I don't understand the point of this board.
If you like marxist/leninist communism so much why don't you emigrate to north korea?
I don't understand the point of this board
I don't fuck with gooks
I'd rather not be gunned down on the streets for not looking asian enough
take heed lads
1/10 made me respond
That doesn't happen that often though, it sounds odd, i know, but North Korea actually does accept a very limited number of tourists and does accept immigration depending on circumstances
I'm serious, North Korea is heavily influenced by marxist/Leninist theory
If you like capitalism so much why don't you just become a billionaire?
Try harder next time, Americunt.
Here, have a reply
That's a false equavalence, the correct equavalence would be "If you like capitalism so much why don't you just emigrate to america or europe?". And well, the answer is, many people do actually emigrate to those countries
Jesus fuck you're a salty nigger, and i'm not even american
They recently purged the word "communism" from their juche texts. They do not give a fuck anymore. In fact most people here will tell you they never did understand or care
If you're serious, read the sticky
If not, please neck yourself
so you're saying it's real communism?
1. North Korea isn't communist.
2. If you like Capitlaism why don't you go to Somalia?
Back to Holla Forums, kampfy.
DPRK is literally ethnonationalism. If they were germans and not koreans Holla Forums would be worshiping them.
I don't know Holla Forums, seems right up your alley
Holy shit you guys really are like those Holla Forums memes
Are you retarded?
Do you enjoy sucking Holla Forumss cock this much or are you just being a faggot for the sake of being a faggot?
They literally don't even call themselves communist. They are basically Asian Nazis, they believe in racial superiority and everything.
Somalia is actually doing much better in a state of anarchy than it was when it had rules and shieet. Still a shithole though.
So if an actual communist state purged the word communism from their texts it wouldn't be communism anymore despite fitting 100% with the definition?
But the point is it doesn't
So purging communism from texts was 100% irrelevant? Why did you even bother bringing it up then?
I mean fuck it I'm a syndicalist not a communist, but fucking hell, you're retarded.
It just shows how they don't even consider themselves communist
North Korea isn't communist.
i accidently forgot to type "not", i didn't bother to rectify it because i figured nobody would be retarded enough not to understand the context
I'm not even a Holla Forumsack or anything, i just go there for the memes on occasion same like this board
There's a difference between identifying as something and actually being it. It's not a matter of "real" communism, it's a matter of whether it actually is communist.
I didn't even saw anyone talking about Castro in this thread, lmao.
OP, you're still retarded even when you're just "pretending". You know that, right?
So if a communist state does actually consider themselves communist but removes instances of the word communist from their textbooks to deceive idiots into believing they are not actually communists then they are not actual communists?
Let's ignore the BS around "communist state"
Whether or not they purged the word from their texts or not is not relevant really, if they did everything else proper.
Thing is, if they purged it from their texts, that means they are trying to keep people from learning about it, which means that they actively hinder the process of the people becoming class conscious.
This is a very bad idea to do if you want to build communism.
Remember to sage bait threads.
But it's true you they haven't ended a capitalist mode of production and they aren't intending to either
Pic related do this before criticizing something you know nothing about
Oh ok, so you are retarded.
I'm ready to ejaculate OP, are you ready for the load you delusional faggot?
That's not even me you faggot, you do realize there's multiple people here don't you?
pic related
Well if your that lazy to read even the short things than just use wikipedia google.co.uk
North Korea hasn't and isn't trying to end this mode of production so they aren't communist
color me surprised
Because north korea isnt communist.
Lurk moar then
No communist, anarchist or otherwise, would ever make the claim that attempts at reaching communism have never been tried before. The real question is if a classless, currencyless, marketless society based on production for use where the means of production are held in common has been achieved in the modern day, which it has not. Are you making the the claim that North Korea has achieved this? Because that is the real issue, not the term "communism". A rose by any other name…
Your political opinions hold no value whatsoever
We are anarchists you illiterate weeb
I don't want ML as it has been implemented so far, because it's resulted in the government starting to use its power to jerk itself off rather than improve the lives of its people, and intellectual stagnation as people avoid rocking the boat by introducing new ideas. I want an ML state that respects the right of the people to disagree and revolt against it from the get-go, which so far has not been implemented.
Moreover, I love my country and want to improve the lives of its people, not selfishly move out just because something I want is elsewhere.
That's the problem…
If you like the free market so much why not move to Somalia?
OP should first explain why he thinks the DPRK is communistic instead of strawmanning. I can guarantee he won't because people who engage in such basic "criticism" don't know what they are talking about and thus can't really explain why. It's just retarded hearsay.
Saged, hidden, and reported
This thread reminds me of talking to my high school dropout trucker uncle whose entire ideology has been given to him through the filter of right wing talk radio.
"Comunist huh? That means you love Satan and killing people who work harder than you."
Why don't I emigrate North Korea here?
Obviously a /lefytpol/ meme. There is no way that Holla Forumsyps know what hegemony is.
well, we not that anymore
don't belive all the propganda about the republic of korea