New flags on 4/pol/

Surprised no one was commenting on this.

Leaving the meme

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Nice to see that there is a explicit distinction between anarchist and ancaps.

The gang has infiltrated 4pol.

i'm glad i can now hide my national flag but somehow this just feels like more pandering and Holla Forums centrism and god i hate gookmoot.

Why? Do you expect the people here to go on 4/pol/ regularly?

lol. weird to see Holla Forums rip off this board. gj fags



I've already seen lots of NazBol posters.

New flags on Holla Forums are great for subversion.


Didn't they have flags before the location flags?

I don't think 4chan can get any more cancerous than it currently is

Wait until they start making official merchandise.

are the mods doing it on purpose?

They make fascism look bad. This is a good thing. Stop going on Holla Forums every day.

It already exists. Maybe not official but google it and you'll find tons of shit.

T_D will probably collapse sooner than later and the entirety of 4chan will then become a reddit-colony

What I find most hilarious is that they can't even see this. They literally think they made a dude president by posting memes in their echo chamber.

Whenever you see them outside of Holla Forums, be it on the internet or in real life, it's fucking embarrassing. It's especially embarrassing when they're not even American, translate their shit and it's still American as fuck.

Only one you need tbh.
If your goal is subverting Holla Forums, that is. :^)

Become what it has been for years?

Do you expect no one here to?
Given the intense surge in commie/zizek/spook/leftyposting on 4/pol/, I'm sure a lot of people do
like says

Not the Hiro we deserve, and definitely not the one we ever needed.

I'd fucking hope so.

Some other people seem to think that, too. Which is very, very strange, given that young people in overwhelming majority voted against Trump.

Yes, I threw up a bit in my mouth
The memepandering is real

I've heard that for ten years now
Then project chanology happened
Then occupy wallstreet happened
Then rage faces and normalization of internet culture happened
Then 2016 happened

It's a humbling exercise imagining how it will be topped next time
I have my eyes on systemspace, though, it's gaining a lot of momentum

Yes. Yes, they are.

Kek, captcha is broken.


Is this a new era for 4chan? There's the idpol liberal flags (black nationalist, democrat) that will be used to false-flag as us by retarded Holla Forumsacks, but we got an anarchist, communist and even fucking nazbol flag

There collapsing faster than Thresa May when she realized a snap election was a bad idea.

Holla Forums will be nazbol soon enough

Praise the white Holla Forums Pot

I actually just signed up for systemspace. I hope the community is good.


Kekistani flag should be good for T_D baiting, yeah?

Yes, it's godsent

I did too
I has a unique kind of lore
It's a bit unsettling that some people seem to take it seriously (or at least pretend to), and the constant questions about whether you believe or not.

At least they make it explicitely clear you don't need to kill yourself to unlink and apply for migration.

Long time since I was on Holla Forums but dang. They really do seem to be falling apart. They've really been going after the Worshipers of Trump. Or have they been doing that for a while? Last I was on Holla Forums they seemed to be the ones posting most stuff on there.

r/T_D treats Holla Forums as an extension of itself. This of course has degraded the already low quality of the average Holla Forums post considerably. Also if you try to start a thread about anything that isn't directly related to Trump or his "movement" you will be accused of being a shill. Basically reddit ruined everything and people seem to be getting fed up with it.

I have a feeling this is what will serve as a catalyst for the next stage of 2nd pic related

At least liberals are far more likely to become communists, I guess.

have they really managed to fuck up the color mapping on the new flags? fucking really?

they're all pixelly, i actually kind of like it for looking very 90s-y but goddamn if that site ain't incompetently run.

In my experience, it's the fascists that are more likely to turn left after they realize that they're literally willing to die for a meme.

Liberals are far too arrogant to even consider they're the problem.



Does anyone else find it worrying how similar the flags are to the flags here?

So im allowed to be a gommie on Holla Forums now?
too bad i left that shithole for good

You're still gonna get

and so on and so on. I went there yesterday and I'm sort of amazed at how dumb people there are. It's awkwardly clear that they don't read anything.

No not really its not like those flags are new. Holla Forums had them from 2011-2014 and the content and discourse was alot better back then cause people didn't ignore your posts and just rip on your geo flags like they do now. I might actually go back now since that was one of the biggest reasons why i left in the first place

You're not implying you're going to leave leftypol, are you?

Holla Forums is a fucking shithole. Go and take a peek. If you want a right-wing circle jerk then sure.

Huh things have sure changed alot on that board over the last 3 years
Well nevermind that then.

How about we get some new flags for ourselves?

I mean look at the sweet deal GETchan has going.
I thought it was but a matter of time before we got them too, but years have passed.

The election was the last nail in the coffin. Stomfront invaded before, sure, but after the election it's been all Trump, pedes and only throwing shit at each other with zero substance.

Plus they're all beveled as opposed to just flat colours.

this was a good decision, to be fair to the mods there