Why arent japs making 2D games anymore?
inb4 visual novel shit
Why arent japs making 2D games anymore?
inb4 visual novel shit
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Because in their hearts they know that 3d is inferior
thats some weak shitposting, try harder
But they are, mostly for handhelds and there's also Vanillaware.
of course they are.
like fucking what
at this point they've probably lost all of their good Sprite animators
Nintendo,Vanillaware, SHMUPs and Doujin games
Now fuckoff with your shit thread
Because they fell for the three-dee meme
Look at fucking Nintendo's handheld for proof
The Switch?
Were there even that many games that used the 3D on the 3DS? I mean, they released a version of the thing without the 3D.
Spritified 3D is cheaper.
It's too fucking expensive and takes far too long to do HD sprites. Just look at KoF XIII to KoF XIV; XIII had beautiful sprite work but each character took 6.5 months of work which is why the roster ended up being one of the smallest in the series and was the reason for all the headswaps/moveset cuts. They said fuck it and went for 3D with XIV; the result was one of the biggest rosters in the series, the roster being very diverse in fight styles and no moveset cuts.
Most 3DS games had 3D, but a lot of 3rd party ones weren't done well and made you sick to look at because the devs were fucking idiots and inverted the parallax or something. And the BIG 3DS games, Pokemon, either didn't have 3D at all or only used it in certain sections, and it tanked the framerate in the battles. That, combined with how using 3D halves your battery life, meant everyone who owned a 3DS generally kept it turned off after the initial "wow so cool" period. It was mandatory in a few levels of Mario 3D Land and some puzzle games, helpful in the starfox remake, and definitely added something to OOT and MM, but otherwise wasn't worth using because of the battery drain.
I love this game
Hello there halfchan rapefugee.
But they do though.
I made these a very, very long time ago. It's not like I ever have a chance to post them anyways
probably should've just made them into gifs to begin with
Do your own homework?
Could I get a source on the game?
I remember this being posted alongside Yume Nikki threads some years back.
I never did figure out what game this was. What's it called? The way she reacts to bumping into a platform is really cute.
Thank you based user
The name is already posted user.
Hint: It's a file name.
Spritework is really hard and takes a lot of time and effort and money and nobody is learning how to do it any more.
3D modeling has a lot of shortcuts you can take in a lot of places and everyone in their grandma does it.
Why did you think Cuphead has gotten so much praise? It's an average-at-best boss rush game, but the graphics are all hand-drawn and it makes it look gorgeous.
Many doujin games continue to be 2D.
As if 99% of people here didn't come from 4chan (the other 1% came from somewhere worse). Fuck off with this pretentious try-hard shit already.
I'm just a sucker for the old cartoon aesthetic. It's something nice and different to all the faux retro pixelshit.
Most people that came here from 4chan came from pre-GG 4chan.
wow back to 2ch anytime now
you have to go back
Wow, what a huge difference.
What did I just fucking say:
There needs to be an ero version where she gets chased around and ass raped by orcs.
thats if you dont consider the zoe quinn drama to be part of GG, i came here in sept. 2014 and there were like only 300 users and i consider myself to come because of GG
nigger the Zoe quinn drama was GG because it exposed the hypocracy of the SJWs and the leftist who infiltrated the industry everything after that when PR fags tried to sweep that under the rug was pure cancer.
There are still guys who work into 2D, but it's true some have fallen for the 3D meme and fallen hard.
they are
Except Guilty Gear Rev 2 and the new DBFZ look amazing in 3D thanks to their hard work in MAKING it work unlike Capcom.
because 3D is cheap
3D can be cheaper, but isn't always. You're also forgetting this is Japan where many animators for anime, since they work on a commission rate based on how many frames they draw and such, often make less or just above minimum wage. 3D may be cheaper in the west because 2D animators actually know what they're worth here, but in Japan I'd argue that 2D animation could potentially be a steal for the publisher
Xrd's graphics are a failure on the fronts of design and animation on top of just destroying a perfectly good franchise. They DmC'd their own IP.