IRL Organizing

What have you been doing to organize lately? Started a local branch? Gained new members? Gone to a rally?

If you haven't done anything, when are you going to start? YOU are the vanguard.

Canvassed for Corbyn on election day, was soo boring. But hey it felt worth it.

I made a big list of all the Blairite politicians that can be ejected from government, and I'm going to keep making it bigger.

I think the goal is to actually make the list smaller, user.

I live in the Netherlands. Can't think of anything useful to do.

There have got to be legit commie groups to join there.

If i'll try to do something like that it'll likely be more harmful than useful.

I'm making a list
And checking it twice
Gonna find out who's naughty and nice
Labour's Clause Four is coming to town

used to be with the JCP it's pretty much a bureaucratic highly centralized organization with the goal of recruiting people and gathering funds.
No politics was ever debated in the meetings.
JCP made me a convict anarchist.

doesn't fit, need "labour's clause four's coming"

going to some cpusa meetings to see whats up in the area though it seems fairly fucking dead here

The Fourth Clause is coming, to town

Please find a better group than CPUSA. The only group worse is a literal cult.

Cpusa supported Hillary, pls don't

Heard good things about the DSA?

its really, really dead in my city. i might try the dsa but wholly fuck that's a road i dont wanna go down

Heard good things about the CPUSA, don't listen to these sock dems.

DSA would actually be a huge upgrade over CPUSA. CPUSA supported fucking Hillary.

Join Action Front

Join Action Front.

there's a 50% chance your local dsa branch is more communist than cpusa.

ill check it out. no promises

I'm not a retard

Most DSA members are not socialists but yes there's a 100% chance they're more communist than the cop zone

Yesterday, I voted for France Insoumise in the legislative elections and they are qualified for second round in my district. I also talk about leftism with my far-right friend.

What have you done OP?

No no no no and no.


I am with a chapter of PSL but I rarely go to events because I can't afford to make my way down to the city, always makes me feel really fucking bad, but once I move to a different city I'll join up with WWP and will make more meetings


Anyone have experience starting local chapters of (pick your org here)? Just looking for general advice on getting started

I live in the most conservative state in the country. Only options for me are:

There's only one chapter here and it's a barely active student chapter at a college like 2 to 3 hours from where I live.

Get involved with them since they're always looking for young faces and try to push them Left, I guess?

Really a desert of alternative political options here.

You could make it a bit less conservative by becoming an actual communist and not a socdem.

And be immediately disregarded in the general social culture the second I open my mouth instead of being able to actually gain some traction and ease folks in to a new way of thinking? You can't go immediately to 11 when you're starting from like a - 5.

are you me?

The nearest DSA is like 2 hours away and there are not even unions here. We're extremely classcucked

Deep South. We have SOME unions in a few industries, but for the most part people have been brainwashed into full "BUT THEY GAVE US THESE JOBS AND WE SHOULD BE THANKFUL AND SHUT UP!" Like zero self esteem/value of their labor.

Sanders, UAW, and some DSA folks came down not too long ago to help give some momentum to some workers trying to unionize at a local auto plant, but I don't think they've been successful in forming one yet.

You're a socdem, so that already happens. Only not only do conservatives think you're naive and dumb, but so do communists.

SocDem ideas might actually yield some results in the near future as there seems to be a genuine youth energy right now towards at least entryism and I'd like to help that towards some positive outcomes for people if I can. I don't know where I'd land if I went further. ChristianCom maybe? I've always been heavily interested in Tito as well but I know he fails the "purity" test as well.

I'm just heavily cynical about the potential for true class consciousness in the US and real radical change, so I feel compelled to put my energies towards something in the zone that could yield at least reforms that could benefit the poor and working class instead of sitting around and yelling about the intricacies of theory.

That's just me, though.

Just reading in my armchair, I still am unsure of what org to join. My friends are SAlters, but I'm not a big Trotsky fan. I was thinking about the PSL or WWP, opinions?

Social democracy does not stop imperialism, look at France and Britain.

You should go as far left as possible in terms of your theory, and continue pushing for reforms as a way to promote communism.

PSL seems very credible from what I have seen. If there's a local branch for you and it's not infested with idpol, definitely choose that over SA.

uh, I think we're in the same state. I wouldn't listen to the user giving you shit for being succdem, if they had any understanding of the reality of just how fucked things are here… being milquetoast socdem is basically Maoist

Very. The political climate here is such a unique thing in its extremes that I have a hard time getting people to understand if they aren't from here or haven't lived here.

That said, Lamumba's victory is encouraging to me, even if it was almost a sure thing given the solid partisanship of the city.

yep. same state. I'm in the north part.
It is, but it's Jackson and I feel that his appeal is pretty limited to there. If he can actually deliver on his platform, though, that will be pretty sweet. There was also a thread here a few weeks back about a black co-op in Jackson that was getting off the ground and was really inspiring

I'm originally from the north of the state myself. Moved to the center with my wife following a career opportunity for her, roughly an hour outside Jackson.

True, but I hope he can. Jackson deserves a win.

That's awesome about the co-op though. I haven't heard about that particular one but some of the folks I've been in contact with since moving so close to the Jackson make me think it has so much potential if it can ever overcome everything stacked against it.

SO BE A MAOIST! (or a Leninist)
How thick can you be? They already think you're extreme as fuck, so just go the whole way. It won't make a difference to them, but it will make your politics stronger and more theoretically justified.

No, not really–at least outwardly. You're just going to turn people off instantly, and you've lost the chance to message. Again, you don't seem to appreciate/even know the reality.

I went to the inaugural meeting of my city's DSA but I never went again, mostly because it was a pain to get to the meetings (I had to take the bus for like 20 minutes and walk 20 minutes), but once I go back to school (where I live there's jack shit, though I saw some people demonstrate on May Day) I wanna get back into it.

lmao, you're literally letting your perception by a bunch of confederate flag-waving dipshits dictate your political views.

If you're propagandizing, sure, give it to people in small doses. But learn to actually defend the USSR. People don't respect cowards.

Well it's not only that, but as said, the brainwashing affects all types and is quite entrenched/more insidious. The aim is to present a viable alternative, not immediately repulse people who will automatically disregard what we have to say.


Started group discussions with friends.
Gf is a leninist, best friend is a basic socialist, I'm a Asserist, and a few of my friends are leaning more towards socialism but are still stuck in the "left=liberal sjws"

Slowly but surely I educate them.
What really sells them is their slow realization of the financial enslavement that is capitalism. It's fun for us to go on rants.

I've worked with local unions but I've stopped when they started getting more neoliberal and DNC oriented.

I know some PSL folks. They are a bit LARPish. Trotskyist parties (S-ALT, ISO, SWO, FSP), labor organizations (IWW and industry/trade unions), and social democrats (DSA) tend to more action oriented.

Not much. I went to a rally and did some pamphletting.

I've talked to a former CPUSA member. Apparently it's a shit ton of idpol

Also a shit ton of worshiping portraits of Avakian

Please don't organize then.

that's the other party. RCP

How about you read some actual theory and stop being a faggot.

Why not?
I'm not indoctrinating them. I'm not pushing Asserism on them. They'll most likely end up leninists or syndicalists.

Can you recommend some?

because you are not a comrade, you're a fucking nazi. change your ways or stay out.

I'm partial to a little bit nazi shit but I'm mostly partial to shit from the soviet union/nationalist socialist side of things. I quite like Assers veiws on communal economic management, criticism of Fuhrerprinzip, etc.

Socialist Workers Party of England caught my attention and I enjoyed their writing on the basics of Asserism. I can give a link if you want.

Very little since after '16.

Hello fellow Southies. I didn't hear about the Bernie/unionization thing so I assume ya'll are in a different state.

I'm looking for a good leftypol-oriented mission. If I can help us build something, I'd like that.

Anóne, eu tou a pensar em juntar-me á JCP. Conta ai as tuas experiências

Hey there. I'd love to get involved in something with potential as well, but I'm probably just as lost in where to start as you are. Since you're in a different state, you MIGHT have an active DSA chapter somewhere around you. They're obviously a really young organization in this current incarnation and are going to have some rewrites and brainstorming on their final platform, but it's definitely one of the best options right now (I think) for getting more folks at least to entryism into Leftist thought. Otherwise, I'm not sure. I'm currently struggling to find work so I'm obviously not in an industry that's unionized or where I could try and look at pushing for organizing.

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Não sou esse anóne, talvez tenha uma opinião um pouco diferente da dele. Aliás, de certeza que é completamente diferente. Mas de qualquer das formas, qualquer pergunta que tenhas tenho todo o gosto em responder.
Estou na JCP mais ou menos há 5 anos, os últimos dois um pouco mais inactivos porque emigrei. Cheguei a estar no CNES (Comité Nacional do Ensino Secundário) durante 2 anos.

Estudas ou trabalhas?

so would I.