If Holla Forums were a battalion in the International Brigades or the International Freedom Battalion, what would our name be? Usually they're named after a person, so it would have to be someone at least most of us like.
The Anarco-Tankie-Egoist-Trap Brigade of the 5th Shitposter Internationale
Chase Roberts
Not bad tbh.
Henry Myers
The Brocialism Brigade
Noah Moore
Probably Max Stirner, even though he didn't have shit to do with revolution and action. if we were being serious, I would say a revolutionary like Zapata or Ocalan, or any of the innumerable martyrs from Rojava and Bakur.
Jackson Morgan
Le Reddit Army
Ethan Murphy
I feel like that'd just be taking the Zapatistas' and YPG's imagery.
Now that's a really good idea. Shit, I think there was some foreigner that got killed fighting in Rojava that had a lot of threads posted about his death here. Can't remember his name, though.
Dylan Price
I vote for gayfagatallion
Aiden Long
Piss Pigs trap slaves
Ian Adams
If Holla Forums was fighting in the Spanish Civil War, does that mean Holla Forums would be fighting as well, but for the other side? How would they call themselves? What manner of disgustingly cringeworthy LARP uniform would they have? Would they copy Caesar's Legion and paint football gear to look like Roman legionaries?
Owen Young
Nah, Holla Forums already took that one when they were naming their Namibian army
Jonathan Watson
what was the 1930s equivalent of Kekistan? The Holla Forums Batallion would probably be made entirely of moroccan troops, since Holla Forums isn't white.
William Butler
They might call themselves something along the lines of Kek Krusaders or just RWDS
Henry Torres
The volunteers on the fascist side were few and mostly from white countries anyways, so that rules Holla Forums out.
Aaron Jackson
Jesus, this Kek shit is so fucking autistic. How do they even expect to be taken seriously?
Liam Anderson
The Fully Automated Luxury Battalion
Benjamin Reed
John Harris
Holla Forums would be posting memes and recruiting for their image board on /r/The_Franco
Mason Price
Spooky Squad
Tyler Rodriguez
Spookbusters. Its because of our anti idpol politics.