Socialism without nationalism will always fail. Love your people

Socialism without nationalism will always fail. Love your people.(Ugh)

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Boss, get down! That's an enemy baitpost..

Why can't I love humanity tho.


only if its civic nationalism

There is no such thing as my people.

There is only me.

If God, if humanity, as you affirm, have enough content in themselves to be all in all to themselves, then I feel that I would lack it even less, and that I would have no complaint to make about my ‘emptiness.’ I am not nothing in the sense of emptiness, but am the creative nothing, the nothing out of which I myself create everything as creator.

Because such "love" is so abstract that its essentially meaningless.

Might as well just cut out the speciest middleman and say you love life itself in all its forms

Israel exists as a progressive, secular nation with excellent worker protections in a sea of ignorance and superstition. All NATO allied socialist movements have devolved into IDpol and neoliberalism. All ML states have become capitalist or fascist (NK).

Love your people.

Anarchism failed, and egoism failed even harder than nationalism.

Israel is an apartheid state with a terrorist military propped up by America and the Saudis.


Arabs are inbred subhumans who would destroy the Earth before violating their Holy Qur'an.

The only hope for progress in the Middle East is the creation of Greater Israel.

The only hope is for The Lion to crush the Israeli terrorists called Daesh and for the 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Anglos🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 to stop meddling in Arab affairs. .

If there were other sapient species I would love them too.

If ya know what I mean.

But seriously. I fail to see how loving 'your people' is any less abstract.

Zionist scum out

Nationalism is barely hidden class collaboration.

My "people" are the exploited workers
fuck off

okay, now i see youre just memeing

good shit, my dude

whoops lol

It is better to betray your country than your class

Reminder that the nation is a fiction promoted by bourgeois governments to legitimize themselves. The nation is not a proletarian institution.

All Jews are descended from Abraham.

Biology is not a spook, comrade.

Love your people.

ah yes, jews, notorious for their allegiance to nations

are you advocating for Not Socialism you homo?

Wew lad.

they're loyal alright, loyal to 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧international capital🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

One more thing. Rojava is Kurdish Not Socialism, which is why it works.

The study doesn't even claim that. Do you know how far out a 30th cousin is? There's not a bad chances and you and me are 30th cousins, user.

But this is completely beyond the point. The nation is a bourgeois institution.

*national \ socialism

dumb filter

ahhh yes, which is why they're multiethnic

Your Lysenkoism will consign you to the dust bin of history, faggot. It's the age of 23andMe.

would you stop, you autist?

Kurds are diverse, just like the shithole neoliberal cities in the USA, but in a good way.


Rojava is multiethnic. Yes, the Kurds are the primary ethnicity, but they openly accept and work alongside all ethnicities that take common cause with them.

That wasn't me.

We are the national_socialists. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.

We are legion.


is it 2007?

Oh, you mean the ultimate spookbuster company which usually shows people they're both incredibly mixed and usually not even a majority of whatever ethnicity they think they're a part of?

Except the Jews don't. They barely tolerate ethnic groups that side with them over the Palestinians

This isn't North Korea. We don't need 100% of the "vote" to get things done.

The point is that you have no "people"

It's all in your head.

What you do have is common class interests.

"Loving your people" is a thinly veiled call to class collaboration. To favor the national bourgeois over the international proletariat.

I do though. We have a proud 5000 year written history, and proclaiming our non-existence in an attempt at identitarian erasure is just a virtual Holocaust.

We defeated the Tsar. We defeated Hitler. We will defeat the Palestine loving nuleft and their tranny brigades.

G-d bless Israel.

This b8 isn't even good.

No thanks, I like winning wars, not committing suicide, and not being a complete retard.


Socialism can only win when it wins worldwide, otherwise you will always return to capitalism. Not like you care, because you're a capitalist shill.
I have more in common with foreigner who is a communist than some random retard using the same language.

Well at least you concede that nazis are undeniably worse


Why are red flag posters always retarded without fail? They're like black flag posters, but somehow even more obnoxious.


tbqh if I was going to be a nationalist I would be a nationalist for any country but my own.

Italy maybe. Or possibly Russia.

Porky isn't "my people" just because he lives in the same arbitrary boundaries as me.

Our people are the exploted workers you spooked faggot

If I was dropped in a room with an American porky we could discuss literature, sports, television, our history, and many other subjects. Even if I think he's basically a leech on society, it's still quite possible I could end up getting along with him and becoming friends with him.

If I was dropped in a room with a random person who wasn't from my country, the chances are pretty damned high that we won't even be able to speak to each other. Sure, I can abstractly think that he's still a person I need to support, but when you get down to it I'll forget all about him in a week, and he'll be replaced with the same abstract, featureless portrait I had of the average foreigner beforehand.

In my opinion, whenever possible we should be discussing actual people, not abstract mental images of them.

Wew there lad.

And the only barrier between you and the regular prole was language. That is a problem that can be solved.