Would he browse Holla Forums if he was alive today?
he would be NRx
He would be too busy writing shitty sonic fanfictions
Yes but ironically.
too many niggers
he'd be on /x/
no, fuck off ironycel, fuck off
He thought that Hitler was too moderate IRL.
The real question is: if Hitler were alive today, would Holla Forums call him a cuck?
would depend what year he was born, if he was a boomer he'd either be a beardy old pornster or Henry Darger. If it was later, as said, yeah probably Sanic autism
probably, and he would probably not mention his failed marriage to a jewish single mother. I'd call him a cuck, but he lived of her money, so he was closer to a adopted child.
That doesn't keep me from enjoying his works.
When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.
t. young Lovecraft
No, he's too smart.
He'd probably find it too lowbrow.
He would never get politically active so no. Also the style of Holla Forums would displease him greatly. He might Spengler-post on /his/ though. But i'm not even sure he'd use the Internet.
Calling his work shitty is weird since he was way ahead of his time. I doubt you could write any better.
/lit/ maybe.
If you read about him he got progressively better as time went on, the obvious racism is mostly from his younger more angst filled days which "softened" into a love for western culture and that any person of any race which accepted it was of "higher class". His conditions and the time he grew up in really shaped his opinions though, he was basically always in a sickly condition and everyone around him died so he didn't have much to fall back on.
It's more like in this day and age, he would have been most likely exposed to shitty fandoms rather than literrature and as such would have been more likely to channel his autism in a dead end…
This user gets it. I doubt he would've liked Holla Forums, at least not in his later years.
Honestly Lovecraft was pretty /lefty/ when he wrote The Doom that Came to Sarnath. Everyone likes to meme that he was some giant racist, but it's more likely that was thanks to him essentially being a NEET who couldn't fit in and as he grew older he realized he was being a fuck
Better fix that before it makes me look autistic
Sometimes people here forget how completely idiotic Holla Forums is. I mean, I know we acknowledge it, but seriously… to this date, Holla Forums is probably the stupidest, most incompetent tryhard gathering of retards in chan history. You can't really just go pluck any historic racist out and say they'd be a Holla Forumstard today - Holla Forums culture turns off most reasonably intelligent people (and most people in general, really) pretty much by default.
He was truly our guy.
You left out the part where he grew out of his immature reactionary bullshit, moved to the left politically and married a jewish woman. He was certainly no marxist, but by the 30's he was well and truly left of center, a sort of slightly racist social democrat. It's a shame he died young, if his political evolution up that point was any to go by he probably would have kept moving further to the left.
- Letter to Clark Ashton Smith (28 October 1934)
To add one more:
-Letter to Jennie K. Plaiser (8 July 1936)
What about Lovecraft's circle of friends? Would pulp fans be the weaboos of today? Would they come shitpost with us? Would they all be on Reddit or SA instead?
No way. ROK maybe, or Stormfront.
Also /lit/.
Ah, always warms my heart to see you lefties shit up other boards and then come back here to be told you were right and your opponent no matter who was wrong.
Leave Holla Forums alone you fucks
I'm now convinced if alive today he would be nazbol
Never been to Holla Forums, but now I'll make sure to shit post there from time to time.
Do it, it'll only get people to hate you guys more.
I can see you fear the consequences of your shit-posting.
You are right to be afraid, the weak willed comic book enthusiasts will quickly come to realize the superiority of communism.
pic related, it's me.
Tbh user I don't care about the politics while on Holla Forums, also colossus would look better in a Soviet military uniform.
I don't think he would appreciate the shallow repetitive humor and buzzwords. Though if he got on there when he was young maybe he it could have grown on him and he would be shitposting rather than writing. Makes me wonder how many of us have been torn away from long term goals for the quick satisfaction of political memery and hijinx.
who cares about what some generic american writter do if he was alive today. Has anything interesting ever came out from there? nothing but garbage.
They were Literally the Dawn of Nerd Culture, all those 20s & 30s pulp writers
You aren't a Leftist youre a fucking Putinbot fuck off and die I'm so sick of seeing you fuckers everywhere
You dont give a rats ass about Workers solidarity, go to hell
what drama did I miss?
as long as it pisses you off it's worth it
Tbh, going from racist to only slightly racist in his conditions in 1934 is a huge development