Communism can work but It needs white unity. Communism is by far the perfect ideology for a society of intelligent, educated, hardworking people with Christian values. People who are intrinsically motivated to help thy neighbour and serve their community. The only race who understands these values are whites. White people will help each other for no material gain, they understand that there is strength in unity. Collectivisation makes us all stronger, in evolutionary terms 5 people are more likely to survive a lion attack than an individual. It is in our self interest as the white race to form strong bonds against other forces. Other races simply do not understand this advantage and are in constant conflict with themselves and others. Capitalism's only true benefit is it keeps these non-whites in line and is a motivation for socially isolated white individuals to serve society as a worker. In a communal communist society made of only whites with strong ties, communism will allow us to advance beyond our wildest dreams. All we gotta do is get rid of the mudslimes and kikes.
Real communism
Other urls found in this thread:
Eat shit
You're none of those things. And you're not even white.
hows this image make you feel oh pee?
I am white
Moderately aroused
Die heretic.
peepee is stored in the balls
fuck wait I was supposed to type something there.
Wish they would have practiced these Christian values when they ran across the natives of the Americas.
No, you see it was justified because they were bringing god and civilization to those savage heathens.
This is true
This is a nazbol thread.
Autistic Screeching
I didn't have my glasses on, so at first I thought that the thread title was "Rectal Communism". Looks like the OP isn't so far off.
Deep throat a tailpipe, reactionary cake-boy.
Not a single argument here.
no arguments needed boyo
You do realize that white people with the same religion and the same god damned pope were warring against, slaughtering, backstabbing and deceiving each other for the better part of a millennia, right?
"All we gotta do is get rid of the mudslimes and kikes."
And this is why you are not a "real communist"
You're weak, lazy, reactionary and lack basic empathy, empathy being the basic principle of any functional communist society. I hope you can find it in yourself to improve.
Empathy is overrated and gets in the way of revolutionary goals
Empathy IS a revolutionary goal. One of the most harmful effects of capitalism and hierarchical systems is that it causes one to be alienated from, not just their labor, but human beings as a whole.
American Psycho showcases this quite well, that capitalism is the system that requires sociopathy for its function, and further, it shows that even the "successful" in such a system without empathy are just as miserable as those at the bottom.
Tits or GTFO
But I don't have breasts?
Wait I thought this was a shitposting thread
It is. All hail Ben the Nazbol.
Please tell me you are kidding