Have you guys watched the new BadMouse video?
It's pretty cool.
not for me
and nobody cares where you spent your childhood
Drop Garrett BadMouse he is an establishment shill and is anti-Doreism.
He actually has good content this time.
yiff in hell furfag
Is this the ancap who got converted to lib socialism when Youtube anarchist BHTFO?
what this guy said
watched the whole thing waiting for him to say anything of substance, but jesus fuck, what an insufferable platitudinarian libshit…
He's idealizing the proletariat too much in this video.
Maybe then he needs to read more instead of pushing out contentless videos.
I like this board but this thread is a perfect example of why he tells people not to go to Holla Forums. Its full of edgy contrarians. Guess its just a byproduct of chan-culture.
Over all a ok video. I agree with his core points here.
Dude his video is fucking boring and full of platitudes.
It's ironic, people who throw out shit like "let's get our humor back" are usually the ones with the biggest stick up their asses.
What about the part where he says that we should attempt to understand a person's position when trying to convert them, instead of just condemning them? Was than an empty platitude?
What about the part where he talks about how a lot of the problems of the left are caused by them having lost their connection to the old movement? Is than an empty platitude too?
Well, I liked it.
I think the left should be taking a more empathetic stance and trying not to pidgeon hole people immediately.
don't see why everyone is so salty.
He's 100% right
I agree with badmous 99%
I only disagree wit "we shouldnt all go to leftypol".
Because we definitely should.
he's really showing his inner lib off here
Does he still think anitfa is a legitimate movement?
I'm not sure if this place is for everyone. I think our ideas are important, but I don't think everyone is going to come and understand how things work here. Chan culture isn't always easy to grasp.
Good video overall but it started off slow. The stuff he said about Malcolm X and diversity being a buzzword about 3 minutes in is almost exactly what Holla Forums has been saying.
Still the least autistic socialist youtuber.
Still fairly autistic tho.
This is somehow a bad thing.
Holla Forums has enough retards and newfags for now, yourself included
Wow that makes so much sense. Badmouse has like zero good content and his avatarfagging is insufferable.
I agree with him completely but Christ his demeanor makes me fucking cringe.
I'm still waiting for a better sorta-non-reformist socialist on Youtube to stand up. Cuz there isn't one.
I find saargoon and watson cringey for what it's worth. Many internet personalities haven't spent their entire life in radio or tv, and so they are a bit unpolished.
The problem with that is the fine line between talking about revolution and advocating terrorism.
What's the deal with the olives over his head?
Can someone for the love of god tell me why they watch this annoying idiots videos? He goes on and on and on and on and on never making a fucking point and then tries to make some 'clever' joke before meandering again. Your audience isn't there to read your fucking mind, what the fuck are you try to say?
I actually think he does this because he has nothing to say.
The main problem I have with badmouse in this video is how he equates us with liberal idiots like shia lebouf while he is talking about humour. As if everyone who qualifies as being vaguely left wig is worth associating with. we should work to distance ourselves from liberals and idpol every chance we get, only cooperating in situations where we have a similar goal like the IWW and the trump supporters. Liberals are liabilities not allies.
He does it because he's literally autistic and has trouble with theory of mind, i.e. understanding what other people can know.
He has a bit of a following because of some other videos where he actually has a tight script. That still doesn't fix his awful enunciation.
I assume it is because of his production values, he did say he has theater experience at one point, and that's what he is, an entertainer, any other leftist youtuber could put up better arguments. Dare I say even Unruhe would be better.
Would edgy humor be helpful? I've have a few gulag jokes.
He's autistic but most of us are like that, he's also right about most of the things he said in my opinion
I thought he was a Mutualist first, or some stupid anarchist ideology that allows for BOTH ancraps and ancoms to exist
It wasn't great but I don't know why everyone here is so indignant about it. And he wasn't exactly wrong either.
People just don't like him because he's autistic.
Yes, these are definitely examples of run of the mill pseudointellectual bullshit with no substance behind them
…It's pretty clear to me at least that the left is generally uninterested in how people came to be reactionaries, fascists, etc. and are just content to sort them into the box for bad people to be disregarded. When you're being that stupid, run of the mill pseudointellectual bullshit with no substance behind it is enough critique to land.
That's wrong though.
Dore is funny for 6 seconds and then hes just a shitty succdem.
If you're hanging out with redditors, then sure.
Yeah, he rambled on a bit while hungover and that was weird but his points are valid. Maybe even about not going to Holla Forums, it's often hard to discuss anything here with the resident edgies shitting on everything that isn't, dunno, Hoxhaism-Posadism out of principle and the visiting Holla Forumsyps who parade their spooks.
This video is correct.
Holy shit, he used to be an ancap? How far he's come…
Muke is jealous of the attention you're getting, Badmouse. :^)
Dude, he's a recent convert, give him time. How bad is the Youtube left when someone explaining basic things makes me this excited? I'm just happy more lefties are coming to the forefront. We shall push him lefter. It's also hilarious to me that despite how recently he started, he's already btfo Carl. Most of us didn't care enough, so it's good someone is, for the retards out there.
Y'all are shitting on this badmouse guy too hard, ya dicks.
I however will offer encouragement. That's how you make better progress.
Y'all are dicks.
They're fucking recent converts. You can tell by the low energy rebuttals to the vid. If they were regulars, they'd type out much longer posts with much more substance.
Too many new people, recent Holla Forums converts & redditor who refused to lurk before posting.
Because he's decent looking & getting the attention instead of them, would be my guess.
I'll admit, I was happy to get a shout out, but then this sunk in We've had more publicity recently than I'd care to.
pfffffff. Terrorism just equals whatever group is ideologically opposed to the ruling party, user.
Keep going, mousey. You're on the right track. :^)
I'm not saying terrorism is bad, I'm saying "advocating terrorism" is one of the things that will get a youtube account deleted quickly.
Well, at the moment, it seems anything against the status quo will, amirite?
Its pretty basic but the core message is good and necessary in the current situation.
A much needed criticism of lifestylist socialists that just do dumb shit because "muh justified violence". Good thing this guy is in the quasi-liberal socialist crowd as this mostly applies to them.
Also for those Sargonites that are complaining that the video is too long; skip to the 3 or the 5.30 minute or mark for his main points
He's butt ugly dude lmao, if you think Badmouse is decent looking then you must be fucking unsightly
sorry bro, but if you think he's butt ugly then you're surrounded by young stalin-tier husbandos which has skewed your worldview
He's really average. But by UK standards that's pretty good.
He's horrible, he's dumb, he's over-confident and he doesn't read.
Being an insignificant political movement means we can at least be selective about which pundit/commentator we like. We don't have to accept anyone that drops a few slogans like those engaged in more immediate issues do. I think BadMouse is doing an important job, but he's not the guy who should be doing it.
I think you guys fail to realize how many of the idpol obsessed types out there act towards these types of people. Sure, you can say that to us this is all just empty platitudes, but boi almost all of my smashie idpol obsessed leftist friends IRL dismiss the opportunity to convert people who come from shithole poor white rural areas and other stuff because of their views that could easily be argued against and shown otherwise if you actually talk to them rather than just dismissing them entirely.
Badmouse has shown to sorta write for an idpol ish crowd in the past and i think this video was meant for them rather than if it was meant for us and i think it's a p good video.
It's also notable that he tweeted this. The response of his audience/idpolers is to accuse him of being a brocialist.