Why do leftists defend this guy?

Really boggles my neurons

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we don't. he's a ghoul

implying we do
h8 m8 gr8 b8 i r8 8/8

Either lurk more or get back in your cage, roach


Why does Holla Forums think leftists defend this guy?

we don't hes, a capitalist and Nazi fraterniser. Why do you defend the system which allows this guy to thrive? Namely, Capitalism

Because retards are really bad at distinction other than simply black/white my side/their side shit. Everyone who disagrees with them is one nebulous, homogenous group

this tbh, it pisses me off that they label anything left of neoliberal as communist
Just look at Corbyn

I didn't receive my Soros paycheck this month…
Anyone else?

I've seen Marxist pages say that "You Nazis think he's bad because he's more successful than you. He is in no way participating in any comspiracies whatsoever!" Even though it's well-known that he's funding organizations and institutions abroad for years

are you talking about facebook lmfao

jeet christ

Where do you think you are?

The admins there regularly browse leftypol. They say so themselves and they also post content form here

Yeah, organizations like femen and BLM. Wow. Soros is truly one of our most revolutionary comrades.

I challenge you to find us a single group of people on the left that defend him outside of the left-neoliberal sphere.

its facebook. the lowest of the low. the pond scum of the internet. im not surprised there's retarded faggots with this boards name on their tongue

Liberal dickweeds on NSAbook are stealing our memes.

What else is new?

Femen and BLM are only the top of the Iceberg lmao

The admins of what, facebook?

The pages

So can I make you answer for anything anyone to the right of me says? Hey, why do you agree with literally everything Sargon says?

I figured as much. But my point is the organizations he funds are either outright liberal or pushing a liberal agenda.


Marxist pages using the word "successful" to describe a capitalist? Sorry, but I find this very hard to believe.
Though Holla Forumsyps do have a tendency to describe social-democrats and liberals as LITERAL MARXISTS.

The admins on these pages are browsing leftypol, so they are part of you
Sargon is a Lolbertarian and is not an ebil Nazi, so he's theoretically not part of Alt-Right

There are people who post interracial porn on Holla Forums. Are they a part of the alt-right community?


there's a high chance they're Holla Forumsacks who shitpost for the (You)s

Lmao no fucking shit. And I bet Sargon's been on Holla Forums once or twice. Somehow I don't think proof of that would make you take up his ideas

Oh, and no one uses retarded labels to argue here so you can chill the fuck out with your persecution complex. I've debated self-described nazis and "racists" without using either of those terms, because I'm not a lazy anti-intellectual fuck.


I think you got Liberals and Marxists mixed up, lurk more

alright Holla Forums, but when will you answer for all the zionist neocons in your movement?

I'd be surprised if he didn't just make that shit up tbh

Lurk more in Holla Forums user

I'm not an American lmao

Tbh the alt-right is loosely defined, so I may agree with you there

Had I known, I would have taken screenshots
But this happened 2 months ago an I couldn't find the post

So you want us to answer for something that happens so infrequently that you'd have to go back 2 months on some fucking normiebook page to find it?

Yes. Thank

I think you understand things now anyway. Literally nobody here defends Soros. It would be like a nazi defending a jew. He would certainly not be a nazi at all. The same is true for self-proclaimed socialists who defend Soros. They are certainly not socialists at all, but liberals who enjoy socialist aesthetics.

Tbh yeah, it kinda made me respect you more

Why do rightists support foreign interventions?
Why do rightists cozy up to the gulf states, sponsors of international terrorism?
Why can't rightists balance a budget? They always end up deficit spending to fund the tax cuts they give to the rich?
Why do rightists hate organized labor so much?

For the last time, I'm not a burgerlard

every continent has its fair share of zionist neocons


And EU politicians, which are essentially leaders of US vassals

Something unrelated:
How do I set my flag? I wanna have a Nazbol GANG flag


Click "show post options & limits"
Click the dropdown box
Scroll until you see "Nazbol"
Click it
Welcome to ==THE MF NAZBOL GANG==


he's a rich liberal jew, that's pretty much nazi-bait for all their "international financier" bullshit

At least tell us the name of that page.

I don't think that page exists anywhere outside user's head

He signs our paychecks for protesting and posting here with bots to make cultural marxism look more appealing. Same with shilling on Holla Forums and the donald trump subreddit.

He is the direct cause for many kike deaths in WW2. Pretty cool in my book to say the least. Hail Soros. Hail hitler.

The only people that think Leftists defend Soros is Holla Forums.

We hate that Cappie faggot.

I don't understand the 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧fixation🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 on this guy.
Soros is just one in the thousands of billionaires and multi-millionaires who invest serious money in politics.
A half-dozen of billionaires own the vast majority of French mainstream newspapers and TV stations, and it's not because they are profitable ventures in the Internet age. One of them is a right-wing senator who even said workers should sleep at their workplace like in China once on TV.

I don't he's scum and deserve the gulag.

Conspiracy theories about Soros have existed for literally decades, the 2016 election cycle didn't create them, it only popularized it on the internet.

…you have no fucking idea what "leftist" actually means, do you?

Nice pic

Who do you think pays for all the lefty protests and events?

tech/entertainment/banking corporations.