Explain why we haven't converted more STEM to the Communist cause yet?
Philosopher King
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I'm sorry, what?
Watch the video
Fuck off, just because we're more than irrelevant doesn't make us dead. Fuck empiricism, philosophy is king.
Absolute madman. But it's peak lifestylism. I wish him luck with his fusion reactor, tho.
Well, it is not that hard of a question, to be honest. STEM majors have a tendency to study a subject because of the money they can earn with it, so socialism and especially communism would go against their ways.
There are of course exceptions to this rule, but they seem to be quite rare. Only thing I noticed with STEMs is that have way less faggy liberals than liberal arts, but way more libertarians and neoliberals. Think "I'm gonna be the next Elon Musk hurr durr."
You need to drop this whole anti-STEM nonsense, yeah we know theres lots of reactionary people in STEM. But they are also extremely useful, class conscious engineers/physicists/chemists can get shit done and fix the technologically related problems we will face in the future.
too bad he will have to halt the project due to a staircase injury
I think "HURRDURR I WILL CONTROL DA FUTUR FUK OFF LAZY WORKERS" in STEM is solely an American and Slavic thing. STEM, especially the T and excluding the M, where I am, has a fairly strong left lean. I have never met a techfag who was not at worst a social democrat, excluding one faggot who jerked off over Trump and the US.
Do not exist. They all have the "someday, I will own this boot" mentality
Where I live I have met the most neoliberals in Engineering, especially in software and computer Engineering. The best I've found was an outspoken social democrat who I am mildly suspicious of because of his claim of having read Capital.
STEM is shit. Fuck STEM, maybe it's an American thing, but it just seems to breed classcucked faggots who can't wait to affix their throats to the penises of profit.
There's nothing wrong with engineers or mathematicians, but STEM has got to go.
To give context: I live in Texas. This probably has something to do with it.
Go fuck yourself STEM shitter. Fucking Big Bang Theory ass faggots talking down to every single person they meet because they are worthless losers who nonstop talk about muh bootstraps.
If communism gave me a compsci lab I would happily work for our common cause, more so than for academic or corporate success. Just give me a medal and an honorary title will ya?
All it takes is a pat on the back? Easy.
At the very least you're going to have to work with and use the knowledge that people who have studied in the STEM field have right?
I mean do you personally know how to:
build a bridge?
build a hydro electric dam?
Plan a centrally organised economy using cybernetics?
Develop Nuclear fusion?
Filter and distribute clean water?
Automate agriculture?
Fuck off with your disingenuous bullshit post, faggot.
What's disingenous about that post?
This is the most stupid thing I've read today.
STEM will ideally prosper under socialism as it will no longer be restricted by the capitalistic perversion of creating profit.
Engineers in my experience are full-blown bootlickers/borgies. I often hear stories about how they willingly implement measures that will guarantee that a product will only last as long as its warranty, making it break and forcing the consumer to purchase a new one afterwards.
The fact that I already addressed that point and you just completely ignored it, probably on purpose. Fag.
Oh look, another one.
You just seem upset LOL, are you a luddite or something?
Call a psychoanalyst immediately you fucking schizophrenic. Stop shitting up the thread.
I think you mean "America needs to go"
You got a tldr of that video I'm on mobile
Is there some other meaning associated with STEM in Burgerland? Just because i see that burgers are very triggered when they hear that word and i don't know why. I learn engineering and i don't want to be rich or the new Elon Musk, i learn it because i want to design buildings or other structures one day. Most of STEM students (at least the ones i know about) learn what they want to do later.
This is not an incorrect answer.
It's my fault you can't read?
Is that the dude who made that killer hectopod?
Is it my fault you behave yourself like an angry autistic child?
Not really sure, never heard about a killer hectopod.
Here is his website if you want to check it out:coultersmithing.com
But I was never in STEM, user.
So easy to spot a STEMfag, even if they are leftists and not right libertarian types because they are too autistic to see a distinction from people who hate autistic fedora classcucked STEMlords and STEM itself.
You, you are the person creating this strawman.
No one here has created any problems regarding STEM except you.
Please just go away if you won't be productive to this thread
Unless there's another poster using your flag, you did exactly what I described in responding to that user's post. user insults STEMlords about how so many of them are right libertarian porky defenders and you immediately have to chime in to there defense, as though he is saying STEM fields should be abolished. Seek help for your debilitating autism.
You don't have a reasonable criticism, its just an irrational anger at an idea that you have created.
The other user was correct, you may have schizophrenia please get some help.
Damn, I better go tell every wannabe porky STEMlord I have ever met in compsci classes that they are just a figment of my imagination.
This downloaded communism contains malicious malware.
Math major master race here.I think a lot of STEM people could actually be drawn into radical leftism do to the greater freedom of research and offering more/better education. Just cool it with the a continental philosophy and the anti-positivism a little bit.
Engineers/CompSci students are wannabe petite bourgeois faggots though.
Stalin said that 'The capitalist is riveted to profit; and no power on earth can tear him away from it. Capitalism will be abolished, not by “organisers” of production, not by the technical intelligentsia, but by the working class, because the aforementioned strata do not play an independent role. The engineer, the organiser of production, does not work as he would like to, but as he is ordered, in such a way as to serve the interests of his employers. There are exceptions of course; there are people in this stratum who have awakened from the intoxication of capitalism. The technical intelligentsia can, under certain conditions, perform miracles and greatly benefit mankind. But it can also cause great harm.'
This is why we need the 'technicians' on our side to forge a new society.
I think they're a bunch of pretentious autists.
I'm in STEM.
Yes there are a lot of reactonaries. No, we're not all neoliberals or libertarians.
i'll be hated for saying this but i always believed that majority of 21st century workers cant even be exploited because they are all so useless and worthless:
if we hanged every single one of them, the world would be a better place, 99% of them have 0 practical usage value and are there just to loot and parasite off of working people thanks to their connections
utterly worthless, should all be killed
99% of them economize nothing but debt and monopolization and profits, they too produce nothing of real life value while taking away huge chunks out of working people
99% of these fucks literally bend the law, they are a mix of politician and economist, rigging the system every time they can for the sake of profiteering on the losses of a common working person
i'd actually just continue ignoring these, half of them seem to be on suicide watch anyway since they are trying not to starve
but hey, some people love them, so I dont care, let them be for the sake of those people I guess..
these are kinda my heroes actually, i wish these guys all the best
they do proper work in our society, and they receive a proper pay, and live proper lives
it's just that they could live even better in socialism, their work is worth a bit more
these people are actually not even exploited according to me because there is nothing to exploit
yes they are poor, but this is not injustice or a bad thing, these people actually deserve poverty because
1) their work isnt all that valuable or productive
2) they are all chronically inefficient
3) most of them are paying stupidity tax (gambling), drinking, substance abuse, are on at least 10 different opiums for the masses….
they are stupid and have low problem solving ability
now i respect these, i really do, but 90% of them are welfare queens that never saw any combat
and now finally
i think that these are the guys Marx should have called the exploited workers
they all live very well, so they dont care about politics
but THEY generate MOST of our security, and economy, and our comfort, and culture even, and EVERYTHING of value
ALL of their work is PURE VALUE
This guy is based and I want everyone to be able to experience humanity as this man does.
Watch this
Kill yourself or read a fucking book already you goddamn shitposter.
Hi Bizarro Ayn.
thank you user, that link seems like something very interesting, just read the description but looking forward to seeing it
tho i doubt that i will change my worldview easily
i have seen things
i have seen the arcane math
i have seen storage facilities and manufacturing plants, working without a single living soul inside
i have seen drones carrying small loads
i have seen farms, with drones above them taking pictures, with computer analyzing the pictures, and with another wave of drones flying and applying pesticide
my autism is now well fed, well supplied, and firmly entrenched
and i know what i must do
They're going ot get a payng job
if i sounded like i was shitting on the poor to much, or that i would genocide them if i could
i'd just provide them books to become engineers too
i think the first step of communism is to build public libraries
filled with technical books, manuals, and scientific papers
they should vary from total fucking retard tier, where everything is explained in exhaustive detail with colorful pretty pictures,
to dry minimalist black and white sterile kind with no illustrations
so instead of doing utter fucking bullshit, gambling, pointless counter productive pretentious mental masturbations worthless postmodern "intellectual" work, or politics, or profit economy, or you fucking name it
they could start uplifting themselves
and before you know it everyone would bask in its glory
everyone would talk the language of the movement of the planets and bodies, everyone would understand, everyone would see the beauty
You forgot your flag.
Generalization is retarded, I'm in STEM because I see it as a way to be qualified to solve tomorrows problems, I'm doing STEM to go into the public sector no matter the pay because I feel that's the sector which can alleviate the most suffering.
First of all, this motherfucker is Based as all hell, I'd hang with him in a heart beat. Second of all, "Libertarian Communism" is honestly the only way we're ever going to get Communism here in Burgerstan.
Piss off.
Holy shit we need to kill stemfags
I'm not a language policing bitch but I fucking hate this term even ironically. If you're even being ironic, which few MATH MAJOR 300K STARTING people are.
STEMlords can fuck off, period. I don't know why being good at following directions (math) gives you fuckers such a god complex. None of you are independent anyway, you all require a master to carry out their orders. Then you jack each other off over how you saved humanity by engineering another commodity no one needed, a method of stealing more money from the poor to give to the rich, or a product of war that someone will die from. What a fucking hero.
I forgot a word.
That word is solely.
I… Do you understand what being a mathematician, engineer or computer scientist entails?
you have never in your whole life did any mathematics, and it shows
calculation isnt mathematics
calculation isnt even the lowest of the low babby math tier
mathematics is a unique way of seeing the world, only mathematically literate people can understand things in such a… universal way
math being more applicable to problem solving than literally anything else the man has ever even imagined isnt even why we do it
mathematics is like sex, you dont do it just for the practical reason
that's because god is a mathematician :^)
Checked. No need to jizz yourself over math, my good fellow stem man.
user no
All communism is libertarian you braindead faggot.
Opinion discarded
newfag or falseflag, hmm..
What a fucking legend.
Look, most of your life you're going to be following the direction of a superior. You're not going to be a self-made billionaire, you're not going to inspire millions, you're not going to solve some massive problem (certainly not on your own, and god knows your type can't work with other people) or do anything really of value to anyone except serving yourself and your boss. STEMlords are the easiest people to exploit because none of you can see beyond your computer screen. If you land the dream job at Google, you'll happily go along and improve their data collection program on citizens. If you get to intern at Boeing, you'll be honored to engineer a jet engine that will allow the government to kill brown people thousands of miles away faster.
Yeah, you guys CAN do great things. But you won't. You'll get a job you'll end up hating like everyone else, working for porky for long hours, and wondering where that dream you had of being a PHILOSOPHER KING went. Ironically your delusions of grandeur about yourself and your abilities supersede your "muh logic and reason" ideology.
Also learn to stop typing like a fucking drunk 17 year old from Slovenia who just aced his freshmen math exam. It's fucking cringy and embarrassing you child.
COINTELPRO or Holla Forums
wew lad
go ahead and get yourself an internship or a grant, do a scientific work once in your lifetime (pro tip: you wont) and see for yourself that mathematics and hard science are different from all other 'just follow orders' things
which is why it so much more successful than everything else humanity ever did
go back to sitcom stereotypes with pre recorded laughing in the background pls, that's all you are good for
but I speak 6 fucking languages, even if we count swedish, danish and norwegian as one and polish and russian also as 1
you are the reason we seem uppity, the rest of you people are comparatively god damn fucking retards
Haha very funny.
Google is anything but a dreamjob
Come back to me when you speak more than one language fluently, american.
We CAN do great things, unlike useless pieces of shit like you who only try to stomp other people into the ground for no good reason.
Yes. That has already been stated. But you won't, will you? You're too busy gurgling on porky's dick for your dreams of petit-bourgeoise
Anyone can have delusions of grandeur or be a useful idiot for porky, this happens to people who study all kinds of subjects. I don't see how this is exclusive towards STEM.
Which is why I am a socialist, but your attitude isn't going to help win others to our side.
As I said before many people can be useful idiots of porky, philosophers probably due more to ideologically protect capitialism then most stem folks.
ad hominem ;)
do you understand what these words mean
Once again, we can see the typical derailment of a thread dediated to an important topic.
Instead of trying to get more actual STEM (not the STEMlords) on our side, we just got even more insignificant infighting about which STEM subject is more autistic and bourgie than the others.
The original question was why we haven't converted more STEM. I guess it is exactly because of the autists on our side of the "spectrum" which turns potential allies away from us; instead of convincing them with logics / theory / reason / hope for a better and technologically advanced future we just shit over each other and act on almost the same intellectual level as Holla Forums.
OP just got ignored for the sake of showing the world our glorious understanding of left unity, especially when it comes to the triangle STEM, liberal arts and workers.
Congratulations Holla Forums, with that pace we will have revolution in a few centuries, when our corpses have rotten away in the garbage bin of history.
Whatever you say mate.
The answer is because we have stupid twats like
I would like to add that not only are such people as hurting leftist tendencies in STEM, but also that their autistic outcries against those "STEMfaggots who can't work with ordinary people" damages the already cracking image of science, engineering etc. in the general public.
I guess we should just ignore those braindead shitposters, as even a lot of liberal arts students know about the importance of STEM, it's just the other way round that it doesn't work that well.
TL;DR NEET shitposters are just angry, STEM needs to get more exposed to liberal arts and vice versa.
Well, actual STEMs are very practical and pragmatic people. Let me give you an example:
A STEM asks a leftie for a job:
STEMfag: k, sounds good, I like it, where's the PO box, you know, where's the physical address of this thing, when do I start, what do you want me to do exactly?
A STEM asks a porky for a job:
STEMfag conclusion is very obvious. To be STEM is literally to do jobs, to solve problems, to be employable. STEMfags dont have a problem with capitalism. Are STEMfags exploited? They dont even fucking know, they dont even fucking care.
A STEMfag produces so much value, he'd have to hire someone to count his fucking money to figure out if he is being exploited or not.
Note: I realize this is like 10% of the most successful defense and oil/energy industry STEMs, but academia and regular STEMs dont have time to complain either.
Important question: How can we eliminate pretentious retards like from the left while increasing the number of STEMlords and compsci lovers who will be enlightened by our god and saviour Cockshott?
Fuck you man I am in a perpetual state of anger because of capitalism.
The only reason we make more money than avarage and get perks is because of the sheer mismatch between the number of people required and the number of people available. In 10 or so years, when all of india will be through higher education, fields like programming will get a massive hit in their pay, and the same will happen to engineers. At that point we will be in the same position as any other wageslave, with strict deadlines and shit pay.
If those Indians will be as shit at programming as they are now, then I wouldn't worry too much.
Exactly that is the problem with the current situation of STEM. Due to their (often) pragmatic nature, (many) STEMfags want things to be clear and to get them done without uncertainty. Porkies know about the danger of class conscious STEMfags and try to convince them with safe jobs, more leisure time and a great salary compared to workers so they don't even think about being exploitet, striking etc.
As revolutions necesseraily bring turbulent times, many STEMs just do not see something to gamble with in it.
Maybe it is exactly that which could bring class conciousness to STEM? Not having a guaranteed safe, well paid job might spark revolutionary thoughts in those fields.
Well thats the thing, once they actually get education they will be less shit. Most of the indian programmers today learned programming through self learning and fucking about, but if they completed college or something they will have a much stronger foundation focussed on good programming practices.
I am actually interested in this. STEMfag here. I wonder what exactly do I have to gain from liberal arts. I have never stepped in a museum.
Here is what my work is about and what it looks like. First one is a closed form kind of thing, which means it can be computed eventually. Other one is about missiles.
Calculating things in closed form let us, well, calculate things (a lot of equations might not have a solution, closed form is usually a good indicator a problem can be solved eventually)
Second one is about missiles. You know, things providing tactical, operational, and strategic security.
Now what in the name of actual fuck do 'liberal arts' give to me? I actually had some free time once. And guess what, I used all of it on.. "high culture", on classical novels, on art, I even dated a chick that studied art at the university (not like there is an art licence, waste of time imo, you can just fucking go and do art, that bitch is a future welfare case for sure) and I really wanted to get into it.
I honestly wanted to see what millions of people can easily see, but I cant. I wanted to take part in, to participate, to try out, to see for myself.
But I concluded that it was all just pure pretentious bullshit. If all artists died tomorrow, I dont know if I'd noticed. I can just dismiss it all, without consequence. I found quite a few things likeable and meaningful, and I bought quite a few books (the expensive paper editions) of the works I liked, but 90% of all liberal arts I have seen were pure pretentious bullshit, and even the good ones were just.. a hobby, an activity to do AFTER all the work got done, a thing to do in old age, a thing to rest and relax in time that allows this.
How can any thinking, self respecting person have such hobbies as a main priority? How overly sheltered, entitled, and secure do you have to be to think a fucking hobby can be a main occupation of your life??????????????????????????????
kek, ever seen indian software? pure bloatware, compiling indian software for any serious purpose should be declared sacrilege
the second picture is wrong, ment to put this one
what a load of bullshit
Yes. Right now. Over time as people actually get proper education this will improve. Right now any indians with good programming skills emigrate to work in europe or america. But in the future there will be more and more people there who actually do know how to program.
i have seen people protesting and getting kicked out by cops from places where the rent increased like 300% because a whole bunch of stemfags decided to move in, who could easily pay, and more and more stemfags kept coming in to the city and more and more non-stems kept getting excluded, marginalized, and basically moved to a ghetto since their jobs were non-essential
marx was wrong tho, history wont go
feudal warlods => merchants (capitalism) => communism
history is clearly going like
feudals => merchants => stemfags
and anyone half decent in his field doesnt have any problems with capitalism at the moment, hell half of the engineers i've met played stocks out of a hobby, they wanted something to do, they knew the math, so they decided to invest their extra cash themselves
most lost the money but it wasnt anything serious, oh well
It already happened, the USSR had some of the most brilliant Microbiologists and Physicians.
Well, I did not mean that you should force something you ultimately don't like to become your hobby or interest, I just wanted to point out that STEM and the liberal arts should try to see the flipside of the coin instead of staying ignorant of the other subjects. There are a lot of people who just pre-emptively say "Hurr durr science" or "Hurr durr arts" without even taking a look at those things or trying to understand it.
If arts are not yours, I can completely understand it, it would just be a shame to dismiss everything just because they think of it as shit that did not contribute to History and culture.
That is the main problem here. Many artfags fail to grasp the importance of learning something that does not just help them criticize anything they see but also to make changes, be it in government, politics or environmental questions.
In my opinion, in actual socialism that would not be that big of a deal, because everything that does not directly further human development would necessarily become a hobby and not a job to invest time in different subjects, as problem-oriented working would be the norm.
Forgot to add that those artfags who do not WANT to work something with practical use, be it on an academic level or just in the form of helping out fellow workers is an actual problem.
STEM Holla Forumsack here
Just having a laugh about how can you claim we put feels over reals and diss STEM as reactionary
Hey look, it's a nazi poster.
Don't worry, I won't be going with the "argument invalid" thing.
Did you even read my post? It is not that long. I never said STEMfags are reactionary, just that they have a TENDENCY to put more interest in personal gain instead of contributing to society, which is actually what the biggest part of Holla Forums would see as natural.
And now don't tell me about societal thinking in Not Socialism, the Third Reich was actually full of STEM opportunists who went with the current political situation EXACTLY because of personal gain.
Your thinking those in applied science such as engineering. People who work in theoretical science are bout to universities and state programmes and do it for knowledge itself.
This is actually getting really annoying, there are extremely reactionary people even in the liberal arts, albeit to a lesser degree.
I don't know why the anti-STEM idiots in this thread are bringing anecdotal nonsense here. No one gives a shit about how Ted laughed at you and called you mean names.
This generalization is unproductive and needs to stop. There are a wide range of people with different political and economic beliefs in all the fields that cover Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
The fact of the matter is, in order to develop communism from our current material conditions we need STEM on our side, they are extremely useful.
I am mostly referring to applied sciences when talking about STEM because they are a big majority. Of course theoretical scientists predominantly work for the sake of knowledge itself, but those who work in the "industrial sector" of STEM are to quite a big part just not that interested in the strange machinations we call society.
But I'm glad that you are actually discussing the topic, not used to that from naziposters on Holla Forums.
Tankie spotted
Yes, we need them AFTER the revolution have been implemented and they don't have a choice but to be part of our vision that society should be. Until then, the majority of them are porky-wannabes, that should be laughed out of the public square. Remember, Lenin didn't use engineers. He used the working people, technicians, people with practical skills. It wasn't until well after the Soviet revolution was secured that engineers and STEM people had their place
You dumbass only 33% of men and 14% of women of the population was literate in 1917. There was no industry to be built during Lenin's time because the five year plans had yet to be enacted.
Who do you think designed the hydro electric dams, magneto gorsk, grain elevators etc?
Also good fucking idea to alienate some of the most intelligent and helpful members of society. What the fuck is liberal arts going to contribute to a revolution?
How many years have you been doing this for?
The engineers. AFTER the revolution was secured from the threat of counter-revolution
Whose majority does not support or actively oppose our ideals. Petit-bourgies, the whole lot of them
As much as STEMlord would, i.e., absolutely nothing. The useful people in a revolution would have practical skills. Knowing how design a missile or a dam or a powergrid has no use to a revolution in its first moments.
are you an anprim or just actually retarded?
I'm a revolutionary that don't buy into the myth of working with people that will stab your back at the first opportunity for the sake of "usefulness".
you should go to Rojava or Donetsk and just tell them what they need is more people with liberal arts degrees, not engineers to build roads, construct villages or repair dams. I'm sure they'll agreem
Dumb lenin poster. Kill yourself
Is far past the point of revolutionary inception and its initial struggles. They already have land under their hold. They already have a population that supports them. The threat of internal counter-revolution it's minuscule right now. That is the point when a revolutionary effort (notice the difference, dumb lenin poster) needs those kind of people and when those kind of people have no choice but to work for them, otherwise opposing the new status quo would be disadvantageous to them.
That's the point. STEMlords are opportunists and conservatives, through and through. Until we change the status quo to that of a leftists praxis,l they will most likely work to oppose uor ideals
STEM are opportunists and coservatives because I say so, anecdotal evidence is the best evidence!! Empiricism BTFO!!
Your vindictive hatred for STEM is not going to convince anyone else. You just seem bitter at your irrelevance, keep whining all you like. Meanwhile we'll be building the future
The fuck is going on ITT. Rejecting STEM doesn't mean anprim and it doesn't mean libarts faggotry either. It's community colleges over bougie uni's. It's favoring tradespeople, mechanics, construction workers, people with actual real world skills over academic elites.
Wew. That sure showed me
lol, enjoy well deserved poverty
This thread is full of infuriated STEMspergs who can't handle any perceived attack on their only way to feel useful to anyone.
This thread is also full of idiotic morons who treat STEM as some kind of reactionairy fortress and as if studying STEM means you are automatically right wing and unredeemable.
STEM isn't some fucking elite bougie secret society. It's literally just a term for people with industrial, scientific, and technological skillsets. When you shit all over STEM you're not just shitting on rich college kids who work for porky.
Yes, mechanics, construction workers, etc. are very important. However, you're forgetting that both of these jobs rely on people with engineering knowledge to design and create the things that the others maintain and fix. I'm not shitting on anyonere here, I'm simply pointing out facts in the design process.
Programmers, engineers, scientists, mechanics, construction workers are all important at shaping an maintaining society.
STEMnerds get shit all the time though because their most useful and realistic application of skills under capitalism require them to work for porky. I mean shit, I've been programming since I was like 10 or 11. I'm not in it for the money (though it's definitely a plus), I do it because designing shit and solving problems is fun. Not because I want to deepthroat porky's cock.
Well, about the secret part, you're right
Ah, yes, all those STEM programs don't exist! Shit, how could I have been so blind?
You got that backwards. No one here is saying that STEMs make people into that. What everyone have been saying so far is that STEM fields have a tendency of attracting people like that.
You mean schools? That everybody can go to unless youre american in which case you cant even afford becoming a roadworkers?
This user is making a good case why STEMlord genocide needs to happen.
You dropped your flag, COINTELPRO.
Generalisations form anecdotal experience is completely nonsense. We already know that there are reactionary people in STEM. The point is trying to radicalize them and convert them to the communist cause. They are intelligent, they can quickly digest economic theory, they can find practical solutions to difficult problems. It's not the singer but the song that matters.
Best post in this thread and of course the fucking delusional STEM faggots in this thread get riled up, just proving his point about STEMlord delusions.
That's you, lmao. This is the most mean spirited derailment I've ever seen
Of course you're STEM, you clearly haven't met non-autistic people.
Get the fuck out of here Holla Forums.
fun fact: no one in stem is in it out of a hobby
yall non-stems chose hobbies
yall non-stems deserved your poverty
it's a fucking fact:
if you had to pick 10 people to crash with you on a deserted island, you'd pick doctors and engineers
everyone else exists solely thanks to the surplus of doctors and engineers
now not every doctor cured polio, and not every engineer is tesla, but still, our society is built by doctors and engineers and they deserve all the wealth
this thread is a good reminder for all doctors and engineers
if porky is exploiting you, you have a pretty damn sweet life
but if the useless masses start exploiting you, oh man, you will have fucking nothing, forget about 6 digits starting, forget about securities and benefits and bonuses and vacations….
if you are a doctor/engineer/useful: porky > the masses
and just to repeat: no one is doing any of these marvelous wealth generating things such as engineering out of a hobby
Now, that's some funny shit
I don't think there are a more sensitive group of people on the fucking Internet than STEM faggots. You put teens on tumblr to shame.
the most angry posts here are anti-stem
Don't worry user, the revolution will need someone to flip burgers.
Educated elites are leftists only insofar that they tend to be the kind of leftists that are socially Liberal. Even Obama admitted in his book ("Dreams of my Father," I think) that these Democratic party intelligentsia were pro-free trade, anti-worker's rights, pro-intervention, etc., basically neo-liberal scumbags tha voted Democrat only because they were pro-abortion and pro-gun control. What kind of revolutionary potential does their class have, when in their minds all you need to "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" is get a masters degree and get a job. What use is a minimum wage, or unionism, if they make far above minimum wage and scoff at the idea of joining a union.
Go suck porky's cock you fucking classcuck.
Hello fake leftist
Nah, google Bookchin, automation will do away with such jobs, or will be done on an equal rotating basis.
You're forgetting the core of the issue here. On average they are as prone to radicalization as an average redneck. They are too riddled with ideology to see any distance past their own ass. You can sing like a canary and they still wouldn't care about what you have to say, no matter how much you fellate them, here or otherwise.
This the funniest post in this entire thread and I honestly can't tell if it's meant to be parody.
This bit is the funniest part. Lmao
Who the fuck do you think the working people are?
I'm an anarchist and I agree with . Art has no practical use toward the ends of revolution and transformation. What, are you going to make Situationist theory relevant and have a vanguard made of Dadaist art students? Ridiculous.
I'm pretty sure that those people are actual COINTELPRO and a minority. Most people here seem fine with STEM.
The funny part is that the Nazbol's the right one for once.
And who do you think is going to maintain those machines?
Oh, look at you, our poor, enlightened, liberal preacher! So-called "rednecks" are among the first people who we should be working to radicalize. Go back to your ivory tower, you pretentious fuckwad. You've never done anything of value. You just strut around and put up your nose. You want to know why the Left has such an image problem in America, it's because of people like you!
yeah nah brah
HOLY fucking shit he even false flags on the other side to spread anti-STEM propaganda. You're pathetic, get out of here
jesus christ, you can't make this shit up. I'm pretty convinced like 75% of posts in this thread are COINTELPRO lmao.
Naive and idealistic if you think for even a second that you will engineers and computer programmers, by any significant number, over to leftist thought without economic hardship. Good luck convincing people who go into a field with the express purpose of make a six figure salary that they are exploited. Good luck getting someone with an in ground pool in their backyard and a luxury car in their driveway to come over to the left. There are leftists in STEM, but unless some drastic event happens, they will always be a minuscule minority in their fields.
Leftcom spotted.
No one else would be that fast at namecalling without an actual explanation of their argument.
I pointed out that everybody should help build socialism after the revolution, not just sit in their armchairs.
See for more information
I never said that everybody needs to do hard manual labour, but communism isn't gonna build itself and 20% of the population (random guess) just watching and not doing shit because of their liberal arts diploma won't be helpful at that.
Working together means WORKING together, as long as it contributes to the cause of communism, I consider it work. When shit is finally done, everybody can enjoy his hard earned art / spare time / hobby / whatever you like to call it.
Think of STEMfags: they also can't make use of many of their skills during a revolution, but after it, they have a lot to contribute to science and technology, just as liberal artfags can contribute to culture and arts AFTER the revolution. If you are too academic to hold a gun, you can still help out supporting a revolution in other ways, like helping at organization, keeping up infrastructure or supplying revolutionary forces.
There's potential. Alot of us STEMfags are worried about jobs being outsourced, or people from India, China, etc taking work in our field. It's not a huge deal at this point but there's potential for in the future, leading to lower wages in STEM.
This type of defeatism is honestly disgusting, you're a coward, a loser, insipid, impotent.
You gave up before even trying, and all you do is complain. You're the most unproductive and irrelevant poster on leftypol. I bet you didnt even watch the video.
studying stem is literally pulling yourself by the bootstraps
if peak of your employability is working at mcdonalds or in the service industry/fast food, and then you proceed to start a family you cant support, and then you take loans you cant pay
you fucking deserved your poverty and no one who studies stem is going to fee pity and bail you out
no seriously its a fact that if you were born in the west and had the opportunity to study whatever you wanted, even if its just one shot at it, you should have studied stem, had a normal job in the industry, and that's all there is to it
people (who didnt go to stem) arent exploited, they were sheltered, lazy, entitled, delusional, and they deserved their poverty
Mechanics, plumbers, electricians, welders, factory workers of any stripe, subsistence farmers, construction workers, etc. Those are the working people, not the people that are above them in the hierarchy and think just because they are 30-40k in debt gives them the authority to yell at people who aren't as educated as them.
Uh-huh. Right.
hello fellow leftists.jpeg
Not the STEMlords, that's for fucking sure. They are averse to hard work
Absolutely. And when you hit that brick wall made of religious brainwashing, propaganda subjugation and spectacle enforced, tell me how did you fare.
So undialectical. Expected more from a ML.
I don't really agree. No one deserves to go into poverty. Every job even fast food, artists, etc contribute to society.
That being, still fuck the people who go to STEM with the hopes of earning a decent wage. It's the economic system we live in, people are going to put in work to earn a comfortable wage.
Is this someone trying to get people to hate STEM?
I'm pretty sure people in this thread are falseflagging into getting actual leftists to sympathize with capitalist thought.
Because we're a small imageboard and if STEMfags have contact with "leftists" there's a 90% chance it's a rainbow hair sjw and not a socialist. And that's a general problem because when I was an econfag those are the people who put me off socialism so it's not just STEMcucks.
Oh fuck off, STEM is important for the future. Sure there are a lot of annoying STEMlords who think their deskjob makes them landed gentry, but there's nothing inherintly reactionary about STEM and many STEMfags are or will be dealing with the realities of being a proletarian under capitalism. We should be looking to radicalize them along with sex workers, faggy artists, blue collar cucks, trailer trash, and every one else we can. Why some of you want to prevent us from radicalizing people based on education or employment is beyond me, I suspect retardation or cointelpro.
t. pretentious aspiring filmmaker
This is sadly true. And if they say otherwise,they lie.
He's false flagged twice already, fuck this piece of shit
This 100%.
not all labor is equal
i honestly dont give a shit if i get my burger handed to me by a robot or a mouth breathing liberal arts major
if we can fully automate car manufacturing and car driving, why do you think it is technically impossible to do the same with the service industry???
the only reason we arent automating jobs at industrial scale yet, is that we would have an infinite ocean of unemployable retards who would get darwin'd out of economy and employment
This is what most STEM majors that I have met unironically think.
Completely right mate, bang on the money. Watch the video in OP if you haven't already.
I didn't mean to imply all labor is equal. I was trying to say that all work is important. People shouldn't disregard neither STEM nor fast food workers. Every job contributes to society, some more than otherd.
At least for magneto gorsk, many western engineers had to be brought in to design the structures. Wouldn't it be nice to have a revolution that doesn't rely on capitalists for anything?
You act like I'm a manager. Tell me, who do you think works 60 hours a week to design the code that goes into computers, who
t. film making student who circlejerks about whatever the fuck Derrida says about some sentence and how to deconstruct it instead of learning how to solve math problems, design & prototype solutions to real problems, etc.
When the hell did I say anything in favor of hierarchy?
Redneck Revolt's making great inroads in the South. It's that what you call "rednecks" see dismissive pricks like you that makes them wary of the Left. If they're not the working class of who you speak (seeing as factories in the USA are in the South mainly, farms in the South and Midwest) and neither are the engineers (who are part of it, not the whole), who is part of it? Are you seriously this removed from reality?
*who designs and prototypes solutions to real world problems, etc. We're as necessary as they are, and far more so than all the advertisers and salesmen and especially the artists and the like, even if they're also technically part of the working class.
You act like a wannabe manager. Hence why I seriously doubt you're an anarchist. You seem too found of hierarchy to be one.
FYI, I've worked in at least have of the fields I enumerated. 60 hours a week? Well, don't you have it nice. Work 80 of back-breaking, soul-crushing work all the while being yelled at by a faggot that think that he can boss me around just because he paid 30-40k for 4 years of college, and then call me back. The day you pretentious STEMlords faggots pick up a fucking wrench instead and help realize the things y'all seem so keen on bragging about inventing, instead of sitting a comfortable ACed office jerking to your own supposed brilliance, then I will consider you a fellow working man
Your entire demeanor reeks of that of a bootlicker.
I never said they weren't the working class. They are the working class. They also have no revolutionary potential. They are the literal lumpenproles. They rather LARP with big guns to make them feel better and complain and hoot at "niggers", "wetbacks", etc than shooting at politicians, cops or literally any of the other thousand kinds of people more deserving of the lead.
Yep, you're better than them. Keep studying them servile arts.
Give proof, faggot
Nice LARP. The definition of "proletariat" is "the class of people defined by having to sell their labor-power to make a living". We both fall into that category (assuming you're telling the truth and aren't posting this from Langley, VA like I think you are) and have common interests as such. It's ridiculous culture-warrior-tier bullshit to think otherwise.
If you really are who you say you are, you and I have more in common than the liberal arts major who you were LARPing as just above a few posts ago.
Sure it does, sure it does. Give proof.
This shows that you don't know what the hell you're talking about. Lumpenproles are never proletarian.
This is just untrue. Most of them are okay enough with the way things are to not do anything. Second off, there's a very long and complicated history behind all this, but it's ridiculous to hold up your nose like the sheltered liberal faggot you really are and dismiss them all. In fact, if you really were this "stereotypical worker", wouldn't you fall right among them? Unironic kettle logic is a dead giveaway that you're entirely disingenuous and have no real argument. Nice try, COINTELPRO.
this tbh
He DIRECTLY addresses this here:
He's not replying to a complaint about STEM with "hurr durr you all need STEM" He's saying that while there are reactionaries in the STEM field, many of them are supportive, if not ultimately beneficial to the leftist cause.
That's verifiably false.
Read your comments again and pretend they were written by someone else. There, all the proof you would need
>proles are what I define them as they are, therefore, every other definition that doesn't conform to that is wrong
t. idealist
Which part? That they support leftist causes or that they'll be beneficial?
Nice thinly veiled technocracy crap.
Kill yourself Howard.
The supportive part.
I'm using Marx's definition of what defines the proletarian condition while you make meaningless cultural distinctions, and I'm the idealist? I offer the beginnings of a materialist analysis of why "rednecks" are the way they are (in no small part due to the constant indoctrination that the enemy is coastal liberal elites like yourself who collect welfare checks while droning on about social justice) while you dismiss them as beyond saving because they're "the other side", and I'm the idealist?
I realize that you're a troll, but you've got to make an effort! SAD!
I'm perfectly entitled to be as smug as I want when disposing of retards like you. Stop projecting a want to be a manager onto me. By the way, do you want to know why most engineers become managers eventually? It's because they kick you off the job once you're around 50 if you don't move up, because you have to give raises to workers who have been with the firm for longer. No one goes into engineering wanting to be a manager.
this board is just too gud
That's not how the science-industrial complex works m8
Christ…when did I ever say anything about gulag you braindead idiot? I'm not the one dividing people YOU ARE!
Fuck yeah! Bring back Lysenkoism now!
Fact: There will be no communist future unless you get the STEMfags on-board.
But it is. Even in spooked capitalist US, where the STEMlord meme came, basic research is fed with menial grants, and only when it's useful is bought for pennies by big industry.
For one petty bourg STEM researcher, there's 9 who work in the betterment of mankind's knowledge and would never get rewarded not even with money, but with recognition; and they continue working with the conviction that their work belongs to all humanity.
Like most population, they have shitty political/economy knowledge, and are spooked as hell, but they're pretty much into commie mindset even if they don't know.
Living like that is my dream true. I am a mathematician, computer scientist, philosopher and musician though, not so much of an engineer. Although i would like to work on AI and build little, useful robots. Someday i'd like to build a robot (or a swarm of little robots) that can clean up rooms. You merely would have to give it a photo of the room in its original state and when the room gets messy the robot rearranges everything to the default state.
I got a STEM diploma, soon PhD.
Globalism explained on a systems level, for all those Holla Forumstards who don't get and believe nationalism would be way out.
ITT: Everyone is bashing art/humanities majors and ass kissing STEM majors.
You are correct that the successful STEM majors have no reason to accept communism.
Most people here have to realize that unless their standard of living, "wealth" and comfort all evaporate, they will keep supporting capitalism.
This is breathtakingly stupid.
"Muh everyone should have a glorious euphoric STEM degree, otherwise your arts/humanities degree means your worthless".
Forgetting that most people shouldn't pursue something because it might make them money, not because they enjoy doing it.
Stupid lolbertarians like yourself forget that inflating the job market for STEM will lower it's value, likely accelerate automation for STEM jobs.
I have no sympathy for most STEM cocksuckers.
Most of you aren't making that decent of a salary, you work long hours, only to be easily fired or "laid off".
You deserve your misery.
STEM fields have many subcultures that are libcom.
The demoscene, the original hacker scene, open source community, etc.
Well I have good news then
The same reason you haven't converted more weebs to your cause.
You hate them and don't want them on your side.
Correction, SJWs/goons/alphabet soup/Redditors don't want STEM people. OG Holla Forums never cared because it realized that this is divisive, pointless idpol. When I started the Soviet Cybernetics thread a few months ago (not long after the whole catgirls thing, before Reddit and co. had flooded in fully), there was great reception - no one sperged out about this lib-arts vs STEM crap! We just started talking and connecting relevant topics to modern class issues! If I started it now? It would be this exact thread and probably end up in a derail over Palestine-Israel or "transphobia" or some other idpol BS.
I want to kick Redditors until they bleed internally.
Under Communism you will get 1000000 back pats.
Oh fuck he's right. I hate STEM so fucking much and that's why I'm going into STEM.
All communism is libertarian though…
This is fuck you got mine with an intellectual spin on it. Being good at math is no excuse for being ignorant of reality.
not somethin I'd expect to hear from a leninist but sure in a way
Wow what the fuck is wrong with Holla Forums today. Is this a raid? Anyone talking about how certain ways of selling labor is better is being a fucking autist that rivals the biggest STEMlord.
Art is useless?! Strange how people have spent their entire lives on it, strange how it has influenced society so much. Strange how art has so much use value for communication.
Academics are useless?! Sure is weird how Engel decided to fund an academic for years. Sure is weird that useless academics useless works and arguments are still used today.
This doesn't even scratch the surface layer of retarded porky worship in this thread.
Is this a joke I'm not in on?! Your "love" for a specific field and it's superiority is LITERALLY a distraction from class struggle, and only serves to further impair the very fields you worship.
Another STEMfag here, Software Engineering/Electronic Engineering. Most engineers/physicists/mathematicians are reclusive nerds who have to be indoctrinated into all this careerist shit at Uni (i.e. applied management for engineers, LinkedIn profile, wanky business cards).
We just wanna solve problems but we are kept away from humanities lest we learn about Marx. The real issue is this separation of arts and STEM is a capitalist/university scheme.
There contingent of peeps who are all entrepreneurial but there is a larger group that thinks entrepreneurs are the people who make ridiculous demands on dodgy promises
I fucking hate entrepreneurs. I feel guilty for how easy it is for me to find work compared to struggling arts fags.
I do enjoy being in a position of turning porkies down. Especially with the engineering shortage.
I actually have a lot of free time which I use shamelessly shilling for the radical left at university economics/philosophy clubs. I'm also looking for creative technical projects to destroy porky. I'm currently planning on join some union and helping them with technical matters at lifting prole conditions.
Socialism is extremely authoritarian because of dotp and revolutions etc. Communism (abolition of class, state, money etc is extremely libertarian)
Converted STEMfag here doing computer science. Most others in my class are definitely neoliberal but it's more because they just don't care about economics in general. They just want to graduate and get a job, regardless of who it is for or why they are doing it.
But Mr. Cap, is there a way socialism can be libertarian?