Thoughts on the soviet-afghan war ?

thoughts on the soviet-afghan war ?

Other urls found in this thread:'s_War_(film)

Brezhnev did nothing wrong

Damn those evil commies for wanting to abolish literal feudalism in parts of Afghanistan and bringing them free healthcare and education

Taliban is proof USSR was right to intervene in favor of the Afghan government

If this is true, then why was the US wrong to invade Afghanistan?

yeah why can't the soviets be like americans and overthrow democratic governments and replace them with fascists

A mistake.

tankies are the fucking best

I like Hoxha's thoughts on the conflict:

Braithwaite's book Afghantsty: The Russians in Afghanistan 1979-89 is a pretty good read on that war. He's surprisingly impartial for an πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§AngloπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

People who defend the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan while condemning the American invasion of Vietnam are the biggest hypocrites of all time.

It was literally the exact same scenario.

The war wouldn't have been necessary if the USSR had modernized the country in a smart way. Soviets basically made huge portions of the population their enemy when they could have tried to work with the people and not antagonize the warlords.

Russians at least had the excuse that they were working to fight terrorism near their own borders. America traveled half way across the world to fight an enemy they helped create for short term profits.

Because the Taliban was not only their creation but they offered to hand over Bin Laden before the invasion
On top of that the USSR was invited by the legitimate government of Afghanistan

Uh the USSR wasn't running Afghanistan

I meant to say the Afghan communists. derp.

If they had won, we wouldn't have half the problems that we have today.

Here. Watch this.'s_War_(film)

Well no, one was destroying a socialist government while the other was preserving one

Yeah, just like how the USA was invited to Viet Nam by the legitimate government of Saigon, right?

lol at /leftypoz/ defending foreign invasions when it's not the USA. You guys are literal neocons.

I hate to be that guy but the neocons typically oppose every invasion that's no an American/Western one and have an accelerationist Trotskyist ideologist that sees Russia and China in an almost demonic light.

I get what you mean bc it is hypocrisy but it would've been more effective if you said they were neocons in reverse or something.

If there was any doubt that liberals are enemy number one to any normal sane society that doesn't want to be oppressed or terrorized, this should be all the evidence you need.

The USSR was fucking awesome but the invasion of Afghanistan was a gigantic mistake that should have never happened.

No actually the difference is that Vietnam was artificially split in half and the south had broken it's agreement for the referendum to unite Vietnam. Afghanistan was not split in half by the USSR and US and the Afghan government was the undisputed sovereign state of Afghanistan.

Even thoug the taliban were terrible,
the war was clearly imperialist in its nature.
The UDSSR had a clear interest in the countries natural ressources. It was a absolute mistake to go in there.

It was pretty much outright colonialism, if change is to occur in Afghanistan it is going to have to come from within the country not from outside, it is historical fact that Afghanistan resists external influence especially well.

The entire nation itself is actually fractured into countless tribal microstates with next to no centralization, which is why it is nearly impossible to "conquer" by military means, controlling cities means nothing, every single mountain is uniquely contested territory. Military victory in Afghanistan is nigh impossible.

Hafizullah Amin did nothing wrong and the USSR made the situation worse.

What the fuck? Hoxha accusing the USSR of imperialism? I thought he was a tankie.

Hoxha broke with pretty much every other socialist state because they didn't worship Stalin-sama as much as he did.

Najib did nothing wrong
Islamists deserved it

There is literally nothing wrong with curb-stomping islamists, though?