Debunking Rand's Objectivism

So my impressionable lil sis is reading Atlas Shrugged for AP English next school year, and I'm concerned that the conservative ass high school she goes to (of which i'm a grad) will attempt to indoctrinate the fuck out of her.

So, what are the best ways to counter Rand's philosophy? Admittedly, I'm not super familiar with it, should I read her books to get a better understanding of it, as to counter it, or is there any other source from which I can derive a decent enough critique?

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get her a copy o the ego and it's own

oh actually this is true, who else to bust down Rand then the spook buster himself

Have her read a real philosopher. Rand is a watered down Nietzche a century late.

she spent the end of her life alone and forgotten after having betrayed whatever connections she had

she's a contradictory Stirner. She has nothing to do with Nietzsche.

Don't actually do this. She probably already doesn't want to read the one book, why give her outdated philosophy from an obscure, irrelevant figure.

Wait to get her opinion first. There's a very good chance she hates it and at that point why bother?

t. butthurt marxist

Just show her the YouTube video of John Oliver talking about her and how much of a hypocrite she was. She's a complete joke.

Oh yeah I know, I also wanted to know for my own sake, but she's pretty left minded so I doubt she'll be so easily swayed.

Just Wait to see also What's the pic from.

Not even. I'm just aware that normies, particularly teenage girls won't have too much interest in Stirner. The fact that people are even suggesting her (or Nietzsche)… like are you guys serious?


The books themselves. They're terribly written garage and anyone who enjoys them has such shit taste they'd be a drain on any group they were associated with.

you'd be surprised user, she's a pretty smart kid

Worst World, some new series Bryan Lee O'Malley (Scott Pilgrim) is doing. I think that girl's name is Audrey.

More pics on his tumblr

Honestly I can't believe they're making them read it for AP, its a huge book, and they have a ton more to read as well.

Also this. She was just not a very good writer.

I recommend you read "Anthem", OP if you're interested in engaging with her "thought". It's pretty short. It's some of the worst writing you'll ever read. Everything is ham-fisted and only morons could think it's profound.

Mutual Aid.

And then Stirner.

Mutual Aid: A Factor Of Evolution is easy to read, but not particularly exciting (not that it needs to be - still one of my favorite books). Debt: The First 5000 Years could work - it's much longer, but it really sucks you in once you get going. It's between those two really, and the 1st one is probably better simply because of length and direct relevance.
She won't understand what Mr Spookbuster is saying unless she already has a cursory understanding of how dialectics work and what Hegel wrote about.

so you want to counter indoctrination with indoctrination? just let her figure it out.


I laughed pretty hard at that too

Other people on this board don't speak for me. I like Last Week Tonight.

I suppose you're right, I just know the way things work at that school, having an opinion to the left of Hillary Clinton makes you a retard, its hard not to just fall into place, I don't want her to just meekly accept what they're feeding her as fact. An opposing viewpoint I suppose.

Fortunately for you OP Galt's Gulch has been tried, with predictable results. There was a thread about it yesterday.

There is no neutral ground, as ideology is forced upon us from all angles. This must be countered.

Get out.

[Insert loli pic]

Just use the socratic method. Libertarianism, "an"capism etc. are deeply self-contradictory ideologies.

then just kill yourself, please

Atlas Shrugged, huh?

In the beginning of Atlas Shrugged, the working masses vote in a socialist government and this is what starts the conflict.

Rand's philosophy was that you should always act in your own self-interest indisregard for altruism and the needs of society. Since the workers were voting in a government that benefitted them, in disregard for the "rights" of the wealthy industrialists, weren't they simply following Rand's philosophy?

The counter I've heard to this is that socialism is bad, so supporting capitalism is in your interest, at which I'd ask if this isn't simply saying that the needs of society are more important than the immediate needs of individuals, so is this basically saying that workers should self-sacrifice for the good of society, and a healthy society is what is ultimately best for everyone, which very "collectivist" position she demonizes in her books.

They should have had principles. Stealing from le productive master race is wrong, exploiting le shuffling hordes is virtuous.

steal the parts that work

Point out how retarded Ayn Rand was. For example how she smoked a lot saying doesn't cause cancer, then got cancer from smoking and still didn't change her stance but still quit smoking after that. Or how she would call people parasites for needing help in their life. How she was pro colonialism and was racist against any culture that wasn't capitalist.