Deleting FB debate

Hey comrades
i am thinking of deleting my fb account
Pros and cons and alternatives?
also any safe way of communicating with my lads and lasses?pic related if you want to

its useful if you actually use it to stay in touch with people
delete all your "friends", leave all groups, unlike all your interests and there you go
you have a communication platform, nothing less, nothing more

no more memes, no more political groups, no more distant relatives

Delete it. You will find out who is really your friend and who isn't.
It turns out i have 0 friends, because after two years after i deleted my fb account, none of my "friends" talked to me.

I did it. Honestly did wonders for anxiety and productivity, no downside, don't get angry at basic bullshit anymore and don't have to see constant fake news and the opinions of people I don't care about.

No down side. All the parties I want to go to I am personally invited to.

would recommend 10/10

I only use it to communicate with my friends and family, and I don't add friends I don't know. It's kinda useful for that purpose tbh.


i haven't had an acount for like 5 years


Delete it. Everyone who is actually your friend you can text or call. Don't fall into the meme of hoarding friends it is useless.
I did this months ago and I don't regret it. I just get phone numbers and use Telegram to communicate. Much comfier. I realised I only have like 10 or so friends I really care about.

Using an app like Telegram is superior for messaging in every way and it doesn't turn you into a commodity via datamining.

You can now keep Facebook messenger and delete the rest of Facebook if you just want to keep in contact with friends and family.

Going to their house and talking to them
Calling them

Don't use facebook, it's a waste of time.

Twitter is a lot worse than Facebook. As long as you stay off Twitter you're fine.

In my experience twitter is actually decent and has a good quantity of actual communists who are not bathing in identity politics. At least those I've seen, it probably depends on language and country.

I haven't deleted my fb. Haven't used it either, for two years now.


I've been off of Facebook for seven years and haven't regretted it once. It's not an essential tool. You will still stay in contact with friends and they with you.

My facebook(s) have been deleted for using fake names and spreading Communist ideals. No joke, I would speak out against imperialism and stuff like that and people would get angry. One guy said he was going to find me and to "expect papers."

It was fun. Last one was Vladimir Leninovsky.


It really is pretty nice. The character limit makes nuanced discussion very difficult, but it's great for sharing links/screenshots of essays/articles, and most importantly, the decentralized structure makes it very resilient to hot-pocket wielding spooks and vampires.

Never had a Facebook and never needed it.

Of course you should delete it.

I only use it for propaganda and party work, but I've turned off everything with plugins. I only have the facebook chat and that's it.

start a telegram groupchat. it's not entirely open source but jihadists and pedophiles use it without any issue. best messaging program imo

Good work people, come collect your commission at the end of the day.