What do we think about him?
It seems like he's an anti-imperialist to me, especially since the West keeps complaining.
What do we think about him?
It seems like he's an anti-imperialist to me, especially since the West keeps complaining.
Other urls found in this thread:
A reactionary.
Not long before we see tankies supporting him 100% and denying his human rights violations. He's a fascist with anti-imperialist leanings so he fits the bill
So a tankie?
explain how he's a reactionary/fascist
Why should Filipinos be forced to be a slummy drug market/brothel for Western douchebags?
nigger the board isn't here to tell you what to think
There are a lot of western backed authoritarian regimes that tankies hate in the blue there
it's a meme you autistic dip
being anti-imperialist in itself is not a good enough reason to like someone. he's an outright authoritarian reactionary cunt.
Most tankies side with the Philippines Communist Party, which argues that Duterte is anti-worker but it is still good if he gets out of NATO influence.
Also, ISIS has MYSTERIOUSLY started causing problems in the Philippines now. Why could that be???
Tbh Saudi Arabia should also be in red
10/10 would science again
KYS fucking tankies
Reactionary dupe
whats a LIDF
Also he abuses fentanyl and is a hypocrite.
Stay cucked /leftycuck/
There are two words for drugs in the Philippines with a chasm of meaning between them, one for pharmaceutical drugs, the other for street drugs. Fentanyl falls under the former.
Oh wow thank you for that useful information!
is this true?
Lumpen Internet Defense Force
He's a sociopath that thinks killing harmless lumpens will somehow fix societal issues, and of course he lacks any general left wing appeal.
Tankies have yet to realize that anti-imperialism is not an excuse to do literally anything.
Pick one.
By allowing the police force to execute members of the public when they see it fitting. A right that not even judges have in the Philippines, as capital punishment was abolished after Marcos was deposed.
Unless you think the problem with Americas war on drugs was that the cops didn't shoot enough people for smoking marijuana, then I fail to see how that approach will benefit the Philippines.
No, he's a Fascist
Started to be in Western news maybe, you tinfoil
Hes great
Perhaps because the situation in the Philippines is far more dramatic than in the US
Perhaps because the Philipines is one of the most violent countries in the world.
Tragic situations, are solves with tragic measures. Duterte inherited a problem, and the people elected him to solve it. And unlike to what you, there's areas where people are no longer affraid to go to.
There's places in the world which don't look like your random town in Vermont ok fucktard? get some general knowledge, it won't do you no harm ;)
He's only doing that because he wants to force them to be productive citizens.
The only revolutionary class.
That violence should spread to the walls surrounding Duturd. He's perpetuating all the ills of his society but gladly accepting his position in the status quo and attacking random victims of capitalism and of his state.
I would be interested to see what social and economic reforms he makes however I am highly doubtful he will do anything 'radical' even from a social democrat perspective. Regarding his 'anti-imperialism' he seems to shift back and fourth from China to the US and appears to be playing both sides. The New People's Army seem to be the only rational voice in the Phillipines.
That said I do enjoy his 'murder drug dealers' policy as it reminds me of the community policing during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. Also his eviction of the Rothschilds is a good thing.
He doesn’t get along with Chelse Clinton. An enemy of my enemy is my friend.
he can go fuck himself
Now is not the time for denial, that comes later. Right now they'll say it doesn't matter and call everybody who disagrees a pansy liberal.
And like clockwork, Holla Forums emerges from the woodwork to lick the dogshit from the boots of authoritarians. But we're the cucks tho amirite lol XD
Good, no if only he extended that policy to all bankers and nationalized the banks.
He hasn’t done any human rights abuse. Capital Punishment isn’t a human rights abuse. It’s done in some modern western nations like the US all the time There’s nothing wrong with capital punishment. Also he makes funny rape jokes.
How long until porky sends his freedom fighters?
almost like he won't do that because they have their hand up his ass
take your meds
golly gee I sure am offended
you aren't a leftist
Water is wet :^)
you're also a retard
A glorified mobster at best and a thug at worse. Nothing more.
The jokes were a bit much tho. That's kinda like a black dude joking about that one couple that was killed by those black reactionaries. Still, a good politician but needs a PR guy for fucking real.
I laughed at them.
A third world one-note populist "hard democracy" type. In this case, his fixation is the drug trade. He might succeed at curbing it, but it will grow back after him anyway. Meanwhile, every other issue in his country will be ignored and the Phillipines won't improve at all beyond the temporarily decreased drug crime rates.
fake news
fuck off
Based af
Most politicians are killers but I guess I have to applaud the Phillipines for seeing through the spectacle and just electing someone who is a literal murderer who admits to being part of death squads. Might as well cut out the middle man right?
if its unprofitable then it wont. you really cant use your western understanding for how the drug trade works to look at the third world. I hope he kills all the drug dealers and all the addicts.
yeah wtf they should have accepted the violence and destruction that the drug trade has brought the Philippines
Yeah supporting random drive by murders and public executions is clearly the way to stop the violence and develop a better society
Death penalty breaches the human right to life and the right to live free from torture.
Extrajudicial killings breaches the right to a fair trial and the right to life.
It is barely relevant in this discussion though, since some of you "socialists" are literally supporting the butchering of poor workers
If you commit a crime you no longer have a right to life and a right to live free from tourtred. Also rights can be suspended, or removed.
But that's wrong you fucking idiot. The human rights can't be "suspended" and they don't cease to exist because you've committed a crime. At least read the declaration of human rights before spouting your idiotic bullshit
The UN declaration of human rights is a spook. It’s nothing more than a piece of paper.
It's still the human rights. It's what people mean when they say "human rights". Now you know edgelord
Lmao fuck off libshit. Drug dealing degenerates and cartel members deserve death
user, I'd rather be a bleeding heart liberal than a disgusting bourgie fuck cheering on the mass killings of poor workers.
Rights don't literally "exist" dude. Either they're respected or they're not.
You are the kind of mongrel who would defend any sort of dictator as long as they got rid of the evil Other. These addicts could be rehabilitated, like in Mao's China, but I guess you 14 year old edgelords just want blood.
I don't see the point of debating the meta-philosophical implications of rights and laws "existing" or not when that's not the point of discussion
This is literally what the posts I quoted are saying.
Killing college students that smoke pot will not solve deeply rooted societal issues you fucking sociopath
Narco scum are the complete opposite of poor. Not only that, their wealth is extracted through selling poison to the poor and addicting them to it, destroying entire families and countless lives. Duterte only started killing junkies after warning them to stop, so they knew full well what awaited them. Likewise, he offers free rehab to anyone that needs it.
That's what he does with those that give themselves up, retard. But he has something in store too, for the degenerate sociopathic trash that don't
Stop being a fucking retard. That's a stupid statement so I replied to it. That's all that's happening. What are the fuck you even trying to argue?
Reply meant for
Oh wow, what a champion of the working class
It's not since it's a correct statement. Human rights can't be suspended, only violated
Throw yourself in front of a cargo train
You shitbrained tankies really need to die.
Human rights don't exist. Rights don't exist. They're either respected or not, within endless degrees of variability. Your sentence does not make any sense.
Bro I just said I'm not going to start a high school tier philosophy debate about the concept of rights and laws
That 85% approval rating speaks for itself, more so than cucks screeching "muh human rights" and defending criminals and sociopaths preying on the working class while they sit detached and unaffected in their ivory towers
Your sentence only makes sense if you consider there's anything to the idea of "rights" beyond actual actions. This is not a different unrelated "philosophy debate", it's the direct implication of your statement. There is no "rights can't be X or Y" without it.
Rights can be anything and everything, societies can claim they respect whatever right they want and not actually do so.
He's a giant piece of shit, but not because he's killing druggies.
I like him, he kills degenerates.
He's definitely reactionary/authoritarian, but he's not a "fascist"
Stop using that term. Fascism describes a hyper nationalistic type of government that uses the business operation method. Duerte is essentially a tradcon with too much power.
What other shitty things does he do?
Dude drug dealers and recalcitrant addicted were lined up and shot under Mao
Not him but doesn't he also kill the addicts whose lives were ruined because of the drug dealers?
Approval rating is pretty meaningless though. I mean, it's an absurd prospect to judge a leaders actions purely by their approval ratings. Genocide does not suddenly become excusable because the leader has a good approval rating among those who are left
How is what he's doing genocide tho? I'm not defending him but this term clearly gets stetched to far as it really only applies to an attempt to kill or harm an ethnic group
I'm merely using genocide as an example. I'm not saying that he's actually committing an act of genocide.
Only a few thousand junkies were killed, while over a million gave themselves up
You don't understand what genocide means, do you?
Literally Hitler, amirite?
False. Most were given rehabilitation, not through bullshit therapy, but through the community itself. The ones killed were mostly the big dealers who benefited the most from the drug dealing business.
Davao City where he waged his first drug war is one of the safest cities in Asia now.
You can't deny his popularity is a result of his actions of cleaning up the streets. There is a difference between a popular leader doing something questionable and being let off the hook because of his popularity, and being popular as a result of doing said questionable thing. Common working class Filipinos are behind him.
I want reddit libcucks to leave.
Meant for
As someone who grew up in a shitty ctime infested neighborhood I feel really conflicted right now.
And you can eliminate poverty by simply killing all poor people, but this is an abhorrent and ultimately absurd solution to a problem that's more about material conditions then law enforcement.
Except the people he's ordering executions on are people who use drugs
also Hitler did coke, stay mad nazifag
murder yourself
kill yourself
Kys. You're just another upper middle class kiddie that could never live a day outside your gated neighborhood. Stop defending trash you don't know nothing about
It will. It's not like the market is regulated anyway, prices vary immensely from country to country to begin with, so consumers can get used to just about any absurd price. At least the local piglets will always be a consumer base. And as for increased risk for dealers, capitalism creates the conditions for the permanent existence of people desperate or greedy enough to try.
It's quite literally impossible to eliminate drug trade in capitalism. The only solution is for the workers to seize the means of trippin' balls.
1) how can you consider yourself a socialist if you ignore the primacy of material conditions?
2) The people who are being killed are mostly those on the streets without as opposed to the affluent drug lords who can protect themselves with money
3) why are you supporting someone is clearly just a reactionary and in no manner of speaking leftist
Except that's not true. The people being killed are the big kingpins that are being put on a list and then hunted down by military raids/vigilantes. Only people on the list can be killed with impunity.
The drug addicts don't want to die, so they are giving themselves in and being rehabilitated
The article you posted clearly states that he's fine with the indiscriminate killing of drug users, not just dealers. Really, I don't see why anyone with their rational faculties in place would support this, especially if you consider yourself to be a leftist
Worthless demagogue.
And? Dope-peddling gang members are psychopathic degenerate scum that deserve to die.
Just because I'm a leftist doesn't mean I have to be a degenerate libshit or a dialectical materialist Marxist. I'm a turd positionist.
Nice autofilter, Holla Forums
Did you even read what you quoted m8?
Blessed word filter. You mean you really don't care about socialism and just care about sucking up to strongmen authoritarians. Makes sense
Huh, I just looked it up, and users who register get rehab treatment? I confess I didn't expect that sort of "amnesty".
Now that's the sort of shit that gets stuck in my craw. Professional criminals are the biggest capitalists of all. Every time I see that full quote by Nechayev, which goes to "And, finally, he must ally himself with the savage word of the violent criminal, the only true revolutionary in Russia.", I feel like smacking him upside the head. Lenin had the right idea: bandits and speculators ought to be shot on the spot.
But has a point. Duterte isn't eliminating the motors of drug trade anymore than a socdem eliminates the sources of exploitation of workers. Both of these are dynamic, closed-loop processes; they can be shrunk or amplified, but not destroyed, not without a massive revolution that undoes its material conditions – tho I confess I have doubts if the drug trade specifically can be destroyed by anyone or anything at all.
And of course, there's always the problem of abuses, like in . Duterte himself might be incorruptible, but the police apparatus sure a hell isn't. If I thought this war would hit only the professional criminals, I would gladly support it, not because it would end the drug trade (which it won't anyway), but on simple principle of killing consummate enemies of the people.
But trust me on this one: when it's all over and they start actually tallying it up, there will be a lot of minorities, prostitutes, hobos, petty thieves, innocent people who had a dispute with a cop or politician etc. etc. among the bodies. This always happens in these third world crackdowns.
The first case were gang members, in which case they definitely deserved it. Second was defending scum, so they deserved that too. Duterte himself said media journalists are not exempt from assasination if they are a "son of a bitch". Either way, I'm sure better anecdotes like this can be found. Regardless human error is present in any judicial system, so they serve little purpose, especially since the means justify the end.
They were accused of being gang members, hardly substantial reason to kill someone. This is akin to killing people accused of witchcraft. The other gentlemen was an anti-drug advocate, as in he's against substance abuse. There's nothing really judicial about this system. These people aren't being tried in a court of their peers, with evidence being presented to establish their guild beyond a reasonably doubt. They're being executed wholesale on the street indiscriminately.I think Zizek got it right when he said that modern nationalism is really more about embracing a kind of obscene pleasure of domination and violence then anything else.
Don't care. The end result is still worth it.
Also don't act like its only the nationalists who are out for blood. The world has had more than its fair share of red terror and those who advocate it even today
Those who espouse red terror have goals beyond just indulging some anti-social impulse though. Can't really say the same of you. Frankly, the end result is merely the death of people who's only crime is either using drugs or being confused with someone who does. If you think this will mean the end of substance abuse or the establishment of a more perfect society then you're deluding yourself m8
Nothing Wrong: the Man
t. not even a tankie
A monstruous piece of shit but the amount of anti-Duterte content on the media makes me concerned about potential military/intelligence intervention there, which I would be against
I can see a piece of shit like this becoming so, so popular here in Brazil, although probably with less anti-US shit because they'd be the ones financing him.
Why does /leftycuck/ get so mad everytime the blood actually starts to flow?
You're no communists. Go back to voting Democrat.
I'm sorry Nazi, I don't get excited until a Rothchild or someone like Elon Musk is beheaded publicly.
Because an estimated1/3 to 1/5th of the Chinese population were addicts. They didn't have the balls to pull a pol pot but the fact is thousands and thousands of drug dealers and recalcitrant addicts were executed. I don't think anyone ever denied that
The average lower class work a day person wants nothing more than for open season to be declared on the meth and heroin addicts plaguing his community and the drug dealers that blast reggaton in their leased Mercedes at 3 in the morning advertising that their freshest batch of heroin came in.
You ivory tower cucks better pray workers are never empowered it would be an absolute nightmare for you and your marxist highfalutin bourgeois sensibilities.
lmfao this is why the USSR was a hell hole, hive mentality run rampant
I actually don't advocate for red terror so I don't know what you're talking about
You honestly think they'd rather these people be killed than for them to just not be drug addicts?
what the fuck is this?
Holla Forums has just become the online branch of the young republicans, this is typical right wing spin that all liberals are just out of touch whites from the suburbs or something that cant understand the problems of real mericans.
Yeah, it's the exact same rhetoric that 60 year old conservative talk radio listens spout. I think the 'marxist' and 'bourgeois sensibilities' part really got me. I've heard that shit before but it never makes any sense at all.
Actually in a trade, most people either A) Feel bad or have pity on addicts due to either family, there own values, or because they understand or B) Think poorly of them because they wasting their lives away as well as the usual complaint about crime and taxes but still feel that its a crying shame and tell them to cut it and get a job.
Sometimes its even a mix of both, but virtually no one walks around talking about how all addicts should be rounded up and shot. Maybe dealers, but even then it depends whether he's just a dropout or young lowlife or a full on narco gang member (which admittedly no one would really mind disappeared, but not on Duterte levels).
tl;dr Stop acting like you know the working class you larper
This but unironically
>>1730988(Checked and Heiled)
Holla Forumslack here. We know you're not all white. In fact, many of you are embarrassingly not so, which is why you get the gas we have our disagreements.
Anyway, we're not Republicans, we're fascists. We don't want you to understand the problems of real 'Murica, because you actually are the problem, and everything will be better when you're deported or enslaved see? We know you're not all white!
Nice /board/ you've got here, by the way. Looks just like real Holla Forums, if we went to college or couldn't get jobs or some shit.
keep saying it. maybe you'll get some consistency by the time your grandkids would have been born
dude! epic burn tho
This is just describing Holla Forums
But you repeat republican talking points.
I guess I was mistaken, I suppose this is what Hitler always wanted
There's so much fucking idiocy and ignorance in this thread.
There's no such thing as a drug problem, only the ugly symptoms of a broken society. There is no such thing as addiction, only self-medication with socially undesirable substances. Drug dealers aren't pushing poison, they're selling medication to those who can't heal the disease. Duerte is covering up the symptoms of his broken, diseased country and thinking that's fixing something, supporting him is supporting an ignorant murderer. The only way to fix drug addiction and stop the drug trade is it fix the material conditions that causes people to turn to it, if you're unwilling to do that, you can at least legalize it so that it's not flooded with crime.
Comedy gold!
Actually is like Holla Forums if Holla Forums read books.
Duterte is actively fighting the communist guerillas (NPA) and the communist party of the phillipines, he is basically a fascist reactionary. All you 'marxists' praising Duterte are fucking just as stupid as those who praise Assad, maybe more
Marxists praising Duterte are far more worse than those who praise Assad.
This. Assad at least fights terrorists and actual imperialist and Islamist influence. Deuterte has done nothing of that sort.
filipino here, living in the philippines, this fascist can go fuck himself. he's not even economically left, just someone who is authoritarian. most, if not all addicts who get shot are lumpenproles, while a lot of upper class addicts/druglords get off with nothing more than a slap on the wrist (see the Peter Lim case)
most lefties i know despise him, its the right-wingers that are more pro-duterte