Any prerequisites for reading Marx?

Does anybody recommend any prior reading material to Marx? I started reading Grundrisse and I had to give up after the second section or so because it was a bit rough for me. I couldn't understand any of what he was talking about. My brain was just about melting. Anything at all would help. Thanks.

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Read the most basic of his books. It is good if you have a background on the philosophers he was influenced by, like Hegel, but this is not a prerequisite as much as it is a bonus.

What would be the most basic one?

Read Lenin

I'd say this one has its merits, but I couldn't really tell you since I have not gotten to Grundrisse yet.

It is impossible to understand Marx without fully reading all of Hegel's essential works.

In fact, the Hegelian dialectic proved Marxism to be obsolete. So ignore Marx and stick with Hegel, you'll thank me later.

Try Michael Heinrich's introduction to three volumes of das Kapital. He goes out of his way to water it down and at the same time emphasize the big parts with letters by Marx and references to other works. It should be a fast read then you can continue with the list posted above. Skip his shit about the falling rate of profit though, it's just memes.

Oh, shit! I was reading what was on the advanced section. No fucking wonder. Thanks, user.

Thanks, Ill check him out.

Thanks. I'd be open to reading Stirner actually since I identify as an anarchist. I just am really impressed by Zizek and he's influenced by Marx.
This is demigod
