Were they /our guys/?
Were they /our guys/?
No, this was /ourguy/
definitely /ourguy/
History repeats itself. Does that mean we're destined to be beaten to death by the bourgeois?
4/10. They were classical SocDems at most.
Kennedy good, Socialism bad
Keep the good work m' prole
This isn't an actual commentary, it just represents the ideas based on D&D rules. I like Stalin, he's just Lawful Evil.
They were as radical as can be during their time you fucking ahistorical nigger.
No, just that those who attempt to institute meaningful change for the lower class in parliament will always be killed.
Why is Rand chaotic neutral?
Unpredictability and lack of true ideals. I associate that with CN.
1/10 post
this chart is a mess desu
you're not on 4chan anymore
They were [email protected]/* */ Socialists, so no, no they were not
got me to reply
Definitely. Also an abject lesson of what happens when even socdem movements within imperialist powers are violently suppressed by reaction.
what even is a statist
Where they the first examples of radical leftism in history? The only thing I can think of is Plato's autistic aristocratic communism in The Republic.
I used to write sappy love letters to my first gay boyfriend and I would pen his name as antinous and it was so cute and fun but then he dumped me after he went full SJW mode and since then I have been back to fucking women and honestly I still miss his fluffy blue shreaking head.
Pretty rad, they undermined the senate and consul's authority/power, and instituted reforms for the property-less and poor. Gaius also started the grain/bread dole law which would carry through up until the fall of the Western Empire.
Augustus was Nazbol!
More proof that being gay is a choice.
Ever heard of bisexuals, dingus?
I'm not bi or gay but I'm jealous tbh.
I'm sorry user.
This is me
And he just came online again today, sent him a message but he didn't respond. Just fuck my shit up.
pure ideology
Catiline is more /ourguy/ than the Gracchi
Forgot the image