Hello, Holla Forums. I've been browsing Holla Forums a long time but recently it's had a sharp increase in cuckoldry. I still consider myself a National-Socialist, but I've gotten tired of everyone around me in the board constantly claiming to be a White nationalist but acting like a civ-nat cuck. I'll keep things short, what can communism or any other leftist idealogy do to help the white race better than Nazism? Please note this not a thread for arguments, I'd just like to see some proof on why Communism is a better alternative.
Hello, Holla Forums. I've been browsing Holla Forums a long time but recently it's had a sharp increase in cuckoldry...
Other urls found in this thread:
Nazism was a sham built on the back of these bad boys, en.wikipedia.org
Where communism has taken root, living standards have increased almost across the board.
Interesting, but do you have any sources besides Wikipedia?
Why aren't posters like this banned instantly?
Whites and anyone else can develop an organic culture that is based on shared goals, not the inhuman dictates of the market. You won't be working to enrich some wealthy parasite Jewish or otherwise, you'll be working for yourself and your countrymen whatever that might be. You'll be free to raise a family without worrying about what kind of future they're going to be left with.
That doesn't make any sense. Asking a poltical question about a political ideology is somehow bannable? As far as I can tell this follows the rules of the board, although I don't browse Holla Forums for obvious reasons.
If it makes you feel any better I am at least being open minded about idealogies besides Nazism, and you aren't really helping gain new members for your idealogy if instead of trying to convert someone you post some propaganda piece to get more meatshields to charge into German MGs.
These can be really good threads tbh.
Although I did see some proof for Communism in general, there really hasn't been much on why that would help the white race as a whole besides one post without a source.
Once you remove the economic incentives of moving to Europe, black people will leave the northern hemisphere.
"why" you ask? Because black people don't like snow and cold weather. Historical materialism takes it from there.
The only backslash is that European consumption will have to decline some what as resources are evenly distributed among all nations, but this is a blessing in disguise, as the whites now free from the corruption and decadence of capitalism, will have time to rediscover their cultural heritage.
How am I supposed to prove anything about a system that doesn't exist yet. Geez I'm the only who really responded.
Anecdotally speaking the USSR was a bastion for traditional arts and culture (ballet, painting, classical music), is that something?
what class are you, dumb-dumb?
well, communism isn't only for white people, it's for the proletariat. bourgeois white's won't be so happy when the revolution comes. we aren't interested in emancipating a specific race, and really race doesn't play into anything we believe in. but most whites are proletarians, along with most of every race, and those are the people who will have their chains broken, and lives improved vastly.
Dude, as if we're physically hurt by this type of shit. Who cares.
OP I'm just not going to enter the game of 'what would benefit the white race' but Not Socialism doesn't benefit anyone. Think about Hitler's period in power. He started a near-genocidal war and would have ruined generations by sending them to the East to be murdered by Russian guerillas. Commies want peace and prosperity for everyone. NotSoc is related to fascism and has a hard-on for destruction. Who really benefits from total war? No one.
Because he's not just shitposting, he's asking for discussion and he flat out stats his purpose
This isn't a church, we don't have to convert anyone if they feel our own political beliefs are wrong.
If you don't want to be repulsive to a lot of people here, tell your wack job friends at Holla Forums to allow freedom of ideas to exist no matter how you may feel about them. The Left's strong reaction to Not Socialism is entirely because of the incompetence of Holla Forums spreading its tendrils everywhere it goes into infuriating every single person it hates.
If you can't tolerate others, why should the others tolerate you? And what of the powers that make our lives worse and worse and worse, is it the others you blame, the problems of groups of individuals? Or is it the system that perpetuates this worse and worse world, a system that people work for to make more efficient for them and themselves only, not for the slowly shrinking middle class into becoming poor, not the poor becoming impoverished. Not all the social malaise and anger that comes from this.
Perhaps the problem all along was that Capitalism has flaws, flaws that so later it exists become more and more evident, just as Marx predicted.
The point is, your side asks none of the important questions, not who, but
And it's that refusal to change from naive questions of who, and the malevolence at which you try to shove all other questions about why life is becoming so terrible other than your own, which makes people loathe you. Our fight isn't about who, and as such, it doesn't require us to worry about "converting". For all interested, the evidence gathered we here focus on speaks for itself, for all interested to read it.
This is a pretty broad topic but some reasons can be
Why do you care so much about race? I feel like most of the people on Holla Forums are middle/upper class white kids who
a) have only really been around poor minorities
b) don't live near/come in frequent contact with poor white people
I say this because as someone who grew up near an affluent indian-american community and went to private school and then university with people of many different ethnicities, the entire concept of race falls flat for me. I interact, joke with, and study with people of all different origins and I've never felt there was any fundamental difference between us.
Poor people of all races can have really shitty habits. My town also had a heroin problem striking the working class white community and the fallout from that (de*generacy) was not dissimilar to what Holla Forumsacks accuse other races of.
In conclusion, from personal experience socioeconomic factors are far more relevant to whether someone exhibits de*generate behavior or not. Given that, you should support socialism as it aims to eliminate those socioeconomic problems and by doing so will eliminate the de*generacy you hate so much.
There are several books written on or directly in reference to the subject. The guy who created them admitted that he did all this and much more
which is sourced on the page.
We have never thought about helping the 'white race'. To us this is a spook. Identity politics are holding us back, and only allow for class collaborationism and employ of the classic 'Divide and Conquer' tactic. Communism can help the white race in understanding that the upper classes are selling them a myth of 'anuddah shoah' to convince them to ally with the real oppressors
You can live under communism and not have to be particularly nice to other races, can hang out with whites, can marry whites.
It really depends on the branch of leftism, but you might have to live near other races or work with them. However, you might just be able to have a house in the woods, collect FALC money, and just chill.
I'd think largely the left is against systemic violence as a whole, but specifically leftypol is against systemic violence in the way capitalism promotes.
What I'm really saying is that as long as you don't lynch people, you'll be fine under communism. I don't know if that's what modern Not Socialists want to do though.
I'm not sure if you were concerned with that but I wanted to clear the air.
Specifically addressing your question, the white race (and everyone else) will be getting better wages, living conditions, cultural conditions under communism. You'll have to spend less time working and get to reap directly the rewards of your labor.
Again though, it really depends on the end state of leftism we are talking about. But broadly those things I said would still apply.
I posted a fictional example of what it might be like under falc for you.
define "white race" pls
could be entertaining.
Racism is just a symptom of capitalism and will lose all meaning and relevance under communism. You will no longer have to be lied to about other races to be kept in line.
1. All the cultural degenerat.ion (which includes the recent surge in white identity) comes from capitalism, which commodifies everything.
2. Fascism/National Socialism weren't sustainable. Their economy ran on a Ponzi-Scheme (>>1788761) so it forced Germany to invade other countries to exploit their ressources and labor power. You see, capitalism has inherent contradictions (youtube.com
Newly converted, uh former Fascist here. What convinced me was the fact that Fascism ignores the root of the problem when faced with alienated workers who wageslave their lives away, and chooses to ignore the plight of the workers at the hand of the poisonous Capitalist machine and instead blames every minority group in the book as though its the illegal Mexicans who are at fault for the endless, environment-destroying work-cycle as opposed to the Capitalist system that is responsible not only for giving incentive to those illegals to come here, and for corrupting every human under its grasp into proletariat robot workers.
You are a dissident because no islam/judaism?
You want dem racks and gold?
You don't work?
If non whites are really all like that this means that the world will be all white while the others are in the gulag.
I can't see flags on my phone but I can guess very well already what flag whoever wrote this was using. Please read Critique of the Gotha Programme, it refutes this Utopian view of labour popularized by the utopian Lassalle.
because this isn't reddit
Because this board has a high amount of sympathy for Holla Forumsacks. Considering every fucking one of you was from either Holla Forums or reddit initially.
I was from 4/pol/ inb4 that leninist wearing the ancom flag shows up again.
Also for fucks sake.
Why is this the
fucking post to berate this man for his idpol?
Why has there been such a huge influx of newfags who post shit like this in every thread where Holla Forums comes over to ask questions about socialism? When I first started using this board these threads would be filled with well reasoned arguments and people politely trying to convince anyone willing to argue in good faith to our way of thinking. If you aren't trying to actively convert anyone willing to learn than you have a very shallow commitment to socialism and are probably a lifestylist faggot. Fuck off back to reddit.
OP socialism would address many of the most common concerns that people who identify as far-right have. The decline in first-world birth rates, mass immigration, and the general culture of shallow hedonism/individualism in our society can all be traced back to our economic system.
The decline in birth-rates mainly results from the material precarity people live in under late capitalism. Holla Forums likes to blame this on feminism or women's lifestyle choices but the evidence doesn't really back this up. France has the highest white birthrate in the Western world at 1.9 births per Woman while still being strongly feminist and egalitarian. This is opposed to Japan which has a 1.3 birthrate per woman and is in a demographic death spiral despite maintaining strong gender hierarchies. It would seem the main difference between these two cases is the French maintenance of a strong welfare state, labour protections, and unions as opposed to Japan which has fully unleashed the forces of the market on its workers. People aren't able to start families when they feel they are unable to provide for them properly or achieve the stability which properly raising children requires.
Mass immigration is another force which naturally results from the logic of the market. Not only does the misery prevalent in the third-world because of Western exploitation/imperialism inspire migrants (seriously look at Syria) but the bourgeoisie are the main drivers pushing for the acceptance of more immigrants into our societies. If you don't believe me look up what the stance of the chamber of commerce in your country is towards immigration. Elites are always looking for a chance to import docile workers who push down labour costs and have the added benefit of undermining social solidarity and providing a scapegoat during crises. The sort of weird liberal fetishization of ethnic diversity and anti-wh.ite sentiment present in the media is not the result of a Jewish conspiracy, but simply the ideological superstructure which justifies the mass immigration which is in the interest of the owners of large media corporations.
The ruling class also uses their control over the media to keep us distracted and focused on meaningless pursuits and shallow trends. Outrage on both the left and right is channeled into meaningless moral crusades and petty identity politics. Rather than fix the underlying structures which cause capitalist alienation we are told we are sick and need to medicate and sedate ourselves, take hormones and mutilate our bodies, masturbate or have more meaningless sex. There is also the way the capitalist systems commodities whatever the newest form of degen.eracy is and sells it back to our children encouraging the behaviour. This isn't a conscious effort to pervert our society, just a realization that "sex sells" because it is something many people are deeply insecure about. Furthermore capitalist inequalities are ideologically justified on the basis that we are all self-made individuals which undermines our connection and sense of responsibility to family, culture, and volk.
Overall I think that you should drop the Holla Forums mindset that these factors result from a conspiracy by some malevolent outsider group. As I think I've demonstrated they are built into the logic of the Capitalist system, there is a reason why none of these social pathologies were present in the Soviet Union (despite its other numerous flaws). Purge all the elite jews but leave the underlying structures and their bourgeois compatriots in place and we will be back where we started. We need nothing less than the forceful overthrow of all existing conditions and could always use another comrade to bring this about. If you want to maintain your ethno-nationalism you can always be a S trasserist or join Nazbol gang.
Why do you only want to help white people? I've always been confused by Fascists when they say "fascism isn't just for whites, it's for every nationality and race" and in the same breath wish death upon every other race that's not white.
Please don't tell me you believe whites have an inherent greatness compared to everyone else like this kind of shit:
>ANCIENT (ARYAN) PERSIA?: archive.is
lol whites are so great they have to steal the accomplishments of others
Central Planning is a superior economic model.
Can't speak for OP, but Nazis and Fascists in general prefer for other peoples to be Nationalists too.
Do you also believe Hitler was gay and had only one testicle?
Unless they happen to be slav untermenschen?
Implying he didn't.
Unless you arm up, without actually going to war. Also, give the workers some self-management ffs.
I like cold weather and snow though.
Us blacks just hate swimming in deep water.
Thank you
Most Europoors are descended from pajeets anyway
nope i was from youtube. Muke's channel specifically then i went to bunkerchan then the .pl then here
Well. Fuck.
I can't believe I'm subscribed to this dumb twink still.