tfw no qt momentum bf
feels bad man
tfw no qt momentum bf
feels bad man
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ehh could be worse. You could be in Burgerstan.
this is bullshit, and a reflection only of how shallow you yourself are. Sure, its easier to get along as a good looking person, but anybody who is not a total retard recognises that looks are only surface level. If these are you friends, get new friends fam
the guy in the OP isn't even *that* physically attractive
I was gonna go canvassing but I got a shitty job finally doing hardish labour in a supermarket and on all my days off I just felt sick as a dog from overwork… Tfw I contributed nothing to Corbyn
S-sorry hypothetical entryism bf, I'll go back to being lonely
So like 99% of people are total retards, okay
What supermarket?
Rated UK's least ethical supermarket this year and proud member of the Walmart family
Ugh. At least they didn't get you there on workfare.
Look on the bright side, it's not Sports Direct.
Is that worse? At least I wouldn't have to haul 20kg crates of fruit all day from a stinking rotten smelling walkin fridge
id rather be an ugly autist with a plain wife than an ugly autist who's alone for life
He's not even good looking tbh. Someone post those Rebel cross-dressing pics.
I used to work at Aldi and they have you timed per every pallet you move with the supervisors setting times for each one. You get written up every time your time is over the total estimation of how long it would take to do them all. There are ways to make it easier which other stores may have but you don't necessarily get the minor improvements (such as sorting the spreadsheets in a way that makes it easier) because the management are not beholden to the workers. I quit because I wouldn't stand the constant belittlement of getting written up for doing an insane amount of work that was basically guesswork on the management's part for being a minute or two over any longer. The pay is slightly better but still not enough to cover rent, as they outright refuse to give you overtime or a 50 hour contract and will make you go to another store that needs workers to dodge doing this.
This nation needs a vast and violent cull, some of the proletariat such as supervisors need to be fucking shot too. I'm looking at you, jobcentre and ATOS workers.
Monogamy is a spook.
Oh, that sucks, we don't literally get timed but my section leader is a classcuck who is constantly like 'you need to be tossing this huge aisle of all the empty crates (which means pulling out all the full ones and re-stacking them since for some reason the shelves require empty crates to push up the full ones) in 15 minutes' or 'you need to be emptying a full pallet into the yard and stacking them within a couple minutes'. I mean seriously why take the work so serious, if you get it done they'll only give you something else to do, you're not gonna ever get to the end of it, I bet he gets paid like 50p an hour more than me, whats the point
Society where income dosent matter nor politial or any other kind of authority, nobody would want to date ugglies.
Yeah I got a quid or so more so I didn't really get that arsey unless it was within a couple of minutes, especially as I'd see some of the worst offending supervisors fucking up on the reg (lots of them were very good and worked their asses off so I didn't have a problem with them, they rarely got the times wrong and wrote me up either, so take that for what it is). One conversation I really remember was one of my colleagues was in his early 40's and was like "I used to get rated 100% on my work in the 80's. Now? You're saying I'm working at 80%? I'm at fucking 400% and can't put food on the table!"
People like having a partner they can call their own, assuming the rate of men to women remains roughly equal I don't see why this would become an issue
Fact that there is a disaproprate number of male singles vs female ones even today proves my point.
It's not like the uglies posting here or on r9k would ever make up for said ugliness with any kind of monetary success. By and large, the only people benefiting now are those born ugly and wealthy. I will shed no tears for them. At least under socialism, everybody can be lonely in relative comfort.
I know that feel
Nationalise Aaron Bastani's abs when?
>not going for manly men that like to be dominated
you are all so gay
Fuck off dude. Socialism will get me a gf. Just say that and be done with it asshole
That's spooky user
unless you're like actually deformed or more importantly have a truly loathsome personality (think pic related) you'll be fine
Oh no I was just joking. Relationships are for chumps. I'm not a virgin, I've dated when I was younger. But I'm at that age where all women in the corresponding age want serious relationships and want to take advantage of my meager income
State provided rationed time with a sex and/or intimacy-social service worker, best I can do.
that feel when this is barely scanlated at all
Where can I meet this qt3.14?
This literally just proves that leftists are the real Chads.
Have you ever seen fuckmuir jack it in the disabled toilet?
Good point. It's easy to fixate on "without the chance to attain monetary success over others and the interpersonal leverage that entails, there's no hope for me" rather than the fact of being currently locked out of exactly that chance for success, under capitalism and capitalist alienation, owing to one's lack of social leverage - which attains far greater significance and wields greater influence the more alienated we become from our labor. When you have a job that literally does nothing, there's no other criterion for deciding who to hire.
They have a point, honestly. Some of you really need to work on this.