Ancap utopia

Apparently these faggots think they will be without municipal or state taxes, police, firefighters, and healthcare. On a plot of land they bought, in a state. Thoughts on this extreme autism?

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Can't wait till the someone shoots an another for the voluntary sexual transaction he preformed with his daughter

Didn't they try the same with galt's gulch? What an embarrassment that was

Private contractors build roads.

Private contractors hired by… who?

I expect this to take the same direction.

How do you think the are paid now? Taxes are just pooled resources. The people would still be able to pay the private contractors. It isn't hard to figure out. Plus businesses will have an incentive to finance them as well to reach customers. Look at how many tunnels the Mexican cartels have dug under the border to reach their customers.

Fucking ell I hope so should be a good laugh

What happened with galt's gulch?

time to get the popcorn and watch the meltdowns when it fails

There’s going to be people who will take advantage of the whole “no rules thing” violate the NAP and kill and steel.

Those tunnels aren’t open to the public or competing cartels.

it ended up being exactly what you would expect would happen if a bunch of lolbert fucked off to the middle nowhere together

forgot to add article

wonder what they're gonna do with those children

looks pretty cool
more than 1000 usd per square meter .. so about 10 times market value.. that's probably a red flag.

yeah but muh liberty

Lel, I forgot about the hebephelia thing.

Probably something completely voluntary.

You mean a black and yellow flag ;)

Why is it bad? It's their choice. Let them do it.

A pizza party.

vid is a proclick though

Sir, Please I Am The Garbage Man:

Not going to work obviously but at least these autists won't end up doing drugs 24/7 and drowning in their own shit unlike the most anarchists.

Not bad, just autistic.


Someone’s going to violate the NAP and just kill someone. You know it.

This is probably wrong.
I just visited the norwegian webpage and they say the initial 120 plots sold are a combined 150 dekar (150000 m2) so something isn't adding up.

This will be the funniest tragedy ever.

Since you still have to pay taxes despite "owning" a piece of land, isn't that more like the state is just licensing you to use the land but you don't actually own it? Sort of like the EULA in vidyagaems but for property? in that case, property ownershps is really just rent, and the state is the landlord.

a voluntary exchange between two consenting parties, of course!

I think it's wonderful, ancaps will finally face the reality that their system is retarded. It could actually work quite nicely on a small scale, or even a medium scale, but once it catches notice, crime groups, corporations and probably foreign governments will start getting involved. That is, if the residents don't install a voluntary McSlave market beforehand

All land belongs tole happy merchant meem anyway. Paying taxes means paying for the maintenance of the land temporarily under your care until the next regularly schedules Jubilee when it is redistributed and debt is obviated.

Property taxes should be gutted and replaced with an increased income tax.

Establish a thriving tourism industry, of course.

Just the way libertarians traditionally rase children. Don’t get angry at them. It’s just there culture.

What the fuck, John (on the right) fucking looks like a psychopath. Why the fuck would anyone give money to this man? He looks like he should be standing on a street corner preaching about how the fluoride in water will let the government replace your bones when you're put under at the dentist.
jesus god damn it third time's the charm

they both look like they kill prostitutes and hitchikers to "cleanse them of sin"