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Video Games #136
Video Games
Tfw remember about the Darksiders franchise
Football Manager 2018 will feature Gay Players
Spelunky 2
So anons how are you feeling about BLOODSTAINED?
Random PC ports
Wolfenstein 2: The New Flop
So which of you are #votingforwu?
Playstation Paris expo in 5 minutes, make your predictions here
Playstation Conference: Paris Games Show
Are you ready to see the xbone die?
Remember when this was a thing? I guess CCP really managed to make a foothold in that lucrative console market :^)
God sims
Do any of you do repairs or any sort of modification on hardware...
Tfw unironically playing ToonTown because there are no other tolerable multiplayer games out there
4 AM
Is Super Mario Odyssey THE best Mario game ever made?
The FPS genre is dead. It hasn't meaningfully evolved in over a decade other than graphics...
Same Voice Actors Thread
ITT iconic quotes
Numale Tears as they are getting bullied to death
Playstation 2 Thread
Smithy did nothing wrong
Playing new game +
Nu Horror Games Pls
Open world with level design
Champions online
I want to play games/pc games from my bed (streaming). But mobile touch control sucks...
If you're into survival horror, check out Darkwood...
Apparently my steam account has an anniversary today
Scarlet Blade Xigncode spyware?
Tfw some guy drove a thousand miles to buy a copy of Super Mario Bros. 2
Warframe Thread
When will non co-op multiplayer games be made great again?
I want to replay Bayonetta again, but I am afraid my Xbox 360 is too busted...
Grand Strategy Games
Fun shit to do with a C64
Are there any RPG maker games that aren't utter garbage?
Swords on Backs
E.Y.E. thread
I wish this didn't flop
Assassins creed origins crack
Why do gamers struggle with fractions?
Why does every game that plays the 'this is all a dream world' card fail?
Zombie Master: Reborn
Grim Dawn
COD: WW2 goes full Weimar
Good vidya ost's while exercising
Bullshit weapons in videogames
Played every metal gear game from the first to even Peace Walker all in the span of 2 months
Halloween with a twist
Dirty Chinese Restaurant
Metal Gear Survive to have Always Online DRM
Amazing Eternals
Speedrun thread
Webm Thread
Fate of Gameboy/DS
Way of the Samurai
When did you last feel true satisfaction at the end of a game?
Mods Delete Threads Becuase Of "Islamophobia"
Ow the edge
Vagrant Story thread
Yes, user...
You're video game OC
4 AM
Makes several sexy as fuck skins for a midget
DLC that is done before the fucking game even releases
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Silent Fury Edition
The Death of Minecraft Modding
Pannencoek does it AGAIN
Why are German games so comfy?
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Holla Forums Minecraft alpha server
ITT: good games with bad art styles and vice versa
Sad Video Game Music
Play Breath of the Wild
Wolfenstein The New Colossus
E-SPORTS YES: Chink Beats Girlfriend After Losing LoL Match
Those idiots will do anything for twitch badge…
Halloween S.T.A.L.K.E.R
Star Wars Battlefront 2 will have the useless employees that destroyed Mass Effect: Andromeda
DK games are allowed to be extremely difficult
Have you ever liked a video game cartoon or movie?
ITT: Characters you love to hate
Emulation Thread: RetroarchLeaks Edition
Anyone else not sad that point n click games are dying off?
Tfw the shitstorm of Scariness is just shit this year
How come we're still using the same primitive system of skeletal animations that we were using in the mid 90s when...
4 AM
Would the Ultranationalists in Call of duty be protrayed as heroes if the modern warfare trilogy came out today...
The Year of Lord Current Year+2 Is Now Nearly 85% Over
Disgaea general
What's with obsession with over saturation and contrast these days?
Art styles that you missed
Fighting Game General: Flipping Sides Edition
What are some games you guys play that don't need much concentration...
Holla Forums What is the Future of Nintendo?
Yooka-Laylee Switch: BASED UNITY
Best Civilization game for multiplayer?
Cool Cosplay?
How competitive are you?
Games that are more fun to watch than they are to play
Meanwhile at SCAMCON
Destiny 2: Blunder of the Year?
Why do all the 3D Castlevania games suck so much?
Wii U reccomendation begging thread
Star Wars thread where we talk about the video games because I'm pretty sure they are better than the films
Fullderp: Golurk more newfags edition
Barely even 2 months after it released and Agents of Mayhem went from $59.99 to $9.99
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Help Fund The Creation Of GECs Edition
What do you recommend to listen to while playing arena shooters?
Remember "Papers, Please" short film announcement? It's still a thing. Totally coming out this year...
Thinly veiled /g/ thread?
Xenoblade chronicles 2
SMT thread - FUCK YOU SWITCH edition
I started doing this again and got the farthest I've ever gone, one deathworld...
Xenoblade 2 = 10/10 SJW tears and Chad boners
Yomawari Midnight Shadows release today...
ITT: Characters that deserve more love
You know that Ring of Sacrifice in the first area that you (ironically) kill yourself for by trying to make that stupid...
4 AM
Look at this picture, save it, spread it
Johan we've got nothing on Hitler! How the fuck do we make him unlikeable
I have never not once seen a good example of Chromatic Aberration in vidya
Headshots and Their Orgasmic Afteraffects
Drop Dash Discussion
Holla Forums Unofficial Gamenight Weekend: Deer Hunter 2005
Worst video game novelisations
Looking for a new waifu game. Thought about checking out Wings of Vi. She looks great in the promo pic...
Vidya music
Best Vidya Jump Scares
X-COM General
I wish sega would do more with their skies of arcadia franchise...
New webm thread
Why are shortstacks (gobbos in particular, as they are the best of all.shortstacks) so non-existant in vidya...
I can't remember the name of a game
Rainbow Six: Siege thread: Non-Cancerous thread Edition
Sales & reception of pic related have been declining ever since they've been insisting in making combat more active...
We want the yiff yiff audience
Titanfall 2
Hollow Knight thread
What are some examples of good videogames that are literally advertisements...
Anti aliasing and Cemu
Singleplayer games are DEAD user!
Outcast Second Contact
There's a new Thief 2 fan campaign that was released. 13 years in the making, 10 missions...
Warframe: Get items by NOT watching streamers and frying your CPU edition
Hit stop
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Spooky Gildalloween edition
Spyro thread
Amid Evil
You won't forget about her, right?
Video games with Good menu music
4 AM
Are there any good games where you play as a werewolf?
To people that only play games on console and avoid playing games on PC, why?
Going solo, what am I in for Holla Forums?
Sonic Forces demo
Halloween is less than a week away
Tfw too much of a pussy to play horror games
Has anyone actually managed to pull of this faggots Max Act successfully?
Post the game(s) you are playing right now, your degree (if you have one) and your job (if you have one)
Just a reminder v that brutal wolfenstien version 5.0 just came out
Wolfenstein 2 gets cracked early by VOKSI
Microsoft Stops Kinect Manufacturing
You can get banned for spamming character voice lines in Overcuck
Ugly games thread
Dead Franchises that you loved
I recently saw the original Mad max trilogy and i was wondering if there were any games(besides fallout) that had a...
Spooky vidya stories thread
Vidya glitches and bugs
What the fuck? It's worse than I thought
Swords are for faggots
Are you ready for The Goose?
How can we save the World of Warcraft and MMRPGs in general?
4 AM
Death in Games
Liked Halo CE as a teen
English, (((Russian))), and (((Chinese))) make up 75% of Steam's userbase
Are you a whale?
What books about videogames do you enjoy?
Visual Novel General
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp
How much would it cost to buy the rights to an old obscure videogame...
Dead multiplayer that you wish weren't dead
High Hell
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Wonders Of Nature Edition
Telltale doesn't have to die
Fighting Game General: A popularity contest, a shit waifu, and a Giant Kike Edition
Konami to make Metal Gear Survive announcement tomorrow
Civ general thread
Rimworld Alpha 18
Too little, too late
WEBM THREAD: Not Dead Games Edition
RIP Eli Vance
"This lack of a feature is a feature" and other bullshit excuses
Nintendo Switch 4.0.0 update has added GameCube controller functionality
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
One Punch Man VidyaGame
The Mummy Demastered
Holla Forums's Videogame Repair Shop: Overwatch
Fullderp: More like Fulldead edition
Stronghold HD and A.D 2044 Free on GOG
Opus magnum
Nights of Azure 2
Wurm Unlimited
Here's Mario's dick from an old official manga
Monster Hunter Thread /mhg/
Tolkien/High Fantasy
Are video games free of SJW cancer yet?
Is Unity the new Flash?
Death of MMOs
Xenoblade chronicles 2
Replaying games
Metal Max Xeno
Flash Guard
Ex-BioWare dev: "I've seen people literally spend $15,000 on Mass Effect multiplayer cards"
Capcom looking for buyout
Was cuphead only Successful because of how triggered game journalists gotten over being called out for sucking at it?
Dragon's Dogma
This game is pure TECHNOLOGY
Is a PSVita worth getting...
4 AM
Custom Robo 1 in English!
The A button meme is silly, real men try to minimize B presses
Its Rape Time!
I've been hearing a lot about this game but it looks like one of those indie games that would be pozzed to hell...
Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaire's Conspiracy
GMod OC Thread
Autistic thought processes while playing vidya
Tfw i dont know any normal fags excited about Mario Odyssey
Twitch has lootboxes now
January 26
You're given full creative control over your favorite IP, no matter if it's dead or not...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Fifth Primarch Edition
The protagonist of GTA VI needs to be a 20 something FUCKING WHITE MAIL
Post some obscure/unknown games you've enjoyed. Bonus points for no videos of them on Youtube
Nintendo makes a more fun universe than lolmario
Why arent japs making 2D games anymore?
RTS Thread - Spooky Scary Skeleton Edition
Play game as teenager
/ourboy/ pewds just made his own board
Dwarf Fortress thread
Original Xbox Games playable on Xbox One
Danganronpa V3 has a shit ending
Console RPGs
I was thinking of making a chart about games that would fit into the general archetype of a diamond in the rough...
2hu/Touhou Thread
Vidya flops
Holla Forumsidya drawthread
Does anyone else pretty much enjoy only their vidya? With the exception of very occasionally shooting or hiking...
Dead series that will never come back
4 AM
Which version of PAC-man was the best? And what was the best spin off of Pac-Man?
I'm not trying to be edgy, but I think we all need this right now
Shin Megami Tensei
Nasuverse / Fate general
Game Designing
I need advice on improving my fps in cs:go since most of the articles and guides I click on leave me with worse fps...
Nioh Thread
Timeless Games
Thoughts on the SEGA Genesis...
This is how Tokyo RPG Factory Dies
Despite having steadily played online multiplayer team-based games...
Capitalism 1, Capitalism 2 and Capitalism Lab
Team Fortress 2 Vintage:Autistic Shrieking edition
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Ashes to Diamonds, We Continue Our March Edition
Will video games ever be good again?
Grim Dawn
When did the PS3 become the best console of its time?
I need some story rich games that aren't triple a. Post recommendations please
Video Game Industry Bubble Bursting?
Vita Thread
Escapist lays off all its staff
Looking up PS2 games to emulate
Little things in video games you never knew about
Xbone S Dpad
What are some RPGs with satisfactory non-combat playthroughs...
Playing mgs3 back when it came out
Life is Dranks: Before the Storm reportedly removes Denuvo
4 AM
In light of Assassin's Creed going full We Wuz, I request games more grounded in actual history
Greatest Hits
Webm Thread: Celebration Edition
NeoFAG is DEAD and they're coming here!! #6
Devil Daggers Thread
NeoFAG is DEAD and they're coming here!! #5
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Celebrate Good Times Edition
NeoGAF is DEAD Thread #4
New World of Warcraft subraces datamined
Neogaf is Dead thread 2
Is DARPA forcing diversity in games and developers got together to signal to us that they think it's a joke and that...
Looking for a good MMORPG
Super Mario Odessey street date broken in Portugal
Neogaf is Burning Down
Long games
Has datamining killed exploration and secrets in video games?
Has any game ever portrayed Heaven? I know that Hell has been portrayed plenty of times...
The real reason why Andromeda failed
Dragon's Crown Pro
Ever cried to a game?
Weekend Gamenight: with more than 6 maps edition
Gross Enemies
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Warframe - How are the fish catching edition
Cancer that you wish didn't exist in video games
Cities skylines
Doom and Gloom
Gone Home forever
PIllars of Petrified Shit
Why do people like this game? I'm 5 mins in and so far its about a girl taking photos of arthropods for money
Two questions about Fallout
Holla Forums-cosplay
4 AM
Wario thread
Single player games are dying, according to journos
Dawn of war 3 free weekend
Fullderp: "S rank stands for Stall rank" edition
Test Image Spam Sticky
Poison in Vidya
ITT post a pretty good game that has a single part that brings it down
Steam refund abuse
Super Mario Odysessy
Legacy of Kain Coming Back?
Habits and things you do because of vidya
Best 3d zelda
Since it's close to Halloween, what are some spooky, weird, old PC games like pic related?
Hearthstone player sets off wave of controversy by waving to female player
Dai-2-ji-Super Robot Wars thread: Beat Dark Brian edition
How the fuck is she so good at PUBG...
Destiny 2 has lost 78% of its playerbase in 6 weeks, ten times faster than Battleborn or The Division
Fishing is the comfiest minigame, we agree?
Development Hell
How bad is Dead Island?
"You lazy fucking niggers" edition
GOD EATER Thread: Lewd Russian God Eaters looking for Aragami in your area edition
They imagined to simplify the game so much and strip so many features that the only fun that can be had is from trying...
I hate this fucking.meme
Vidya Battle Music Thread
XX is coming
Bad Current Console Experience Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: VR Demon Loli Wants YOU To Protect That Smile Edition
Is there a law out there that says remakes have to be brighter and less atmospheric than originals?
Has anybody here been able to beat Mega Satan with the Lost?
Things that still hurt
Sword Art Online Holow Realization PC
Left 4 dead/no more room in hell
Vidya as Art
Another tf2 thread because both hit bump limit
Hey user, why haven't you backed Star Citizen yet?
What are some notorious fake trailers...
Can this be modded?
ITT epic western vidya soundtrack
Games that don't understand their own genre
Implied Rape scene removed Cause it triggered feminists
Rimworld bread
The Last Night The Journey to One of the Most Beautiful Games of E3
Grand Strategy Games
4 AM
What do you like my stereograms
Fractured But Shit
Snek da best
Does this game suck?
Webm Thread: '20mb When?' Edition
Shat goes in all the fields
Actually enjoyable co-op games, do they exist?
ITT: Fun with exploiting bullshit and imbalance
Her game is coming out in less than a week… Do you think Ubisoft will show her nekkid?
My Friend Pedro
Weekend Gamenight: Enemy Territory
Things you miss in games
Jazzy games
Have you met someone who really gets "triggered" when you tell them that game they just bought "on sale" was actually...
3600 ISPs
Mario Kart
FEW the game that keeps on dissapointing
W40K nonsense
Washing Machine Simulator 2001
Mfw Monster Hunter World has a bunch of fucking normalfags trying to get into my niche asking 'whats the lore...
3DS Homebrew Thread
One of the genuinely best cyberpunk worlds I've seen with amazing aesthetic and interesting lore
Kenshi Thread
This is gonna be FFXVI isn't it?
Bomberman is now waifus
Concept art thread
Obscure ass games thread
Proactivity vs Reactivity in games
4 AM
What does it feel like being an inferior mentally-low-functioning human?
Fighting Game General: New Characters Edition
Don't pretend you care about spoilers
Plague, Sickness and Disease
No Heroes Allowed! VR / yuunama vr / ゆうなまVR / V! 勇者のくせになまいきだ R
GMOD machinima thread
Nintendo Switch Master Race: Video Recording
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Hopefully Working Links Edition
Morrowind or Fallout?
He climbed to the top of the Tick-Tock Clock using just 6 A presses
Last threads
According to aithis is what the ideal woman looks like
Video Games
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11122
We're better than this
Video Games
AI DEGENerated Art and Porn
Video Games
This is a seven eleven in poland
Why did she do it?
/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #9445
Social sluts
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11121
Good night sweet prince
Television and Film
>American: Japan deserved the nu-ACK
Hey user you're under arrest for posting hateful material online, posting harmful material online...
Kinda seems like the Nazis did it. Anyone got the original German?
Is it true?Is this the peak of storytelling?
Video Games
/nzg/ New Zealand General
Twitch/Youtube/streamer thread
Why do Japanese love iPhones so much, and why don't more Europeans have iPhones? Are they too poor to afford them?
Why is every zoomer obsessed with being a "content creator"...