Is it all hopeless?
With the environment, rampant capitalism, rising populism and anti-intellecutalism, what the hell's going to happen in the next couple decades other than pure calamity?
Is it all hopeless?
With the environment, rampant capitalism, rising populism and anti-intellecutalism, what the hell's going to happen in the next couple decades other than pure calamity?
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You never heard of a phoenix? Or a salamander? From the ashes of the old society will rise a new one.
dark ages, second edition. only this time with a dramatically reduced world population due to climate change and / or wars. this is what we're heading for imo.
have a nice day op.
problem is the phoenix has to die before rising from the ashes. we're close to the dying stage.
is death really that bad?
It is for me, I want to live an average lifespan
no the time before death is is bad. fear, decay, hopelessness. death is just the end of the road. for some it's as horrible as life, for others it's a relief.
For people like you and me who believe in something? Probably not. For your average Westerner who is an atheist or at best agnostic? Probably a lot scarier. lol
you two should unite in your deluded smugness and suck each other off
i'm not being smug i just think people are too attached to this thing which brings only misery to them
Its pretty shit, the proletariat has failed the human race.
talk about being detached is cheap. we'll talk when you're a few decades older and realize how shit this world really is. honestly tell me how old you are? i bet you're under thirty.
bud ive been through the fire and i did not come out unscathed, i'm a seriously damaged individual from decades of substance abuse and homelessness, and i know the world does its best to kill you. i'm not hoping for a better future or happiness in heaven, i know it's a fruitless endeavour. but if you dont lash yourself to a mast then the storm will lash you out of the boat you know?
so your idea of happiness is comparable to being lashed to a boat mast in the middle of a storm?
you're a weird one.
hint: the storm isn't gonna end. you're gonna get older and weaker though. but you'll find that out by yourself.
lol… im not saying im happy. but atleast it keeps me from killing myself. to be truthful i don't think i can honestly tell what happiness is or if ive ever felt it but i know sorrow and misery feel pretty shitty and my mast, as stupid as it seems to you - helps me stay grounded and drives away those feelings
Does it matter?
t. Richard Stallman, software autism man
>I'm not the main leader in this particular battle. The Electronic Frontier Foundation is fighting. Public Knowledge is fighting. People need to get involved politically. At this point people should go to the EFF website and the Public Knowledge website, and continue doing so over the coming weeks to see how they can get involved in this coming campaign. It's going to take a lot of people spending probably at least twenty minutes. If you care enough about your freedom to spend twenty minutes on it, if you can tear yourself away from whatever little job it is you're doing this week, and next week, and so on. Spend a little time fighting for your freedom, and we can win.
i'm not making fun of you for being a christian. if it keeps you from necking yourself it's a good thing. good luck.
Hahaha "anti-intellectualism" Aka people don't agree with me because I'm dumb hahaha kill yourself libtard
are you some kind of mongoloid? stop your incoherent rambling, you contribute nothing.
Maybe not, at least not for all senarios. Let's have a look at what could go super wrong, super quick;
- the collapse of the drone dollar; America has no ptero dollar. Rather, we have a drone-dollar. You can buy oil in any currency, but it's listed in the media and on intrnational markets in dollars for the convenience of reserve bankers and traders who rely on the dollar as a trans-national exchange standard. The power of the dollar is locked in two points; reserve holdings, which are a bit small compared to any nations overall economy, and air craft carriers. The US can project its massive military onto any corner of earth in minutes due to it's navy, and every other nation knows that the US will not hesitate to topple legitamate governments if the oil/mineral supply is threatened. This power is what keeps the dollar afloat, not trust, not payments. It is American control of resources at the barrel of a gun which promises that the dollar holds value. This system is not economically sustainable, as America is economically collapsing from within. Other nations, over the course of 4-20 years will shift their reserves into the ruble, the euro [should it still exist] and the yuan-remembi in either a business move to preserve wealth or a political move against American fascism. The dollar will collapse and America will decend into a pre-WWI economic grind. The solution; learn Spanish, Russian, and get rady to get the fuck out at a moments notice.
- global climate crap out; The climate is fucked. Artic methane, purely symbolic promises to change and ocean die-offs are all tolls that ring out that the earth is circling the drain. We will experience more flooding, droughts, and heat waves over the next few months and years. This will escalate into famines in about 4 years, and mass migrations in 5-7 years as the more arid areas become unliveable. At that point, civil wars could break out within declining nations. The earth is a terminal case. By 2120 human life will be focused towards the poles and mountainous areas, and will be quite reduced in population - I would say 20% would be dead.
- american fascism; the fact is that America has been a fascist state since the late 1970s, solidifying as such by the mid 1980s. Things will not improve politically, socially, or economically here. The rise of the internet has made the police state more visible to more people, and as of 9/11 that visibility has been shouted down via flag waving and network censorship. Since 2007 that viel has fallen, and we are obviously fascist. The US will either collapse into civil war, or will be engulfed into a chinese or russian international war. The lynch pin in all of this is economic unsustainability. The debt will be 20 trillion by mid-August, and as we have almost no exports the US is hemoraging cash. I expect within the next 6 months to 2 years domestic terrorism will grow, and after that it will be a rapid decline into a hard federal tyranny.
No, learn,read books, exercise and prepare yorself.
Join/create a movement,and work towards socialism creating class conciusness.
Don´t forget internet and computers are a great tool if correctly used.
Lenin months before the revolution was in Swizterland telling communists that the revolution was impossible.
Enjoy life as much as you can, meet good people, and never forget you will fight to create a better world.
Never give up comrade
I honestly didn't mean to sound smug. What is there after life if there is nothing though? Just blackness forever. That's a pretty grim prospect because as conscious creatures we can't really "grapple" with it entirely. Couple that with the general crushing alienation of our modern late stage capitalist world and well… I guess I just don't see the appeal of such a world view. Even the rich man cannot take his wealth to the grave. Better to spend life helping others and making your community a better place than you found it, but even that is out the window and just idealism for most people.
The VR meme seems serious now, so devs might start being creative again.
Other than that consoles and PC are being pushed aside for mobile gaming.
There will always be hobbyists and enthusiasts who will be creating vidya though. Even if the industry goes to complete shit, some underground punk will make something fun.
So I should just graduate asap and move out to canada?
cry baby faggot detected
I would moreso recommend Europe, but Canada could work. You must line up a source of income before going, though.
Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.
Europe's gonna be a non-proverbial desert by 2060
europe is going to shit. fascism neolib style, brainwashing, mass surveillance, consumerism, almost no jobs, and if you manage to find one you're treated like shit. so much for the emigration meme, burgers.
t. european person
your tantrum feeds me
We're not on Holla Forums kiddo
Yes the anti-intellectualism on /leftfag/ is rather worrying.
I'm not a brit dunno why you seem to assume that. also, are you sure americans are in a position to smugpost? your country is an even worse neocon infested pile of shit than europe, and that's quite an achievement.
That's a possibility, but I'll be dead by then.
There is no blackness forever, just nothing, no feel at all, just like before being born.
Our country isn't neocon infested dunno why you assume that
Out of crisis new things can grow.
Hope is counter revolutionary.
now you know how your evasion tactics feel like /commiepol/
You not understanding things isn't us using "evasion tactics".
i'm not representing the fictional /commiepol/ entity that seems to haunt your tortured mind.
what was there to understand? all you said was that you weren't british.
sorry OP's topic was so flaccid I thought I could talk about anything
The age of wonders is here
Which is why I'm a Buddhist, and that's almost worse than being an atheist. Pretty comfortless religion.
Gosh I blame capitalism for this. Storms always end man, we aren't in some eternally terrible hole.