Foreign Policy aside, how would you rate this president in terms of domestic growth? Did he actually help poor people? What do you think of the argument that he would've push forward more Bernie tier policies were it not for more than half of the government being controlled by republicans and special interest shills? leftypol seems to believe that the US is a monarchy and the president is capable of doing anything alone, this seems pretty reactionary tbqh.
Foreign Policy aside, how would you rate this president in terms of domestic growth? Did he actually help poor people...
he lied about single payer which was the only thing i cared about so im gonna have to say he's a cuck and a shill and a Fag.
You act like he could have just pushed a button but didn't. Take a polsci class, holy hell.
The fairest assessment of his is that he did nothing. Seriously. His most notable accomplishment is pushing through a heritage foundation healthcare policy. It's also dumb to blame him singularly just as it's dumb to blame Trump now, as it's more indicative of the futility of fixing the current system than indicative of the men at the helm.
He did the bare minimum necessary to keep the economy from falling apart and to get reelected.
Stop being spooked and provide some evidence.
Why do you think he did the bare minimum?
most of those jobs are shit minimum wage crap. Democrats and their faux- socdem policies are slightly better than republican's total neolib cock suck, but only very slightly
What's spooked about what I said?
when you elect a representative you expect them to follow their agenda rather than come to a retarded softboiled middle ground but hey nothing he could do the republicans just had Too Damn Much Political Capital
in the negatives
fuck no
there are so many different factors in that that it's a meaningless question on top of being leading
Obama-era policy definitely improved the job market. I'm not sure how people here feel about that, though.
The stimulus did, however, have the negative longterm effect of actually allowing some of those criminal banks to grow and swallow up less corrupt banks.
You'd have to be some kind of blind fucking fool to say he was anything other than dogshit.
Name THREE good things Obama did for the country during his presidency. Not shit he said he'd do, or garbage he compromised on, but actual action.
That is absolute, unjustifiable bullshit.
For the first couple years of his presidency he had a democrat majority in congress, and because of a couple issues for a few months actually had a filibuster proof supermajority in the Senate, I believe. So no, had he wanted to he could have pushed single-payer, instead he fucked around and waited until the GOP started reclaiming seats to "try and get things done"
From the bourgeois viewpoint, the ACA was better than the counterfactual (do nothing lol), bailing out the banks was the correct choice to avoid global economic meltdown, and the stimulus program helped to create jobs, although low paying - but most Americans vastly overestimate the value of their labor on the global market.
Leftists recognize that welfare, stimulus programs, and bailouts stave off revolution, and should be opposed. The bank bailout wasn't bad because it was immoral, but because doing so averted a collapse that could've brought about a revolutionary moment.
We're not all accelerationists here desu.
You have to have a collapse at some point. The misery must become so great that revolution to abolish the state, money, wage labor, and private property takes places. Why not have it now?
what else is new
Chaos and collapse will happen, and misery worsen, whether or not we support it; there aren't enough of us at this point to change things in any way. But trying to exacerbate it means few people will turn to us in the chaos.
Opposing it means that when things do collapse, people will cherish our efforts to fight for them instead of blaming us along with the actual cause.
Obama was actively against single payer at the time and never even pushed for a public option, to the chagrin of a lot of liberals back in the day. But anyway, these bills take time to be written. The final Affordable Care Act bill was over 1000 pages. It's not exactly something you can crack out in a few months.
Why don't they have their political allies write these sorts of bills before/during the elections? It seems to only make sense to me. Then they can tout their plans.
Obamacare is almost a direct clone of a similar scheme put out by the Heritage Foundation in the 1990s. Obama was yet another neoliberal opportunist.
"Single payer" is bullshit anyway and a porky approved marketing term. It's far better than Obamacare however which is laughably awful. One of the few things that could actually be considered a downgrade to the system previously in place.
He immediately caved before negotiations had really started. He never had intentions of implementing it.
That being said, he was a nicely accelerationist candidate except for that he restricted online privacy. The important part is that free software, the gig economy, and 3D printing continue to develop.
He failed to restore strong profitability to American capitalism, paving the way for petit bourgeois resentment and the rise of Trump.
It was the worst bounce back from a recession in US history, though.
Hillary Clinton with a pretty face and good public speaking skills.
I guess all the other western countries have magical powers since we don't have bills like that and affordable public healthcare
The recovery from the Great Recession has been a joke. Only the top 5% of income earners have seen any sort of gains over the last 9 years. When the crisis happened he bailed out the big banks, refused to prosecute any of the criminals, and did nothing for all the people who had their homes foreclosed on. His very last act in office was to provide a bailout to Blackstone, a private equity group in California notorious for gentrification and fucking people out of their homes.
The argument that Obama worked with what he had fails when you remember how he actually worked against other Democrats. Barack Obama went to Dennis Kucinich's district and told his voters to vote him out of office because he wouldn't support his fascist Heritage Foundation health care bill without a public option. Barack Obama's cabinet was predicted with 100% accuracy by a Citigroup listing.
Barack Obama was a corrupt motherfucker and a wolf in sheep's clothing. He was never a progressive and he was never a friend of the people. Just like Bill Clinton, he was able to show that you can get away with some evil shit as long as you put on a smile and act like a nice guy.
This too. Obama's response to the banking crisis has ensured that the next collapse will be even worse than the last one. The big banks now pose an even greater systemic risk to the economy than in 2008. Over the past years they have continued to engage in criminal behave as demonstrated by the Goldman Sachs and Bank of America fake account scandals. The US government is 20 trillion dollars in debt already this time. The reaction will be more attempted austerity measures until a breaking point is reached. The next time we will either have a rise in genuine fascism or a leftist victory, and either way quite possibly another world war.
Got the FCC to implement net neutrality rules… Later overturned by the people he empowered to get into office.
Expanded Medicaid through a progressive income tax… Soon to be overturned by the people he empowered to get into office.
That's all I got.
Obama has been propped up by Wall Street and Jewish lobby organisations from the very beginning. He's porkys wet dream. If it wasn't for the constitutional restriction of legislature he'd have been autopilot president for porky for another 8 years.
Probably because citigroup or bank or whatever hand picked his cabinet for him
What is the autist-approved term for single-payer health care systems?
Pay less for your tendies
Honestly this is just American exceptionalism. I've never ever heard somebody referring to a healthcare system as "single payer" anywhere in the world.
He was basically the nigger crack dealer of presidents.
Oh look, it's another idiot Holla Forums liberal who does not understand what "spook" means.