Is there any truth to the 'Gen Z is right wing' meme. I mean, they'll face similar economic circumstances as millenials, precarious labor and debt bondage and all that, so why would they end up voting against their own self-interest? I find it hard to believe they'll really be a whole generation of submissive cucks who will bend over for porky.
Gen Z
No, there isn't any truth. And you shouldn't buy into any evidence to the contrary because things like this can become self-fulfilling prophecy.
From what I've seen, Gen Z is either going to be far left or get fed up and go for the center.
But we really have yet to see.
The basis for the idea that Gen Z is conservative is based on a narrow measure of their viewpoints that were classically considered to be conservative positions.
The problem is that the entire dynamic of what used to define conservatism vs liberalism has changed. I think that Gen Z has some conservatives for sure, and that a lot of them have beliefs that used to hold to be conservative, but I believe they are something new, and just happen to agree with old fashioned conservatives about certain things. This DOES NOT mean they have embraced conservatism as a whole, far from it, in fact. It may be that they simply have decided what aspects of conservatism they view as viable and have rejected the entire rest of it. I don't think this is really all that different from Millennials actually. Millenials were the first generation to really break across the party lines and make up their own minds about specific issues, rather than holding ideologically to a hardline stance that dictates everything about what they believe and holding onto only what the group says is okay to believe.
They are actually going to be experiencing even worse conditions. That will help smack the reactionary youtube based politics right out of them.
Maybe we should wait until they're fucking adults before we see what political positions they hold?
Gen Z isn't even 20 yet I believe? The study in question was a handful of underage students and you'll excuse me if I don't take a singular study as evidence of anything.
Because porky has perfected his propaganda game and people are stupid and tame and have always voted against their own self-interest.
Gen Z is growing up on Youtube and Tumblr. They're going to be far more radicalized than any preceding generation.
fuck what if that tumblr vs Holla Forums shit is a preview of what mainstream politics will actually look like in the future.
No, there just right wing on social issues. They’ll become Tankies.
So they are going to be pants pissingly, dick-in-ear retarded?
The percentage of those in that generation who would interact with Holla Forums or other reactionary online things is negligible, as with any other generation. Taking that into account, the statement that 'Gen Z is right wing' can be treated as a meme, yet more white noise for the endless cacophony on imageboards.
You just need to realize that filthy porky has stolen glorious soviet motherland from you so you have to drive it back at all costs
No. They will be consumerists who don't give a fuck about politics - neither right-wing nor left-wing. Porky's perfect drones.
t. Gen Z
as a gen Z,I can confirm this is true
Aren't they like 10 still?
We thought the Millenials would be like this, but it turns out that going through several crises and poverty does get them thinking. Gen Z is going to have it even worse, so I expect some pretty virulent activists or revolutionaries coming out of it. They have a shot at achieving a significant upheaval. Millenials will be older by then; as sad as it sounds, the Occupy movement was their big student protest event.
This is quite true. There's less idpol and more focus on the lack of hope in regards to housing, education and employment. Young people today seem more likely to be attracted to the 'authoritarian' left. They certainly don't buy any bootstrap or free market bullshit as easily.
Depending on how you define Gen Z it starts anywhere from 1995 to 2000
I know they're socdems, but the voter base for Melenchon, Corbyn and Sanders speak for themselves
I think Z might be more right-wing than Y. We're facing a greater centralization/monopoly on info than Y did growing up. Also, Y are going to continue to look like a shitty generation, and I think a comparatively sizable portion of Gen Z are the children of Gen X (who often despise Y). Gen Y hasn't been having that many kids, and will have less influence over these generations.
Gen Y also probably isn't that left wing - mostly they're just pretty young. There are loads of people among them who don't even really comprehend liberal social ideas that they ostensibly defend let-alone hard leftist ideas.
That said, I remember what it was like growing up under Bush. Actually seeing what a Republican president acts like is a pretty important factor which will render any previous data somewhat obsolete. That's not even taking into account that it's Trump, an actual oblivious and incompetent billionaire who lost the popular vote living on inheritance and spewing arcane hatemongering nonsense. Gen Z are growing up in diversity and disparity and they won't find rhetoric on the right that reflects this. They're going to be told to hate their friends and ignore their economic situation inasmuch as it extends beyond cartoonish scapegoats.
I don't picture the future of Gen Z or Gen Y optimistically with regards to the left, but Gen Z isn't going to be particularly right wing in the context of history in general.
God that's depressing.
Since it's a Mainstream Meda meme it's probably false with small kernels of truth to it.
I think it's just the media soothing the nerves of porky little porkies.
Sheesh millennial are still pretty lumpenprole though, for all the shit they've been through they should be way more radical
Maybe it's just me but it seems like consumerist overall in the west is on the decline.
I would call gen z "conservative" in the normal sense, but they sure are different, if you've ever come across one, most are real no nonsense types, they see through bullshit real quick. See I used to know this "Gen Z" kid, his name was Ricky, he was young, but he had a heart of stone, and no matter what he did he worked his fingers to the bone. He was just barely out of school, and came from the edge of town, and despite being 12 years old fought like a switchblade so no one could take him down. He had no money,
No good life at home, and he walked the streets a soldier,
and he fought the world alone. Needless to say he's now serving time in prison at the age of 12 with life to go.
Whats gen z?
I dont keep up with these fads.