another fucking garrison picture just came out
Another fucking garrison picture just came out
And just when I thought the number of labels were going down on his comics…
Jesus Christ, the right-wing is beyond saving.
Isn't there anything better to do a comic about?
The man seems to be obsessed with shillary.
How is he still so obsessed with her? She's irrelevant.
Because he's a moron.
The CFR shaped US cold war policy from 1945 to 1979. Is Garrison retarded?
When is Ben "bootlicker" Garrison gonna stop jumping to other issues and make a comic about Trump again? Remember that comic where you had a tug-of-war between Trump's grassroots campaigners and Bannon vs. Kushner and neocons? At this point he should give up on Trump already.
Do you even have to ask?
Someone should have a go at making this about May. Would also make it not about some crusty ass old shit no one cares about
Press can't stop doing puff pieces on her. I was hoping Hillary "Honduras needs helicopter rides" Clinton would stay out of the public eye, but I guess not.
Maybe he's one of those guys that think all american politicians are secretly accelerationist Trotskists. Trying to spread "globalism" and heighten the contradictions so that Marxs vision can finally come true.
not that he'd be wrong. Rest in peace Hitchens
Fixed it
the absolute craziest people are Hillary cultists. They don't even have coherent politics, they just identify with the leader to an unhealthy degree.
She is doing a very May-like expression in the comic
Thank god for this one I thought he was actually reducing his label count
Hey he just released another one, man he's working overtime!
don't forget to twit this at him
Please… Stop making a new thread each time a new comic appears. Just stop.
Maybe make one big thread for his comics and post new ones there whenever they come out.
Can you guys keep this to one fucking thread? May I suggest /leftytrash/? Or the other Garrison threads already up?
this, please fucking stop you guys are like twitter with the HP tweets from liberals. Just fucking get over it, Ben is a retard, Boomers are retarded and vaguely autistic when it comes to wit and humor, Right wingers have folksy dorky Germanic/Nordic sense of humor that's not funny to the Anglo-Franco-Judaic sense of humor that most Leftists have. Get over it. ffs
"big banks" is still there
what are 3 things Trump has done since and in some cases before taking office?
did he get so bootyblasted he misspelled CTR?
on behalf of everybody somewhat politically aware in 2000, fuck you hard, Ben
Why are they so hung up on random gaffes and social blunders from literally months ago? Seriously what the Hell is the point?
how is that her making excuses, they were in her pocket the whole time
no really Ben, everybody thinks he's relevant it's not just you and your echo chamber of retards
wow the Alt-Shite don't like it when they're at the receiving end of people calling everything they disagree with bullshit, heh
at this point he's run out of ideas and is padding it out with generic things he knows people dislike about Shrillery
When has she used the pneumonia as an excuse?
I'm assuming this is some other trivial non-incident that the Trumpies made a huge deal out of and tried to mine us for salt with but nobody else gave a fuck
Anybody else want to see how horrifying it would look if he drew porn?
why is this man tolerated
I think he might be doing a le witty zinger by saying Communist Federal Reserve
You've never heard Holla Forums and friends talk about Wall Street financiers bankrolling bolsheviks?
communist seems like just a buzzword in ameriga, doesn't really matter to them if they are communists or not.
How seriously is this guy taken in the US?
Does he have any presence other than internet shitposting on places like 4/pol/?
It's unfortunate how prevalent the Wall Street Bolshevik meme is, but I guess it's not surprising that white Russian propaganda prevails under the regimes of their reactionary supporters.
The worst thing about these comics is that at first they urge me to defend the strawmannend person, even though, like in this case, I find no agreement with them.
He's clearly agitated.
Not long now 'till he too is off the trump train.
Can't wait for Holla Forums getting triggered.
Ben is getting more sad that funny.
Kinda like CWC after the lumberjack died.
Normalfags don't really know about him
All people really look at is horsey here.
Literally why would she just say "DNC"?
this guy is so bad, really doesn't surprise that Holla Forums latches on to that shit, you got to suffer from highly dysfunctional autism to believe that this isn't low quality shit
This image does not work on them because it makes one huge mistake:
Assuming Holla Forumsacks and Nazis in general care about consistency and logical validity. They don't sweat to say it's both true while siding fully on capitalism in action while pretending to be socialists in their phrases.
They suffer from the most schizophrenic ideology out there.
Everyone I know who's retweeted a Garrison cartoon is a retard
The excuse I always hear is that da joos are so conniving and unscrupulous they will snake their way to the top of any system.
She's irrelevant now.
Garrison and weird Twitter are just trying to make a cottage industry out of beating up in her now instead of addressing bigotry of the garden variety conservative that elected Trump in the first place