It's not fair that my boss gets more money than me!

Gee, it's almost like porky is doing you a favor by taking on all the risk. But that can't be possible, since if the owner of the memes of production is earning his keep this your entire retarded ideology collapses.

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gee sure sounds great

Systemic contradictions
Some of us are ok with scaled remuneration btw

And why do mutualist get triggered so hard by ancaps? If employee owned companies are such a better deal for the proles, surely they'd win out and ancapistan would become mutualtopia?

Because Porky has money to take risks and the prols don’t.


thats agorism

Its way riskier for a worker to quit their job and live off savings to make a business than a guy who already has a ton of money investing what to them is just a small % of that into a new venture. The wealthier the investor, the less of a 'risk' it actually is. Tell me, how do you empirically measure risk, and what evidence is that the rate of risk is correlated to profit? Oh wait, you cant do either of those things. OTOH, 95% of variation in prices can be explained by variations in integrated labor content. Read Cockshott and get BTFO bitch

If that fucking capitalist pig fucks up his investment, do you know who's gonna lose his job first? Low-skilled workers, and not porker.
A huge chunk of the companies in the US are small businesses whose owners at least started off as petite bourgeosie not much richer than you, although some of them have since moved up the ladder. I don't know where you're getting the idea that the average entrepreneur is some guy with a top hat and cigar that spends his day lounging on piles of money.

petit-bourgeosie is still more secure than a prole

The average 'entrepreneur' may not be that guy, but the average INVESTOR(read:capitalist) is.

read marx

You'll need:
Others willing to do it with you.
You'll get:
Bunkrupcy, cause bourgies can exploit more efficiently, thus lowering prices, thus taking over markets.

Having a few inches on some kid doesn't mean you're not a manlet. Having a bit more job security than your employees although once you get small enough they're basically coworkers doesn't mean you're home free.

Not in the age of crowdfunding.

Nice meme you have there!
It's like people have money to give away and they only don't cause you haven't told them how better you'll make their lives!

Read mises

read Cockshott


Read mises and actually pay attention this time


How many silicon valley startups got funded by crowdfunding? how many businesses in general? The overwhelming majority of investment comes from capitalist investors under capitalism, what a suprise. Do you think big banks and wall street doesn't exist? by the time your entrepreneur gets rich and becomes a zuckillionaire, he will take his IPO money and invest it into a index fund or something perpetuating he circuit of capital. If he fails, then hes back to square 1 as a worker.your fucking delusional if you think all of finance capital will be replaced by kickstarter or something, finance is an inherent part of capitalism

Why would anyone start a co-op in a capitalist system, you do realize the capitalists can actually lower wages to drive you out of business right? a democratically run workplace cannot be sustained under capitalism


And maybe you should stop regurgitating 1930s austrolibertarian propaganda which is based on nonscientific notions that have been refuted by math and computer science for decades since Mises and Hayek wrote that shit. Hayek didn't even know about information theory, Shannons work completely BTFOs his informational argument. Its current year, the fact that anyone takes muh calculation argument seriously in the 21st century is a testament to the quantitative ignorance of austrians and vulgar austrians, read a fucking math book. There's no possible way to allocate capital goods without a market? Think again bitch, here, ill get you started

Wow this post really just made me question everything I believe in, so smart user

legitimately harder to drive a co-op out of business than an equivalent private firm, eventually the capitalist is likely to get investors breathing down their neck about wasting profits


It's actually true.

If co-ops are better, why don't you guys just make co-ops?

Fucking cucks on kukchan opened a webstore to sell surplus uniform, while you can't do shit?

We will and we are

Finding economic laws by looking back at history is putting the cart before the horse.

Having a bunch of co-ops doesn't somehow transform the outside economic system into something non-Capitalist.

That's a we will, not we are.

Having a bunch of successful co-ops can prove that the workers don't need the bourg bucks to survive, user.


That hasn't been a reality in the west in about 40 years

No, you deserve to be fed if you grow your own crops to feed yourself or if somebody deems you worthy enough to them to keep you fed.

Positive rights: not even once.

It can prove whatever it wants, it won't change the economic system. There's a reason coops are so few, and the ones that do exist don't have any significant influence.

I didn't say that. If the entire economy was coops, then congratulations, we just achieved Socialism, but that's not actually possible through creating coops in the current system.

Because now the welfare state exists through stolen worker money to subsidize employers and to permanently keep a large reserve army of labor.
No one asks to be fed, they ask to be allowed to feed themselves without some leach with badged thugs demanding rent.

putting an theory based on a priori asusmptions thats not falsifiable by empirical evidence is feels>reals. By that logic, anyone can construct a logically/mathematically consistent theory and say its true, theres no epistemological basis for comparing two theories to see which ones right.

Literally no socialist ever has called starting a co-op "too risky".

Yeah it's usually "with what capital"

we can't all blow through our wife's inheritance like good ol' max

You don't try to disprove the pythagorean theorem by going out and measuring triangles, do you? Does that mean math is feels over reals?

the pythagorean theorem doesn't declare "even if there's a right triangle that doesn't match this the theorem is true anyway!" (which it doesn't need to, because right triangles DO match this)

I've heard the excuse before.

Why not split the cost with the other founders of the co-op? You'll save up the necessary money several times quicker.

If your a priori laws don't match up to history and there aren't any special factors that would alter people's behavior, you go back to the drawing board. Just like how if someone found a right triangle where the square of the hypotenuse wasn't the sum of the squares of the other two sides, mathematicians would change the pythagorean theorem.

that's… what i was saying?

your average american has less than 500 dollars in savings. Forever/4 is still forever.

No, we didn't. We're still producing commodities for exchange, that's not socialism.

Not all of us are Marxists. Some of us take the "workers control of the MoP" definition at face value.

Maybe it's because you don't understand how praxeology works. If someone comes along with a better chain of logic that does a better job helping to understand the economy (or whatever else you're trying to study, see game theory), their contribution will get passed on.

Depending on what industry you'll be working in, the bare necessities wouldn't be all that expensive. A used van, some folding tables, and the kitchen of one of your coworkers can become a catering company. One trip to the hardware store and you've got a fledgling distillery. Hell, a pair of scissors each and you've got a barbershop. And why not get some investors yourself? There's no grand conspiracy to keep the prole down which mandates that no co-op get investment from the man.

Rejecting the only viable form of your ideology is some next level retardation.