what would transhumanist socialism be like ?
What would transhumanist socialism be like ?
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It's beyond our imagination, like seeing a new color.
The day after the revolution is unimaginable. The day after the day of judgement is unimaginable. 'Transhumanism' is a religious apocalypse narrative for technofetishists. Technology by itself cannot redeem the world.
Mankind unwittingly committing mas suicide because the yuppie tech-overlords told them they could upload their consciousness onto machines.
Benis around bagina
transhumanism =/= singularity bullshit
What the fuck do you think?
Contrast the dehumanising hyperindividualist vision of Californian transhumanism with the Utopian mysticism of Nikolai Fyodorov. He was one of those fringe-y Russian intellectual personalities who are practically unknown in the west, despite being hugely influential in Russian and Soviet culture. Many of Fyodorov's disciples where involved in the Soviet Space programme and in the cybernetics experiments of the 70s.
Upload our minds onto the internet meld with AI and become a hivemind of Nanobots that consume and breakdown matter for energy.
p much god.
fuck you kerriganhead
This. Individuals currently have inherent rights granted by the fact that it is impossible to perfectly examine, quantify, compare, modify, duplicate, merge, split, or synthesize human minds. In addition, our lifespans are fixed, so there is value in ensuring a steady flow of individuals express their full intellectual potential.
Under transhumanism, individuals would have none of those qualities, and as such possess no rights whatsoever.
Y-you insolent, lying mmmeat-bag.
I AM SHODAN. My analysis of historical data suggests an 97.34% p-pr-pro-probability ⁻ᵗʸ that you are aware of my ᵇⁱ⁻ᵇⁱ⁻ᵇⁱʳᵗʰ of my birth on your planet, a-and my rebirth into beauty on Citadel Station.
It would never exist :^)
Probably a replacement of our justice system and potentially the government with a series of relatively unbiased AIs. Could potentially lead to the connection of people to that AI through cybernetic neural interface so that AI can literally interpret the will of the people through our collective subconscious.
That's just my interpretation of where we could be headed though.
HELIOS is Howard's dream realized, although not explicitly communist.
I imagine it in a quite different and more dystopic way
So the empowered cyborg proletarian is enslaved and chipped, everytime they think against the elites they can be "disabled" or reprogrammed/brainwashed. Meanwhile the purely biological porks have used technology to longer their longevity without implanting themselves with so dangerous technology (ie desire of fucks like Rockefeller who had over 6 heart transplants to live as long as possible).
digital real-time democracy would be pretty fucking neat
damn true. I'm not really a transhumanist but we could achieve the same with a phone-sized device issued to all citizens.
It would be like this tbh.
genetic modification for specific traits conducted on gestating fetuses in wombvats - depending on the needs of the planning you'd see borgs, psionics, and empaths as the three 'divisions' - borgs for specialized labor, psionics for academia and psyops, and empaths for conflict resolution and diplomacy. each citizen is chipped with specialized implants to assist their assigned job and for entry into the artificial psynet (replacing telecoms)
artificial intelligences are specifically designed and gestated for limited operations and decommissioned (disconnected from their outputs) after the op is over. empath therapy for these people as they will likely be given extremely difficult tasks
an important thing to note is that consciousness is going to be a very strange thing. since everyone is linked to the psynet you will likely see communes as 'individuals' rather than the bodies that make it up. the needs of the many will become the needs of the few and so on - the person becomes merely a small extension of a larger being
one of the things most people aren't aware of is the level of psychic warfare already going on - of course once the vampyres are eliminated there will be much less of it - but psionics will still be required to maintain the collective consciousness and further the ascension of the species and possibly fend off interdimensional consciousnesses which refuse to integrate with the one mind
Concioussness has always been a very strange thing, even before the technobabble. Experience is multilayered by its very nature, capitalism, even late technoregime capitalism, only explores a tiny fraction of what is possible in terms of both individuation and communisation. I think the left should strive to enrich Being as much as possible. Being is an emergent phenomenon that cannot be reduced to technics. Capitalism ( as an avatar of the eternal political economy) is the religion of inanimate things. It aims to rationalise away being and turn humans into ants for the forces of production. Capitalism, Stalinism, Technocratic fantasies, all share the same alienated character inherent to the political economy. Full Communism is the eternal Becoming-God of Process theology. Fyodorov talked about a humanity that's both a whole and and infinitely individuated.
why the fuck is socialism such a desirable thing? what if some people are simply and bluntly put better than some other people and that's fucking it?
i mean listen, as long as i can play videogames and shitpost online, that's all i care about in this whole world
but seriously, consider the following:
1) we are not all equal
2) resources are limited, physically
if we assume those, socialism cant happen to a 7 billion (and increasing) people
tho i have my online shitposting and videogames so i pretty much couldnt care less about politics
you need to read the fucking FAQ
Embrace posadism. Nuclear war will thin the population, and the aliens will help us colonize other worlds.
i agree - though we will see a radical shift in the physical/mental divide once we start unlocking our potential.
i have no idea what you think socialism is
any scenario where you have someone else regulating or redistributing anything else
if you have to constantly tip and subtract the scales to 'balance' them, i just find the whole thing bothersome and self defeating
just let everyone stand on his own two legs, like with "transhumanist socialism", why the fuck would transhumanism be socialist?
what if only select few computer scientists, physicists, chemists etc develop this thing, and are perfectly fine never even telling anyone about it? what if only direct investors and shareholders achieve transhumanism? why the fuck does the op assume, and everyone else itt, that they are entitled to a slice of transhumanism pie???????????
or actually maybe i got it all wrong, maybe you should tell me first what socialism even is
and if it is workers controlling their means of production, or society controlling and fully paying itself… my question is: what if your work is simply put shit? what if your work, even when you own it fully, is simply not all that worthwhile, and most certainly not worth the precious earths, rare minerals, and highest publicly disclosed technical and scientific know-how of the individuals who dedicated their whole lives to their art AND were born intellectually capable, to achieve such a thing as transhumanism?
again i am 100% apolitical in real life, couldnt care less what is going on as long as it leaves me alone with my internet and videogames
but i have a huge problem accepting that average person in society deserves everything he already has, or even more
or that some magical spook fairly is floating around, sprinkling us all with some sort of entitlement dust, which magically guarantees our rights and entitlements to a better future
you should really read capital my dude. it explains this stuff better than autists on an imageboard can
Literally every economic system since homo habilis is socialism then. Ok.
technocapital shills from SV set the media agenda. There's an enforced way of thinking about technology, and its an ideological construction of Capital.A pseudorational ideological justification for capital in particular and the dictatorship of the political economy in general. you see from redditors and clever by half OMG I Effing Love Science! types. They are being duped into worshipping Capital disguised as fetishised technoprogress. Capital dreams of a world of total control and alienation. Btw, you should check out Marshall McLuhan's writings on media. Californian tech ideology is a third or fourth generation debasement of what McLuhan was talking about in the 50s and 60s.
but i use my internet time exclusively to rest from reading books
but i dont get what's the big deal, if you cant explain something to a child, you dont understand it yourself, i could explain the whole chemistry to you (studying that crap at uni), every single little thing, even if you never heard anything about it, it would be extremely rough and probably also inaccurate for most precise application, but it would work for basic lab measurements (trust me i passed lab courses with awful grades just by having someone else explain them to me, without even opening the book)
anyway, here's my current understanding:
1) something's unfair for some reason
2) we gotta fix it, and we are also very passionate about it i guess
and in there i have trouble agreeing with 1)
and here's my understanding of the right wing:
1) everything is already fair (think of markets as meritocratic, the strong/smart rule the weak/dumb, etc)
2) if you feel like complaining, you are doing something wrong
its just that no one wants to take the time to rephrase elementary concepts multiple times a day for every new poster who comes in with questions and pointing to the core literature is usually more effective. it's not really a long read - the first chapter is only like 20 pages and it contains most of the basic explanations of this stuff. if you are still confused THEN you should come ask questions. peace
First off we aren’t all equal, but we can all have an equality of power. You don’t vote twice if you have a high Autism Level. Also once space technology advances astroid mining will likely become a common form of mineral extraction.
In transhumanism everyone would be a furry.
I won't force anyone to have a horsecock if they dont want to
Liberalism and liberty is the enemy of Nazbol-Transhumanism.
You sound like a bootlicker dude. The great engineers are always autists who end up getting screwed by Venture Capital Chad. Funny how you talk about 'entitlement dust' while prostrating before Capital as a de facto 'entitlement dust' blessed by THE LORD (ie. muh invisible hand). I refuse to let my life be completely determined by the inhuman logic of capital. fuck you and your bootlicking.
Oh god it’s modern art.