Why do they tease me so.
Nintendo makes a more fun universe than lolmario
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It's a shame their localization team became so bad as well. This game was one of the few, and I mean FEW cases a western adaption was better than the Japanese. Now they just throw around memes and censor content.
it hurst more when we only have ONE /ss/ comic about her
So which goddess did you give your hearts to?
/ss/ is shit though
I would fuck the shit out of her.
at her real height
Welcome to being a Nintendo fan.
Custom Robo, Golden Sun, F-Zero, Star Fox, Sin and Punishment, Wario, and many many more are included with Kid Icarus.
Yeah there's many but kid icarus' universe felt more complete, and easily built on.
Like they wanted to do more with it.
Also I really wish there was a JRPG or SRPG for the Kid Icarus universe. I feel like there would've been plenty of content and characters to make a game with.
After playing through Uprising I had a strong desire to play something else involving the series but it turns out there's almost nothing. It'd be nice for another game to have a more serious tone. (Obviously still having lots of humor, just… toned down for an actual story)
Sakuarai did much of the building with the third installment of the series. He's a freelance developer, right? I don't know if he will continue on doing contract work for Nintendo anymore since his friend Iwata is dead and he wants to do an original IP.
user, stop.
meanwhile yo kai watch is coming out with moldy old bones full of green dust editions every other goddamn week and being shilled to hell and back
being a fan of nintendo's hidden gems is fucking suffering
Yeah, it's amazing the game didn't get a sequel.
Makes you think.
That's exactly why it should get a sequel that does it right, on a real console. Namely the Wii U, so I can emulate it.
Seriously there's next to no art for her, what the fuck
Her disposition and personality are fuggin' perfect, plus the VA was solid as well
FS3 really hurts. It is such a 180 degree turn. Like, why? Who approved of so many changes?
It's something that pisses me off about the nips, like we'll get ton of porn of shit waifu bait like Rem and Emilia. While Elsa from Re:Zero and Mrs. Arrow from F-Zero get jack shit. Mind you this also applies to degenerate fetishes like GTS, Vore and Scat.
Also I'm extremely pissed that they made Darkness from /fit/ to THICCCCCCCCCC. Like anime in general is lacking waifus with toned abs, why the fuck would you make fucking Darkness THICC rather than a toned goddess.
Just let it go, user. It's over.
What the hell is GTS
>tfw there's a vanilla doujin where she and Pit fuck and because of deus ex machina they reincarnate and live together happilly.
It wouldn't surprise me if the game was intentionally sabotaged to protect Pokemon since Gen6 was kind of a slump for the series overall.
That one doujin with Medusa made my heart go doki doki
it felt like something that could have legitimately been canon, especially considering she came back to save Pitt in the end.
Why is there so little porn with Medusa in it? It's just Palutena shit.
Because Medusa is pure.
yeah, pure waifu
All that rape. All that Zeus bull rape and spider monsters.
Nintendo needs to get a Kid Icarus game where Pit fights all of Zeus' bastard children.
I remember many a thread ago some user mentioning that doujin saying it was mediocre. Was that user lying to me?
Half of them are bro-tier heroes though.
No, user, I mean his bastard children that no one ever talks about.
I.E., shit Nintendo gets to make up
Shame user. It's vanilla so it has more SoL moments than fucking so it's up to you to decide.
It's likely, still a shame.
Well yes, Sakurai desperately wanted to make an Uprising 2, it's why so much of Kid Icarus shit was in Smash 4. So he can get it green lit.
Considering the voice actors for the game are dicking about voicing over smash bros videos I'm not sure if the project is under way at all.
Its pretty fucking top tier
Fuck off with your gay shit fit girls need fat for dem gainz I'll fight you bitch Jesus Christ.
The witch still turns my thing into stone.
This is why I never played it. Left handers got fucked by that one. If they rereleased it for the Switch I'd definitely give it a try. Actually, I should look at 3DS emulation and see how it controlls with KBM. Anyone got any direct experience on that topic?
Dual analog is too slow for anything above 6.0. The touch screen controls actually work for this game.
This, however, is a valid point.
Here, I'll save you some trouble:
I think the controls depend on how big your hands are. If they're above average then the game will cause cramps, a lot.
Mommyfags are cancer
Gee, I wonder. Also, it's not like the musculature of a female adventurer (i.e. rapebait) really matters, does it?
The rule of anything on imageboards is that if there's at least two anons who think its good and post like actual anons, its probably good
People like to say everything is shit on imageboards
You beatles looking mother fucker.
This. If a couple of anons can talk seriously about it for a number of posts, and no one spergs out super hard, it's probably okay.
that's pretty good
That's Hal all of their shit has more interesting lore than Mario.
That's because Mario doesn't have lore.
Miyamoto is a hack.
Do you really want that? Are you sure?
Think about it for awhile.
For some reason that made me feel a little sad.
Your chart contradicts what you said.
TBH Miyamoto seems completely correct in all of these.
Game was good but they raped original script and think they removed japanese jokes about hot springs and boobs or something.
Found an untagged, hidden gold nugget.
W-what? Really?
I will fight you irl.
You dumbass they already said when the next sequal is coming out. Play the game and find out.
Hades said to expect the game in another 25 years in the aftercredits.
Project Sora was dissolved shortly after the release of kid icarus uprising.
There is probably no sequel being made.
The fact that people took seriously a 4th wall joke amuses me.
Let's face it, though, it's certainly not going to happen in the next 5 years, and probably not the next 10. By the 10-year mark, demand for a sequel will go back down to the baseline cult-following levels that a lot of Nintendo IPs have, and then they can justify a 40th or 50th anniversary revival for them delicious shekels.
This is total horse shit.
Kill me.
You might wanna read the description of the video you embedded. Those aren't the offical VAs, they're just fans.
What is the source on that?
It is. Check official art.
Take your normalfag fetish back to cuckchan.
Localization is not an easy task user considering they have to basically rewrite everything for it to make sense. That being said shortcuts don't help and what helps even less is that the Japanese have words that can't be translated into english. Oh and when you get a bunch of cucks to work for your localization team games tend to go tits up. Shin Megami V tempts me to pickup a switch, that and Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
LN art is non-canon like Aqua wearing panties.