Capitalism hate

Fuck me

Fuck me

Fuck me

Fuck me

Fuck me

Fuck me

Fuck me

Fuck me

Fuck me

Faggot tells me capitalism is fair because the best gets to make the best.

Comrades, got any stories from the shit that is the market? I'm getting drunk and want to read your shit.

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covers kitchen stuff basically but it's the same story in every industry

Under communism all laptops will be thinkpads.

How can people endure this?

Also there are still at least decent companies if we are talking about other electronics and stuff.

This is the one subject that makes me so upset I don't like to talk about. Getting fucked by large corporations on big purchases is too much for my little heart to handle

This is not an issue of capitalism, but rather the main effect of America's changing demographics. You took European genes for granted, when nonwhites are in the production lines and trying to imitate what whites have done, it's impossible for them to create the same quality of goods that their white predecessors did.
Sorry that it won't get better, and yes it is frustrating, but this is the way history has gone.


Wtf I love Stalin now

I was googling CEO home address today. But I'm too much of a faggot to do anything alone.

My issue with this kind of thing is that it's so retarded that I don't know if it's sincere or just trolling.


I want to nuke the silicon valley so much.

Well it's true op but makes barely any light at all.


There was a time in the 21st century when burgers didn't like capitalism…

Phoebus cartel makes me extremely suspicious of non-working light bulbs.

But don't you know that all problems will be solved by nuking the middle east instead?

Also it's never turned off.

Uptime isn't what kills light bulbs, it's on/off cycles.

Tell that to my osram bulbs that last not three whole months being turned on just once and never being turned off. Or to the same bulbs that have a 18 hours on 6 hours off cycle. They all last basically the same. +/- 3 months.

dude i'm not saying that the lightbulb industry is peachy keen but there might be a problem with your electric system. last time i changed a bulb in my house was a year ago.

This is very likely. I can't wait to get a proper home and test light bulb longevity.


Now, they don't say this literally. But consumer laws only protect consumers in very certain situations, and it all seems to mostly fit in with what companies want.

Thanks capitalism. Despite all this I managed to keep this piece of shit phone for over 5 years without as much of a scratch on my screen, no protection. But the paint is comming off.


I kept my first "smart" phone for about 5 years. By then it had plenty of bite marks (I bit things when I get rage), and my GF gave me a new for my birthday to avoid a heart attack.


I had a fuckup with insurance for a camera that was stolen, it was plenty years old and they paid out to me "today's estimated worth" instead of "Same tier quality, but now". I'll wager if I lose my 97 years old camera they'd pay back 3 cents, but only if I had the receipt. This is considered fair.

Don't get me started on fucking insurance. In my country car insurance is mandatory and that's basically a bunch of money I gift to the insurance company for doing nothing because I never get into accidents. Like I'm not saying it'll never happen, but I'm still paying them even if it doesn't. All that fucking money for a 20 year old car. So much fucking bullshit because people have licenses but can't drive.


Sounds like you should have had central planning
If anything that's an example of how private production ruins the Commons (like how capital is polluting ground water, polluting the ocean and over fishing)

Problem solved. Its almost as if "the commons" mean something that is collectively managed, rather than a free for all.

Aren't you part of everyone? Isn't everyone who isn't doing this and having the pasture ruined by some faggot part of everyone? Doesn't everyone outnumber 1 retard and have the power to make him stop? You stupid fuck?

its easier to just fence off your own field
you overgraze it
you suffer the consequences

and how do you decide who is the central planner?


Mob rule has another name. Democracy.

Oh my god the mob is preventing some guy from being an idiot and ruin everybody's stuff? No, they couldn't! T-they wouldn't!

It's easier to burn your fence down because we're a lot and you're just one twat and we need """your""" field.

I don't expect you to know about high-minded concepts like "don't be a cunt".

Easy, I will be the central planner.

i think we are all suffering because of overcrowding
simple thing really: we got a small pond and too many crocodiles
and because no one is directly responsible for anything, we just keep overpopulating

we can solve all the problems
by saying 'dont be a cunt m8'
world problems, are you even trying? lmao world problems REKT

Are you making bad arguments on purpose, or are you trying to be a clown?

Enclosure is for your own good. You can work in a factory now :^)

Except, you know.

Lets start with you.

Also, the commons had existed in the germanic regions for millenia right up until the start of the industrial revolution, when Adam Smith started preaching "muh tragedy of the commons" and the lords used this as an excuse to privatise the common land and gift it to themselves.

No, it's a fence. It's not magic.




No they aren't

Central planners dont benefit from their position materially, nor is the position permanent. It is an elected position.

lol, you deserved that one buddy

thank you based social democracy


once french revolution executed the emperor, napoleon happened
once russian revolution executed the tsar, stalin happened
my point exactly

yeah buddy, how about from now on, everyone gets his own head and his own wall from now on?
how about everyone gets some basic fucking property
and everyone else fuck off???

here's how "we" should go about it:
1) kill a whole bunch of people, wish i could figure out something better, but i just dont know how
2) now there's enough shit for everyone, at last
3) fence it all off, so once one faggot starts overpopulating/overusing, HE fucking starves instead of all of us

thing with collectivism is, no personal responsibility
thing with no personal responsibility is, you keep shitting all over the place but you dont have to deal with any of it

I love laughing at all the retards who come to this board and act big.

Napolean wasnt a central planner
Just because he was a cock and the system was retarded doesnt mean the concept of is is wrong. Current democracy is not democratic or good, but democracy as a concept is.

I dont have my own wall, dickhead.
And then some people get slightly better property, have a bit more luck, use their advantage to buy out those with shit luck, and then their children will be rich and the other children will be poor and oh look where we are, its today.

Lets start with you
There already is. One person owns the houses of billions. We have enough land to feed the world and more. But small groups of people own it instead of all of us.
Thats not how reality works, mate.


If you loose the edges you could be a distributist.
You should read about the enclosures too.

Here, hope you like Jesus.

Good luck with that. I doubt you could even get your mom to go along.

You've been told repeatedly that this is bullshit.
Try setting fire to a public building and hang around to explain the cops that it was public so there's no responsibility. I'm sure they'll be delighted with your explanations on why being in jail is mob rule. But as a tip, try to think about jail as a fence.

man i dont want to pick fights with anyone
i just think that we are all utterly fucked on the personal responsibility front

i mean those 'muh race' pol fucktards are spooked to the bone retards, no debate about that, but at least they are pushing for at least minimal personal responsibility in the ingroup (no de-generacy, no drugs, lifting, etc)

hope the picture says a thousand words i cant
there has to be some sort of 'hol up' mechanism at some point before we overcrowd this one planet we have
the soil is less and less arable
we probably peaked oil
and we have more and more mouths to feed

for fucks sake no politics will help us redistribute 1 bread for every 1000 hungry people

You are demanding that others be personally responsible for - what? Your benefit? Their benefit? They know well enough what is to their benefit - it being their benefit, it is up to them to decide it. You should mind what is to your benefit alone.
But the what about the - group benefit? I don't see why you should be concerned about that. Whichever group acts most beneficial will be successful and that will be that. To care about it beyond - I am of this group and it is in my interest, is nonsensical.
But then you see yourself as part of group white. That's great. Go and ask your local white company owner what he will be willing to do for the benefit of - whites. His answer will be the same as that of a black company owner: I am already providing a benefit, I am the job creator after all.
Go ahead and kill everyone that doesn't look like you. At the end of the day you will still be pushed to starvation yourself, because it benefits that other guy who - does look like you.

no damnit, let me dumb it down to the most essential level, so you CANT misunderstood me

now this is the autismo extreme version
but you should get the point
make everyone responsible for himself
and instead of 'social injustice nannies' running around and redistributing and enacting laws and activism and all this shit, we just have a peace and quiet for the first time in human history

Being fucked on a personal responsibility level is a capitalist goal. "You are what you make yourself, still we will deprive you of proper material conditions, proper education, and proper health. Not only will we do that, but we will tell you that you yourself are responsible for your lot in life. This way we have enough professionals workers to feel special in our embrace, and not enough enlightened workers to oppose us, but rather retarded workers to be distracted by our slightest flick of the wrist."

That's extremely retarded. People will never stop interacting just because your autism desires it. The four people surrounding your land will divide it up and kill you. Especially if they have 50 children they can arm.
Welcome to the human race.

the only solution for the autismos
is force
i must amass more force than literally everyone else i will ever see in my whole life
got it
instead of leaving me the fuck alone
they will not leave me the fuck alone
all i wanted in this life is to sit in my chair and shout at people passing by 'get off my lawn!!'

fuck marx, guy in the link below had it all figured out

Literally designed to break down for profit.

This but unironically.

So I'm new to this Communism thing, and I have to read more material of course, but I wanted to drop by and say that I made an interesting discovery at work today.

I crossed a red line - I talked Politics with my co-workers by asking them how they felt about Communism. I explained that I'm considering supporting it and that I've only just scratched the surface regarding reading, so to help them understand why I was asking. Turns out, most answers I got were fairly accepting of Communism, one guy even said he'd respect me if I turned out to be a Communi. There were 2 people who said less than positive things, but I think once I become more knowledgeable on the subject I can perhaps convinve them.

Just about everyone at my workplace, including myself, is under 25. I see a real opportunity here, because all of us young people have expressed our strong displeasure with Capitalism, especially because of gripes with the work-cycle, and that's why I thought this thread would be appropriate to post this.

Sorry, I must have smoked too much covfefe

you're the ex Holla Forums from yesterday?

you will find that a lot of people aren't content with their lives and that now that the C word isn't taboo anymore people, especially young'ns, are gonna be more open towards this stuff. just pick your battles because ideology runs deep.


Yes I aj. Communism has given me unfathomable motivation, and I'm damned and determined to become the spearhead that rockets Communism into power.

Yes I am*




This guy is probably a schizophrenic Holla Forumsack, but I sometimes see a somewhat similar worry echoed here, so I feel I should respond.

Current population trends indicate that global population will plateau at ~10 billion sometime between 2050-2100. Fertility is slowing down in every region, having already dropped to near-replacement almost everywhere other than some parts of Africa or Asia, and has long been below replacement in the 1st-world.

Futile attempts by neoliberals' flailing policies like immigration and urbanization may prolong overpopulation somewhat, but the ultimate conclusion that modern technology has eliminated both the perils and rewards that once incentivized population growth is virtually inevitable.

Strictly speaking I don't need much more than air, water and nutrition, but I sure as hell want more. And I want convenience. Are you some kind of primitivist?



Green parties are and have been, almost in their entirety, quite happy to use advanced technologies to create a sustainable relationship between human civilization on earth and the natural world.

That the environmentalist movement as a whole includes factions like neo-agrarians, primitivists, and VHEM, says nothing about the rest of the movement.

Ha you can't stop this guy.
Tells how guy can be stopped.
What the fuck is wrong with you guys, how dare you stop one guy from ruining everything.

You realize that collectives are made of individuals right? So the individuals are still responsible? How do you get so dumb that you literally forget what parts of a whole are? Is it a technique to be dumb like this?

But Napoleon and Stalin did nothing wrong.


