Leftists and Islam

I'm a visitor from Holla Forums For years now I've been greatly perplexed why leftists continue to coddle Muslims and allow Islam to get a free pass.

Help me understand Holla Forums why do leftists have such a sweet tooth for Islam? Is it because they're anti-American and anti-Western? Or is it just blindness to the inherent evil of the religion?

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Liberals aren't the same thing as leftists user.

Also I like non-Sunni muslims because they are great at getting rid of Israelis, Americans, and Saudi fucks.

Because no leftist would have a problem with me being a Muslim as long as I keep it to myself.

some muslims are ok

I never asked about liberals. I asked about leftists. Pretty much every socialist party in Europe is pro-immigration and pro-Islam. Or do you not consider socialists to be leftist enough?

It's the fact that since the 1990s the Left has overwhelmingly moved away from the proletarian subject and towards the "noble savage" as the people(s) who will bring about revolution. "Western culture" or "white people" are enemy No. 1, rather than the bourgeoisie.

because it trigger faggots like you

Because Mudslimes at least have the balls to conduct their own terrorist enterprises, oppressing women, gays, atheists, and non-believers using the sword in their bare two hands. Unlike the pathetic Christards who just cry and whine that the state should do all the dirty work for them. I mean your prophet was a fucking sissy who never got laid and let himself be crucified, theirs was one that conquered the land and had like seven wives.

Iranian here, these guys are fucking garbage.

Do leftists not care that they'll be the first against the wall?

how so ?

Because they are all taking the bait the liberal establishment throws at them. You should realize that everywhere in the west communist parties have been irrelevant for the past 20 years. Now there is a topic which makes headlines worldwide and they have a change to get a platform and shill for mass immigration and identity politics and porky pets them on their back for how much of a good communist they are.

Not all socialist parties are pro-immigration though. Usually their stance is "we should help the ones escaping US-imperialism but we should also address how this is a neoliberal plot to get cheap wage slaves". Sahra Wagenknecht in Germany has that stance for example.

But it would be nearly impossible to imagine the current strength of Islam without leftist capitulation for the past 20-some years, though.

After 9-11 the left was obviously going to side with the attackers, but doing more study I was surprised to find that many leftists in Europe were supporting things like FGM and other parts of Islamic "culture"

To be fair, most Muslims have ZERO interest in communism. It's not like the Palestinians are demonstrating in solidarity with Rojava.

America more or less deserved 9/11 for what it did during and after the Cold War though.

What? The attackers were Saudi-backed, Mujahedeen installed by the US against the USSR in Afghanistan. Everyone on the anti-imperialist hates them. Literally every Marxist-Leninist I know wants to nuke them.

Some leftist parties went batshit, but don't kid yourself: Where in the west was a serious socialist party actually part of a government? This was the Golden Age of neoliberalism - it was the neoliberals which destabilized Africa and the Middle East and shilled for free trade and open borders, setting gigantic migrations in motions. I don't think it's fair to blame the far-left for that. Also: The countries which are still socialist (Cuba and DPRK) are not known for lax immigration laws. And even the capitalist countries which still have a nominally Marxist-Leninist government (China, Vietnam, Laos) give zero concessions to Muslim immigration. Again, it's the capitalist countries like Thailand and Myanmar which are having problems with that.

You do realize that there were plenty of leftist organizations in Palestine who all got replaced by religious zealots? Israel literally created Hamas by being an apartheid state.

lmao, of course they won't show solidarity with a zionist-american proxy. It's not because they hate communism

Because we are not retards who think everything is easy enough to be explained through "muh joos, muh mudslims".

Islamic extremism is nothing but a response to western aggression, Islam is not the cause, it's their justification, there would still be a shitfest of terrorists even if the middle east was atheist

Except that the Muslims have been doing this for literally 1400 years now. Way before "western imperialism" ever existed.

Yeah, we can discuss Israel astroturfing Hamas all we want, but the ideological move from Marxism-Leninism to Islamism by the Palestinians is arguably much more of a reflection of the whole MENA region moving that way since the Iranian Revolution.


They do hate communism.

Yeah because being against rounding up and genociding muslims = coddling them

Kys retard

Pretty much all Islamic terrorism originates from the Saudis.
Guess who it is that's working together with them to arm and fund terrorists? Who is it that profits from the fearmongering every time there's a terrorist attack in Europe (which oh so conveniently seem to happen during elections)? When a Labor politician over in Bongland was talking about cutting ties with the Saudis and various terrorist factions in the middle east, who was it that shut him down in the middle of his speech?
Its all just a way for the rich to get richer while scaring the public into supporting right-wing parties which allows them to profit even more.

- we need to lower our labor costs, we already pushed women into working, brought immigrants from poor white countries, moved whatever production we could to asia, what next?
- bring black people and muslims
- but people dont like them
- who cares, use every our asset like media, politicians to push it.

Fucking lefties and their love for muslims.

The "socialist" parties in Europe haven't been socialist in a long time - over a hundred years now, in fact. They're just liberals with red flags. Even social democrats and tankies/Nazbols (gunpoint social democrats, to be quite honest) are legitimately well to their left, and they're the furthest right here.

Fucking nazis and their love for porky.

a few reasons:

most immigrants from third-world countries are a net negative on State finances in modern welfare states. the issue is that the purchasers of policy (0.1%) get all the benefits of said migrants with comparatively fewer of the drawbacks, as they have access to better tax evasion infrastructure.

When pol will understand that it was their precious entrepreneurs like Trump that decided that economy needs more immigrant workers, they will love muslims and blacks. Still blame lefties and immigrants for any problems though, and not their rich boyfriends, because they could get angrt not marry them in the future. And they promised.

*angry, and not

Yup, as always, costs are public, profit will be private, so they dont care.

OP, you do know that antifa has been actively fighting Isis, right?

pretty sure Jesus is a prophet in Islam too, he's mentioned in the Qur'ran more times than in the Bible apparently.

knowing what evil means to rightcuck (universalism, antiracism, anticapitalism etc), yes.

nobody "loves" muslims you retard
people are against racism/bigotry, that's all
of course leftypol is so obsessed with being anti-idpol that they would rather send them all to the camps than hear some maga chud call them mooslem lovers



We're not libtards get BTFO Holla Forums

Most liberals do it mainly for the reasons that right-wingers like you blame all the faults of society on muslims.

There is nothing in Islam itself that connects it with leftism. It's just a reaction right-winger scare mongering, that later developed into what we have today.

So if someone's to blame, it's you're islam-is-not-a-race-so-hating-arab-err-I-mean-moslems-isn't-racist attitude that caused the reaction through mutual reinforcement.

No they haven't. Islamist ideology as it exists today was literally invented by Saudi Arabia and got its biggest boon from US support in Afghanistan. The Middle East was under secular rule for most of the 20th century, see the Shah, Saddam, Ghadaffi, Mubarak, Sadat, Nasser, Assads, Hashemites, PLO, Attaturk, etc. This is only recently changing as Islamist gains steam after being indirectly supported by the US through Saudi Arabia. Even as far as terrorism goes, the IRA, RAF, Basques, PLO (which was secular) etc carried out more attacks in the 70s and 80s than happen today.

One last note: we (leftists, not liberals) would probably also insist that the region of islam itselfisn't the key factor in the current terrorist events, but there are geopolitical/economical interests behind all of this. They then use the local religion to radicalize people into doing what they are. This could be done with any belief.

Many of those Leftists are bought by banks and big businesses who need Muslims who have large families with their 1st cousins.
Then the children have a high chance of being retarded and those who aren't are indoctrinated with the Islamic faith, which is another opiate of the masses.
The Western "white" world has become more secular, therefore the workers are seeing their chains that were once covered with the flowers of Christianity.
The Soviet Union funded/supported braindead neo-libs into "no borders", "no homophobia", etc. in order to weaken the US.
Even before the Soviet Union fell, capitalists began to realize they could use this to maintain their abomination which they continue to this day.