be banned
They will be armed.
Well they won't depend on it for living and there won't be anything aside from goods which they themselves could just as well access that they could be paid with. So it'll really just be people having sex because they want to, at most people having sex for favours.
pick one ayy lmao
Now tell me why someone who has a well paying job would risk to get HIV?
especially when they can get a state issued state of the art vibrator
this is degenerate
t. Lenin
If we achieved communism they would have no material need to be prositutes tho.
Degeneracy is NAZBOL
You can't pay when there isn't money.
many women do it because they actually like it.
as hard as it is to get your head around it.
'prostitute' implies something other than high class escort, fam.
no one is ever going to stop people from trading sex for favors. All communism will do is eliminate the exploitative aspects of prostitution like pimping.
fucking redditors learn to sage or get out
There's a difference between promiscuity and trading sexual favours in return for money or other favours.
sure they do, fam
what could be better than to be fucked by some desperate fuck
I'm sure you really think you make them cum, kjek
There exists a difference but sometimes there doesn't.
"Many" women is 13%. Not exactly the majority but an unignorable amount nevertheless.
Can we have a sticky about this ffs
they do it for money and there won't be any money. fuck off.
I'm sure there was no reason at all that Lenin reintroduced money after abolishing it
There's a difference between being a sex worker and having a lot of sex fam. Last information I looked at had 15% of college students considering escorting to pay for tuition, but that was only thinking about it. Not sure how many do, but I find it hard to believe that 13% of women are sex workers.
No, prostitution won't exist like it does now because the economic incentive will be gone. Porn will still be around but if you want a girl to fuck you you'll have to bring something besides money.
Why would they exist?
I meant 13% of prostitutes are prostitutes because they enjoy the work. The other 87% are there for the desperate material need.
Read a book.
Well, if you remove the state, then prostitutes can do whatever they please. They can do anything so long as nobody stops them, and I don't think horny men will stop women. That's the point of an anarchy: no rules or anything, you're on your own. This also extends to the "no banning 'x'" in an anarchy, which means you can't ban trade, even barter, because people will seek out the prostitute and there won't be a state to stop that desire. Even if there is, you'll just create a black market.
The point still stands: how can you feasibly claim to ban substances or practices without a state? It renders your entire position untenable because you always devolve into statism if you want to ban, say, prostitutes. Or limit them. In an anarchy, people will do as they please. That's the whole point. They will kill you or buy prostitutes: there are no agreed upon rules.
I look forwards to your book.
What for?
So it goes "insult without addressing the points", then "speculation without any means to test the statement".
What do you have to lose if you exchange ideas and have your stance scrutinized? Either you're afraid to debate your point coherently, or you don't have one and you're just kidding around.
Maybe thats their fetish? Dont kink shame my man
Under communism, sex work , being the most empowering form of employment, will be not only the sole allowed form of labor but also mandatory for everyone
if you wanna fuck, you can fuck, no need to get paid