Cetnicki Vojvoda reporting in
cuo sam da je levica u hrvatskoj boze sacuvaj. Ako ti ista pomaze ovde je jedina 'woke' levicarska partija NKPJ/SKOJ, a clan sam nje. Ostale partije su ili socio-demokratija odevena u jugonostalgiju ili su SJW levicarski tumori, na svu srecu nismo progresivni i tolerantni kao Hrvatska pa imamo vise jugonostalgicnih succdema nego SJW pedera.
Stvarno ponekad sam srecan koliko smo mi Srbi drustveno nazadni, pa nemamo SJW sranja u jakom toku ovde kod nas, cak i gejevi se jeze LGBT politike ovde.
Ajde i da se samo sektasim i prozivam druge partije, ali fakat je to sto nijedna partija sem nas ne organizuje proteste ili ide da podrzi radnicke proteste redovno, uzasno je. Mi imamo akcije cele godine, ove ostale partije ili nesto se komesaju unutar sebe i nista se ne cuje od njih ili ih ima vise na internetu nego u stvarnosti. X puta se desilo da ih pozovemo na proteste, i nikada ni ne odgovore na poziv, pa smo i prestali da ih zovemo vecinski. Rehabilitovali Drazu ovde, sada pokusavaju Nedica, a mi i neki gradjani smo jedini tamo…sramota.
A da ne pricam o celoj situaciji u drzavi kao celoj, stvari su uzasne. Vrv se selim na Kubu preko partije za par godina, zivim sa zenom koja ima psihicke probleme a mnogo je volim, ne mogu da ostanem u drzavi iz politickih razloga kada znam da mogu da joj pruzim bolji zivot preko.
Yugonostalgia is the stagnant cancer that pulls down all communist movements in ex-yu, conditions have changed, Yugoslavia is occupied, and Tito's policies only worked as cold war politics. It blew up as soon as Tito couldn't hide under NATO's skirt from the USSR, or when it couldn't hide under the iron curtain from NATO. Once the balance was fucked he was too.
I think there will be a chain reaction in the next 20 to 40 years across most of the balkans, maybe stretching to some other poor european countries, due to the corporate colonialism and general economic stagnation and poverty. Things are already bad in Greece and getting worse, and radical politics are growing, and the same situation is happening in Serbia, but slowly since what is happening to Greece has only started happening to us some 4 years ago. Other balkan states, especially bosnia, are in no better condition. Communist movements from the balkans (except croatia, they have ~5 people movement lol) are very close and work in solidarity with each other, sharing strategy and advice, theory, etc. You have greek anarchists going to Rojava for arms training (despite me not being an anarchist, this still proves the escalation of these things)
These things will escalate, we will see riots all over the balkans in the next tens of years, and it will be seized either by the left or the right. The right is strong, and has been strengthening since '99 here in Serbia. They are hiding ammo, guns, training, making dirty bombs etc. And while real communists here have guns, they are not particularly well trained in them. We train much lighter than they do, because we have bigger political actions than what amounts to sports hooliganism, and it eats a lot of time and money we have to fund by working as well.
Also, I spoke to the ambassador of Venezuela, ask me anything I guess.