Murray Bookchin on the immorality of the Left (1986)

Maybe they deserved it

White people were a mistake.

Those natives were literally CIA backed ethnonationalists.


This is unironically true. Bookshit just wanted an excuse to not support the Sandinistas that Reagan was arming contras to oppose.

Fuck this piece of shit. Bookchin is the worst meme.

ITT: people that define their ideology through past and current geopolitical positions and taking sides in unclear conflicts

I stand with socialism against American imperialism. Past or present America is the enemy of socialism.

I don't get it. Whats wrong with an indigenous backwards people being destroyed if you are truly fighting for the greater good of all humanity.

I can't even tell if you're joking or not.

If you don't base your political theory on history and facts, your theory is dogshit. All you can do is make shit up.

Bookchin was never big on national liberation movements to begin with. Same reason why he supported Israel.

It's true though

This, honestly

The idea that people should be permitted to be barbarians because they historically have been and like it is vapid liberalism

You could literally say the same thing about Palestinians though. Historically speaking, Jews were always much more drawn to socialism (and still are) than Levantine Arabs have ever been.

I thought he supported Israel because he was a jew.

Both probably.

I get the impression there's far more Jewish anarchists than Jewish Marxists today is because of Israel. A Jewish anarchist can say "fuck every state, I hate Israel as much as every other state because fuck states" whereas a Marxist Jew would have to acknowledge the imperialist element of modern Jewish identity and reject it on the basis that it furthers the Zionist goal, since Israel is an imperialist state, not just "a state".

Yeah most jews are creepily OK with the idea of a jewish ethnostate even if they don't like Israeli apartheid.

I see The Chin still triggers this board.

Zionist, CIA-backed shills have a tendency to do that.


No, because Israel is actually holding them down from economic and technological progress. The Palestinians aren't rejecting progress.

As for primitive tribes, communists should work out a deal with them to allow the tribes to patrol the forests and stop poachers and illegal woodcutters. We need to reforest huge swathes of land to stop global warming, so there's no harm having tribal societies live in there. Ideally they would accept some technology at least, like solar electricity and medicines.

At this point, Zionism has become part of Jewishness whether leftist/anti-Zionist Jews admit it or not. To be anti-Zionist essentially means to deny your history as a Jew and the history of the Jewish people.


National liberation makes no sense to me. How is Overthrowing the imperialists powers to later hand over the reign of power to politicians/elitists any better? Just because you are being oppressed by local tyrants it doesnt make it any better. They all devolved into Nation-states with capitalist tendencies.

So because the national bourgeoisie aren't perfect we should just accept colonialism? Piss off anarKKKiddie.

They aren't fucking primitivists? They use technology? Are you fucking retarded?

The noble savage is a figment of white imagination

They want to go back to a Caliphate though. Not to mention, Palestinian society is still heavily tribal.

Shit happens. There'll always be uncle Toms who deserve this, but there'll also always be the occasional innocent villagers.

If you want gommies who really were hard on villagers, see Shining Path.

I am no aiming for perfect but for something better.

They should have done this


No they don't.

Meaningless platitude. They live in giant urban industrial cities.

STFU when you don't know what you're talking about.