So how much of it is bullshit
Is any of it bullshit?
Considering its a big book and likely to impress normies, it's a useful tool for reactionaries to use in swaying people.
So how much of it is bullshit
Is any of it bullshit?
Considering its a big book and likely to impress normies, it's a useful tool for reactionaries to use in swaying people.
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Even if it is true it's literally no different than the American prison system, except in the USSR they threw you in the gulag for political dissent. In the US you wind up in prison basically for just being poor.
Read it and learn how to use their arguments against them like
I guess I'll throw it on the list
Americans also went to prison for dissent.
I love Ernest Mandel so much
True, but normies will just tell you that because that happened a long time ago it doesn't count or something. I think the war on drugs and mandatory minimums is a better way to go. Mandatory minimums for non-violent drug users is the de facto criminalization of poverty.
>implying le 110 gorillion killed in the USSR alone man wrote anything that was 100% factual.
My sides nigga
idk I've always figured some of it was bull but there has to be some parts of it that are factual
Yeah the part about the GULAG existing
his wife literally said he made it up.
Also he was a massive anti-semite.
It's interesting how so many ardent anti-Soviet "thinkers" end up being nazi sympathizers. Almost makes you wonder about all the so-called studies they have put out which prove that the USSR and China killed 12 trillion people.
plenty of people were sen to the gulag for robbery and murder too.
yeah pretty much that hahaha
Based on what i've read the really bullshit part is him attempting to connect Marxism in general to a authoritarian regime automatically, as if its a function of the ideology.
Who cares?
It matters because it's not just some personal prejudice or fault but an essential part of his politics. He argued that 1. The Soviet prison camps were run by Jews 2. That the reason didn't "know the truth" about the "worst crimes in history" had been committed by the Bolsheviks is because the global media was in the hands of the 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧perpetrators🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 3. He believed that the USSR was to blame for WWII and he was arrested towards the end of WWIIfor spreading counter-rev propaganda 4. He was spooked as fuck and very religious, and so not unlike that cringey Brother Nathaniel guy the Jews were a convenient scapegoat for why the world isn't following the spooky whims of organized religion particular Russian Orthodox Christianity.
It's not Israeli JIDF shilling to bring up the fact that he was very anti-Semitic although he was racist in other ways too that is unfortunately what typically gets remembered
It's also worth pointing out that the US has always had and continues to have forced labor in prison. Normies freak the fuck out about hte idea that prisoners in the USSR were forced to work while they were imprisoned, and yet unpaid prison labor in the US makes up one third of all manufacturing in this country.
"The Holy Romanovs could have saved you all from the Jewmagick cum thieves." - that guy the liberals like who isn't the pig book snitch guy
this cant be real