Spend time and effort trying to convince people sex and gender are two different things
So MtFs have periods and FtMs can impregnate women with their sperm? Fascinating.
I thought the idea was that sex and gender are at the base synonyms, but that gender has come to be used as a term specifically referring to one's sexual identity (usually a "performed" sexual identity in the Beauvoirean/Butlerian sense), whereas sex refers to the biological, physical sex.
So the sjws finally openly embrace their essentialist idpol as what it is. This is good, no more conflation of their position with the leftist one.
Who the fuck even cares God
I don't give a shit
I don't care if someone considers their dick to be female
SJWs and Holla Forumstards are the same exact thing with the only difference being which identity group they fellate with flattering language.
The meaning went full circle sort of