Just a reminder Holla Forums

Just a reminder Holla Forums

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dont let me catch you not saging again

MLs are not leftists.

Well they all died in the 20th century so it means fuck all to me.

I don't believe it. Mao wouldn't do that.

Classic Porky.

You got to think of something new though.

Good thing I'm an anarchist then. Also at the time of the Cuban gay killing being gay was still illegal in the US and to this day the US still has prison labour.

the Cuban government also legalized homosexuality much earlier than the US and provides hrt for free.

Good thing I don't support them


That's why Castro is my boy

Based on one thing he wrote when he was still in medical school. He changed his opinion later in life.

If research on homosexuality had been more advanced Stalin wouldn't have done what he did at the time.

Good, that means OP would have been shot first.

you're right, they would have ended homosexuality permanently in Eastern Europe and we would be at war with Putin right now over homo rights instead of natural gas and nuclear defense systems.

Take your meds

Thank god we aren't all MLs, and thank god Communism isn't the same as 20th century Marxism-Lenninism.

But why should a ancap care?

If there aren't any gays there won't be anyone to deny service to after they repeal the civil rights act


its true tho

so did many right-wing bastards, I'm not sure all people here support Stalin and Mao


lol didn't even know that part Liberals BTFO forever

it's not murder if it's legal.

Nothing wrong with being rigorous and methodical in your reasoning famalam
You maotists should try it sometime

You're implying it's a bad thing that Che,Stalin, and Mao murdered D E G E N E R A T E S such as gays. In fact if they were still around we probably wouldn't have any sickfuckers such as furries and horsefuckers around if the names in the photo were still alive now.

Better dead under red?

Also, OP, I think your image is supposed to be sent to the gays.


Not really even true. At least for the Soviet Union (and only after the adoption of the 1936 constitution), homosexuals were sentenced to 5 years hard labor, and in Stalin's time the same could be said of any Western nation.

So OP would be killed.

You should realize that this law was mostly against rapists and pedophiles, and those two groups overlapped with homosexuality a lot.

Since when do right wing reactionaries care about homosexuals?

Castro was the best revolutionary of the 20th century and it fills me with rage to see people eat up slander from the gusanos.

I know and am ok with that, now go and post that to r/socialism


That was Che not Fidel.

Fidel was begging Khrushchev to blow up the world in the Cuban missile crisis.

If he had we would have socialism now.

Yeah, nevermind all the missiles in Turkey that USA had ready to launch before the Cuban missile crisis.

I'm not gay tho

Doesn't matter. If Lastro had a nuclear button mankind would be living like worms, all because he's such a little baby boy and can't handle a potential invasion

Che Guevara did nothing wrong

The proletariat built the modern world. We can do it again. Nuclear apocalypse is preferable to capitalism.

Thank you, you can go back to your pen now >>>/liberty/

Lenin was Pro LGBT

Lenin was pro anime girls too.

Lenin was a fucking SJW.


He's right you know.

Who would have thought that perverted fetishists and degenerates would overlap with rapists and pedophiles?


Posadas pls go

Nah, I'm rather enjoying shitposting on the internet, ordering pizza when I want, going out with friends, etc. I understand capitalism sucks and things should be better, but I'm not a giant edgelord who is going to pretend apocalypse, suffering, and mass death is preferable to the present state me and the people around me find themselves in. I'm pretty sure you don't even believe your own statement.

not true, watch the fog of war

Normie redditcuck faggot


boy have I got some news for you

You do realize that the bourgeoisie have control over every country's nukes (exception DPRK of course) and will never cede power without violence right? Nuclear annihilation is coming even if we succeed.

Daily reminder that you cannot support leftism while also being in favor of decadence

Traps for Lenin

So true OP, when will these liberal commies understand?

If you didn't sage this post, you will be haunted by muh 100 million spooks.

I wonder why libertarians are not respected in any circle but their own circlejerks


Yes they are. What they aren't is socialists.

How is lesbianism a parasitical survival strategy?

who gives a fuck


Be the Change you want to see
Just because people back then saw one way, does not make it apply now.
I wanna fuck a trap so bad rn tbh

Lenin actually improved gay rights a lot so who are you kidding

Just gonna drop these here