When we will gulag baby boomers?

when we will gulag baby boomers?

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books.google.gr/books?id=K44nBwAAQBAJ&lpg=PA6&ots=W80nSRcFVo&dq=ancient kea elderly&hl=el&pg=PA6#v=onepage&q&f=false

just nationalize medicine and put the old on low priority. problem sorts itself out

fuck them seriously

climate change has been a scientific fact since at least the 1970s.

Retirement homes are too good for them.

I've personally met a few elderly communist sympathizers and plenty of young Trump supporters. Age is not a significant factor in your political beliefs.

too bad a lot of young people have fallen for the "they built this country!"-meme

Old people really should fuck off and die, though. Maybe not all of them, but most of them.

Daily reminder that bashing either Boomers or Millennials is stupid and pointless and gets no one anywhere.

please let this happen.

Old people should unironically fuck off and die.

NO ONE, literally NO ONE will miss you.

Remove the winter fuel allowance WHEN?

good luck getting the eternal boomer to believe capitalism ruined the economy

It's fucking hilarious that she wrote that since the Tories are the ones that are proposing bills to fuck old people

All they do is sit around consuming and wondering why their bodies are falling apart at 55. This has nothing to do with economics tbh

Frankly, this.

I think this is what a lot of them are afraid of. The only thing they have going for them is their money.

He might fetishize co-ops, but I still wish the Wolff was my grampa

Yeah, I forgot. Old people - that demographic that always changes their mind. Not like they'll defend their beliefs even if they know they're fucking wrong. Not like they just think about the good ol' days and believe the world still looks same. No way.

We'll be dying in Russia because boomers can't let go of the Cold War.

Boomers are hypocrits who had the world handed to them. Millennials are incredible pussies who think that mean words are bullying.
t. GenX

Good on you honestly, that shit is meant to keep us fighting each other while they cut pensions/SS and education funding/unemployment benefits.

Boomers are the generational bourgeoisie.

when we let them work to death because we cant pay for their retirement homes

Get the fuck out of here. Gen X is practically as spooked as the boomers.

You guys are a bunch of milquetoast faggots tbh.

Let's just be happy that boomers have made themselves the worst generation to be for old people.

They migh be playing us for a short while, but they sure played themselves too.

You can go to almost any leftist group meeting and you will find a lot of millennials and a good amount of old ass leftists. You find next zero Gen X'ers. Biggest living classcucks.

That really says something when there are basically no Gen X'ers there

Boomer hate is idpol and I admit it's wrong, but I still indulge in it sometimes. I just can't get over the fact that they had it so much fucking easier than we do, and that they have completely fucked up our lives and our future.

Reminder that generations are US marketing BS.

It's the unapologetic smugness that tips it over the line for me.

Boomer hate isn't idpol, it's self defense.

Nope, it's fucking real.


This, have you all really never met an old fuck who was a socialist too?

The terms and "years" are BS.

For example in your chart, 34 is Gen X or millenial?

It's all made up shit used for marketing.

I suspect Holla Forums doesn't get out that much tbh

When the AnCaps agree with you

That will never happen though because old people who have nothing going on in their lives/can just walk out of their corner office on voting day are the most reliable demographic, here in the UK everything but old people's benefits have been cut over the last 7 years, especially anything for really young people. Theresa May proposed taking more money from old people with dementia to pay for their own nursing care and got decimated in the elections, cest la vie.

I know. I was just having a dream of what could've been a wonderful world (well except the neolib shit stuff).

The grey vote days are numbered. We are taking ground. Radicalise your friends and get them on the pavement.

Sure, in terms of 'do humans eventually die', but can we recover from the damage they've done to our world and human society?

No it's not you fucking retard, they're used as rough markings to adequately explain and show GENERATIONAL trends and shifts between demographics.

I left my shitposting flag on accident as I usually do.

Damn it forgot to change flag again

t. boomer internet defense force.

We need a final solution to the boomer question.


That's true, a lot of the people who grew up in the 40s and 50s were very class concious.

It's incredible how much boomers have made themselves loathed. I remember when I was a kid I asked my parents what would we do about climate change and wealth inequality (it was on the news), their response?

That's your problem!

Boomers' parents were pretty left wing with regards to economics. The real problem is that boomers didn't grow up under actually existing capitalism. They were raised on the super profits generated by the imperialist Breton-Woods system and think that it how capitalism is supposed to function. It's fucking infuriating.

fuck, boomers have said the same shit to me.

It never fails to bootyblast me

In America it was imperialist super profits that funded all of that shit anyways. It was always going to end. Social democracy is a fucking meme.

That's how detestable they are. Bootstraps, in my day, you are lucky, XBOX, etc.

They are thieving, dishonest faggots. Learn your inflation rates because they shut the fuck up when you challenge them on how much more they were paid and how cheap everything was. Never accept "I was paid a fiver a week and you complain now!" as a conversation ender. These cunts could buy two weeks shopping, rent, and a few nights on the town with a fiver back then. They are dishonest to their core.

Fiver a week? Like $5 or $500?

This so much.

I want to liquidate them and sell their flesh for cash.

No, in Britain people used to get paid £5 a week. This was in the day when pennies (one pence) was divided into around 6 other coins. This is why you hear them whine about getting just a tupence an hour, a tupence would pay for a meal back then. They are lying faggots trying to lord it over people. Demolish them at every opportunity.

To expand: Draw them out. When someone tells you how little they get paid, ask them how much a pint of milk cost, or a meal at a restaurant, or how much a car cost, how much a house cost. This kills the boomer. They cannot accept that when you account for inflation, they're lying faggots.

*how little they got paid
They will reference how you're rich as fuck because you're paid, on paper, a billion dollars more than them. Don't accept it. Challenge their inflation rate bullshit. Their entire worldview rests on it.

Tell them "I say let's kill everyone above 60yo!" and see how they respond

Get over your complex about your parents, focus on organizing your generation, and take advice from the radical olds who've kept the flame alive.

The only boomer radicals that were worth anything are dead. They were killed during the 60s/70s by the capitalists and their various stooges. Everyone else is either a lifestylist or a sell out.

Kek, I did this when one group were moaning about how the unemployed and disabled were whining because they're broke and should be dealt with, and I pointed out the pensioners were wasting a fortune and should be shot. I think I changed their entire ideology when I did it.

Oh fuck off nigger, most of the shit talking in comments sections of newspapers is by butthurt boomers who are trying to find an excuse to humblebrag.

I mean.. It's nothing new!!!

books.google.gr/books?id=K44nBwAAQBAJ&lpg=PA6&ots=W80nSRcFVo&dq=ancient kea elderly&hl=el&pg=PA6#v=onepage&q&f=false

Well.. I guess capitalism doesn't work, or something…

Sadly a somewhat valid point from the stupid Nazbol. Most left-leaning boomers I have ever met were hippies and stuff like that. Also, the real leftist boomers seemed to hate their generation too.

What is really baffling is people who I can get to acknowledge that our generation has it the worst, but don't think anything needs to be changed.

My father was born in the late 60s and talks about how his generation was the last generation to have it good, but still worships at the alter of demons like Reagan and Thatcher.

A spectre is haunting … the world….

Even the most sympathetic boomers I've met are totally absorbed in their personae, alienated from normal human behavior. I'm extremely leery of dehumanizing people given its history, but boomers act like automata. They're completely subservient to their prescribed cultural roles, for which they are immensely grateful. Social security is a part of their core identity, something that "they" "made a deal for" and "deserve". Forget putting them in a gulag. They'll never learn. Forget firing squads. It would be worse for them to go on living in a world that's not what they were prepared for. It's bad enough for them as it is with the liberals and the culture wars. If there was a revolution and they had to live in a communist society they'd have tantrums nonstop until they killed themselves when they realized they were unable to change anything.

I know too many 60-70 year olds who have this attitude. Those fuckers have maybe 10-20 years left and they're just going to sit on their asses consuming more than any other group of people in history before (and probably after) and voting for shitty policies but they act like they have nothing to do with anything anymore because they're retired.

My shrink is one of these people. Literally "Yep, lotsa problems, but they're all yours now. I'm content to let you people deal with it." And he's extremely smug about it too as if he's doing me a favor by saying so, as if there's some actual power being handed off to any of us.

My response to that bullshit is to demand they stop cockblocking our efforts at every turn then.

Like seriously, they tell us we have to deal with it, and when we do make the effort to deal with it, they fuck our shit up at the polling booth.


"Oh, I'm not one of those people. I'm content to get out of your way!"

Honestly that would probably help but you can't say the kinds of shit about boomers on a wide platform the way Rwandans could say shit about Tutsis back then to rile people up.

If we restrict the voting age to 60 we can take care of the problem without genocide

Lord, I heard that in their voice.

honestly the left should take a page from the republicans and make voting as hard as possible for old people

Pass and eyesight exam (don't want to accidentally vote for the wrong person now)
Pass cognizant test (you can't vote if you have dementia)
Voting hours are now between 7-12 at night (old people have to sleep)

Both sides got slaughtered in Rwanda though.

Kek. That's fucking stupid though. As communists, if we are going to place that much effort into disrupting the voting system, we should just try to destroy bourgeois democracy entirely.

its a stop gap measure once boomers are thoroughly disenfranchised with the system we strike

If a movement started to do anything restrictive to boomers they'd start killing (more) young people (using the police as a proxy).

Happy now?

Literally being mad because youngster went to vote and express their opinions.

Gen X is worse, at least boomers die off in peace, and we'll have to gulag the ClasscuX

Millions of "Boomers" are suffering poverty and subjected to discrimination by government and business because of their age and being White.

Now you want to genocide them. As bad a /pol.

Your generation: White Nationalists, Antifa, Pony porn, Satanism.

When I was in my teens, early 20's during the late 70's/early 80's, they would not have dared to do what they do now. Because we would have killed them.

While you shitpost to the internet all day long. Go outside in a mask to beat up innocent people or with frog posters isn't working.

The perversion of what is called the left these days are nothing but corporate sponsored useful idiots.

When a company in the 70's I recall mentioned they would manufacture overseas or cut benefits while the CEO raped the profits..they were torn a new asshole.

No you fucking wouldn't. You got handed it all on a plate so don't play that imaginary scenario bullshit with us.

What?? What was then was normal not "handed it all on a plate".

They do what they do now because no one stands up to them.

Maybe he has a point there were more class conscious people then–there were still well-organized radical parties in that time period.Contrary to popular belief it's never been easy to be a worker in America. The boomer-millennial dichotomy is bourgeois ideology–old boomer proles are eating cat food and/or working at Wal-Mart.


Just to add back in the 70's/early 80's (I'M NOT MAKING THIS UP)

Companies would advertise on radio, television and newspaper of them give the best salaries and benefits to procure workers.

Now with mass immigration, outsourcing…that many so-called Leftists support they can pay dirt wages, use slave labor and make 100X more profit.

maybe its just my town, but this place is crawling with young conservatives who simultaneously believe "I'm poor & southern & proud & rich folks are evil" plus "Daddy Trump will make me a millionaire tomorrow".
a lot of them are violent, it's been getting worse.

Ended about 1984 when "Neoconservatism" and "NeoLibertarians" became vogue. Promoted by yes, the Goddamn fucking Jews.

Dont have to they are almost dead anyway.
I will miss you grandpa.

Trump is for working people. Has stated he's against the NWO and corporatism.

Everything is ass backwards in modern politics.


He's gonna do big-time tax cuts for the rich and benefits cuts for everyone else to make up for his stance on immigration so corporate America will still like him. I also think he's gonna block raising the minimum wage where possible, he's said before that low-wages are good for American business and all he has to do is just find some reason to block a raise in the minimum wage and inflation will take care of the rest.

And btw inflation seems to be rising unusually quickly in 2017.

You know, the Jewish lobby is out to get Corbyn. He's even launched an inquest into Israel's involvement with UK politics.

So you believe what Trump says despite evidence he believe the opposite ?
Also, there's globalism but there's no NWO

yeah sure faggot

Isn't Globalism and NWO the same thing? Trump is doing what he can. America is a Republic. People put too much faith or critique in a President.

The Congress, lobbies and so on are at least 50% responsible for Government polices, good or bad.

This generation bashing shit needs to stop. We need to work together in RF to foment solutions.

I'm guilty too.

"Your generation: White Nationalists, Antifa, Pony porn, Satanism."

he's a bandit doing what he can to rob the national coffers before he gets booted. you bootlickers are fucking disgusting

Do kill yourself

He's right you nigger.


I always thought age-discrimination was one of the grosser types of discrimination practiced by society. I will be entering middle age fairly soon which is really the age that most advanced capitalist states cater to. I think WWP had an article talking about ageism and how society really discriminates against the old and the youth–I think that's true.

I'm flattered.