Head of Gaf accused of sexual misconduct (again).

Snowflakes (including mods) are jumping ship.


Continuing with a cycle since the megatons have been dropped, and now is the time for laughter, smug and celebration.







Other urls found in this thread:

The man who won everything
Jontron keeps winning


Fuck beefag


Who? The guy that makes these based comics



obligatory dance celebration


I'm gonna go have a celebratory fap session before going to sleep, night Holla Forums and thanks for all the laughs

You mean the jew who snitches on white nationalists?

Where do we get the source on how many mods/admins have quit?

Any updates?


Nigger loving r/donald cucks arent natsoc, stupid fuck.

This guy

Maldraw's based. Hang yourself nigger lover.

hi cuckchan

I'll scour the twitters' and tumblrs'

I thought he's asian, nigger lover.

Live by the sjw sword, die by the sjw sword.
2017 is truly the year of KEK

Check earlier breads, there was some person who kept saying how many mods left
you could also check the site for yourself and see the userlist

What the fuck happened to the fingers on her right hand?

Okay there's no new salt or info about neogaf, and the threads getting derailing arguing about the malaysian bee. I think this is a good stopping point for me.

Looks like people went to sleep. Hopefully we can find some new material for them to wake up to.

so Maldraw was right all along?

is this upset pedro?

Now is the time for the europoors to step up

I wonder who could bee behind these posts

Is this a sign of things to come Holla Forums?

Good news to hear they are in trouble.

They are not coming here however, quit being paranoid, they hate us, anyone that was a member of GAF is clearly against all people in here stand for, from politics to even the imageboard format instead of the "lick my balls" forum hierarchy

hi cuckchan

Maldraw's a jew.

Maldraw you have been shilling that garbage for almost 2 years, its time to stop.

Nice, saved


what's wrong with shilling our greatest youtubers like (gaygrumps) (transdonequick) or (cuckteampill)

You'll have to expose his comics to tumblr, just spam them everywhere with his twitter and patreon attached.



So is the story of Maldraw:
Is this basically correct?

What's wrong with Bro Team? Other than the fact they're Canucks.

Time to leave sweety

Is there anything that's salvageable?

Got it hacked off by a Taiwanese artists who didn't pay attention to detail





So looks like he's on full damage control. I made one tweet about Neogaf and suddenly BAM!

Yeah basically.
He's pretty much the -8 of Holla Forums just without the talent.

whats the real story faggot?


Why can't we get him doxed like EpycWynn or shut down?


It's a reaction image dipshit

I can easily jerk off to this. Twice.

Brotes kind of a sperg when he gets info from people about others and spreads it around like its the truth, without knowing it the info is legit or not.
I don't know them all that well but ive seen him do this a few times.


Are you telling me it's just one guy?

Here's some spikegirl hips to celebrate NeoGAF going under.


What a nice (early, depending on location still) birthday present for 8ch. Refugees from cuckchan, reddit, and anywhere else that is currently shutting down discussion of this need to be removed though. Don’t let someone shit where you eat.

fucking cuck


Well he constantly jumps between here and 4chan shilling his garbage, for almost 2 years straight.
Pretty sure he is literally autistic and can't understand why everyone doesn't like his shit.

What's the status on that brian guy.

Dead? Or still damage controlling in these threads?



mods have actually done a good job with that

More please

this isn't cuckchan you sodomite. I'm not familiar with (you) normalfag reaction images.


This guy? Doxxed to hell and back, will most likely kill himself within a week



If you are from neofag, leave.

You are literally too stupid to accept for, and stand up for the truth of things. You chose a convenient lie, and in doing so wallowed in your own filth.

You were given a chance years ago, and didn't take it. We don't want you here now.


I wish I had more though, might need a good drawfag to do more.

cuckchan in particular is in meltdown. Somebody post the sticky they put up


Maldraw is old Holla Forums. He sees through all the bullshit and knows everyone slightly right wing is being played by the kikes. Conservative statues taken down, right wing speech censored on social media these things dont happen under Obama why would they happen under Trump?

Trump is fucking cancer to natsoc and he's gonna swing the pendulum left so hard later and bring us down for good.


From what is she from?


no, you're autistic, and everybody hates you


I suppose I should accompany this post with a smug anime girl.

the based drawfag who triggers nigger lovers
why you ask nigger lover?

You're so creative when defending yourself. Why doesn't that translate to your comics?

Maldraw is not old Holla Forums you fucking nigger. I know the art and told the fag to quit shilling his crap. However, I just don't know about the drama. It sounds to me like some TRSodomite bullshit tbh.

sad fucking nigger lovers arent everybody, nigger lover
stop wasting my time and go fucking hang yourself

wish I knew, this be the source image.


It's a Russian conspiracy. They are making us lose by promoting bad information and we can't stop them, they're too numerous. How do we get the truth out?!

Man, I almost feel sorry for him. Whatever, he's just some lolcow we'll get tired of in a month.


Here you go, why he was banned from cuckchan

fuck furries

Thanks user, I'll try to find something

Watch it all the way to the end. I don't wanna spoil the first episode.

* as in its coming with the cuckchan refugees. The same cancerous (((Alt-kike))) niggers who where involved with HWNDU.

Holy shit, is that his real face? Where'd you find that from?



What the fuck is TRS? Maldraw started drawing those comics in 2015, way before you visit Holla Forums because you cant stop gargling on Trump's dick in late 2016, you fucking bandwagoning nigger lover.




Why do you keep giving him attention? Just report and filter.


hang yourself hilbilly nigger lover



He needs to be banned from patreon is all, maybe have him go through a month or two without food, just like in his childhood

Oh no, did I hurt your gay feelings kid? I'm sorry I didn't contribute to your welfare check.

What great times we live in.

Those comics are from 2015, yes or no, nigger lover?

What thread is he torposting in?

Fucking neato.


Who else a 4chan Holla Forums refugee here?

never mind. I assumed you where talking to me

Wait what does this have to do with NeoShaft

go fucking hang yourself





How the fuck am I supposed to differentiate between you and malay mike when you also use nigger lover, huh mike?

Me and the rest of us came here in august 2014, correct redditard?

So, what's the solution to the Jaime Turdick question Holla Forums?


Where's the super eurobeat version?


I hope you didn't also fall for the Best Korea meme too user.

Why are you here?

Focused too long on the furry dox. 9/11.

lil sad nigger lover says this yet he sages and reports every thread the comics show up
what a fucking lolcow

Try thread three or four.

Well, clear your cache first.




meh, I'd give him a pass. He's a normalfag.


you seem to sage stickies. looks like youre here just now, r/donald nigger lover


Threatening to take someone's life is a punishable offense, Mike. Maybe we should contact the authorities again

I know, I have trouble differentiating between IDs too. Feels silly being autistic, huh mike?

Is it murder to kill an animal?


Then add some content to it yourself; I feel there's plenty he could've added like the post velocity, the mad digits being checked and whatnot but I'm shit with video editing


Not the 8ch captcha, the one. It's keep redirecting to the same page.

I hate that nigger. What does he have to do with NeoGAF though?






Check out last thread

3 years of triggering your bitch ass is only met with you whining to mods to protect your snowflake feelings lil nigger lover.
Go fucking hang yourself already.


Because he's here shilling his comic and calling everyone a nigger lover
He's mentally ill and most likely ban avoiding


Tip the FBI off on him.

Awwww, is babby mad?

I don't know what is worse this dumb tweet or the reply that confuses Bannon with Barron

Thank you for not banning the autistic shitskin shilling his comic on multiple pinned threads, Mark and friends.

Nobody is actually triggered by you. But you do need mental help

That's 4chan mods, nigger lover. maybe you should fuck off back there if you love them so much.

Bravo Nolan.



Was he actually doxxed or this just Neogaf damage control?

He's been doing a good job with the refugees but yeah
I think one problem is the autist ended up creating one of the threads so banning and deleting all posts by OP might delete the thread
Just a theory



Who's mike, nigger lover? The guy who makes you shit your pants and makes you sperg by sage bombing and spamming retard shit all over his thread?

How does it feel you will never be taken seriously anywhere on the internet ever again?


We did, check the previous threads


He's possibly Czech, and they've got a new right wing government don't they? Let him live to enjoy our new post neogaf world.


The info was publicly accessible. It's sort of his fault for not keeping it private.

And best of all?
Have some REAL art, faggot

You're mike pretending to be not mike. I can tell by your autistic tears.

Seriously where, nigger lover? On 4chan?
Get a fucking grip.


Czech were always right wing.


An autistic man who spams his talentless comics and his psychotic fantasies about murder and kidnapping online

All infantile children. Adults too busy acting like children for kids to be kids any more. Next generation of kids are going to want to gas us.

Not bad.



Anywhere, mikey man. Even this drawing is better than all your art.

Imagine taking everything you know about politics from Disney cartoons and being able to break down politics accordingly for children. I almost wish I was this naive

Looks like that drawn by maldraw. He's pretty good with meme drawings.


Was being soundless a part of your plan

How old is this kid?

You're delusional, Mike. You need serious help

Mike pence?
Why are you so angry?

No kidding. I always use real sounding fake names like John Stevenson or Steve Johnson.

The internet is a wonderful place.

Yep. Katia Lives!

ask him

That's traced and you know it, mike.


Triggering and laughing at your sad fucking autistic nigger loving bitch ass is helping.

Oh now I get it, is a shower. I just thought you where being autistic about proportions.


You tell me.

Hey mike, you don't sound well. Have you talked to the psychiatrist lately?

Whatever helps you cope with your mental illness, mike

Hook, line, and sinker
Now can you fuck off somewhere else with your ebegging for gibs. Your talking in third person isnt funny. Please seek mental help. I know in your goat fucking muslim town, they may not believe in doctors or mental health. So, go to the capital, or closest metropolis. Or you could kill yourself, and save the time and money

Spouting shit from your mouth isnt proof, nigger lover.
Hang yourself already.


Go allahu ackbar another goat mike, you're feeling ill.

I'm a nigger lover. Should I hang myself user-kun?

Fucking hell, I need some sleep
See you fags tomorrow, fuck my throat is sore from laughing so fucking hard.


Woah there nigger lover. Just because I remind you everyday that you're a nigger dicksucking degenerate doesnt mean I'm crazy.
Check with a shrink to get that nigger cock out of your mouth first.

I forgot the details, but his drawings are against the law in his shithole of a country. The police came to his house before, maybe it's time to inform them of his haram drawings again

this thread is eating my ram

What's with this cringey shit? Looking to topple B^U as the shittiest webcomic of all time?
Also I see you're biting Shadman. Of course a gook would be an uncreative pedo.

Then why are you advertising on a gay nigger forum, mike? You most certainly are mentally ill.

Yes, please do. Make sure they see all of it.

yes, and have your mother post photos.

Meanwhile, what's Tyler worried about? Blocking all the people talking shit about NeoGAF on Twitter. Because that's the correct course of action to take when all your bullshit catches up with you, cut everyone out of your life.

Go hang yourself already nigger lover. Stop wasting other's time with your inane triggering to a bunch of comics.

I have also been a nigger lover. I've been a bad boy. I need a big strong user to teach me a lesson.


You seem rather knowledgable on loving niggers, mike. Tell me, do you jack it to BLACKED?

Nobody is going to buy your shitty comics. Live with it, don't throw a autistic temper tantrum every time somebody tells you to fuck off

Thank you!


Wrong first pic.
Look at this bullshit.

Someone needs to include the Gawker Liru webm to include NeoGaf's ultimate demise. A sequel?

That actually looks nice nigger lover. Dont say something is shit just because its made by someone who raped your whore of a mother to death.

why is the Holla Forumsyp shill being mentioned?

You did good today.



If anyone wants to farm some OC and images before the threads 404, here's some direct links instead of archives







You're chris chan 2.0, Mike, nothing more. Don't kid yourself

What is Holla Forums?

Well, that and trump in office too. The liru webm needs a sequel

Oh no mike, you seem pissy. Check a shrink for me, okay?

Why does this matter? I know neogaf is always a place that's been made fun of here but I see no reason to give a shit at all.

well, I'm getting too tired to go on.
hope the fire gets even hotter tomorrow when Neo-fag users wake up.

don't forget to subscribe to catch my upcoming animated series for only 15 bucks!

Why would you spare yourself from fun, user?

Why are you here then?



it was rhetorical

I don't give a shit about overwatch so i dont comment in threads about overwatch.

Someone post the essential Neogaf screenshot dump please.

pretty much this




webM'd, thanks user

lurk more




Apparently you can only keep on topic for so many threads

everybody here is probably burnt out from several hours of straight smug posting


welcome to the world of maldraw. there is a reason he was permabanned from cuckchan



stay mad cuck

Toaster in the tub.

Let's get him permabanned here too!

I love that version of that song.


do you even know what that word means?

Drinks a bottle of martini mix, takes half a packet of berry-flavored children's advil, and climbs into his local zoo's wolf exhibit.


The brownpill guy is actually pretty funny. It's just some guy who shitposts when he has nothing else to do when he's overnighting at some hotel. This guy is just pathetic. Nothing but 25 posts of nigger lover and no creativity when it comes to insulting people.

And in his fursuit too


Why not both?

It's so beautiful though to see how quickly that house of cards collapsed. There will be people who completed missed the happening and then try to log in to Neofag to see devastation. Expect more fallout over the course of the next few days as people gradually realize everything is fucked.

Like I said, tell the authorities about him. He's clearly doing something illegal, if his sonichu comics are getting him in trouble with the police

okie dokie then

Double singles, what do they mean?

That works.



Does anyone have the Brian webm



Is it a sin to be curious? I've never understood why people like lolcows either. Why laugh at pathetic degenerates? Whats funny? It's just sad they they exist.

EvilOre was always part of a Russian alt-right conspiracy, that's why he rejected the money.

not srs


why are you still responding cuck?

You the classical statue and distortion poster?

What happened to free speech nigger lover?

Again, why are you here?
There's more than 15 pages worth of threads. This is relevant to the majority of the board because of its history with neogaf. We laugh at them because of the way they've treated anyone outside their hugbox, and their general behavior as a whole
Laughing and mocking people is literally somethign that's been aroudn since the dawn of man user, come on now


Take your medication


user are you actually retarded? I wasn't calling (you) out. I was calling out 79f075's one and done and I was referencing the old threads form your post.

NeoGAF is old news, anyone who posts there is a rapist sympathizer

Look good to me, sad dumbfuck. Why it triggers you or something?


Was this you by chance?



It's alright, it's imageboard humour. You're supposed to like it regardless of the art.

If you say so.


8cahn Isnt your safe space, nigger lover
Go fucking hang yourself already.


so a neo neo gaf



If you are just going to name it neo_gaf why not just kill yourself

That ain't gonna last long.


Do you know what the word curious means? I'm just wondering why it's so wildly popular, this is a huge thread. By all means carry on. Like I give a shit. Like you need anyone's fucking permission to begin with

Triggering your nigger loving bitchy snwoflake ass isnt acting retarded, nigger lover.
Report TOR posts too, show everyone youre a fucking retard.

No platform for hate enablers

Reddit must ban them

Some teach us a little about ourselves (ulillillia, Chris Chan, Jason Genova), some are jerks who start shit and get hit (Dobson, Burch, SA goons) and some are just fascinating due to their bizarre personal issues (gangstalking people, schizophrenics, fringe deviantartist perverts).

Someone PM them 'Brian577'.

user what are you smoking?

Careful, you will make a doo doo in your diaper if you get too excited!

Black people did nothing wrong


that's not even good bait, but I'll give you a (you) anyway

I didn't call you the enemy user, just being a bit abrasive since it should be obvious if you've been around for any length of time

You make good points about him. Didn't know about that brown guy, just got tired of the joke after the first few times. Different strokes, i guess.
But this guy. This malaysian muzzie. Real, stinkin' disgrace. Absolutely low effort and energy, i tell ya. He cant even come up with a new insult! "Nigger lover" this. "Nigger lover" that. "Nigger lover," "nigger lover," "nigger lover!" You'd think after saying it enough, he'd notice how tired it is getting and try something different. This just goes to show the kinda folks who face the curse of the Don. Ugly, idiotic, childish people. Disgraceful!

So what are the odds this guy just vaporised his site and nothing more will ever come of this? Just poof, like that?



You're not triggering anyone, mike. You're mentally ill, nobody takes you seriously

Post dance music.


Don't have something better to do than interacting with a bunch of autists in the video game board of a Cambodian Skull Whittling Forum?

He's been doing this for years. He legitimately needs mental help

Quick rundown?

On the best scenario, since SJWs no longer have their special snowflake containment site, developers and companies will realize that they were never relevant and will stop accepting their demands. Also

You think this shit is over? Neogafs current userbase of special snowflakes need a new community now. And literally nobody wants those mouth breathing retards on their site. There is a Neogaf exodus happening and wherever they go they will inevitably make it worse


If you dare, check out cuck/pol/ and see the cuck/v/ niggers arguing with polacks and letting cuck/v/ turning in neofag.

Also, notice the
Has been cropping up here lately too. Anyone who posts like this is a crossposter.

What the fuck?
I just woke up and there have been 6 threads about this already?
And all of that because he went in the shower with someone who didn't want to?
He didn't even touch her, right?
This is fucking insane.


he literally raped her

There isn't even any real proof either, just a facebook post lmao
But that's what happens when you create an environment of "listen and believe" and ban every dissenting voice and free speech proponent on your forum and turn it into an echo chamber

I see nothing wrong with that picture.

Is there really anything left to say about GafChan?


Reminder this is why the first exodus happened and why we're all here

Keep fighting the good fight anons. Remember not to become that.

Is that why you went on TOR?

Get the malaysian cops on him, make sure everything is archived when you send it to them.


He's a mentally ill man who draws sonichu like comics and then goes around chans begging people to buy them. Except that when they tell him to fuck off, he calls them nigger lovers, and makes threads with his comics as the OP image to advertise them
For one example. he got permabanned from cuckchan for constantly advertising his shitty comics, so now he advertises them on random Holla Forums thread. Today, he chose this one, because it has a lot of attention

he's a little, unstable jew who only wants more patreon clicks

I hope it triggers some kind of psychosis

I've heard we gained 400 UIDs. These will be interesting times for sure.

No there are definitely Holla Forumstards who are off-topic as fuck when they start rambling about leftists and jews in threads that have fuck-all to do with either topic. That said, whining because you didn't like what someone said and cried that it wasn't Holla Forums is a pretty good sign you're not from around here.

Wait a sec. He is going to put on his fursuit, drink some piss cheap vermont only bydlo drink in Italy and gobble down some medicine candy for kids, then packs up a toaster and a kiddy pool, climbs into a Wolf pen and then westinghouses himself there in public?

Live by the vagina, die by the vagina. The guy was a drunk beta who tried to rise to alphahood and got rebuffed. Usually I'd feel bad for him, but
No pity.

I agree with you, the girl's story is retarded, but it's hilarious if this spells his down fall.

You're really something else when even reddit tells you to fuck off

I'm too lazy, you're free to do what you want. You got plenty of ammo in this thread and the previous one alone

So it's like a psychological case study kind of thing. I can dig it.

Maybe for any user to follow suit.


surely they wont come here….r-right?

Read the thread; that's some cuck on 4/v/ whing about Holla Forums being in the board and being triggered by them.

Not really, besides them wanting to migrate here.

I didn't think there was anyone left on gamefaqs to even complain about a Gaf influx.

People are still using gamefaqs?

there is two phenomenon to be aware of. One is crossposters who are shilling the "no politics on Holla Forums" and the other are falls faggots who LARP as Holla Forumsacks to shit up threads to give ammunition to the censors and sympathy to those who just want to talk about video games. Mark dispute being a CakeGolem has been good on both counts. take your Holla Forums hysteria back to endchan faggot.

Bully and report every obvious cuckchanner you see. The last thing we need is rapefugees shitting up the place.

Are we posting Rondo Duo to keep the normans out?

am from Holla Forums because it is utter shit and this is the most interesting thing going on i'll probably leave when this is over


Too hate. Even if he does bring Neofag back online he already lost the confidence of the cocksucking shill posters that lurked as well as all his mod base.

Didja draw that?


Tell me about the Janny, why does he have a dead cat?


4chan literally gets thousands of college students who get credits for their class to shill progressivism and make it unwelcoming to anyone not pozzed in the head.

Welcome to Current Year+2. He might as well have raped her.

speak of the devil get the fuck out

why is it that all newfags, redditors, tumblrettes and other faggots don't know what it means and use it wrong constantly

nope it's a console tan, 2ds-tan, which is best tan tbh

Thanks for confirming that.
No need to suddenly project like a raving nigger.

It feels good TBH

Posting some drawing to celebrate neoFAG's death.

But really what kind of dumb whore stays in a hotel room with a guy for a trip they planned together and thinks he won't want sex? Did they sleep in the same bed too? I wouldn't be surprised the way this was described.

Daily reminder
Every one who appose Jontron loses


LOL, he doesn't even have access to passwords, only usernames? What kind of security is that?!



NeoGAF may be gone, but leftist criminals are still out there. Why don't you have a raifuru to defend yourself against them?

Is this Holla Forums?


you don't fit in Goon

Well it's hard to tell Holla Forums apart from other cesspits of bitches and whores so maybe.

I honestly don't even really know what neogaf IS

That bitch was fucking retarded no doubt, but so was he for actually taking his clothes off and going into the shower with her at that incident assuming he knew she had a bf. At least the bitch didn't throw a fit when her bf left her as a result

Everyone in this story is a retard. Just sit back and eat popcorn

I meant the furfag image, but i find it funny how he keeps using the same insult over and over like some kind of bot. Did he get datamined like this brian fag as well?


oh, the threads that use these images?


old/v/ lol

You ever seen a chimp exhibit at a zoo? kinda like that.

It's almost cute how ignorant people on cuckchan are about how their mods are.

Of course it has to start in American time… oh well.

I think it was a forum where people exchanged STD's and child porn.

Oh boy, cuck/v/ hates nazis. Remember the 6 quintilion.

Sorry, what Sarcuck meme did I post >>>/reddit/ ?

kike mods here are half as bad tbh fam

That's a stupid ass law. If I call you a dumb cunt because of some dumb cunty shit you've said, that doesn't mean that I'm secretly a dumb cunt.

Have these people never heard of logic? What you can apply to numbers you can apply to words, holy shit.

most entertaining board on Holla Forums honestly

top kek

You just cannot catch a break today huh?

There's your answer

Hello leftypol

I never claimed that kike.

stop giving him (you)'s, he's a filthy slut for them

Don't start with the white sharia trsfag

Even in other Discord servers you see Neogaf users claiming that Gaf is a minority in the gaming community in that it's left wing when the rest are "right wing". Neogaf might as well be another Holla Forums.

I never said I jerked my gerk to loli, I just said that there's a difference between drawings and people.

It's a good pun, so I'll allow it.

user please

all I'm saying is hit women. This isn't even supposed to be controversial, they used to argue about HOW to hit women but everyone was in agreement about what needed to be done.

Do you have that pic showing the UK ministry of defense with every other nation's leaders of defense. That was pretty kekworthy.

Well leftypol is a slut of a board.

Read my posts back, a correctional slap is fine. But hello leftypol.




Gotta give them some hope and then bring them down.

I never get tired of that

Is that Samur Al-Hadeen?

It being 2D doesn't change the fact that you find children bodies attractive and that you get off on stories and images of child sex. The concept, fantasy-fullfilment and appeal is identical. You're all delusional.

It was a pretty old pic, pre trump so I wasn't really holding my breath.

I remember when shitposters tried and could actually derail a thread. Even our shitposters are lame. Sad.

So what if I do?

won't get neogaf back.
won't hurt us in any way.
kill yourself.

Then you're a pedo, as simple as that.

Nobody is saying you should beat women unconscious. Open palm slap, not a closed fist.

The elections were our hackers on steroids that brought in a ton of newfags and trsodimites. It's a shock that Holla Forums can still do it's thing considering the new blood forced into it.

I wish I could recall what that one was called.

so, if I kill a nigger in a videogame, I'm a murderer?

This whole situation is possibly the best case scenario I'd have ever envisioned for gaf, I love it when the SJW mentality goes full circle.
I still can't get over the fact he had the courtesy to drive her home after, kek.

Let this be a lesson for all anons; don't give SJW bitches the time of day

That leftypol user said beating them up like the mudslime he is is all fine.


yeah, but to be fair donkey kong kidnapped a white girl and squatted in a construction site.


Really surprising how hated they are

The election while fun at first really was a mistake

Oh for fuck's sake

You want people to post more loli?
Is that what you're saying?

Good joke

I fucking swear if you continue this loli autism, I'll go full bara mode.

You sound female even though I think you're male. Sick, man. Stand up for yourself for once.

Sounds like I hit a nerve.

Goddamn, they have the gamut of people laughing at them
The meme about leftists secretly hating their own is true; I remember when Literally Who had lunch with Brad Wardell and she was being torn alive by her own side with stuff like
And whatnot, looks like it still applies to neogaf
Stay mad

Hello leftypol

Bara is less cancerous than the current NeoFAG raiding goons anyway. Do it. I gotta save more bara terror imahes on my hard drive.

Brilliant! We can drown any conversation that could occur!
Just use the filter feature you immense retard.

Holla Forums was just as shitty before the election, worse even. It was just angry yelling at a cloud, and political compass threads. Pretty much the only thing wrong with Holla Forums right now is the obscene amount of shilling and TRSfaggotry.


Oh yeah, I guess that actually is the reason why Hotwheels resigned from Wizardchan and made Holla Forums. I never thought of it like that for some reason.

I think people are truly scared of your internet threats user, nobody here has ever seen anything disgusting before

Do it

Open palm into backhand infinite is broken as fuck pls nerf.

boohoohoo toxic masculinity am I right?

I need some fire-themed music to listen to. Help me out here, Holla Forums.


I dont really remember any political compass threads post 2nd exodus as it was basically an unwritten rule that everyone there is a National Socialist

Killing shit in vidya and getting turned on are different things. Murder in vidya is abstract enough that it does not cause the same brain activity as actual murder. With porn, you're getting a boner all the samd regardless of the source. If someone has a blowjob fetish he will get turned on by blowjob pics both 2D and 3D.

I can't believe I have to explain this, but then again, you pedos are retards.

Neogaf… i'll remember you for the good laughs before the SjWs took over. fuck those intellectual parasites.

Hello leftypol


Here you go

Let's not forget shitting on people that actively expel the jew and niggers because nu/pol/ can't get over the fact that niggers and spics are also upset at the kikes because fuck niggers and spics. I doubt we could have fun threads like Dorner and Zimmerman anymore thanks to the new blood.

But what if I enjoy killing specifically nigger characters?

Rolling for points.


Stop letting niggers living in your head rent-free

I liked GTA:SA too!

Somehow, I'm guessing his opinion changed two months later.


Get out of here with your shitty bait.

Why don't you hit your girlfriend right now instead of listening to me? Learn from my mistakes lad.

Haha Musume Donburi Oppai Tokumori Bonyuu Shiru Dakude. Same group made Victorian Maid Maria and Boku To Misaki sensei later(the last one being /ss/)

Again, a CRIPPLED MIDGET made this site because he managed to get laid, while Evilore killed Neogaf because it was found out that he tried to get laid.

Can you go ara mode instead?

Half the posts in that thread are defending Neogaf though. Blizzdrones truly are the most pathetic of all scum.

I'll fuck off when nu/pol/ gets their precious dotr. :^)

If you hate this place and "pedos" so much then leave.

Hello leftypol


Don't disrespect /bane/.

I can practically see this yid's nose from here

I think this is a good thing that Holla Forums has done. ZImmerman and Dorner were from a different era of Holla Forums than what Holla Forums is now, as is the political climate.

Not exactly fire, but here's some farewell-themed music.

Trust me there's always a reason. You're just too weak to keep your relationship together, just like I was.


Nah, I like this place, just hate the pedos.

New Goon Tactics
-Posing as both Holla Forums and Holla Forums to incite political shitshow
-Posing as both Consolefag and PCfag to incite platform war
-Calling random people for being Holla Forums, Holla Forums, or newfag despite he himself acting as
-False nationality identity and LARPing as random national anons with fresh IPs
-Loli=Pedo nonsense
-"But GG and anti-SJW is just bad as SJWs if not worse!"
-"Mark please ban GG discussions from Holla Forums"
-Alot of IP hopping

However Holla Forums created topics that are now politically incorrect to them. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of the board? Why not fuck off to /polk/ at that point then?


Hello leftypol.

If you believe the only way to exert strength and control a woman is to physically assault her you are pathetic.

so it is true, the side is gone forever? Or just until the shitstorm is over?

It really is brutalized and maimed.
They took the pepe pill to save western civilization, at the cost of their own soul.
they probably don't even know about uncle fucking Holla Forums

They're derailment shitposters, pay them no heed and give them no (You)'s.


The FAGs are moving around, clueless as to where to go because people just don't want them.

Sorry, I'd prefer posting bara. Ara is just vanilla and people will enjoy watching.

Good taste.

You got no groove.

he posted that 3 years ago

All mods left or were banned.
Users started migrating to other sites and REQUESTING to be permabanned on gaf

Even if the site went back up in the next hour it would be for nothing. They all left, they aint coming back there.

Good. Let them wander for 40 years until they die off.


It's not the only way, it's just a totally necessary part of the toolbox. Why is this even so difficult? Do you think this dumb hotel slut didn't want to be raped? She went there to be raped and then she complained that a guy saw her nekkid. Women are filth, total, utter garbage. Just like us to be fair but in the same way they use their sexuality we need to use good old-fashioned violence.

Do you have Ace Attorney stuff



Whoops, meant to embed this.

Just woke up.

Can someone tell me what's happening with cuck/v/?


Pay the poster no mind. They are shiposters that will call the land under your feet a jewish trick.

As virulently disgusting as cuckchan has become, I doubt people who actually like forum posting and building up an identity in their special little communities will ever integrate into an imageboard. Most likely plebbit will absorb them all.

Moot is next.

Ara's are better with at least someone a little older.

I'm sorry user

Funny how I believe the thing that /polk/ fails in is the reason as to why Holla Forums is shit now. Trump he should be treated like a child. Rewarded when he does something which is deemed good and should have the largest backlash from when doing something for the kikes I really hate ivanka and jared

Hello leftypol

gib link, I prefer galleries to chans for viewing lewds

You're either a nigger, a sandnigger, or a r9k reject. White men don't beat their women, we can put them in their place without resorting to such counter productive methods.

No idea because I've never visited that shit place for almost 3 years

I haven't been to Holla Forums in a while. Are bookthreads still banned because of that illiterate sandnigger?

Didn't he even get a bit of shit during the amnesty thingy?

He's from leftypol posing as Holla Forums. It's obvious.

I see what mudslimes did there.

You forgot

It was pretty good. Ending got me, 9/11

Hello leftypol


They do it less but let's not go lying now.


Hotpockets are going full damage control to stop people from talking about NeoFAG, presumably because they're NeoFAGs themselves.

I can see your nose from here, Goldberg

They started another one.

I hope something like this happens to penny arcade

Wew, what?


Not only are book threads banned, but he spams everyone who complains about him on /sudo/ with the same copy-pasta.
Example. He does this in nearly every thread on /sudo/ where he's even mentioned in a passing glance, sometimes not even that

Go on
Billy Joel is an obvious pick, but I'd like to add something else as well. It's a song about Moscow burning down in the singers dream. All the politicians died.

God damn, I've already jacked off twice today, little guy is hurtin'…

What did he mean by this?

Probably a Holla Forums false-flagger

Yes, though don't bring it up on nu/pol/ or you will get shat on and possibly banned. This whole site has really dropped on quality.
You can't even talk about certain vidya here without the fanboys shitting up the thread and the mods turning a blind eye because the vidya in question is not kosher enough for Holla Forums.

Seriously 80% of your text has been Holla Forums
If anyone is Holla Forums it's you.

Even I don't save images like that


what is this? don't view mine if you value your night's sleep btw

Tasteless. Futanari dominating lolis is where it's at, plebe.

You faggots are still talking about this? Anything interesting happen since last night?

I had a dream just like that doujin once. It was awful because my mother weighs 200kgs.

I could tell by the (1)

Nigger I'm fine with you posting bara but you don't even know the basic rules

Not going to post a single story. I'd go full 7 chapters of cops becoming sex slaves. Besides, the English translation of the story of yours is horrible.

This is what the neofag has been reduced to!

He's pure trash. So the bookthreads on /polk/ aren't really catching on either?
I just want a place to talk about books here.

There is a middle ground between letting them vote and brutalizing them like a goatfucker.

Hello leftypol

hello leftypol


Why do you have 2017 cuckchan screenshots user?

Why are you even arguing against hitting women? Have you ever met a woman?

Post /ss/ if you must post hentai

Met more than you, obvious. :^)


You're argument might have merit if 2d didn't look absolutely nothing like real children

This tbh. Neofags and liberal cucks love gay porn.
They also stick to a particular console, it's the damnest thing.

Leningrad rules. hi sub

you absolute fucking mongrel, Youjo Senki clearly takes place in WW1

Just post vanilla hentai faggot.

who needs breeding if you can be a skeleton forever

Hello leftypol

Why didn't the Holla Forumsfags migrate to /polk/? It looked okay.


But /ss/ is the vanilla hentai since decades ago.


hello Holla Forums

as if liberals are breeding lmao


No because murder is defined as one human killing another

I had a girlfriend for over a decade , I never hit here, and now I'm here drunk at 8am and posting on Holla Forums. Learn from my mistakes.

imkampfy is fucking cancer and his moderation policies are killing Holla Forums. Can't have any philosophy, Western art or literature threads because he locks them all, and the entire board is becoming little more than a comments section on MSM news articles. And of course even when Trump is openly moving against our interests any heavy criticism is met with ding dong bannu.

Also, the relative discourse of the board is garbage now, no one even debates or argues about anything anymore, they just scream "shill" at each other and then spam sage any threads that might contain actual discussion. Most of all Holla Forums is just not a fun board to be on, one of our biggest advantages over the competition in previous years was our ability to enjoy ourselves, and Holla Forums is becoming too serious for its own good. There's a reason the PPH are dropping steadily, the board is bleeding out slowly but surely.

Tyrone breeding his wife totally counts as him reproducing, shitlord!

hello Holla Forums

What a fag

Is Kirbyposting better?

Hello leftypol

Total faggot.

Is this what you guys wanted?

they were, then a botched site migration occurred

hello leftypol

hello Holla Forums


I'll show you some fucking degeneracy for that.


might as well depending the bias on Holla Forums.

A degeneracy researcher posted this to give it context and I grabbed it. I actually wanted to post pic related btw. Last pic was just a taste of pic rel.

Giving the term cocksleeve a whole new meaning

Nice try fag, that's pretty scummy of you.

I did go to /polk/ for a while but their constant shilling on Holla Forums really stopped any others from joining

that turkroach really needs and a gassing for banning self improvement threads and book threads. He did and for the 1st attack on Syria.


shid, I've been doxxed by the infamous internet hacker 4chan neogaf anonym0us!

This is indeed happy incident but we must think about the aftermath. Those neet libtard are not have no shitposting HQ to stay forever. I think goon raid on Holla Forums would be more frequent now on, since now they have no occupation except raiding other ebil alt-right Nazi Trump supporting places. And that is mainly us.

Kirbyposting is always best, especially for a comfy thread

there is something very odd about this happening but i can't get my finger on it. If i get this correct, owner of neofag is outed as a sex offender, rapist or wymen hater, or whatever the heck they call it. So, the owner of one of the so most called places where SJW and other political correct hiveminds like anitfags and the likes get together and celebrate the live of a divers culture and a better (((live))), this side is actually owned by someone who is the opposition of what the user base is. And yet, the very same user base is not aknowledging this and just keeps moving on. Are they aware that with the shut down of neofag, the halfcuck sticky on Holla Forums and all the talk on social media, even on other boards like mmo, are they even aware on how much they are right now in the spotlight and yet act tottaly off? This is so fucking odd. I really can't get my mind around this strange behavior.

I knew they where the most fucked up group and gave to much of a blind eye just because it didn't helped their politcal view. But how much of a retarded idiot do you have to be not to aknowledge a very real problem in your own ranks?

how fucked are they.

pretty much a summarized version of every thread there.

Hello leftypol.

hello Holla Forums


What the fuck


What are you trying to hide, moshie?


hello Holla Forums

Just mock, report and filter. We need to take a hard stance with the reporting especially. Hotpockets are lazy but they will take action if you report them.
Once they get banned, they won't know how to use… alternative ways of posting because they're retarded and tech-illiterate and the problem will have solved itself
cuckchanners are a slightly worse problem, but most of them will be lazy and leave at the first sign of trouble as well, and they're probably posting naked from being used to cuckchan for so long so it doesn't make too big of a difference there either

You're a fucking moron.

So is Neogaf gonna give everyone their ten dollars back?

Im fine with it being a bit more defensive on its beliefs and not just constantly arguing if ancap is a good political economic system. But kampfy needs to go.

I never claimed that, you're putting words in my mouth like the kike you are
Hello leftypol.


Like what?


im ok with that for 3DPD, but dont bully 2D

hello Holla Forums

Seriously bro she's going to leave you if you don't scare her more than the outside world does.

What, and give an excuse to ban me? Nice try.


Look, loli is allowed here, you can stop.


Oh bother! Anyway, I have made a thing >>>/irc/6763
You can also bring anything you get from Janny on the banishment of neogaf to Holla Forums to that thread.

It's a shame. The book and art threads were really good. I found out about a lot of beautiful prose and philosophy there. I wish we could make some general culture board, but I kinda doubt we'd get it off the ground.

Nobody likes you, shitskin. Deal with it.

Hello leftypol


i am but a humble diversity merchant. now stop laughing or i'll kill M. Bison.
keep meaning to hop on chat, busy af.

Same though process as those actual pedos that spams cp on threads he doesn't like so the thread gets deleted

Nigger we have fucking Stalker and Dragon's Dogma threads all the time, and especially for weebshit
Provide proof of "fanboys shitting up the thread" and mods doing nothing about it

Starting points: 75

House: Girly -35

Fresh Food -10
Cum +10

Box of toys -10
Take a trip -10
Computer -30
Webcam +5
Sex equipment -20

Basic -5/Deluxe -15
Body care kit -10
Make-up kit -10

Basic closet -10
Lingerie -5
Cosplay -5
Swimsuits -3
Hats -1
Accessories -3

Jobs: Maid +10

Married couple +10

Corset +7
Cumbath +10
Lactation +10
Mind Alteration +5
Milking +5

Body modifications:
A-cup Breasts +1
Futa +4 Kinda wish the dick was smaller
Fertility treatment +4
Feminine Face +1
Bubble Butt +3
Skinny Body +3
Young, High pitched voice +3
Remove 12 inches +6
Hair removal +5

Total points remaining: 0

N-no bully please.

hello Holla Forums

/polk/ failed because it's BO tried to force a migration to nextchan. Since most of us do call more than one board here home it ended with the majority rather quickly leaving again and either silently lurking the burning tower that is Holla Forums or just doing something else.
It's currently in a recovering state, someone else is BO now and seems to be pretty competent, but getting rid of a boards bad reputation is near to impossible.



The funny thing is that cyclicals are still shit, but you're a downright retarded faggot

I'll bet she's sleeping right now eh? Don't go hit her right NOW but next time she fucks up give her a confident backhand

His fault for falling into this kind of shit

miss you harder, you itsy bitsy love melon

hello Holla Forums

say it faggot

You better be from Nevada, faggot.

Absolutely full of shit.

It's time for you to go.

Outside the mobileshit general kikeboy and the shitty vols play and defend the threads of, you're full of shit.
You can point flaws and shit on mechanics, especially on those two flawed gems, fuck most people will agree with you

Make me. :^)


Got an older version lying around.


I wanna fuck that dragon girl.

Meant for this fruit.

Hello, I am Holla Forums

Kill self.

Hello leftypol. Also she is not, its midday here and she's tending the garden and is about to cook soon.

Nice job user, this is what happens when they abandon their posts


hello Holla Forums

That place is dead as NeoGAF

Good luck dying alone user.

Nah, the bias here is real.


This isn't a GET newfag, educate yourself

the wimmen/BLT group rights is only a part of their battle. it's a tool, like a crowbar, and nothing more. when a crowbar breaks, you just replace it.

Everyone is stupid at least once. I hope in the future it is possible to fix him after he learned his lesson, because I don't wish what happened to him on my worst enemies. Literally definition of hell every day for the rest of your life.

Thanks! I had the slightly new version saved before my HD went tits up. I'm slowly bolstering my shitposting pics again.

I have never seen the activity that Holla Forums apparently has other than the Holla Forums raids

lazy faggot shitposter

hello leftypol

hello Holla Forums

well this is a pleasant surprise

I'm not mad? I simply have no reason to hit her is it is. If she manages to piss me off I will give her a slap, as I already said. Hello leftypol.

Speak for yourself jew, youre the drunken fool that still cries over some whore from the past.

hello leftypol


Are you the shitposting faggot that made the Deus Ex thread the other day?
Because you're a fucking idiot that talks out if his ass and can't make a proper argument to save his life on a game that has flaws up the ass.

Well, I think we have our new site to bully.

just upload some good old straight shota, faggot

Like I said, nice try.

Eat a dick nigger, I shouldn't even spoonfeed you

Nice try, Holla Forums


hello Holla Forums

Good. Set a good example for your peers. I'm not accusing you specifically I'm just trying to illuminate a point for all the gaffers that must be here right now.

You deserve to get bullied Sonygaf

I sometimes miss /sp/ stealing gets


fake news

Just chillax dawg

Had a feeling tbh

Funny how they are apparently one of the top 3 boards yet they don't allow post IDs. Nothing fishy going on here. Nope. Not at all.

They're still doing it, but are too understaffed for stealing big gets

here are some more (you) images from the "TITS" collection
energy kyoukai!!

No you're acting like fucking child. Stop drinking, sleep a bit and get your shit together for. You're your own enemy that's crying over split milk.

hello Holla Forums

Stupid sexy sluts.

Imagine my shock.

Now who's reaching for an argument. Of course what you could say would never constitute as console warring. :^)


That would only bring me down to 5'10"-5'11", though.

What about the goodyear blimp? doesn't that count as a commercial use of a blimp?

posting jokel

The Cuckchan banned the discussion about the fall of NeoFAG because majority of mods team were NeoFAG as well. Many Cuckchanners banned and temporarilly cross shitposting in here. The amount of cancer will be off the chart next few days. Thank you.
And I'm not one of them.

it won't last 48 hours. waiiiit someone's set up a welcoming honeypot for them already, right?
should i even spoiler this? them knowing would drive them insane

A refuge site. Guess this means we're back to square one. As cancerous as Evilore was, he was only one person in their bubble.
Riven looks like one of the new people in charge. What do we know of him, Holla Forums?

Make it, or use one of the smaller boards like >>>/politics/. I never saw those Holla Forums threads so I might enjoy it.

That's exactly what a 4chamberpot would say

hello Holla Forums

ey yo hol up

Is there anything else to discuss?


oh fuck, he is having a good time huh?


Didn't Holla Forums destroy that board for a while? Is it actually usable again?

Yeah, wish you could go much smaller.

A /meta/ board drama and a faggot who's too afraid to stay to his ID and only writes a single phrase.

well, i know for sure he browse /gif/ for his ylyl videos

hello /politics/

Good one.

You DONT wanna know.

They're too busy with raiding cuckchan Holla Forums and violating /liberty/s NAP nowadays

Thanks user
I was the one who collected and started to post all of these in reply to bait though, I need to make some edits of Groovetube as well

And thus the kike recoils and doubles down as he is caught



yes i DO

clearly he is a man of no taste

Nice try.

To what end?

Sometimes its all it takes, thats why we should learn with their mistakes. Even if a sane person wouldnt try such a thing at all.

Even him couldnt tolerate that amount of cancer.

He will save Sweden one day.

I'll look into it.

I haven't been there in a while. Looking at it now, actually, it looks kill.
You win some, you lose some.

Because it's funny.

cause it's funny

Well, we all outlived neogaf. Put another notch on our belts

Stop being new anytime

It's time


When did the vice prez from prison school have a kid?


fun nny hee ehee weee

Well they cry like the bitches they are

Lazy day and it's fucking funny to see idiots sink to the bottom of the piss ocean.

Filthy dumb cuckchan scum

How about elf guro?

Cucks cucking themselves are hilarious.

who is the owner? we need a name to accuse of a sexual assault and see that site crumble

Go >>>/back/

For the coming.

Let's discuss that

Feel free to call me a mean name in lieu of a post with substance. God forbid you have to accept the bias here.

Guro a shit.

Next time embed your mobile youtube links, refugee.

Watching NeoGAF is like watching Mr. Bean, it's just one hilarious fuck up after another.

mk=ake me faget

Shit place. Awful people. Hypocritical mods. Idiots with no self awareness. Beta males who are actual harassers. Culture war. Hypocritical SJWs who can't respect there are games that don't conform to their politics.
There's a lot of history to it, and neogaf's never had good to it.

In fact, can we have a few Worst Of Neogaf posts for old times' sake?

Remember, Holla Forums is a NatSoc board. fucking gaf filth


I'm fucking coming.

hello, fellow neogaf rapefugee

You don't have to stay, in fact we don't want you here.

speak for yourself



Essentially what >>13629048 said. Book threads, art threads, music threads, self-improvement threads, fucking language threads, the (((mods))) of the board are all against it now and silence said threads with either deletion or bumplocking to hide it. What used to be a great way of helping our fellow kin, is now considered heresy (for lack of a better world) to the mods of Holla Forums

The election helped a lot in waking people up, but what it did to Holla Forums destroyed the glory of what it used to be thanks to those who defend the bad shit Trump does that should be of great concern (along with the kek bullshit, which has thankfully died down a bit. I even remember when it was being shilled on Holla Forums and somehow got accepted instead of being called fucking retarded back then (but may have been due to a psyop by shills and those wanting to control our opposition to the (((globalist))) agenda at hand)). most of the good Holla Forumsacks are either gone, on different boards, or desperately fighting against the way Holla Forums is now. As others have mentioned here, the amount of newfags plaguing it have given those curious about it the wrong idea of what Holla Forums really is.

The election showed that even the most promising campaign can fall apart when the person campaigning cucks out for (((allies))) and family members against the person's own interest and the interest and good of the nation and it's people. Always remember to vote for the ideology, not the person. If the person doesn't live up to the ideology or betrays it, let them go and treat them like any other traitor. The same goes for the current mods and BO of Holla Forums and the shills that control what they consider Holla Forums to be. Those who were around before the change in BO, mods, and the election, never forget what we learned, never lose hope in your endeavor to better yourself and your people, and never stop fighting for the future of our children and descendants to come.

Side note; /polk/ would be a better alternative, but considering the slowness of the board and how it's portrayed to everyone on Holla Forums and Holla Forums (some of it justified), it's hard to say if it will ever become a proper competitor to 8/pol/ (or they move to a different chan, if there even is an un-pozzed chan at this point)

hello Holla Forums

No such thing. You're either a nigger or you're a white supremacist in denial
S-stop id, goy!

No it's not, it's the fucking videogames board.

wait a second
what will sony do now? They shill empire just imploded!

Why is Holla Forums so triggered at us mocking Neofag?

My favorite gaf screencap is the one where the mod says "if you think this is a place where everyone with a dissenting opinion gets banned, you don't belong here" and bans the guy. Perfectly encapsulates everything about the site.


It is the warriors fetish. Have fun being a low test cuck.


That's a mystery

Do you even know what Groovetube is you goddamned retard?

Nice trips
Go tell >>>/cuckchan/ about them

No, that's fucking retarded.

go tip over a trashcan you fucking pinko queer.

Aw man what a waste of good looking girls.

t. NeoFAG rapefugee.

I think you mean nigger

Seems like a degenerate nigger fetish to me. Seems like something a kike would come up with.

I agree with this but one thing I notice a lot of people here are guilty of is the fact that these traitors are quickly dismissed yet no one bothers to see why the situation got like this. For all we know the traitor's only choice was death or take a knee. For a group of people that pride themselves in digging, the lacking of digging combined with a witch hunt is disturbing. This is some mudshit religion tier shit. Guilty until proven innocent.



This definitely will trigger the cuckchanners who are still here.

but im not fapping to that shit, user-kun


This can't be emphasized enough.

You honestly deserved to be banned for drawing out this shitpost derailment as long as you have.
And nobody gets banned for pointing out how Mark greatly prefers and protects his fellow Nintendrones. It's common fucking knowledge.

Kill yourself kike.

So, whats next in the menu ?
kemono, bara, vore or more gore

user you're forgetting one very important fact. It's okay when Nintendo does it.

Found the woman. Nobody cares about your shit tier tastes.

Fuck off then.

I wish he'd do another season of Black Adder in the present day.

Maybe a general culture board isn't such a bad idea. I'm sure even some people from Holla Forums would come, seeing as we had pretty good art threads at one point here too.

The sad part is that feeling is leaking out to other major boards. At the very least it forces me to enjoy more than 2 boards. The slower ones are especially comfy.

quality OC


the warriors fetish is the love of combat and duel, to turn a foe into a friend by beating each other up, faggot.


Incest dougins are pointless without the dramatic family conversation.

Is there a country not banned in 4chan right now except USA?

we really didn't do anything though. This mess was the result of their own retardation. Listen and believe, what a joke.


Spoilers: the lady gets the job, the plumber never fixes the sink, and the pizza got there on time.

Who knew?

T-that's actually pretty hot.

Patrician taste my man

Stop lewding the Touhous please

Something tells me these people aren't done giving us lolcow material

we still win if our opponent an hero, user.



Stop watching 3DPD garbage and start reading doujins you fucking failure

Also, meant to post a screencap of this for future reference.

It's the only worthwhile thing to come out of that trash heap of a franchise.


That's Quistis dumdum


I didn't even realize 8/k/ was alive. We have a lot of comfy boards here.

I think you should read the post I replied to again.

I agree. Lewding non-human is not okay. Post lewd of humans and no sub-human youkai lewd plz.

Jesus Christ that's fucking sad

Hey Mark, I'm using adblock, get fucked you kike.

we can only watch the dumpster fire with glee.
Also is there more new info?

I just woke up. Did that "statement" ever come out from Evilore?

What do you think user?

/asmr/ has some movement as well, but it's ridden with 3DPD worshiping cucks



smh tbh fam

no you

The advantage Holla Forums had over other places was that it could have a good time. What, is that not allowed anymore because now you realize white genocide is real?



I'm looking at lewd Touhous as we speak.


that's a cute size though user I MEAN YOU FAGGY SISSY FAG!



How about some nice family friendly cooking?


Mods are pruning threads that trigger them on sight, I have a hard time being convinced that they haven't been replaced by kikes at this point.

Thank you!

Quistis is too pure for this current age. Let the plebs have BEETUU.

Go home /cyoa/, you're drunk.
And should be mending your relationship with /toku/

Ebin ::^D

What a waste of a good woman. She was used in the wrong way.

is this grim dawn porn?

This has been a great weekend

Minigirls are not for lewd.

women aren't people

post more cyoas please


Neither are commies but I can't kill them on sight. Come back when I can kill pinko garbage on the street.

I would, but I'm on my phone. Here's the other one I have saved here.

So, are we still doing any music/comment compilations to celebrate GAF's passing?

did you just unironically post a shmorky pic

Hey look, the fun police took a bit of their time shitting on Holla Forums to stop by!



oh please. women are on average at least one and probably two standard deviations stupider than men, and birth control has freed them from their last remaining shreds of loyalty or love


Jon and pewdiepie win
They realized friendship is more important


This is nice thread

Have you put any serious thought into killing yourself?

Geez, what happened to him

Brace yourselves
Shills inbound

Yeah because somethingawful only takes pedophiles not regular rapists

thanks, friend

Starting points: 62
House: Studio -30
Personal Cook -25
Box of toys -10
Take a trip -10
Computer -30
Webcam +5
Creative kit -15
Sissy slave-15

Deluxe -15
Body care kit -10
Bath girl -20

Lingerie -5
Cosplay -5

Jobs: Escort +20

Engineer Dominatrix +25
Sissy Trainer +10

Parasite suit +25
Spanking +5
Electricity +10
Mind alteration +5

Body modifications:
Massive butt+5
Womanly Voice+3
Hair Removal+5
Pierced Nipple+1
Pierced tongue+2
Pierced navel+2
Small tattoos+4


Total points remaining: 0

Ambients, alcoholism 2 divorces and alimony. Also his primitive forum is held together by scotch tape, Prayers and some hot glue.


Why is A Hat in Time success being grouped in with Jontron and Neogaf? Was it bashed by sjws or what?




Well yeah, SA used to have their own /baph/

Jontron did voice acting for both A Hat in Time and Yokaa Lee.
One dropped him, the other kept him.

Neck yourself.

The most beautiful thing about all this is that there is no way these people can come out of this situation looking good. And the cherry on top of all it is that I think that bitch is just an attention seeking whore. Evilore is douche but it sounds like this girl was intentionally leading him on for a free vacation.

Do your friends know what kind of potty mouth you have? :^)

What do you expect from the new era without neofag Holla Forums?

Post yfw the SJW hubs falling one by one and we're growing stronger everyday despite they said we won't last a next day 3 years ago.
Feels good man

Nigger, does that look like something halfchan produces? Get off my back with your projection!

Less Sonyggers hopefully

The same coldness and despair as before

And absolutely nothing would change.


Pretty much the same shit. As fun as it is to laugh at their faggotry, they're inconsequential at the end of the day.

Maldraw gets a not-so friendly visit from the malaysian police
Social justice having a weaker overall grip on vidya.

If only
Its literal Reddit 2.0 now


King of Fighters actually.

Travel to Jew York and kill Mark
Thats the only way you will ever be able remove Nintentoddlers.

user, that's dying.

It's a good feeling.

Has anyone checked if Brian the dogfucker is there already?

no don't kill Mai. She's too good for that.

How so?

It's preferable if a dead thing stops moving, but cuckchan is undead.

Living as a faggot who can't even beat sonic mania without getting 12 game overs is punishment enough. With those reaction times it would be like shooing fish in a barrel.

"OMG a man looked in my direction! Rape!"

Degenerates will find pleasure in almost anything, user.


Did someone ask for touhou porn?

GG is only still on this board as a monument to Mark himself. You are completely delusional if you think the thread has any worth beyond shitposting, but it makes Mark feel important. It's like a security blanket for him.

Anyone that uses it is brain dead.

what a fag

You're maybe right. Nothing remaining same doesn't mean they're dead.


They're ones for talking.

Cool, good on them.



what if they try to settle down here, just like leftytards did?


So what's our game plan regard geonaf?

I want to see something like this with this song instead.

Then they adapt to the point they are natsoc or they run away triggered like all the rest, simple.

So what is their new site that they are building?

What a pain in the ass.

do we shitpost on geonaf? bully them into submission?

I finally got finished reading all the threads, three last night and three this morning. What a crazy ride.



To my eyes anons still discussing GG after 3 years seems more worth than you.
Also the Jewish cake crusader seemed to be more worth and doing better job than you.

It's time
Get ready to raid anons

How fucked do you have to be for even a liberal hugbox like Reddit to be considered 'unwelcoming'. I wonder how these people survive in rl at all.

if it makes you feel better, difficult games are a natural barrier to the degenerates.

Spam as much copypastas and disguised links to shock sites as you can.

They survive out of affirmative action, college safespaces and patreonbux.

What difference should it make that you're a woman or minority on an internet forum unless you deliberately draw attention to it and expect back pats for being difference. Is any board that doesn't cheer while they crawl up their own self-righteous assholes considered "utter shit?"

Tim Soret is having a fun day.

We bully them out, with smugness, anime tiddies, hotpocketery, alot of pigs and lewdness.
If those not work, we goes full /r9k/, but it's like chemo, we won't survive long when we goes /r9k/ shitposting.

I finished it in like three hours and hate myself for doing it. It was fun but I figured bosses out too quickly and fastest way to beat them all. I was thinking about expert mode but I dunno.


Fix'd. ;^)

in4b the admin is a troll.

Infiltration would be useful. Undermine their trust and fracture them even further. Hell just the rumor in itself would be enough over time.

This is the perfect opportunity to make NeoFAGs more open and the SJW menace will slowly die. Just hold the mod to their word.


Well, they're breaking it down and saying some boards on reddit are ok and others are shit.

just kill your self

Aww, but I wanted to shitpost their site with porn and maybe some gore even, alright, but if you guys change your mind I want the seat in first row

Does this really spell the end of Neogaf? It's really hard to kill a website or forum, is it really the end?

They need to be bullied into suicide.


Anyone have a source for this? I've been looking for it for awhile and I haven't been able to find it.

ai ketä

he already is

A reminder in case anyone missed it, this is their new Sony discord:

Nothing eats itself faster than a marxist

Kek, I pictured a gator gaming when I read that. Should really make a purple/green gator with a vidya controller in its hands.


holy shit

I really should fix that image with MGS2s writer instead of Cuckjimas

Raiding some splintered gaf discords. Some join us, just keep low and infiltrate.




I cant even tell if its a boy or a girl 2 years later


Fuck 'em. It's /comfy/ in here

Hang on found an ad here


The only board that allows threads about it is Holla Forums, the only board with at least some fucking balls left

Actually looks good, better than their official one for sure.

That Horton model has the most fucked up perspective

Dumb fucking bitch is a living cliche.


cuck/pol/ is 70% shills at this point

I wonder who they're gonna blame when it's gonna just naturally die out


Again: I don't know that from first hand sources. I checked up on BEAM and she is definitely Holla Forums. Totally overlooked her, because she didn't do anything around the time gamergate broke out, leave alone at the short period cuck/v/ wasn't a ever burning garbage pile. Look at this:

(04:07:29) ‹+Beam› kami` help

thanks fag, be sure to say when you join!

Everytime I laugh at the stupid laugh. Very well made.

And also dumb fucks who actually take the >1 post by this ID bait

They might mean no email address from Gmail or free email accounts for registration and joining. But if it's going to be SA2: 10 DOLLARYDOO EVEN MORE GOONY HIJINX BOOGALOO that shit will be even funnier to see.

Bongland gonna bong.

A mod blamed abusive phone posters.

Well Communism is known for famines, what else are those poor stupid bastards going to eat?

i would vomit traveling through that


it's a good feeling


People are drawn to virtue signaling against something are far more likely to be involved with doing that thing.

The SJWs will pay to register easily. It's really the only forum they have. I'd be surprised if it was free to join. They can charge money to "keep trolls out" while making money SJWs will gladly hand to them.


Ignoring the faggot rainbows, that place looks just as third world as New York too

Kek what if we make their logo a red pill and white pill and place it on pictures of happy traditional families?

I was leaving it up for a minute, lad. Don't worry.

GAF discord is saying only work/college email will work for registration on resetera. I would say it makes it easier to find them irl but most of them are using their real names anyway.

4 confirmed Resetera mods

Wew its the opposite of user culture.

The fuck were you niggers doing lol

Britain is basically Airstrip one with more gay and Islam.

Admins, not mods

it would certainly improve the colors

Don't leave your name in dummy.

more pls

wew lad

Why are women such poser faggots?

I'm not sure of what this is but you should avoid posting screencaps with your handle in it.

Expecting leaks of doxs?

what can go wrong?

She's that dumb cunt that tried to pass off fake nintendo leaks wasn't she?

Then it should be OBVIOUS that if you are going to fuck with them, don't do it in a way that fucks you over in reallife


Signaling for mates. Also Social media attention is the female equivalent of fapping to porn.


You neogaffers thought you were safe, but I refrained from spamming to screencap your posts!!!!

So neocuck was in fact trying to invade

Was getting banned part of your plan?

we were travelling there for some hiking in rural wales, and my mom had to go to the hospital. i swear that felt like were were in fucking africa in the hospital, just the shit state of it.

Friend told me about it on IRC, where I pretty much stayed.


That book those letter are from are fucking sad. It really shows how many people felt betrayed and tricked fighting the wrong people.

Maybe this was their plan all along


Shit this is the whole speech

The fucks never learned why the internets is not their ballpit safespace, why it's not a good idea to trade that level of info for convenience let alone virtue signalling retarded social creds.


Seriously, is anyone on the servers legit or is it now just entirely user?

Big (as in, fat) fish in a small pond. Attention whoring and all that.

Nah, I kid; I just popped onto KYM when gamergate began, found out about the exodus, and hopped on.

What do they mean by this?


Sounds to me like it would be absurdly easy to get around this by starting a basket weaving business.


Yo faggots, stop attacking until we are all ready.

Here's a picture of ZhugeEX. He might be based in the East, so I'm not sure if I can get any info on him. Working on ArcadeGirl64 now.

Because this subhuman clearly doesn't believe that he's a 'woman'. The only reason he can't stop mentioning his 'gender' is only to convince himself that he's actually not a eunuch with fucked up hormones. Plus, like many other mentally ill subhumans such as himself, he also have to convince others to accept him as a woman. That post screams about how much woman this retard is, his previous nicknames, the place where he spends his time just to pretend to be a woman harder, all of it.
Why else do you think the suicide rate is extremely high among their kind? Sooner or later those morons finally come to realization that by cutting their dick they made their miserable lives even worse.

Supreme kek, you should try to get that Japanese guy banned for having an anime avatar (he is obviously a 4chan raider).



ZhugeEx is in china as far as I'm aware

True enough.

LOL, there will be a gaming sub-forum.

Also, I fully expect tiered rates for minorities and degenerates

Needs the fox labeled as Brian77


Wow, racist much? How are Pickers of Cotton supposed to join then?!

and kicked, it took them very long this time.

Someone should infiltrate and apply for moderation.

Considering they have no filter and will share just about every stupid thing they did this makes it incredibly easy to doxx them and share their dirty secrets with bosses, friends and family.

How will they know if someone is really a fag? Will they demand pictures of them with dildos up their ass? The bigger the dildo the bigger the discount? Will fags with AIDS get in for free?

down already?

577 but you are completely correct.


just go on there disshit and keep pretending, they get so confused as fuck.

Ohh fuck niggers. Hurry up and join until they lock up.

History repeats itself.
It's long past the point of being mere pottery, this is some Ming dynasty shit.

Where the invite?



Wtf I love obese women now.

lmao this reads like satire, minorities get approved faster than fucking white males. How do they even check if someone is a nigger, spic, fag or tranny?

Too late, think they locked it. Niggers shouldn't have started spamming early.




Holy shit they went completely all out.


Alright I think we should stress before another link is posted that you DON'T ALL JOIN AT ONCE

What does a diversity consultant do anyway?

They're extra paranoid.

This shit writes itself.

Isn't that a fake account?

What the fuck does this even meeeaaaaaan?!

Okay everyone, the music gamer discord is locked down, but this guy says he's giving out invites StarCreator#0968

stop white people

Think NKVD.

Wew they're forming the victim caste system they'd like to see forced onto the world.

It's so sad. Before that Mosley had warned them too

Who do these faggots think they're dealing with?

Keep whites and men out

That reads like a parody account.

aparently you need to wait a while to get a neogaf account

It's easy, they require your work/univeristy email so they just gonna dox you and check how many of sjw points you can muster

that's a fake account, the real one is GAF_besada

It's working, guys. Keep doing the twitter campaign and feeding people false ideas.

Why does account approval has to account for race? Shouldn't account approval be the same for everyone no matter what their race might be? This is a good chance to point out their hypocrisy.


Doesn't work. They can't change, they are far too invested in their ideology.


Blocks straight white men from joining.

Instantly expired

it doesn't make them change
but it sure does change the minds of people who see it.

They're racists against whites. Nothing hypocritical about that.

How many Neofag users are white? How many are still falling over themselves to join Cesspit 2.0?

I'm in, not sure what it's all about doe

The question is, how will they know who is the white devil? Will they require normalfagbook verification that you are indeed a sacred POC?

If ResetERA is a ruse I'll be owing someone beer big time

if I make new forum, will nazis die?

Im starting to think neofag mods tried to stage a coup and elfboy himself panicked.

Nah. They just tune it out. Right side of history, it's everyone else that's wrong never me, we were always at war with EastAsia, the MSM was always against Killary all the time and so on.

That's me actually
How well am I blending in?

What a disgusting mongrel pudding stain. People who racemix make me absolutely furious. Look at what shit tier offspring they produce. Repulsive.

opsec you stupid nigger unless that's not you and they kick the bastard

is d1p still relevant or i can leave for good?

Fuuuuuck! Poe's law in action!


They can run, but they can't hide.

We can't change their opinion, sure but the normalfags observing the situation from the outside can be persuaded to hate them.

To be honest with you dear dubsman, i actually feel sorry for the kid…

Since we know Neocucks are in the thread, is there anything we want to tell them?

they have no clue

But what if… neogaf people are well know for their insanity.


Wew is that actually /ourforum/ or is it theirs?



Women suck tbh.

I don't know what the fuck is going on anymore. This is an incredible raid.

So wait a minute… The 10 point plan by the twitter account wasn't a joke? I thought you said that on Discord they said it was fake…

Well that explains a lot about Holla Forums being a reddit filled shithole nowadays


I don't hate the kid, I just think she's an objectively disgusting and low quality creature that is destined for a life of mediocrity at best and absolute destitution and strife at worst. I do hate the parents though, with the burning passion of a thousand black suns.

Has anyone else thought that the scandal was basically the mods pulling a coup on Tyler but they failed to account for anons completely fucking up their plans to re-organize?

I think all the active whites are our plants anyway

Actually Reddit is having good and revealing discussion.

4chins are having some kind of issue with Neogaf. Either their mods are one of them or Hiroshima has some kind of deal (they allow tons of marketing threads and nobody deletes them)…

But you know all of these discussions already, just wanted to enlighten newfags.

Anyone have any chemo?


From what?

AKA start using OPSEC you dumb fuckers

Hey, from the discord here
How can you be so heartless? Celebrating a website you personally dislike going down? Do you find these spamming raids funny? You think you'll win, but the world will progress, while you will stay trapped in the past
So long, nazi scumbags

Nah. It goes deeper. Janny simply didn't take the reddit threat seriously, because they think that both share the same userbase. Check out the Holla Forums threads on /irc/. Besides, BEAM hasn't done anything of note.

I agree with you… those monster literally ruined the kid life bybring her to life in a damaged body… shame…

Try being less of an embarrassment FFS

You rang?

If we have no idea what's going on then they sure as fuck don't.

Chaos reigns.

Just post some spicy vidya porn or dead jews for the young lads


is it time for gore?

Hi Wapplew and Nightengale
Malaysia BTFO

No stop


Hey, how you doing, neofags.

So it fam

lol this is some inception shit right here

Oh look, I'm getting some assistance.

Okay, now we got their attention! Maybe we should tell them who they were doxxed 12 hours ago. :^)

It would be extremely Semitic

Sup, neofaggots.


We are trying to get them out of the thread, not get them off in the thread.


oy vey my Jewish asthma.

the only thing I pity about this pic is the baby. stupid bitch is to blame for mixing with a nigga and giving her shittiest genes possible

Are we posting Lolis now that the NeoFAGs are here?


Just trigger them with actual good shit.



Aamarmo just fucked himself tbh

Leave the spoilers off.

step it up sempai!



SOrry force of habit

Oh nooo~ what ever shall I do~?

I told you, post loli again and I'll go full hardcore bara.


Hey Neofags, I'm curious how it feels like to be a cuck. Care to tell your tale?

Hello Neofag. Do you have something to confess?


Pictures of women who desire nothing more than strong families and loving husbands.

Something the left has actively tried to destroy

You mean Neoxon? They probably already know it was him, he didn't really try to hide it.

youre a big SJW


would they even want to come here? wouldn't the porn scare them off?





Its plausible since their moderation team turned a blind eye towards amirox being a pedo.

Woke up to neoFAG finally discovering us after two days of fucking them up? Fucking fantastic.




Sarobi fucked himself too

like do these fucks wanna get doxxed?

Fun fact: Jews hat Christians so much, that they sometimes go into murderous rage. St. Philoumenos was killed, because some Jews wanted Jacob's Well for their people and not the whole world and destroy the church on it.



I'm not too familiar with discord is it possible to pm who are not in the same room as you you?



You asked for it





right click their name and you'll see an option to


Kagari is a cunt who knew about EvilLore years ago and didn't do anything.

What is going on? Are there any actual neofags ITT?

Depends. I think by default yes but there are settings to stop people who dont share servers with you to dm you


I will never get over the fact that the tried and true strategy for dealing with interlopers is the equivalent of meatspinning while pissing and shitting while aggressively trying to hug them

Fun fact, the Holodomor was an artificial famine that killed almost double the people who died in the Holocaust, and this was carried out by jews, yet they never teach you about it in schools. Ain't that just quackin' crazy Jimbo?

To all the undercover plants: Don't reveal yourselves. Bust out the Holla Forums premium accounts, we might have to regroup in                                and then get           to do some dumb shit.
t. BG

roger that, maybe

You had one fucking job!



they didn't even knew that something like Holla Forums exist, all theses neo sheeples. top kek. i wonder what else they don't know.

should we tell them about the truth of anita? the telephone scammerina?



Are they too smart for us?

Someone linked the thread. They finally found us,


Never realized pic related was from Geiger Counter. I feel silly now



It indeed is. Did you know that shit was prophecied by multiple Russian saints? It's true. Check this out:

Can someone give me reset era logos to use? Reporting for duty.




Fagenablers like you are actually welcomed on neogaf remember.

You are posting shit they like.


thread's compromised
use opsec
let users with Holla Forums premium accounts coordinate us

Another resetera admin Kagari

so what?

actually a SA co-opting op's
but the neofag mods unironical jumped the shark, giving credits to gamer gate. welp.

We already know faggot. go to


Is that Gabe Newell?


that could be said about pedoshit too, only safe bet is guro I guess

Cut- oh wait thats a he, isn't it

everyone is a gamergator, even their allies are gamergators. Gotta feed that paranoia


Is that a real girl? I can't tell with resetafag

Here you go.

Looks like a tranny from here.

On discord they're still trying to settle for a design. It's a clusterfuck right now.


For jews.

This has got to be the only place online where it's common to see loli guro, furry pedo scat, and Orthodox icons posted side by side. I didn't even notice it at first. I've been here too long.

I like how they're afraid of a movement that died 3 years ago

fake news

Dunno but it was a mod at neofag

Let them watch their own demise.

never knew gamer gate was a person. But hey, i guess with all the knowledge a neofaggot has it is unironical to believe that they thought it was actually a movemant or something like that. They didn't even know Holla Forums exist.

Nothing. We're scaring them off now then resuming business.


/christian/ is actually a quality board
if you dont count baptist shitposters



Removing gender serves Beefsoda quite well. When you have those massive and disgusting flaps covering your genitals for years, it's understandable if you forget what sex you used to be.


Compiling a database of assorted minorities seems pretty dystopian. I'm sure that won't go wrong at all.

Found its twitter



I can't believe these faggots stole our gamergate logo. They always say they hate us but they steal our memes.

im literary shaking! how would my fellow posters know my special snowflake gende now!?!

Heterosexual comics for the purposes of procreation would be far more effective against them

Shh, he's secretly /ourguy/

So what's new with Brian?
Did he kill himself?


I thought that tranny killed itself years ago

Gore and scat would work more.

These fucks

There is no way they can track us on >>>/premium/

Lads, what's the current situation on their new site? Is it up yet?


C'mon, you can't out-degenerate a gaffer

This is still going on?
Bless you anons, I hope they've been scattered to the winds by now

They probably masturbate with their own shit. Its Neogaf

No problem. I want their brain to melt from all the white guilt. Here, have a Queen of Germany.

I don't know, man. They are our equivalence of Australians.

t.Lutheran and filthy sinner

what the fuck ami reading?

Anyone know where I can find opsec to continue this?

ahh yes the classic Adele.exe

Really makes you think.



How about posting reminders of what neofags want everyone else to forget.

If you anons are gonna post fucked up shit, why not actually post entertaining stuff like apocalypse Zero

There's great stuff to be found for sure, its just got a major reddit problem.

Just download some opsec from the deepnet with a VPN.

Welp, either the sony discord is down or I was banned

That was me, did I fit in?


any more discord caps?


What stops people from pretending that they're minority?

god damn I need a source


There here you nigger

Hitler pics and anything to do with nazis are good enough.



Meetup at , if you didn't get the then you have to wait for the . For obvious opsec reasons use your platinum account.

that too lel


just saw this in one of the neogaf discords I'm shitting in.

TBFP were huge into Neogaf, especially Pat.
Have they stated anything regarding this?

Damn skippy

quick everyone move to you need an Holla Forums gold account to see this contentchan!


Confirmed GAF MOD


I miss typing out sage.



Go for it. We already moved on to another place.

No we're not giving them fap material. Swastikas now

Just keep going. Don't even bother censoring. It's a cyclical thread and mayhem is needed to fit the tone.

Excuse me while I kill myself.

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised. Remember when that mod (bitchnigger, iirc), reverted a lock made by the elf in some random thread? It was a hilarious challenge to malka's authoritah

I don't blame you for not browsing other boards, user.
There isn't much left other than Holla Forums that's worth going to.

I just woke up. What's happened so far?

neofags found our secret club

They're making a new website called "resetera" and we've been raiding their discords and preemptively ruining the name

And then the neofags direct linked us

we don't even need to keep opsec actually
these niggers are powerless to do anything anyway

Anyone else a little worried about where these neoniggers will ultimately settle if we ruin their new forum? Im not saying we shouldnt but maybe letting them contain themselves isnt a terrible idea. We'll be fine but does the rest of the internet deserve that cancer?

Tumormining gaffer's discords and their plans to make the next forum, only it's worse somehow (they found a way)

Re re forums.

back to the pit you fucking nigger faggot

perhaps theyll find other hobbies?

All Neofags will be removed

wouldn't the easiest way to become an admin be to pretend to be a trans-queer person of color

I have no idea about what's going on anymore.

Hey, what's the status on our buddy brian?

Someone should spam his DM's with the cheese grater gore furry


With a little bit of luck they might kill themselves since they literally can't even right now.

Posting good shit

Why not both ?
The concept of white happy families and whites reproducing, in a non-degenerate-CY way, will be enough to trigger their shit.

If they disperse to the rest of the internet this glorious shit show will last even longer. We're safe from neogaf infiltration because they need mods to protect their delicate sensibilities. Let everything else burn so long as I can shitpost on Holla Forums at the end of the day.

They will be bullied until they run away, submit or in a off chance - assimilate like Holla Forums would do.

Should I be posting in or ?

I think we just got new banner material there


Bullying them into suicide is also a valid option I guess. Hopefully the salt doesnt run out on us for a while

Deebly goncerned



Brought some more. I heard maidens and bitches alike love the Theotokos.

They can't contain themselves if they're scattered like grains of sand.

Even if they get the new site up and running, it would take forever to get the user base neogaf had.

We haunt the dreams of cucks everywhere

>not already being in

Holy shit.

Hey gaffers, remember this?

Its a complete anal meltdown, a Chernobyl for internet culture. A major containment site just completely collapsed overnight. Its already spilled out and polluted the environment. The only course of action is to swiftly increase our posting standards until either they recontain themselves or it starts to filter out. I think the last place they'll settle is on an imageboard though. They are too dependent on control and poster-identity to dare do something like that.

There are only two sites that would be worse for us if they collapsed would be Reddit and 4chan


welcome to HELL

upset neofag with pictures and animoo drawing of happy housewifes!

Why are you doing this



found the kike

yeah, this guy is right, we should stop now, any moderators out there that could delete this thread?


That's what a pinned message looks like, not a message you sent.

settle where? here?


is... is this a parody of some sorts? I can't actually believe that this is really what they think right?

Strike in T-minus 5 minutes.

I don't think anyone knows anymore

I would expect them to split, some going to reddit and others trying to find forums with similar layouts, not imageboards though


I think my cover's been blown lads, looks like I need to up my opsec. Least I can just shitpost wildly now.

That was a moderator

I was sure it was legit until:

How does it feel to be a creature of myth, Holla Forums?

theyre still here, someone spam pizza

everyone upvote this post

It tickles my private area.


Fuck off NeoNigger.

We're gonna scatter you little shits to the wind.




He has none


Did you know that Meowth can play the guitar.

more like gaffot


We are their primordial horrors

I feel like sonic the hedgehog oc


Name checks out.

This has to be one of you, right?

That would explain why he probably approves all those faggy gamers are dead articles.



shit-tier genes lad

i bet none of you saw that coming huh?

Where were you when we became the boogieman??

to view this message please purchage Holla Forums premium account

Of course I have to be expected a ban for the porn dump…


Damn goy, you cattle are getting to perceptive for me!

Top 10 anime twists

Down with a cold and too much time on my hands


No, I think that's actually one of their new mods. If it was us, we would have said we were muslim.

How does this picture make you feel AAMARMO?

Holocaust redpills should do it

Everything that comes out for PC also comes out for PS4. Therefore nobody needs a PS4.

Feels like mythological, man.

I hate cleaning out the sockets.



it makes me feel just like fake news

nigga please
where were you these past 3 years?



Oh God, what if we drop our spaghetti and do something super embarrassing? Are we going to get bullied?

Heres some of aamarmos shit


Sup Andrew you faggot how do you enjoy paying for game design school you fucking hack?

This is why this shit never turns out well. Some cocksucking niggerfaggot just has to invite the cancer to come spread itself here.

Macaroni is better


Please go away you big mean neofags!


Seriously, Nobody needs to own a PS4. Get a Vita in..oh wait. That's right. Neofag killed the Vita, because they can't stand femininity.




Are you missing the point where we're anonymous and give no shits? I couldn't care less if they know I like to wear a diaper while sucking on a doorknob as my fetish, they have no idea who I am.


If they are browsing here, let's break them

Logan needs to pursue the peace of Christ.



How problematic is this, neofaggots?

He's joking you stupid fuck.

I hope they all kill themselves lol

I think it is one of us
That diversity line makes me think so at least

Meowth can fuck my ass


We have transcended the very fabric of reality, we sacrificed cuckchan during gamergate for a better website, Holla Forums sacrificed their board to elect Trump, and now we will sacrifice our very own board in order to make sure that neofag will never rise from it's ashes. Come now brothers, the time of reckoning is at hand, and after all is destroyed, a new path will be opened for us.

The made one of our guys admin

They don't even know

Us right now. Heil my brothers.

I like it.

Someone dump gore, I don't have any.

I know. Holla Forums is just cancer

Nope. Let the Good Lord do his thing.





Can we make this into a banner?

boy that board went to shit after the election, especially mods

oh im laffin


is the site up?

You realize /christian/ is on our side?


OY VEY! EWWWW! Sodomite! :^)

We know NeoFag. But it's the good kind of cancer that destroys faggots like you.



Let's not. This is all we have left. We can kill them without sacrificing this place, just like we did fallout 4.



"to view this message please purchase Holla Forums premium account"

all smiles.



The text is actually extracted from the in-game bio of a character of the same name in Dragon Age: Inquisition.>>13643111

tamest shit iTT so far fam

We were the meme all along.


You got it.

smh tbh fam

yes I know, someone was actually paid for that writing

Sadly it is too late for that now, the cancer radiation that spilled from neofag has infected us as well, only through self-sacrifice can we purify ourselves once more.


Fucking casual, smh.

literally shaking

No thanks faggot, i'm comfortable here, no need for more sacrifices.

Man, that was the worst thing I've ever seen on the internet. I'm not watching that whole thing.

Nah fuck you, we can do it without killing ourselves, that's retarded

The fire will purify us.

It's not up yet, but

This may be the domain

No survivors


Skinny elf pretty dang hot.

This. We've done this multiple times unscathed.

send invite, the old link got shoahed


i'd sacrifice you faggot


fairy you mean
he ripped her wings off

I think he meant whoever is in the server.

Reminder that virtue signalling activates the dopamin systems for liberals and the more often the virtue signal/reward cycle gets activated the more ingrained it becomes. They're literally on chemical withdrawal.

Is this problematic?

All the links are shoahed. They're still on lockdown. Until further notice we shitpost #resetera

like a small weak animal unable to defend itself calling the swarm for help

Every time we've done this, the quality of this board has degraded, this isn't the same Holla Forums from 3 years ago.


Not as problematic as this.

No that is porn regularly masturbated to by neogaf posters

This is AMAROO. Fuck off


Yeah no, feel free to lead by example with yourself though.

I wonder, can Neofags even into webms?

their survival is not important

No fucking way. If you're in here user, make sure you don't strike until you have the opportunity to ruin it for them permanently.


We have IDs here, chum.

There's a program to make it easy to do.

So no.

If he's a discord admin, wouldn't now be the best time? If it's a main discord, at least. Invite us in, ban everyone else, and disconnect one of the big discords from everyone else.


A guide to 8chans secret board message system for all fellow newgaffers.

Reported. Even we have boundaries.

No, better, we have a Resetera admin in our pocket.


Please, lets be friends, lets try not to get so defensive at how insignificant you actually feel. :)


anyway heres an old link to amarmoos discord


I was thinking. Since they don't know of who, why not leave an image of hinting of some admin being one of the infiltrator, with some pixel art skills :^)

I'm not clickin that shit nigga


The left can't meme, user, they can only redistribute.

Its invalid now

you're retarded

the best part is, we win either way. Either we're bullshitting and they go paranoid over nothing, or we're in, and they are gonna get fucked when they least expect it

Wait until you run off into the woodland.

Meme all you want but Portugal's national team is whiter than France's.

you won't get banned here for it

The long march of progress obviously. There are literal dozens if not more sites for your leftist social justice faggotry, but you choose to come to one of the few remaining places that doesn't want it. Funny how that worked out isn't it?

Its just that things aren't the same as they used to be. I remember when we had nicothreads and heposting, but now everthing is super serious politics and everyone blaming everyone else for how fucked everything is.



Music to my ears

It's the classic move by faggots with a fragile mind: Ignore everyone blowing you the fuck out and you win!

Any news about our goy Brian? Did he kill himself yet?

rolling for complete collapse of 4/v/

posting concept gaffers can't comprehend

I got banned last week for calling a Redditor a shitter. You'd be surprised what you'd get banned for nowadays.

They get relentlessly mocked, something far worse than a ban.

The next step should be firing the mods, with no appeals.


I'll follow you into the woodland and pester the shit out of you unless you bring a party member or you turn me off in the .ini

How's about you kill yourself already.

So he is a guy with a girlfriend?

you blew it

things change, user


Real or parody.

something something WT Snacks something

Good, we don't have to handle a refugee flood.

I got three party members nigger. I'm good.

Tough luck

to close, means it should had happen but it didn't. Maybe it was meant to burn down insteed?

have you forgotten where you are right now?

but this is actually the same!?

1000 hours in mspaint

And they are probably here. Spying on troublemakers is one of their favorite techniques from the /a/-IRC crew and Warosu/ghost/ days.

Jesuch Christ, mang!

I know user
I'm Moortuguese

Be the change you want to see. WHat else can you do?

Hiroyuki is actually on halfchan's irc channel. Or it is it a honey pot?

He's the opposite. He's become what he hates because he came into this thread to whine about politics while complaining that everyone else on Holla Forums just talks about politics

I dunno

Whine and bitch until everyone else changes to his specific set of beliefs, what alse can he do?

Isn't that what you people do?

He is. Some of us are lurking there.

Well fuck, let it burn

Current NeoGAF alternatives

Be on the lookout for and, they are scheduled to come up anytime tonight. We're also looking for anyone who can get inside the NeoGAF discords and r/resetera

Lastly, some resetera assets are on /resetera/ if you want to make OC to post when the site comes up


2017 has been the year that liberals proved they completely fall apart at the slightest difficulties. They are more than snowflakes. When one of them spirals out of control and starts destroying things, it just snowballs taking along the other snowflakes.

Fair point.

THat specific post was about certain threads no longer being around. DOn't drag me into this shit.

Thanks for confirming yourself to be Holla Forums

Give us some examples. All we wanted was to be left alone.

smh tbh fam

I mean, maybe it is a bot and anyone that writes to him gets added to the black list.

Got a new site to look out for


that's just like a namefag is imaginated on a chan.
Does someone have the comic strip shitting on namefags ? "Hello, i am ... some may know me from game FAQ ..."


I hope it explodes

Did the 4/v/ mods just delete the sticky in direct defiance of Hiro?

Is it actually going to happen?

What did he mean by this? Seriously, your europhobic anti-white sentiments are bordering on black-supremacy and I think you're an alt-left troll only here to stir up shit. I bet you hate women too.




== mode/#4chan [+m] by user
== Cannot send to channel: #4chan


Do you really not see that you're exactly like a twitter sjw right now?

Yup. Cuckchan's Holla Forums mods are deleting threads to protect Neogaf.

Spergout soon fellow shitposters.

Or voat, voat works too





like literally twitter sjws ;^)

fucking a the shit is about to go down and they don't want anyone seeing it

Are the mods going to explain that NeoGAF is their sister site and its on SJW honor not to attack them? Will Hiro fire them for potentially losing them a bunch of anons?

Things are about to get really fucking comfy

Go change your wife's son's diapers, Sargon.


Still not tired of winning btw

Every response telling me to go away so the safe space can be maintained.

If anyone here is really serious about destroying NeoGAF once and for all, what they have to do is infiltrate their forums as being to the LEFT of most of the community. Like just out social justice most of the users claiming they have privilege etc. Easy to do and would fragment and scatter them to the four winds

Send them to Ebuams World.

kill yourself Holla Forums



Excellent point, newfriend.

Hiro is about to learn what it means to talk to sjw's. He might never knew the fact that moot sold him a rotten aple. He has to learn.

T. contrarian




How is us telling you to fuck off and stop spreading your social justice bullshit on our site at the ass end of the internet, that's been unlisted from google, far from prying eyes, the same as SJWs trying to invade and subvert local communities to turn them to social justice bullshit?

He was right to kill himself :')


I hope you are just baiting

announcing your filters is pitifully childish though. I guess I offended him with my wrongthink.

Starting to sound like Hilldawg there, bro.


I said this before. Play the terf card. Bully all women who oppose trannies, bully all men who oppose trannies. Bring in more trannies.
There is nothing more cancerous than a men on female hormones.

so, what do we do now?

Stalin literally looks like a rat

Ha, check this shit what happened to me


The Communist is immunized against all shitposts: one may call him a faggot, nigger, jew, retard, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But say he's from Holla Forums and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

Getting the bait is a Holla Forums tradition you fucking asshole! :^)

How old is she? Her face looks 12 but her body looks legal.

Now creating v3 of this list -

Wait. Neogaf alternatives and neogaf itself aren't up yet but should be before the day ends.



kill yourself
kill yourself
kill yourself



I doubt Brian actually came here yesterday, but I sure as hell smugged at him. I must've smugged for over 12 hours, my face actually hurts.

I also don’t like what hitler did because I don’t believe in killing in general. Every day I drive to campus and see road kill and it just pains my heart. I come here though because the reactions here are phenomenal.


They appear to have done that part for you by making a tranny a mod.

Enforcing intersectionality in any leftist organization WILL DESTROY IT! I don't know if I have the time to do this BUT SOMEONE SHOULD (not that difficult to do tbh)


Goddamn I'm laffin'


Chad shit is equivalent to Pickle Rick at this point

Careful, user. We don't actually know if you can die from smugness.


No idea as I've never been able to find sauce, but I'll trust the Nips and pray she's at least 18

He's too sincere to be baiting


I didn't think halfchan's mods were this fucking stupid, but here we are.

God you people are sensitive. I come back after 5 minutes and I have over 10 responses. I have an offensive opinion, suck it up niggers.

You can start by going >>>/back/ to cuck/pol/

Hitler Did Nothing Wrong.



they unironical unsticked the first thread because they spammed it unironical. mods these days , huh!!?

I thought of two funny ways to get more lulz out of this situation:

1. We need to accuse the heads of all the other SJW sites of raping some chick.
The users should all listen and believe right?

2. We should register for these new Gaf replacements and keep posting questions about pedo acceptance and make the site all about that.


I'll keep posting this reminder every so often


Why are you sperging out this much?

Then why are you even fucking mad? Is it because you might actually be a lefty?



Once again inviting all our new friends from NeoFAG and 4freechan to my board!
I love Eerie, and I hope you will, too!
Maybe his handsome face will wash the taste of mod dick out of your mouth.
A link to all the episodes is in my top sticky thread! Give them a watch!

You realize that middle aged men paying high school girls for their used panties and dates isn't uncommon there, right? As long as there's grass on the field I guess.

This might the one chance we got to purge those faggot mods for good

It's not the first time the mods did something in direct defiance of the guy running the place.
Shortly before the major GG exodus Moot officially allowed Naruto on /a/, but the mods straight up told him to fuck off and kept banning it. Moot eventually rescinded his decree and said "Let the mods handle it."

I can't wait

I'm so smug anime became real and I'm an anime loli now.

Dont feel like crosschecking, heres what I've got
AAMARMO#6823 (Admin)

Chris Metal#7854



Friend ERA
KSweeley#8649 (Admin)




TheFlow#2841 (Admin)

Fancy Clown#5457


your digging yourself a bigger hole /salt-left/

I don't think Hiroshima is as emotionally driven as moot. He sees something threatening the cash cow 4cuck is and he'll probably deal with it much more harshly than moot will

It isn't. He's just a leftynigger that's trying to subvert. When the leftynigger is rightfully called a leftynigger, he gets upset. Holla Forums is a cancer that has been hosting human trash on this site for a while now.


Has to be either Holla Forums or a top shill feeling out how to best make this thread nofun and give orders to his minions.


maybe tomorrow?


always really weird when they adopt terms like triggering and special snowflake and misuse them

I'll visit it just for that

we're having sex tonight neofag

What would you expect from a name shifting Marxist who had close ties to Judeo-Bolsheviks?

Shiggy diggy Holla Forums

I'm not mad, I'm just questioning my life choices.

Want some candy?

can't make this shit up.

jump off a building retard


>haha ewww >>>/out/

the best solution to poor life choices is a length of rope, famalam

Remember. this year cliffy b got fucked with his bathrooms.
Gawker kicked the bucket.
Less garbage, actual indie games coming out.
and now this.
Is this the best current year for vidya?

Is it wrong that I laughed at this?

Japanese people are insane.

These retards are shooting themselves in the foot because they think it triggers Richard Spencer.


faggots here and the alt kikes on twitter misuse the term snowflake constantly too, it's not a new problem

It's a cyclical thread you faggot I just haven't posted in a while also I'm leftypol because you type like a faggot? Are you honestly that retarded


this is the last place you want to do it at

Don't forget

I'm not taking advice from you.


Hory shet half chan/v/ is going crazy at the moment.

Everyone spam the gaf thread on 4/v/


Dont direct link to reddit, they can see where clicks are coming from.

Yeah, you don't get between a shrewd businessman and his money. They're fucked.


Sure user, you totally aren't Holla Forums

It may not be the best, but I can think of worse.

I didn’t say they are alike at all. I meant that I can’t even handle road kill. Let alone the holocaust.

Do we fear that?

What? Did anything happen with Dickie?

I know what you meant, I found it funny regardless

Was that in the actual game or in his company. Either way it doesn't seem to be enough to get people interested in NoPlayers.

Hopping on the (you) train too huh

nope, but he's the biggest jew outside of israel, so if the mods are going to stop him from getting his shekels, they're gonna have a bad time

Don't you mean "Tough shit"?


The threads moving so quick I can't keep up

Well, if you dont want reddit to know what you are doing and shut it down

How many neoFAGers are on here right now anyway?

the 4cuck mod rebellion is basically gamergate all over again.



I wasn't the one who brought up leftypol retard, I was just making fun of him for saying cringe and he started calling me leftypol


delete this

The raiding party has been busy all day, the second someone posted that NeoGAF was browsing the thread this thread exploded

Probably none now, that was hours ago

We have IDs here, Holla Forums.

If you're not Holla Forums you're just one weird motherfucker

Reminder that he told people on twitter even his shitty game had more users than neogaf yesterday.

Did the new season already start? Is it any good?

O I am laffin'

That was a fake pic




Xose/xit are my insult words to make xose feel subhuman like xose ask for.

Hitler actually is far more right now than he was back in the day, just look at the state of degeneracy & culture in the west today

That's what makes you extra retarded, we have IDs and yet you still confuse me for someone else

I just popped in here man I was playing videogames and scrolled to the bottom and started shitposting to the first person I saw

what's the current state of cuck/v/?

This thread is moving very quickly, I'd just like to say Hitler did nothing wrong

It's too late for me user.

Good point.

Then start shitposting at the right people you actual nigger, that's cuck/b/-tier

I was only pretending to be retarded.

Dumpster fire.

Re-adaptation started a bit ago. Three episodes in, The original is better so far but 2 out of the 3 episodes were good.


[00:06] == Bulzeeb was kicked from #4chan by Yotsubot

Still in full blown "fuck mods" mode.

What even is degeneracy?

Someone please post all of the relevant screencaps, I couldn't accompany everything and I only started following after this sticky was made

Yeah likely fake. Even if true, 0-10 people on his BILLION DOLLAR IP game is not something Cliff should brag about.

Yeah, I was probably naive. I just like to think people are able to make a joke at their own expense sometimes.

Guess I'll have to see for myself.

Okay… i start to suspect we have a few new face here. I really hope it's just retard cuckchanner refugess and not parasite tier neogaffers.
both them should burn in an oven

Saturday night we hit ~1100 pph

The opposite of human progress.

Mods made the biggest mistake: Don't allow Holla Forums to redpill cucks and turn them into Nazis


He did tweet about neogaf but that particular one was fake



Holy crap, this is happening.

Didn't halfchan mods need to give actual RL info (valid ID) and all in order to be able to do it for free? Will Hiroyuki enforce whatever punishment his 'contract' implies?

Weird, what happened in commie land recently?


He bought it out of spite, of course he's emotionally driven.

They got more money for dem bots.


A platonian concept of a society losing the things that made it great.

The extreme opposite is also bad, while modern 'progress' is destructive, if it weren't for older forms of progress we wouldn't even have games in the first place.

They deployed a new poster bot.

Well a bunch of people from NeoGAF needed a new site to browse

They have bots, don't you remember the Rustle Mania shutdown? They were literally put into one tier with the furries and horsefuckers, because of it.

If they aren't somehow able to subvert how Holla Forums works at a fundamental level, then they won't be able to survive here in the long term. I mean, be on the lookout, but I'm not worried.

Google Wiemar Republic.

Gay acceptance, pedophilia acceptance, legalization of hard drugs, pretty much liberal "progression". All the shit that destroys civilizations.


Someone can donate $10 to him saying "thanks for uncensored discussion on neogaf death and reigning in sjw mods" to make him doubledown ?


lefty/pol/ actively recruits from reddit. I have no doubt they are trying to get some neogaf users to come on board.

We are like heroes

This, take my energy gods of shitposting.

Genius idea tbh

Twitter shut down my Samuel Bowden account, time to start up another.

I'm right.

I would much rather suck a tranny's cock then put my mouth or dick anywhere near one of those. Thank god I'm into 2D.


The official 4chan channel is quiet so far.

There is more than one way to progress user. Progress into a prolapsed anus as opposed to progress into a new dawn.

That's okay user, no one will judge you.

The more I think about it, the easier it would be to destroy NeoNeoGAF:

Post threads like "Who here is __ (black, gay, female, other) then start lambasting people who are not __ who post in the thread.

It wouldn't take much to destroy these people by their own shitty ideology

Degeneracy is not really a concept that operates in time though, user. It's more like getting further away from an ideal(or an idea as Plato would've seen it).

I think it was in his game
It also had forced diversity, with an ugly nigress being the main hero, imo that is why it didnt sell, the characters were not fappable and were quite ugly

Body horror tier shit






Back to >>>/cuck/pol

feels good mane

what the fuck is happening
confirmed mods are paid neogaf shills?

So 4chan is cracking down again? Nefarious forces at work, someone is paying that gook jew.


Except technological progress has historically happened independent of socialist agitation.
Furthermore, in humanity's long history it is only the homogeneous societies that have engaged in any technological development of note. Multiculturalism has always been a sign of impending collapse.

Common sense tbh. Some britbong tried to fuck his post-op mtf "girl"friend and mangled his cock.

I kind of wish a board other than Holla Forums would mass migrate here for once and bring some much needed DIVERSITY to the place, though
Even a really shitty one like /mu/ or something, you know?

Honestly, I think it would be funnier if nothing changed, everything settled down, and 4/v/ continues to wallow in the muck they created. They don't deserve positive change. That place is nothing but a hospice full of dead memes, low effort posts, and bad content.



The sjw mods need to burn
now is the time, either hiro is a huge faggot or he is going to remove all sjw mods.

Total fucking rebellion by mods, and half the anons on Holla Forums are pissed off with it.

I didn't realize 'NeoGAF collapse' was buy one, get one free.

Dubs confirm

No one here gives a fuck, cuck.



i hope you die soon.

that's the fucking best part, the neofag ship crashed and burned and the flames are enveloping 4freechan too, their next door neighbors

Mod purge when?

Given the infiltration of cuckchan's mods by leftists, I wouldn't be surprised if they're pushing Hiro for a GAF-exodus board over there. Best case scenario, Hiro says lolno and gives them all the boot and finds new ones to replace them. Worst case they convince him.

why does he look like assad?

Yeah I saw some of the pics in the relevant thread. It was a mess of a design. They'd be better off just doing the whole roster as clay renders to slightly tone down the ugly.

: ^)

NeoGAF dies, takes 4/v/ with it - cascading containment failure.


An important point to consider. I predict he will be merciful, as punishing volunteers could cause a complete mod walkout and turn this shitstorm into a shit supercell, but keep in mind that he holds the cards here.

Hiro might just give them the boot and screen for a new set of mods.



NeoGAF collapsed because its moderation staff abandoned the site. No doubt Hirohito is fully aware if the same happened to 4/v/, well, the same would happen to 4/v/

Why yes, I really Nazi.

Whatever I guess. Good riddances

I'm honestly surprised. Just came back from work to see all this. Anyone got any interesting screens?

Also, today is 8ch's anniversary. What a present to get. This is exhilarating in some aspects



[00:25] == mode/#4chan [+b *!*@anti.benzene] by Yotsubot
[00:25] == benzenes was kicked from #4chan by Yotsubot [Requested]

I only saw screencaps of this.

The age of enlightenment would not have happened without some kind of social shift too. Going all the way backwards would lead people back into the dark ages.

The ricenigger probably told them to cough up some do$h if they want to play their little power games. So like a good whore they went it to the dark to "negotiate" his price.
If any one want to stay there and keep loyal for them then anything goes is a well-deserved punishment. Including datamining, selling out users, doxxing, banning, silencing, raping, showering.

Just my two cent…

That's what I said, yeah.

Was "let us talk" a mod or a normal user? What the fuck is Hiro so angry about if no one can talk? Is he for or against GAF?

something big is happening, bigger than the gamergate exodus.
only there's not gonna be an exodus this time cause the only """"people"""" left there don't care.

I am ready for the reset, Bennu.
However, next revolution change fate a little bit to make the world less jewish?


Nigger you're retarded. This isn't bigger than Gamergate, but its big

No, you're simply a drooling retard who conflates unrelated concepts using language. Like a leftist.

ResetEra trying to be fags.

The most important heirs to the enlightenment were the american founding fathers, user. They all were ethnonationalists.

100% weimar

You mean like where Venezuela is headed?

Gas them

We live in a hell from which there is no escape.


Here is an archive.
Oh and these are the average Holla Forums users.

Probably addicted to degenerate acts more than anything else. Like that rush you get when you masturbate to something that makes you disgusted with yourself, like broken tiles.

>BO has made it clear to the volunteer staff that she wants to permit discussion on the matter

I don't think they have enough money to bribe him. The only who might have money is Alternative who was a manager at The rest has Jobs like warehouse packer, programmer or Walmart florist. Not shitting you.

And of course, their BO.

Go back to your failing shithole.

I don't understand. How is the face chubby but the body is thin?

almost a hour
what is hiro doing?

Can't we have our own planet? Far away from these creatures?

camera work

Wew lads.

The body isn't thin either, it's just a flattering angle

Preparing the gas chamber. The Jews fear the Samurai.

Fuck, I thought that last picture was yandev for a moment.
I wouldn't be surprised in the least to be honest




I don't mind if they come to lurk


Reminder that imkampfy is a faggot

Holla Forums goons got BTFO by /sp/ that still resides there and its a decent bunker

Flood 420chan with them too.

What else is new?

No. Your parents decided that killing the economy to offshore all production for cheap consumer products and spending on trying to educate niggers was more important than spending it on space travel.

no, we need them for fertilizer



Shaking them out per PM one by one.

They're rapefugees, not tourists. They will post, and they will actively make the board worse. Zero tolerance.

A shitskin no less

It's just a cute father feeding his baby. Why are you such a bigot?

Thanks BBC!
The hell is this?



we can conquer one for ourselves if that's what you mean



Separated at birth?

It got shilled during Joshs fuckup and Jims takeover and for a good fucking reason.
Why are you this mad?
Are you an /int/ falseflagging shitter?

So a man got a lady pregnant why is this news?

if your room doesn't look like this you're a fucking normalfag, though.
there's a pile of trash three feet high next to my desk as i type this. fuck off normalfaggots

Horrifying? Repulsive? Motivating me to commit a hatecrime?

Both got enough progressive points to get glorified

I'm not him, but how about bio-oil? I know most of us wouldn't pollute our car with garbage like that, but industrial machines could benefit from them… Just suggesting…


All of the above.

All jokes aside, user. Female hormones in both the water supply and quite possibly the soil are a real and dangerous problem.

I just want a place where my future kids won't be bothered by them. Either way is fine with me.

why is it that whenever I come back, there's something happening

I think the last time I posted regularly (as opposed to never check shit at all) was during gawker filing chapter 11.

Or is it always everyday there's a happening?




but user, you can't impregnate 2D

hiro [[email protected]] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]

what is going to happen now?

I didn't need to see this, user.

Lets be honest, he got fucked because he isn't a pushover and takes care of himself.

sounds like a porn forum
wait, do people actually make forums to discuss porn?
why would you want to talk about porn other than to ask for more?
what's there to discuss?

it's happening

Are these the same fags who make trap threads on Holla Forums?

He will probably visit his whore mistress and spend all the money on her what he gained from the weak.
A true Hiro!

Sounds like a nazi to me :^) reminder to never show cunts that think like this mercy


We wait.

note to self, don't end up like this

i want to hug the poor guy, he looks like he wants to off himself any second now

Shit taste in literature in any case.

Nigger, women's birth control enriched urine is quite literally polluting our water. That's not a conspiracy theory.




My god, what kind of contract did they make him sign? Or do they have guns on him?

If that's a dude it's passable. Too bad about the nosering and potential problem glasses. But fairly passable if that's a trap.

Im stealing ideas from halfchan here but can we somehow get Chris chan a mod position on the new NeoGAF replacments?

Hes a lesbian so he has the oppression credentials.
I just think that would be the final little detail to make this timeline perfect.

GAFChan civil war

Oh, I know. I still like using the filter salesman anyway.

if I recall that dude was a legit pedo.

We get comfy

war is coming.

Birth control pills are so fucked they make women horrible bloated slags. It makes them unable to properly discern suitable genetic mates. Polluting water with female hormones which also ruins the male population. The pill has to have been invented by a jew.

see file name










Checked the channel and found out why benzenes was banned.

* benzenes is now known as pleaseturnoff
* pleaseturnoff is now known as themessageblock
* themessageblock is now known as letustalk
* letustalk is now known as inthechannel
* inthechannel is now known as inb4banned
* inb4banned is now known as benzenes
* Yotsubot sets ban on *!*@anti.benzene
* Yotsubot has kicked benzenes from #4chan (Requested)

he's dead
he raped a bitch and got felony charges before he died though
he died a man, a man with dignity and emptied balls

and he wasn't under pressure or anything in those videos, he was just bored. it was for a college project and he was tired of standing in front of a camera.


Wasted dubs

And we'll watch it all burn down

End it.

it's a nazi bisexual woman that a german youtuber chased away from youtube

I hope to god we don't get any refugees.

(((they))) already won



4chan dies


Wheres the Source faggots?

It's fucking in the water. Use DI water

She's just a whore who attached herself to race realism after she got a craving for some hu'white cock.



absolutely checked

I've wondered if that has something to do with our dropping sperm count for a while now.

He's not of clean blood, my man.

Dubs have spoken.

Just fucking cut yourself wide open with combat knife!

cuck/v/ is too pozzed to do anything. They'll take it with their butt-cheeks wide open and nothing will change. By now that board should've been a dumpster fire of gore and porn.


dubs of truth

Fuck I was right it was this fucker.

Dont even bother, they are so retarded they think Holla Forums is alt right

You should learn to keep your head down when the /eftypol/ selfies get posted. You just draw more attention tot hem.





Dubs of death checked.

Alt right is anyone they don't like.

They are so retarded they think Jordan Peterson is alt-right.



The reset of an era


the babbening is real.

Alison was simply doing it for the lulz.

Once again the eternal shame of our state


Kill them Hiro! Kill them all!

Why....why does that video have so many up-votes?



yeah you wish some african american get double double numbers


tfw samurai kills sjw front


what the shit is with the gun on pic 4? Why did the dumbass mangle it?


It aint real son
You call that a gun?



If this happens we're going to need to update our OC


Galileo and the geocentric model of the universe, for one.

Will 4chan turn into GafChan?

It's time…

Reminder that this is the face of Holla Forums

That's a nice AK-47 user.

Possibly stolen, or got mangled in the process. Looks like a kaboom waiting to happen. If it's real feel kinda bad for the 22lr(?) rifle, it didn't deserve that kind of treatment.

As if it knows anything about funs even remotely

Wasted my dubs

It already is.

woops forgot webm


He played Fallout 4 and wanted to larp as a gunsmith.

please dont post it
please dont post it
please dont post it
please dont post it
please dont post it
We already witnessed that pig

Naw son. I prefer making cover into concealment.

There's some people on their Discord claiming that a pastebin has been posted with a lot of neogaf accounts user names and passwords. Maybe some doxxes too


i hope that's bait user

death to all sjw

Sauce on that song?

Cuckchan is going to become another Hiroshima

cuck/v/ must die

If quads:





good job


i imagine they have some neogaf refugees

Yes, we all know it's a FAMAS16.


Quads confirm








Not something to celebrate, unlike namefag forum users they might actually flood here.

user that's a face you can trust

i don't see why you say that,it's unmistakably so



Just checkin

Was there any doubt?





We may just live to see the fall of SJW control.

Today was a good day.

now that i think about it. We actually survived the nuclear shitstorm.




Happy little hellhounds



oops forgot to check these

So many digits to check in this thread. Where to even begin?

Nice airsoft prop gun.

Meme magic cannot be stopped.

right here


remember to donate to my patreon and subscribe to my blog



I bet the irony doesn't even register in his brain.


Some cuckchanner came in here earlier and doubted the power of dubs. And now here we are

Ja, hier neu foto.

Ugh… so after Neogaf and 4cuck kill what we will doing Holla Forums? Like for real…?

this thread is something else



what will we do when the cucks realize fullchan is the superior chan


What we were akways meant to do. Play Videogames.

You tell us Satan.

that just makes them sound like those asshole kids who reset the console in the middle of a game because nobody wanted to play the game they wanted to play

It's a celebration

Hopefully not come here

Be the bigger guys

I don't know satan. Hopefully they won't

All the best to you and your kin, my man.

Welp, cuck/v/ is finished. I wonder if this will hit the whole site

Well spoken Satan!

We become too extreme for Holla Forums so we move to hell.


Gas the jews.




Whoever called that they devour their own kind must be approaching pure vindication right about now

Cross posting from /cow/ behold Jasons books.

Some of these fucking books man

Minimum wage security is being a guard at places like warehouses and empty estates where no one else goes, or you have to make sure the cableties are holding the straps down on the sides of B-Doubles.


We slaughter them until there's nobody left standing

"the escapist" is dying to SJW's so maybe we'll have some threads about that.

Kek, they'll come here. They'll start the Holla Forums version of Holla Forums, call it /GafV/ or something like that.

Better not be a zipbomb in here


If they do end up here, we will beat some sense into them. They will learn, or they will perish.




Archive just in case.

On it

Either way we're winning tonight


happening HAPPENING

I've got it in a text file on my computer, we got this shit lads

Proof or GTFO, either way this will result in some rapefugees

Hopefully never, satan.

May the favor be returned twice fold.


That's a keeper.

We fight.

Jesus christ, 90% of them are obviously their real names. Those poor retarded bastards.

Make them one of us



I would love a Barron Trump anime.

The Polygon must destroyed, social medias must be too.





my body is ready

Speaking about meme magic…

How do you fuck up THIS bad

Here you are user

If you are lurking a GAF discord, be sure to stay invisible, and never post anything. Not even their mods can see you.

Today is a glorious day.



What eyesore theme are you using? been thinking of swapping out dark for something

not to be a defeatist cuck but this will probably be useless when neofag goes back online.
FurAffinitty had every single one of its users log in data compromised a year ago. the site went offline just like neofag, and when it came back online, it only let users log in if they change their email and password.
i'm guessing neofag will do something even more intrusive to secure its user's safety. furaffinity is ran by an incompetent retard and they managed to protect everyone anyway, neofag is a way bigger site with a bigger income. these will all be useless for anything other than making the site owner scramble a little.

wait what? i didn't open the link. there's more in there than just neofag log ins? a happening is happening after all.


On a scale of $1000 to $2000 of sushi, how comped is 4chan right now?

Damn, son

BBL, painful erection


It's a solarized dark theme that I made for myself and use with the unfucked version of Stylish in Palemoon. I forgot to disable it before taking the screenshot. Whoops.


ok, habbening is over.

thanks user

Neofags can't into text searches

have your own booze then

Read that as, I never run out of booze in the house

The gets are intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it

A true family man.

This thread must be blessed, use the magic responsibly. Don't hope for more destruction or anything.



Dubs, checked.


y-you too user

Joke's on you nigger, my fridge is full of beer.



It's insulting that these people have been whispering in devs ears.



desu tbh


if we're all bitching about not having space travel, let's just roll with it

And after Satan, God himself comfirm…

These are historic dubs. Fate is on our side.


I know that feel.

It matters because it's fucking hilarious. We're a bunch of left winged faggots who found more in common with literal nazis than we did the people that were supposed to side with us.

Maybe ideology is the incorrect viewpoint. What happened was a rebellion among young men, particularly white ones.

Sargon is that you?

I certainly will side with the nazis over the heaps of trash that is the current state of the """liberals""".


Get out of here Neofaggot

Don't you have black cocks to post on twitter for your wife's son?

It is dead, pretty much

You're retarded. It's only through the vitalization of young men that the right wing can even exist. The left is just vaginas talking.

Or Maybe just maybe GG isn't left or right wing.

It's not anything now.

I don't know what political side I consider my self to be tbh. I only really care about the few morals I hold my self to

if you want to talk with us we're right here

these people are the ones who dictate what our vols do and are probably the vols themselves

I'm a glutton for laughing at people.

The desire comes from needing to point out how retardedly recursive their worldview is, not from a desire to simply shitpost.

It would be pretty interesting to have one pop in and make his case, but I get the feeling they don't actually want to talk to people outside their bubble.

Did you guys forget SJWs don't debate their personal values or ideologies? They attack and accuse.

for you, Holla Forums

I don't want to simply shit post at them either, I'd love for them to genially come over here and talk with us

I remember when that #resist jam came about and we laughed at how stupid it was but some of the local retards decided to shit their discord up but as a result of that one of the devs working on a game over there popped on over here because he suggested to the mods that they should let us have a platform to talk with them or something fairly reasonable like that

we're not looking to go after the con artists but the normalfags caught up in it all


it's on par with backpack cuck


Hahaha. Sure thing user, go for it. I'm sure it's never been tried before on twitter, or reddit, or a multitude of other sites during GG. This time it'll be different for sure.

The girl needs a juggalo tattoo on her tits


She's actually one of them, she's been spamming the term "con artist" because she can't actually attack the left.

giving up is what those kinda people do, they accept their view as the correct one and deny any and all reason given by anyone not of their view, the moment you stop trying is the moment you validate everything they think

If you want em

discord .gg/tH2hgB
discord .gg/WDGWC

Why do you care if something validates what people think? Their thoughts are not your business.

Nice work (and dubs). Have some more gamefaqs hate.
You know you're a shithole when even fucking gamefaqs doesn't want you.

Shieeeet I don't even want to know what these fanatics consider 'far left' if they think of themselves as 'moderate'.

They can't even name it
Yet somehow they consider themselves moderate. Cultism is a hellofadrug

I had a little look at the current state of neofag and it's more pathetic then I thought, all his mods are gone and now Evilores hiding behind an alt account to ban everyone because he's to much of a monumental coward to do it on his real account.
This just get's better and better.

So what ever happened to King of Pol anyways?

people can change their minds you know, it's something which happens every day and it usually only happens with such wonders like "regret" but every so often people can charge their mind with a little thing called discussion, two people presenting points and counter points, that's how intellectuals do.

nothing wrong with it, just that not nearly enough people do it.

Last I saw he was sperging around in the DSP hatedom.

He verified it

went crazy and thinks he and Jim are masters of right wing internet politics.

Will you stop it with the self help book nonsense? You are a blubbering faggot.


why do you think that?

I'm not sure if he's being serious or not. I find it hilarious that someone would consider gamefaqs as something infamous and would use that action movie style "welcome to hell" line unironically about gamefaqs. I agree with him if he's using the "welcome to hell" line in a more literal way, as to say that it feels like you're in hell when browsing the site.


Quoting my earlier self just for fun

Easier said than done.

The changes you saw over those years are the infiltration of the coddled generations of users before you. A decade ago when you joined, you were probably 20ish. You probably used to ride your bike around your local neighborhood (once able to) mostly autonomously, and able to learn how to socialize on a person to person basis with the other kids you met along the way. Forming friendships (or not) through actual human interaction and nuance.

This sort of interaction is just not the case for young people posting online anymore. They didnt grow up with that kind of social interaction. Everything is a social media. Everything is binary. It's why emoticons and emoji culture has gotten so ridiculous. We strive for context and nuance but, just reading cold hard text has never provided for that.

and remember he could have sold it for 5-10 millions some years back

Why didn't he?

All of this could be avoided if the faggot only used his owner account to actually moderate and alts to actually discuss shit. Then again, I'm giving the retards too much credit to actually have any kind of foresight.

He's stupid, that's why.

This is one of the reasons why you're suddenly seeing political gangs appear more prominently (although the most prominent, antifa, is state funded), because our society is no longer coopting the ambitions of young men. That's really dangerous for them, but high risk-high reward for the rest of us.

Them being the government(s), us being the young men.

he is retarded and a lot of "journalist" was on GAF and invited him to shit. It made him feel that he had some power probably.

He also could have been not a piece of shit in general. Or he could have separated his online and offline life. But he craved the attention that came with running NeoGaf, so here we are.

but gamergate is about hating wamen? why should they help to destroy a place that is about hating wamen? That doesn't make sense at all!


that is an old oc made in the first month of gg. How new are you? Speaking of new, i wonder how much you actually know, you just implyed two of the most biggest leak but what is with digra? Here my friend

and more digra

It's funny that time and time again it's always done revealed by these people who don't actually practice any sort of opsec in the slightest and wonder why they are being ridiculed or fucked over for this kind of shit. At least with an alias that has no attachment to you, you can drop it any time and not have if effect you.

the dirgra shit got really side tracked if I remember correctly

It kinda spun out into a separate Holla Forums thing that ended up being important in the run up to the election, because it gave everyone an easy to use example of deep state meddling in superficial culture.

A lot of users there post stupid, cringy shit like that (see last pic), so I wouldn't be surprised if it's just that. However, I'd also be inclined to believe it could be the latter, simply because for neofags, gamefaqs, and anywhere else for that matter, would be hell for them since gamefaqs mods are retards and barely punish average trolls, let alone immediately permaban someone for wrongthink. That said, it is gamefaqs, so it's probably the first one.

You just gave your newfag status away amazingly hard, buddy.

because (((they))) do not want you to know. It gets memory holed everytime. I remember when i digged into the leigh alexander croniysm, and found out that they all knew each other from a movie festival. And with everyone i mean everyone! Shit got slided hard.

Gamefaqs had a pretty good autistic JRPG community.


the core problem is the deep state, as we saw, all the connectins go way up to the govermant secret agencies andn shit.


I remember discussing the Shadow of the Colossus demo on that site with everybody making up theories about what the full game would have. That was some fun times.

Its xenogears board is still pretty active. That's class.

did anyone correctly guess 12 fps?


did it really effect that election? never really bothered with the Holla Forums side of GG tbh

I'm pleased that leigh is rotting someplace and out of video games tbh, just wondering who took her place tbh

that's why I hate america tbh

It's bigger than just the US.

I know but fuck america tbh

I'm unironically pretty sure that GG actually did help influence the election. It was a good stepping stone from there to people shitposting with Holla Forums and memeing about Trump. In a normal enviroment, shit Trump said would have been pretty damning, but the funny shit Holla Forums outputted really made him less threatening and more of a joke so the democrats relaxed way too much.

I fucking hate that shit to no end.

No, you leftist scum, fuck you.

It was a training round, essentially.

sounds like a very superficial way tbh

Because are America is the only country with those issues. You fucking retard nigger, I'm not even an American but retards like you should be called out of it.

Also you type like typical SA goon, fuck off.

America is the place exporting all of this leftist nonsense, everyone should hate it

this where everything goes wrong

let's take some points into consideration:
Pizzagate; le elefanties, owner of ping pong, funded by rothshield, on a specific place on DC - wich connect into a pentagram
le elefanties is a synoniem, actually almost the same name as the one who build the streets of DC, and yes, he was a masonic too. Now we look which is it who is all in this satanic cabal. oh surpries its the far left and everyone who denyies the problem within their own ranks. Obongo, shillery, cia and so on. Now that we know that america got co-opted long time ago, or inflitrated, how can we now say for sure what was true and what not? simple. we cant. Rethink history and look who they demonized.

so the question is, is it america who is fucked up or is is the cabal running the deep state who is fucked up

did I say america is the only country with those issues? no, fuck your self tbh

The faggotry that is now SJW ideology was imported from Europe, you fucking idiot.

hippies came from Europe now?


reminder that if most of the posts don't relate to Neogaf the containment thread will be closed and the subject will be permanentl- wait, I'm not on cuckchan

Yes you did

Your country aint any fucking better either, in fact you're gonna be jailed for wrongthink and browsing "extreme right wing" websites soon.

Fuck off goon.

the cabal meaning globalists right?

I'm balls deep in their discord user, and they're not even talking about anything. We're waiting for the next phase when they finally open up Reset Era

they have many names
and so on, there is only one thing in common, they all get their money from soros.

I can shit on the USA for a lot but acting like the USA is the reason for this cancer when most of this started over in Europe.

It is actually funny how easy it is to spot our sleeper agents there.

All the current degeneracy is being exported from american universities

point to me where I said that and I'll stop pointing out how you assumed that tbh

wew tbh

old men running the world

communism is a jewish invention though?

Oh I know. If you're actually from here, the way they talk is so fucking obvious. They never even have to say something in here about it either. It's funny how their chat looks so plainly out of place, but those dudes think everyone in there is from the same site.

You do realize that while talking about post commie Europe you are talking about most anti-communist people in the world?

So a normal dude who's into threesomes?

he 99years old and had already six heart transplantation. with all the fetuses he eat he keeps his dna clean and fresh, search it up this really werks

also one reason why they have so many baby facilitys hidden in DC.

While a lot of the cancer comes from other parts of the world (postmodern critical theory primarily comes from France, for instance), the SJWs and radfems as we know them now are unquestionably a product of the US & Canada.

I did try to find it but I could only find tumblrites reposting it without a source

Account Suicides from when it came back Online

Account Suicides from when it came back Online

do you think the clonus horror became a reality or will be?

Did you try plugging it into an actual search engine that includes boorus you absolute pleb?

If you bite a dog, and it bites you back, whose fault is it?

I love how despite all their posturing, when they no longer care about their accounts, they immediately begin to act just like us.

Artist is shiory.

It's beautiful.

Think of how many technologies invented in the US were perfected and commercialized by Japan. It's like that, we incubated the infection (primarily in urban/academic hotspots like Berkeley and Toronto), turning it into an even more virulent form of cancer that has spread fastest through Anglophone countries like the UK & Australia.

Transgender man = chick with short hair
Transgender woman = pedophile

Except this all started in the UK with (((Decolonization))). The modern left is just expanding that to the home front. America's like ten years behind the raving left abroad, the difference is we're getting it all once while they had it develop slowly through continual cash injection.

Imageboard culture is a wonderful thing. How can any other net culture compete?

If anyone has a neogaf account, I can get us into Reset Era
Not tat I expect anyone.

So much for 'listen and believe' you hypocritical cucklords.


you realize that (((Decolonization))) only came about because america bankrupted England after ww2 because america wanted our colonies only to find that they're actually a money sink. did you not read those cia files?

Why did I only just now get this for the first time


Yes, and the jews rule the UK. Have since the 1800s.

even though everything is the jews fault not everything is the jews fault

if the jews ruled Great Britain then they wouldn't have needed to create america as it is today tbh

Does this remind you of anything?

If something is not the Jews' fault, it's gonna be the fault of something that is the Jews' fault.

Hey boogeimen! What happened in the last 8 hours? Can i get a quick run down on this shit-show?

Even she's not that much of a creep.

We both know this is a lie.

but then what about the not the jews fault of the fault of something that's not the jews fault but that's the jews fault?

Neogaf shitposting Neogaf to get banned. And because the Neogaffers are now all shitposting, the Neogaffers are claiming this is proof that Neogaf was really gamergate all along, so the Neogaffers are happily moving to a new Neogaf site just for them.

Holy shit, what else did I miss?


we had a dubs, trips and quads invasion during the night. All the repeating numbers predicted nu-Holla Forums burn. Sadly i didn't screenscraped it…

Depends on which Junko we are talking about.

Name just one...

I didn't mean to slide the topic, please lets get back to neogaf

Can't really say that while falling under another power's defense umbrella, Sven.

We'd have let the samuri have their way if they didn't blow up almost all of our goddamn battleships for fun

How classist of you.

give examples? swefag here, if you say sweden you ain't living here and are just talking shit

I'm genuinely pitying you for thinking things are remotely fine in Europe right now.


So the 20 sexual assault and pedo-crime was Gamergate too? Jesus Christ how delusional!

Neo liberalism isn't a left idea. Its from the right.
Is not a simple left vs right in europe like it is in the states.
You have the economic right social left that is currently in power.
You have the so called alt right that undeniably social right, but can be center economics.
You also have a lot of economic centrist social left parties that make up much of the left in Europe.
The only economic left party to get power in recent years was SYRIZA in Greece and they slid to the right very fast.

Horse shit, you have a few nations with strong welfare programs like germany but they are not socialist states.


That must be why you faggots hide at the sight of Putin's shadow then.

It's literally trotskyism repackaged you dint.


It's happening again?

Yugoslavia and that's because we borrowed enough money to now be 26bil in debt EACH and had a genocidal conflict less than 30 years ago

The one named Enoshima as in the screencap. But yeah there's no cameras in the bath area, cutely. That doesn't stop you from perving if you have the wash tub item on you.

Right that's why you faggots put gay sailor lights in your fjords.

Wew good to see newcomers from cuck Holla Forums and neofag are trying to fit in. But hey guys! Hey!
>>>Holla Forums is that way!

Sperging letist bullshit will sooner or alter will end up your drop out from every board expect Holla Forums…

Is this the ultimate natural state of humans beings uncorrupted by normalfaggotry?

Here user
They're stuck with 1 or two games with the furries as side character. So, there's that.


He alive Holla Forums?

You need better example pal…

It's communist / socialist / marxist in name only
though it does show the faults of fascism, the moment you lose your kings shit will fall

Hey Brian, did the nice people tell you about Xenu?

I glad you see it.

Shitposting is human nature

Holla Forums are a bunch of Holla Forumsacks LARPing and some Holla Forums idiots who think they're in good company.

If we want to finish NeoGAF and the elf off, now would be the best time to strike btw. He’s licking his wounds and there won’t be a much better opportunity any time soon to cut him off from his pot of gold. Go after his Advertisers, Screenshot their Ads and send E-Mails or Tweets to corporations Advertising on NeoGAF together with articles from “credible” publications like Rolling Stone, VICE, EuroGamer, The Verge, Polygon, Develop, Paste or Kotaku (all the "progressive" sites) about this entire EviLore and Amir0x situation. A “Send those Emails” style campaign would likely be extremely effective at this very moment for cutting the elf off from his funds.

If we want to truly kill it, make the reputation of the board and the elfs reputation after his “official statement” in which he decided to “blame the victim” absolutely toxic. Tell advertisers what he is alleged to have done and about the people he has let run his site and protected over the years, as well as the fact that he is banning people at the moment that are standing up to sexual assault from his site and protecting pedos. No company or individual linked to it or online magazine should be willing to appear there in any official capacity anymore or admit that they post on the board at all, even better would be to get them to disavow! If successful the site might get even other people and Mods to disassociate themselves from it and leave. Kick the elf boy while he’s down and kick him hard so that he can’t recover and head for some convenient redemption story and start earning money with his “video game board” again. The time to do this is while it is still fresh in the press and the flames are still burning hot.

The site seems to mostly be using three Ad Networks
Google AdSense:
Quantcast Ad Choices:

But writing them directly isn’t the best way to attack the site since they’re unlikely to react; at least until there’s a lot more fire. The most effective way to attack his income has always been to Screenshot Ads of specific companies on the site together with content they might dislike like his statement or mentioning the Website together with links to articles from “credible sources” mentioning why it’s bad, since no company wants to be seen supporting or be in any way connected with alleged sexual assaulters or convicted child abusers especially after Weinstein they might react and retract rather quickly. This could also lead to new headlines that companies are leaving the site and from there it would be a lot easier to get others to leave.

We don't want Neogaf to die. We want their users to spread across the internet evenly, never to coalesce again.

Right now we want the media to not only condemn the man, but also his entire userbase.

Methinks sounds like a nu-word, but it's a leftover form from Old English. The verb is thyncan (seem) and not thencan (think), and "me" is in the dative case. The meaning is "it seemed to me". From Genesis:

The very fact there is more meaninful discussion about movies on Holla Forums and Holla Forums just makes me sad…
Atleast the shitposting on Holla Forums is way more fun than on Holla Forums, which is just smells from trying too hard…

quite honestly it's going to die no matter what because of the way alot of the neogaf users are and them just making more sink holes isn't the best option either, we need to filter them into places that will challenge their view point tbhyes I do mean here

Keep it in your pants, "miss".

Read your Devi you maroon.

This place is full.
>>>Holla Forums

Oh it's you again?
Came back to sperg about how Holla Forums should be more openminded about refugees? Like last night you did?

mfw I'm part of an urban legend, a living meme.

Grabbed this one. As long as they don't come here cuckchan Holla Forums can go up in flames along with NeoFag.

t. communist


ur boy pussy is gunna be full once I'm done with it tbh

I'm a refugee from 4chan and this is my first post here. Yes I'm a massive cuck for not leaving years ago during gamergate. The way shit was getting shut down on old Holla Forums when discussing neogaf was the final straw.

Anyone still using "half-chan" as you guys (and I) now call it deserves everything they get.

I remember pointing out to someone that national socialism has roots in socialism, hence its name

They thought I was an idiot

4chan is pretty much just a brand name at this point.

Get the fuck out faggot.
welcome to the promised land

Here's some reading material. Have fun and lurk more. You have missed a lot.

May i suggest you to lurk a few day before involving into anything, For your own shake…

Hell, Mussolini started out as a fucking commie. It's not big news.

You're thinking of neoconservatism (run up government debt, give the money to the rich, invade foreign countries). Neoliberalism is a right-wing idea stemming from Austrian School economists fixated on selling parts of the government to giant transnational corporations, eliminating laws, and tearing down national borders.

Literally who?

>can discuss all those things on /tg/

lurk moar newfag

Just for formalities' sake, fuck off back to cuckchan. Welcome home, don't act like a faggot.

lurk and learn how to act here.

congrats, that's somehow the dumbest thing I've read today

This is why you're a cuck

It's called halfchan for a reason. But yeah, that's stupid.

Does anyone have a backup link to the pastebin or ghostbin? Have we cross-referenced these people with FetLife?


Well, Holla Forums and Holla Forums has it's times when there are surprisingly good discussions. I don't know /a/, and Holla Forums is pretty much a lost cause.

/wooo/ is breddy gud too, and /hg/ works well. /monster/ anb /k/ are a comfy places. While Holla Forums for the news…

I never gave /tg/ a try but i heard only good on about them. Nearly every board respect them and speak about them highly.

I have the archive of the second one.

Wow, it's only been a year since that thread?


Not everyone is uneducated about that.


Holla Forums's been dead since 2015 though when it got flooded with Steven Universe and has been nothing but that since. There used to be good Grant Morrison threads.

what kind of pussy dragon is that supposed to be?

Is this karma?


I'm a bit of a Codexian, so I have a sufficiently extensive knowledge of several tabletop RPG/TBT rulesets that have repeatedly gotten vidya adaptations to enjoy /tg/, but I'm too shy to have ever actually organized or joined a game, even in this age of online VTT software.

okay, here's some

Post Jon.

(Have your (You))
You know, you could've just not announce your presence here and just lurk for a few weeks(months would be more preferable). If you don't want to lurk, too bad! It's not August/September 2014 anymore, when you didn't have to lurk.


Well, have these while I look for my Jons




So Neo/v/ag isn't enough for them…?

Yeah but we can prove we are right, with facts.


Brain that you?

notice the lack of a banning?

You'll be free of the poison soon user. Just never visit the place ever again and you'll be fine.

The biggested sign of newfaggery is caring about bans at all.



Nah, you're still here.
Besides, it's counterproductive to allow torposting in an echo chamber.

over here we have something called logs which show what our mods do.

again where is the denial of your speech?

Proxies can post pics, only TORfags can't

I've been up way too long.

Your new faggotry shows.

And your proof is?

I need this kek, thanks!

You namefags sure are something.

Everything checks, seriously mate you are way off your element, rethink your decisions it`s painful to watch.

He was getting sony shill bucks and had an army of brain dead followers, he's lost it all now.

Then just stop posting and fuck off. You're not fooling anyone.



He meant to link to >>>/general/1010. He got banned for politics even though everyone gets banned for politics. Also, volunteers have a bonus thing where they see an encrypted IP address. Think of IDs as secure tripcodes and mod-only IDs as normal tripcodes.



Entire history includes outside of the thread. Also you're fucking retarded.

Fucking Howitzer.




Ara is best.


More like shit


I will never understand this mentality.

Are you seriously upset that we agree that you're a fucking faggot who shouldn't be allowed to derail threads with politics on a video games board?


All he had to do was eat the cake and live stream it.

You're disagreeing right now, and you're still here.

Got none, please accept my offering of leotards & large thighs instead.

Rightfully for spreading most of the cancer we see today and >>>Holla Forums is that way

how can you not like Mark?

You're the idiot and are being called out as one. No need to blame us for your shitty train of thought.

the thread was getting derailed with it you fucking nigger. notice how everyone stopped which seems to be a result of you getting banned but you're still here, gee totally the same place


So there's ResetERA and RetroGAF. Apparently ResetERA will be run by the old NeoGAF mods and RetroGAF will be run by new people promising to not be political like NeoGaf. NeoGaf is back online as well. What do you guys think will happen now?

Holla Forums does have legit autism when it comes to disagreeing with the status quo. You can try it yourself and it's usually just autism about tone policing. Shows they can't handle the bantz and just get all pissy when you insult Holla Forums-core especially.

it really was, I told everyone to stop well before and people kept on going with it, what did you think would happen

keep telling your self that tbh


There’s also the Open Critic forums which is looking for mods right now. Seems pretty reasonable like that retro gaf place you mentioned.

no you don't, autist

If Holla Forums was a right-wing hivemind, we wouldn't tolerate a literal fucking Jew run the board.

Mark is a kike that keeps on giving

everything will get back to norm for awhile

muh uninformed generalizing tho?

It's pretty interesting how fractured the NeoGAF community is.

Especially one that cannot even eat one single tiny small family size cake.

Can we really rely on someone like that to eat an entire cake when the chips are down?

Why do I think this fag is from cuckchan or neofag? (implying they aren't the same at this point)

Mark is also a Syrian Jew.

There is a basic line of thought yes as is with any board or forum. But even so an idiot is being rightfully called out as an idiot as should happen every time.

you're acting like a faggot again, shouldn't you be in the gamergate thread?


To be fair, Hitler had Jews on his staff too. Maybe they were also good at cake.



see and

but if everyone is the same doesn't that mean you're also acting like a faggot tho?


I have no idea what's going on in this thread anymore, but I like this.


Me neither.

have a sunfish user

Never stop posting faggot.

your neo is showing

Literally all they do is prevent samefagging.

It's better having IDs and no tripfags than tripfags and no IDs.

go away nigger



Keep going on please.

whads habbening heres??? :DDDDD?

only 12 posts, your autism need to be stronger if you want to ruin a thread here.

Yeah ID's are useless in this case because you talk like such a fag anyone could identify your posts by just how repulsively gay they are.

He needs to go (69) or (119) to really try.

they are like rats of the internet that's for sure. out of one forum 2 came up.

*give samefaggers with VPNs more validity

This is powerful autism; strong, dangerous autism. Can it be weaponised?

Notice how you're still not banned despite all your whining even though you should be for evading.

like watching smurfs bathe
step it up

look again

Can someone link to the board logs? I want to see the ban message attached.

yea he gone


I didn't realize the log was linked in the rules.

It's okay, it's really not visible enough. The board owner is a jew, it may be related.

eh not that hidden


duuuuuuude! I'm venting and derailing a thread that totally means the rules don't apply

Hello mark/vol.

delet this!

if I was a vol here I'd make the world a better place tbh


If you open the link the sys is added automatically.

Gib sauce please

Yeah i am retarded

Same shit as always. Either one or two of them will die. Rest will be split community I assume between RetroGaf and ResetEra/NeoGaf.
There is also other option that is here Discord. Most of them just fled to their own little communities.

why did japan do this


why do they keep using that emoji


Because that one is a faggot.

66 severed cocks for the tranny :^)

Why does every post from this faggot include an eggplant despite no reason to include one?

it's codeword for gamergate


I love watching the tides turn.


M-maybe it really is an undercover user, but they can't say a word of it otherwise they risk blowing their cover. This could be a hint dropped just for us.

Or maybe it's just a faggot obsessed with dicks to the point that he spams the emoji teenage girls use as a standin for one. It may be a subconscious compulsion to remind people that despite calling himself a woman, he still has one.
They keep posting links to this thread in the discord

and yet none of them have come to post here

I meant the thread that I linked


they don't believe we're real

I was wondering, would she still scream and be freaked out if this appeared in front of her in shower?


If it was a guy she was incredibly attracted to, regardless of what that may be, the average woman by nature would be fine with it, yeah.

Can we steal NeoGAF? I want to occupy their former home and then they'll see how much more liked they become.

I think they're still doing the "you need some kind of paid email account" thing but the admins have been approving accounts faster

So wait, NeoGaf is back?

The site is back up, but a lot of people are committing account suicides

NeoGAF is back, but all the hardcore lefties have completely abandoned it. It's now a designated shitposting forum.


I haven't checked, but apparently they/Malka deleted off-topic section and started enforcing new "no politics" rule.

What else do you expect from delusional leftists

Are we getting DDos'd?

I don't think so. My posts are going through fine.


Works on MY computer.



If they think that's destructive, they really are sheltered.

Nigga calm down this shit be low intensity.

do they just lump everyone they don't like into one group that's all ganging up on them?


Projection, thy name is NeoFAG.

This thing I don't like = this thing I don't like
They see Gamergate boogeymen everywhere. In NeoGAF. Of all fucking places.


It's okay I forgive you.


I tried to download attached images and keep failing.



It's certainly a shithole country that's for sure




You guys lied about him being a racist, when all he did was say nigger.
You guys are the fuckers who keep shoehorning politics into everything.


It's pretty vanilla, though there is an extra pair of eyes in the scene. You gotta get past some pandas to see it though.

What a buzzwordy article.

Are you fuckin' kiddin' me?

Yes, and all that seems to do is splinter most of the neofaggotry crowd further. It looks like a civil war situation and general gommie goon type backstabbing and cannibalizing between their various mods and users. I don't mind giving them a few utensils and hotsauce for that.

Will do.

The ~1 million hits/day that shithole got (presumably through poo-in-loo sweatshops and bots) was the influence.
It's gone.

We're basically eldritch to them. They can't comprehend us. We treat identity as the mask it is, they devote their lives to identity. We run on a perpetual death of the author, they need internet asspats for everything they do. Most of us have 0 online footprint, and these cocksuckers actually fell for that "you need a personal brand" bullshit. We seek virtue, they seek cummies.

They cannot comprehend us.

Jeff Gerstmann admits he knew about Evilores earlier ass grabbing stuff:

Yeah, I read it myself. The genius is digging his own grave at this point. But, can you blame him? Sexual assault claims (as I have no doubt all of us know) have such weight. Just the accusation alone had all of Neofag turn against him. But, this'll all blow and Neogaf is gonna stay around, but, it definitely isn't going to be the "go to site" for journalists anymore if >>13659382 is anything to go by.

everyone besides evilore can go to any place and get another job with ease

so has neogaf invaded Holla Forums ?

I remember getting a huge bottle of dxm that where 300mg per tablet, it was for my dog obviously.
But I tried to use some for the flue and it was the first time in my life I realized, when Americans talk about lucid dreaming under the flue it's basically tripping on that shit while sleeping.
Never again, shall I use dxm I will just stick with my benzos and tramadol, even tough I don't use tramadol that often. I've had about 100tablets for about 6 months now, whenever I'm in pain I look at the bottle and throw it away and call myself a degenerate for even thinking of using it.

The OP says that "ALL BUT ONE ADMIN ARE GONE NOW" so it looks like someone missed the fact that Evilore made all of the moderators anonymous.

The other day, I saw someone get told "Fuck off". And their response to being told fuck off was "You don't own this board, you can't tell me what to do."
I laughed so hard I almost cried. I knew instantly it was a neofag.

actually no that post is just up in the grinder

Neogaf is literally incapable of hearing that gays are anything other than angels sent from god to guide us from our wicked path. So no, but 4chan might be here.

4/v/ and Reddit were hit. Do you really think the "progressives" of Neofag would venture to the EXTREME version of 4chan? We've gotten the odd out of place post here and there, but I've no doubt it's just one of us shitposting/baiting for (You)s.


It really is an acquired taste. Some people think it's the best shit ever, and some people absolutely hate it. Benzos are probably more fun, though.

are you making fun of my typo from last night

Nothing beats lsd

Yeah, they can smear themselves into a thin layer of shite all across the internet and be isolated and laughed at everywhere they go.

Anyone who was paying attention saw it happen in real time user.


druggies please go

We need helicopters in this comment section, pronto

True, but I can't get a reliable source. All my faggot friends are into meth and weed.

kk, too offtopic.

Brian was here begging us to stop. Or maybe it was just someone impersonating that furfag.


that's what SJW goons and conartists wanted to happen to us with gamergate being denied on every other site but look at us now

I was just tihnking about this argument unprompted not 12 hours ago. NatSoc gets remembers for the slaughter that happened because of it, but only because it's so well documented. Meanwhile Communism gets away with offing more peopel than the holocaust with every single regime that decides to use communism, and it's ok. That seems rather fucked.

screencaps? i'm guessing it was real by the way because some faggot that sympathized with him here had messaged him warning him that people were making fun of him and doxing him. he blew our cover. wouldn't be surprised if he just directly linked him while he was at it.
also worth noting, he deactivated his furaffinity last night so people wouldn't make fun of him anymore.
totally believable to me he would come and sperg in the thread.

Use the darknet my friend, some of the cleanest purest lsd I've had came from there


They didn't even believe that we exist until two days ago.
Tough I suppose some halfchan refugees might find their way over.

I don't know, I've only felt normal when I'm on them. And most people only see I'm on a benzo because of the pupils getting gigantic, and then they are saying I'm calm which is kinda the reason why I'm taking them in the first place.

But the closest to a euphoric high I've gotten was not with oxy or tramadol, or any benzos but with pregabalin, if you take enough you get a super comfy high feeling.


Our philosophy is internally consistent.
Theirs isn't as Rapey McRapeface the feminist is finding out.

Not a second time, user.

They're like Goons-light. They didn't do much because they're useless and insular, but they still don't believe people should have platforms to speak openly. They stand against an open internet. Letting them have a hugbox is fine; they're entitled. Being fine with ours being defunded, and cheering it on, isn't.

Wouldn't be surprised if there was some crossover between forums, either. Most small forums are either SA-clones now or have died.

They're scattered to the digital winds. That weakens them. They can't even unite into a single chatroom properly.


0-3 clean my room
5-8 keep posting with my friends in the cyclical :) and in the 4 am thread later
9 play etrian oddysey V even though it's a casual faggot game

i forgot 4 haha fuck it
hi guys!!!!
do you want to see a picture of my room

Not sure if he posted again in the cyclical but he was in the latter half of the initial threads that you see archived in the OP of this one. As I remember it, he was the Tor poster in thread #4:

0-4 playing vidya
5-8 keep shitposting
9 go to sleep.


he was so scared of the Holla Forums boogeyman giving his browser viruses he wouldn't even post here without tor

there's method to the madness in these people, it's basic as all hell dressed up as something high end but it's still there.

I'm half temped to make some fake accounts to see just consistent their madness is tbh

useful idiot =/= conartist. the goons have made every bit of the video games industry into their hyper aggressive progressive shit hole via getting the right people with the right connections working with the right businesses under the guise of "maturing" the industry.

no doubt a box fill of kittens fed only one brand of medicine is going to act in the way of whoever feeds them and besides half the people using neogaf were only there for the insider shit, that's the biggest win here.

Mass effect really is the perfect game for women. It pretends to be a deep and meaningful RPG, when in fact it has no role, barely has any playing, and about the same amount of game.


Reposting Brian577's masterpiece anime music video.
As you watch this, I watch you to remember that he's almost 40 years old.

That reminds me, them trying to make this site live up to its "cripplechan" nickname through aggressive deplatforming and CP bot spam is also what led the site to that Infinity Next fiasco with Josh which made /sp/.

If you miss them as much as I do, don't let up and show no mercy. In fact, I wonder if /sp/ would be interested in participating with their assraping.

Would not marry but would implant my seed in provided an android could get pregnant with my genetic offspring/10

I made a video exactly like this a few months ago in an attempt to start a long-con autist youtube channel to fuck with /cow/, but ultimately dropped it because I thought nobody would buy it.
How has he not choked to death on a Happy Meal toy yet?

>an hero

I kind of like it

Have you thought about doing it to attract and befriend autists to get dirt on them/blackmail?

Sengoku Rance.


it's competent for what it is but what it is really is something you'd expect a 14 to do and quite honestly I've been much better out a 14 year old using nothing but windows movie maker

what is there to like? he cut some scenes together, they don't even have any editing done to them.


I have a hard time staying active on chat sites and social media, and nowadays you have to be online all the time since smartphones exist, so I probably wouldn't be able to get their trust. Throwing out goofy videos is easy and fun.

I kinda like this webm it scares goons and neofags



Could have been worse.

that's the most pathetic thing I've ever seen


the same jewtube channel had an awesome music vid that was pulled off. DO you have that or one of the DOA one when they are on the beach?

Don't know the jewtube, got that webm from here.

but i'll take historical truth any day of the week over feelgood revisionist propaganda,if i wanted that i would've stayed on 4chan

Tyler "If she's in the shower, I'll take her flower" Malka
Tyler "Bitch is wet? I'll take that bet" Malka
Tyler "Vomit hole's closed, other one's hosed" Malka
Tyler "We went for drinks so I'll get my kinks" Malka
Tyler "She's bi, I'm her guy" Malka
Tyler "Scrub me clean while I flick your bean" Malka
Tyler "Ass against the glass" Malka

gook is an attention whoring faggot and he should kill himself

Infinity Next was a debacle and if I recall correctly the slowdowns that made HW think new software is needed were caused by some diploma-level mistake of Hotwheels himself, but I still miss him a lot.

didnt read lol

Time to sleep. If I wake up an shit happened I'm gonna be pissed.

Is this real or did one of you guys cut this together?

To many retards peddling that shit on Holla Forums, it's getting annoying. I don't even know how Fred left years ago since I didn't have an connection at the time SHTF to see the last minetest stream, all I know is that he's either unreachable or dead. All of his irc friends ended up being communist assholes too, it pisses me off that I didn't keep an eye on the little bastard to make sure he stayed alright.

Shit, I think it was Holla Forums and Mark that thought Infinity Next would work out in the end, so they along with a portion Holla Forums decried the people throwing shit fits over moving to it as shills. The signs of it being a hack job were there, but by then things were in a dour mood after the constant raiding from Holla Forumsfreech goons and their board wars along with /gamergatehq/ and /ggrevolt/'s drama with Holla Forums starting to have a noticeable decrease in post quality, all on top of wanting the CP gone. Some of the worst chapter in Holla Forums's history.

Why don't you make a furry suicide pact with Bryan, Marche? :^)

Don't forget /sp/ just getting bullied off the site. Check'em to pay respects. The only thing Next did right was mp3 posting.

is it true that europoors just call their egg McMuffins "muffins"?

muffins are cakes

muffins are muffins

is resetera online? I just woke up.

Come on Holla Forums you can do better

Is episode 3 out yet?

One off, so close. But yes, wish you were here, Kings of Getball, /sp/

Both of these are muffins but the white one is normally referred to as an English muffin.

Also, he's been harassed a bunch what about his friends?

Guys, he's the one trolling us. I feel so stupid now…. He played us like a fiddle for his amusement.

Can't ban someone on twitter can only black one loser.

Josh sabotaged the site though. Everything worked fine with threads holding thousands of posts and it all went to shit as soon as he started "contributing" to the code base. I still firmly believe that each and every one of his changes to the site should be reverted.

Something on your mind?

So you call McMuffins English Muffins over there?

Which is weird because the one on the left is what we call muffins in england

they call them bread swirls.

Yes hence why I said the white one is not usually referred to as simply a muffin.

No you ask for a mcmuffin I presume, I've never had one so I wouldn't know what is normal to ask for, but in the shops it always says ENGLISH Muffin on the packet whereas the sweet one's will say blueberry muffin / chocolate etc.






Here's a present for anyone who might be here from neofag.


So then why all of the furfag shit?

are the only people going after that random furfag, other random furfags?

D-do you think he means us?

ittto, annoo~!

Either way, now he can live out his fantasies of finally standing up to the bullies. We should let him 'win'.

pretty much. you have to have a furaffinity to have been able to see his posts there (prior to his account deletion)


Sabotage all of Holla Forums?

Rad 80's thumbs up.jpg

Please be nice to other furries like myself. Thank you.

furfags not even once

stop being cancer tbh

You deserve two things: Genocide and genocide

i think he hid this one from his page, i'm not seeing it anymore. it must have hit too close to home.

he still hasn't blocked me yet though because i'm entertaining him so much i guess. what should i do?
i liked the idea to make him feel like he's winning standing up to his bullies.

Cheeki breeki!

How can he win? He's already lost neogaf forever, and Holla Forums has completely sabotaged Resetera. We're all he has now


post him your boypussy and let him win by fucking you tbh

I can see it.

If I had to see this, so do all of you

Pretty good, I like it.

Thanks, just scheduled my first Chemotherapy appointment with my doctor.

i saw bob ross shirts at the mall when i made one of my annual outings into normalfag society.
i can't believe he's become such a mainstream meme all of a sudden. he's been around for 50 years now so why only now?

not a bad idea ;)

posting something with me desu

Too soon. Put on some stockings and a maid outfit and send a vid of you dancing. Or steal one from >>>/cuteboys/ and pretend it's you.

Worse than gore.

You missed when Twitch did a marathon stream of his show? Even I was watching it, Bob Ross is great.



post it here tbh so that we can quality assure it tbh

>legitimate followers

thanks I think I just relapsed

have some more jordan peterson instead

If you follow his instructions, you can even make Mario Paint look good.

kermit a shit

yer one foot in the helicopter already, slavnigger


i like this one


So what's happening faggots? What did I miss in the last 10 hours?
I overslept

Some poor innocent 4ree is getting bullied.

absolutely nothing, so I guess our compatriots are filling the time by bullying a furry

it's just the local zoo going over the other furfag because their society is based upon who can attention whore the hardest


there are people who haven't heard of him ?

evilore is a fucking kike. if his faggot site goes to shit, then he'll hire some shills to fuck up resetera behind the scenes.

The new ReGaf forum going live has been delayed by 24 hours there might be a MOLE! Don't tell anyone! extreme vetting is in progress.

Your daily dose, sponsored by ResetERA

Some user is sending Brian a picture of his butthole so he feels like he won the battle against Holla Forums.

can anyone explain how and why a furry can derive pleasure from this sort of thing?


Its nice to see content created featuring something you own, even of you pay for it

Did that fag ever get koran and the pizza someone sent him?

it's the method of which furfags get popular in their circle groups, the more art of your fursona you have the more famous you are

Do you not like cute things, user?

ResetEra will have a huge opening tomorrow. Gapingly huge.

Man Lucario looks like he doesn't even want to be there.


How did he become so much more attractive as he aged?

he never said lucario

What's the plan? Pearl Harbouring them on day one or 9/11ing them a month or so in?

Gardevoir a shit



They are hoping that resetera will be THE gaming forum where game "journalist" and progressive indie devs hang around and they have control of what devs put in games. We will take their hopes and dreams and crashing them with no survivors!

They can both be cute together!

it's almost as if furfags are scum or something

Infantilism and escapism because life is scary, or in the words of middle-aged instagram faghags, "Adulting is HARD!!!"
When you're a kid you think Chip & Dale is cool and you want to be just like them and go on adventures with The Rescuers. Eventually you get interested in other things and move on, maybe giving in to your guilty nostalgic pleasure every now and then to watch an old Disney movie.
These guys, whether through bullying or sexual abuse or just bad genes, just weren't able to let go of that safety they felt as a child.
This is all pulled out of my ass, though, so take it with a grain of salt.


Literally everything you just said can he applied to people here and anime. You can form a better argument

Use notepad++, it's fantastic. Also learn regex

If something else doesn't go wrong.

UNIX systems have very efficient command line file searching tools. Have you tried those?

Notepad++ buckles under it. Pretty much everything does, I think it's because the entire log is on a single line.

Post it or host it I can write a quick and dirty script to split it up a bit

Not really. We don't pay people to draw our self-inserts. We don't dress up as the real 2D we truly are inside. Also we don't think animals are hot.

Reminder that the dev virtue signaled against GG.


fuck off

What's a decent site to host a 32 MB file?

Mega might be okay in this case
Christ thats a lot of text

I hate to be a weenfag but this is what I was aiming for honestly. His responses were boring as shit, his IQ is too low to be fun to fuck with. I just wanted him to fuck off the internet forever.

Thats actually a term leftists commonly use.

What's more degenerate? The Puppy rubber suits or the women rubber suits where you must shit yourself as it is too hard to get out of the suit everytime?

Try browsing Imgurs front page and looking at the comments. Its awful

now take your self with him you fucking furfag



Apologies forgot.

he already knows, he was linked here and shitposted in here. catch up nigga.


My college has "adulting workshops". California

believe it or not, people other than that guy can read twitter. After Hyper is done, maybe you should kill yourself next.

Actually mega is pretty slow to download something that big, fugg

he has no followers, the only responses to his twitter have been Holla Forums users telling him to kill himself. no one's seeing it but him and us.

Sounds like they are pretty racist over there. This is highly problematic.

besides it'd be fun if one of them showed up to sperg in here again, someone should invite neogaf faggots to this cyclical for an "interview" of some kind, or ask them to make a case defending themselves.

This shit makes me irrationally angry.

Nothing irrational about it.

I bet you own a Raspberry Pi too.

They are terribly bigoted against user immigrants. lel

fuck you I like it

I know its pretty fucking funny, m80.

having taste is supposed to prevent that sort of thing

If I go and find a homeless black man and pay him some money to take some photos of him and his hand with a blank piece of paper do you think they'd accept me when it comes to proving that I am BAME?

I actually think it works in the context of the webm, as the almost machine-like smoothness adds to the vibes it has. It's like autotune for animation or some shit, almost; it's kind of soulless and dead feeling but I think it has its place.


Interpolation's best usage is when you are using it on slow moving footage (to minimize artifacts) and are doing it to slow down footage by generating new frames to draw out the duration. Using it to just increase your frame rate just ends badly.

Example of interpolation done properly: Bullet Time scenes in The Matrix. I had no idea they were using it until the DVD extras pointed it out.


Unless you want to go full vim, you definitely should be using sublime text.

Imagine trying to verbally retell a greentext story to a normalfag who had no idea what greentext was.




People derive pleasure from all sorts of things

Yiff in hell furfag

justinrpg is a treasure.

Is he a dev?

fucking fatasses

His true masterpiece right here. Never has someone conveyed pure anger to the point of tears quite like this song.

It just happens
just keep /fur/ and /kemono/ at bay

For the love of all that is holy, please recommend him some shampoo.

I didn't know justin was a faggot as well

Come on, this was funny 8 years ago.

{"u":11,"t":1508605457334,"m":"Doesn't matter what's on it"},"371342954360602635":{"u":13,"t":1508605459538,"m":"So papa johns"},"371342975990759435":{"u":11,"t":1508605464695,"m":"the cheese is critical"},"371342978884698112":{"u":41,"t":1508605465385,"m":"get costco pizza"},"371343024870916108":{"u":13,"t":1508605476349,"m":"Get Walmart pizza"},"371343027236765696":{"u":59,"t":1508605476913,"m":"didnt the Lightspeed Rangers have a crossover movie?"},"371343044529750017":
{"u":3,"t":1508605481036,"m":"I see you like Cheese Pizza"},"371343064381259778":{"u":11,"t":1508605485769,"m":"I don't"},"371343066218627082":
{"u":52,"t":1508605486207,"m":"sliiick"},"371343080068218881":{"u":59,"t":1508605489509,"m":"whaaaat"},"371343091397033988":{"u":52,"t":1508605492210,"m":""},"371343106802712578":{"u":59,"t":1508605495883,"m":"ugggggh"},"371343113819652097":{"u":11,"t":1508605497556,"m":"I just would appreciate an especially cheesy pizza"},"371343175576715266":{"u":11,"t":1508605512280,"m":"alongside any agreeable toppings"},"371343183667527681":{"u":71,"t":1508605514209,"m":"costco pizza is alright, but its not cheesy

they're obsessed with cheese pizza specifically for whatever reason

He's not gay. He won't do "urethra vore" because it's too gay for him.

Holla Forums uber alles motherfuckers

After a year, it finally formatted. No more lag. Easy to search.

that could be shitters because pizzagate

now that everything is calm again, what happened in the end? Mods are back? Halfchan still cucked? Any other shitstorm?

dunno about Koran but the pizza did get sent

Discords are all on lockdown, cuckchan has gone back like good battered wives, and Resetera's grand opening keeps getting pushed back.

ResetEra feels like it's never gonna happen

I wonder if that's the plan, lead the fuckers on which'll make'um go back to their shithole. we should make our own place for them to use and undercut before people get sick of waiting, though it maybe too late

You can't reset if the power's not on.

They've gone to slaent and the vice forums, the vice forums had a sticky telling them that it will never become like neogaf and they have to accept that or leave.


NeoGaf current site surviving would be the single best thing to happen. We would for eternity call them out on how hypocritical they are.
Meanwhile retroGaf or whatever site that claimed to have less moderation will slowly corrode the community.

More like rrodera


I wonder if the whole of the internet has just outcasted every neogaf user and that over the next few days we're going to be seeing a articles from the click baiters saying "neogaf users are worse then gamergate"

how many people used to go on neogaf?

Don't worry. The dev will finish writing one day.

Nothign on Moby games. Let's use that for looking up devs. He is of course a gamesjourno. I will give you some German names to check this evening.

Mobygames search

resetera's possible admin

I honestly can’t believe all of this has happened over the span of just a few days
NeoGAF’s death came right the fuck out of nowhere, like some kid found a genie in a lamp, wished for NeoGAF to be gone, and then the genie granted it
Not that I’m complaining

oh trips of three she is not ageing well.

Should work!
discord .gg/E5Vz3B

halfchan mods autosage neofag threads.

Now I'm kind of scared it was another monkey paw wish

We're in

it's almost as if it went really smoothly or something


found a journo that's part of the site moderation already

Spam when?

If we want to finish NeoGAF and the elf off, now would be the best time to strike btw. He’s licking his wounds and there won’t be a much better opportunity any time soon to cut him off from his pot of gold. Go after his Advertisers, Screenshot their Ads and send E-Mails or Tweets to corporations Advertising on NeoGAF together with articles from “credible” publications like Rolling Stone, VICE, EuroGamer, The Verge, Polygon, Develop, Paste or Kotaku (all the "progressive" sites) about this entire EviLore and Amir0x situation. A “Send those Emails” style campaign would likely be extremely effective at this very moment for cutting the elf off from his funds.

If we want to truly kill it, make the reputation of the board and the elfs reputation after his “official statement” in which he decided to “blame the victim” absolutely toxic. Tell advertisers what he is alleged to have done and about the people he has let run his site and protected over the years, as well as the fact that he is banning people at the moment that are standing up to sexual assault from his site and protecting pedos. No company or individual linked to it or online magazine should be willing to appear there in any official capacity anymore or admit that they post on the board at all, even better would be to get them to disavow! If successful the site might get even other people and Mods to disassociate themselves from it and leave. Kick the elf boy while he’s down and kick him hard so that he can’t recover and head for some convenient redemption story and start earning money with his “video game board” again. The time to do this is while it is still fresh in the press and the flames are still burning hot.

The site seems to mostly be using three Ad Networks
Google AdSense:
Quantcast Ad Choices:

But writing them directly isn’t the best way to attack the site since they’re unlikely to react; at least until there’s a lot more fire. The most effective way to attack his income has always been to Screenshot Ads of specific companies on the site together with content they might dislike like his statement or mentioning the Website together with links to articles from “credible sources” mentioning why it’s bad, since no company wants to be seen supporting or be in any way connected with alleged sexual assaulters or convicted child abusers especially after Weinstein they might react and retract rather quickly. This could also lead to new headlines that companies are leaving the site and from there it would be a lot easier to get others to leave.

What would the gods of Chaos have to say about this entire ordeal?

Spam when?

IDK what have we been posted in this thread past 3 days?

I'm impressed

I love how they're throwing anyone who didn't get the memo to jump ship and nuke their accounts GGers. NeoGAF is now a GG hub according to their narrative. Use this power they have given us wisely.


Doesn't this basically imply that anyone trying to get verified now is likely a GGer?

In their head. Rent free.

So lets just skip few parts and start saying that entire NeoGaf have been GG all this time.

Fanatics. This had nothing to do with any of those. I can't understand.

Where is that? Did you back up all the logs?

If the old Neofag mods are gone, what's stopping Neogaf from being Stormfront 2?


There are game journalists in Brazil?
There are SJWs in Brazil?

What a shitty name, I always misread resetera


Another S. American here. They're bloody everywhere.


I know I'm just ignorant but in my mind Brazil is a third world country and thus seemed too poor to have SJWs


Jesus christ, that verification takes forever and lags the shit out of my browser. What, is it trying to mine bitcoins?

we really need to take back our education systems

lol, yeah, it's literally mining monero.

Almost a little too well documented, right goy?

this is almost too good to be true

Ok I am not into mining what the fuck is this?


this is golden, someone in the discord let people know?

it's gonna make your CPU crunch a certain number of hashes to validate the CAPTCHA. It's not really a CAPTCHA since it doesn't validate humanity. It effectively uses your CPU power (ie. steals your electricity) until it validates.

It's fine, it's just sketchy. But it won't damage your computer.

Bitcoin mining essentially turns CPU hours (Electricity + hardware + time) into a chance at brute forcing an extremely difficult math problem. When solved, the user is 'rewarded' with a large amount of bitcoins. It's not economical at all anymore, for the vast majority of people the electricity and hardware will outweigh whatever is mined.

One remaining option is to run it in OTHER people's browser (using their time, hardware, and electricity) in order to get those precious shekels.


Guys, they're getting suspicious

That's a screenshot from uMatrix, a sort of noscript that cal also block coockies, images etc.
It also shows that retrogaf is trying to load coinhive, a javascript bitcoin mining script. Effectively the ste is now a bitoin mining scam.

Well thanks but I also kinda hoped for some links to use as source for it basically.

One remaining option is to run it in OTHER people's browser (using their time, hardware, and electricity) in order to get those precious shekels. That's why it 'suggests' you disable adblock, because all decent adblocking software is going to blacklist any of these seed as fuck bitcoin mining sites.

It's not background mining from what I see, they're only using CoinHive's CAPTCHA feature.

dollchan is fucking up again. I'm not too retarded greentext properly, I swear.


Well this is exactly what I needed thank you.

That's pretty smart. And funny.

you mean like this?

CoinHive's captcha still earns the site owner money, though. Depending on how often it has to verify you, it's still going to work pretty well as a scam.


Brazil has a lot of hipsters in the richer spots.
It's only natural it would have SJWs.

Yes, I'm wary of calling CoinHive and browser mining a scam. I think advertising is cancer and optional mining (or a rarely used CAPTCHA) is not terrible in comparison to cancer analytics tracking that bogs down every site already.

I'm still losing my shit that Neofag is legit close to being Stormfront 2.0 and it's only been 3 days.

Brazil is a commiefornia-tier SJW dystopia these days.

Why not both? Some of the worst SJW bluepills are coming from the favelas, these people love gibsmedats after all.

Yes I am kinda retarded for not just seeing one of the sites have coin in it.
Plus I wanted to respond to him with that . Sorry for weird post but posting is actually fucked for me. It doesn't resets reply and updates thread after it uploads.

It's shit because it stresses your browser/cpu to make a microshekel off you, and it's a scam because it's disguised as something else entirely.

saying it's not a scam is really stretching the English language

It's shit because it stresses your browser/cpu to make a microshekel off you, and it's a scam because it's disguised as something else entirely.

saying it's not a scam is really stretching the English language

oh, come on

90% of javascript you encounter on the web is a scam

brainlet detected

These people have no fucking clue what they're doing. Implementing captcha is literally easy as fuck, regardless of whether you're using some kind of text-to-image generating framework or just plain old reCaptcha.

Why are liberals so goddamn awful at programming?

go be a nigger somewhere else

Didn't you know being intelligent is sexist and racist these days.

Since Neogaf will literally never recover and their minions are on full retreat, lets push them back even further by boycotting any company that promotes Neogaf(Sony, Psyonix, etc). This will already destabalize their reach even further, and cement their dead status. Something like this.

Either shitpost, act like a retarded feminist that got raped, etc. Tear down their buildings, leave no wall standing.

u wot m8

I recall three years back during GG people found out that one of the supposed harassers was Brazilian game journalist. Naturally Neokek crowd didn't seem to care about it.

I have my computer box open for passive heating so I try to keep the temperature down

What horrible fucking potato are you running

Right. And the communists never spoke about cleansing the world from a certain group of people?

Was he a journalist? IIRC he was just a random fuck with a bunch of brazilian clickbait sites I know they are essentially the same shit but call him for what he is.

I know your pain. I once had a laptop that overheated every twenty minutes of being in active usage.

be nice, they're all parts I salvaged from a middle school's obsolete equipment

i know that feel all to well

Really wish Recettear got more love. Maybe a sequel too, if you could figure out how to male one work.



test post

notice his pic

They always deflect when you bring up either the mass starvation or removal of people who are inconvenient to the cause (usually people like themselves).

you were the ones who left your forums, we had nothing to do with it, we are however making sure you can't echo chamber again


Sorry, it was doing that shit where the thread wouldn't update.

>can't we just have one place to discuss shower tactics

shit's been real slow all day so far tbh

I hope someone else translates it Carpe Fulgur went full sjw


I was just messing with you m8

Are we the Skaven council?

Yeah, this thread has been acting weird for the last few hours. Taking forever to post and update, even when the front page is showing the new posts.

Sorry for not noticing the flag


Mostly contained into public university`s humanity courses. Pic related it`s a popular # named "antesedepoisdafederal" that encourages people from public unis to post how they were before and after colleg, there`s a larger one that was posted around Holla Forums some time ago but I lost it, it someone has ti please post it


I can't believe the thread actually slowed down.

Maybe even circular threads crap out after a while. Should a new thread be made?

I guess. Anyone want to nuke the racing server in the meantime?


I guess. Anyone want to nuke the racing server in the meantime?
fucking chodemonkey

Please tell me that's an agent, itd be hilarious

Please tell me that's an agent, itd be hilarious


I dunno, Hotwheels had problems with that too.

it's the site tbh older threads pictures aren't loading

That's no good. Bumping.

My computer runs at about 3 fps while I have a single tab of this shit open. New thread please.

I froze for 20 seconds while entering the capacha

I think we're getting DDoSed. The Jews don't want us to spread our message.


I think we're getting DDoSed. The Jews don't want us to spread our message.


he already did that, he'll be back

refresh the page you fucking spergs

I think the thread was bumplocked, a new one is in order

You are refreshing occasionally right? Having a cyclical open for too long is gonna bog down your RAM.
I made a script to refresh if the post count hits 800 half a year ago, but I don't have it saved anywhere or at least can't find it.

So what happened in the last 8 hours?

Seems like it. Fucking why Mark?

haha GAF is even more of a shitshow than it was yesterday

People are really spamming porn in there? Got any pics?

The thread wasn't bumplocked. Seems like there may be a bug, when you refresh the thread there are 303 replies, which is above the bump limit. That's why it's on page 4.

that's probably down to the multipostans, if someone delets their posts it should be back to normal tbh



Some in the discord a few days ago already knew, but I guess they forgot once some anons were spamming porn and left to another site to regroup.

oh nvm I thought you meant this site.

I saw BLACKED porn but didn't cap it
Here's them complaining about it

Leftypol is spamming as well? Huh, I would have thought that they would be on their side.

Jesus, what fucking cucks. How many would you say were spamming that shithole? A few outliers, or a considerable amount?

Maybe they should focus on getting shit done at work instead of browsing vidya forums

TipTopKek, these idiots have their computers picking bitcotton for their tard wranglers.

Are you pretending to be retarded?

they work at some customer service and sit on their asses 80% of the time


I don't think these faggots are patient enough to even work in CS mate, and those who are, are too autistic to have a conversation with someone without it turning into politics

make that 12 :')

denying the possibility of reading PMs while saying that there is a way to check them. desperate

TBH it's probably the LEAVING FOREVER faggots signing back up to spam it so they can "prove" that overzealous moderation is necessary.

Don't worry; if the fingers on the paw run out, we'll just wish for another paw. Happenings without end!

Well what I meant is as some cashier or something just sitting around and waiting for someone to come to you to buy something, I forgot CS its its own separate profession .


Don't forget to keep hammering on REEEEEsetera too. That's a new brand. Developers would feel safe using it because it has no links to Malka. We have to keep hitting the spin offs.

No special access for sjws. This ends now .

sup fags, had a nice 4 hours or so of sleep, what's been happening while I was gone?
Is it still a dance party or what?

link takes you pic2

Socialists and communists took over after the military got out of power in the late 80s.
The northern part and favelas feed of gibs, their numbers choose who will be the president, while public education gets oversaturated with SJW/marxist bullshit. Plus a dindu nuffinng, raycism culture that promotes subhuman behavior, while the country burns in flames, especially in favelas or places with high crime rates, that the public university zombies eat up and regurgitate at the public.
Shit is like in other parts of the world, barely no right-wing groups ad the same "extreme-right" bullshit. Even the the media was giving full support to Hillary during the USA election, while promoting rapefugees, transfags and shitting at any right-wing candidate around the world.
Now all the SJWs, lefties, fenceshiters are coming out of the woodworks thanks to Bolsonaro, since he triggers this kind of faggots for being a right-wing guy and most of the parties are controlled oposition with different degrees of leftism.
Hell, Trump triggers people around this parts.

The best part is even if she is lying this only makes him look bad, that's what happens when you build an echo chamber of unhinged progressives who listen and believe.

That's if they ever release it

People with NeoGaf accounts should start thread mining. Basically, name the title normally(what is your favorite games, etc) and post pics of gore, porn, etc. Maybe even post links to viruses, gore sites, and porn since you can mask the links.

This too. Don't forget about the splinters. Once you kill a weed, you can't let it spread.

I'd be doing this shit if getting an account didn't take fucking forever.

Gotta love the progressive stack sometimes.


I'll give you mine for $9.95

good price, I'll take it

If you do decide to respond, be sure to say that you don't want to erase the suffering of others and people's problems are legitimate and not totally overblown yes totally legitimate.

post has already been shoahed
27 mods

Attacking the source instead of the content. That's a Chad Rick and Morty-watcher argument against your virgin statistics and data.


never play defencively with these people. double down. accuse /him/ of erasing her suffering by trying to make it a cockfight. accuse /him/ of being the bad feminist. he's the one mansplaining.

I'm sure ourguy is already banned, he did the badspeak

tell me this meme exists

his post got deleted

god speed user, you better have some top-tier SocJus skills to get past this end-stage boss.

link me to some more threads with photos (besides the pet thread) and I'll check every image for gps data

that was fast these mods are going to be insane


The time is soon.


Someone isn't 100% on board with the censorship.

ban him too


I second this

wrongthink must not be tolerated

Can they see the email? If they actually go through emails I doubt will work

i know were this is going

Trying to even have a discussion about this shit will get you banned. It's suicide to try to pull out statistics, facts, lectures, videos, papers, anything, it doesn't matter. Merely suggesting these things are an affront to human life. Logic is meaningless, it is about listen and believe.

The best way to approach these things is to take a virtue-verified individual contradicting another virtue-verified individual and ask the hivemind to reconcile the cognitive dissonance without pushing anything yourself.

Mod statement: polite disagreement will not be tolerated.

point proven

Just a note on the banned user and removed post above:
This is not a place where #notallmen and grey area statements regarding sexual assault will be tolerated. … we would like to foster an environment where users can openly discuss and support one another in these areas



they can't say most things without conflicting statements


this /ourguy/ is barely even trying anymore


yes they can see the email and they already stated it's going to be paid emails only when it's open to the public



Don't worry about that plusungood neighbor of yours, he was an enemy of (((the state)))!

IDEA: make a thread about regretting your sexual reassignment surgery and complain about the state of technology/the procedure.

They're onto you, user. You weren't offering statistics that suggest the "rape epidemic" is false hysteria and saying anti-rape seminars are totally useless. You were saying RAPE IS GOOD. Admit it.


BAD user

It's posts like these that make it hard not to break your cover

oh shit should've read the post above before posting

you're a bit late to the part user.

I like it.

Good thing I'm raping them just by existing :^)

That's a different poster though. Seems like another /ourguy/ has taken up the good fight.

It's really strange that all these 'rape victims' congregate on these forums. Very strange.

Think of it like a game where you are competing to say the most illogical, off the fucking wall bonkers shit within the confines of their own groupthink, and when you can use that to drive a wedge between others there to the point where they know they can't say anything, but you have completely polarized them.

I recognize that tentacle monster!

I'm not sure if it's brilliant programming or them being so shit something good happened.

I've had that happen with other forums before. It's faggotry of the highest order.

This reminds me of another board here

Just delete the cookies, you dingdong.

It irks me that there are enough like that, that I'm not exactly sure which one you are talking about.

good job user, keep it up.

Good thread for cross-referencing if any anons are doxing.
And for fun, a thread about how Bush wasn't that bad because Trump is literally Hitler.

Is rael going to get banned for that?

I've seen the whole "I guess Bush wasn't so bad compared to Trump" thing repeated over a shitload of websites the past few weeks. I assume that it's being pushed by the leftist establishment since Bush came out with an anti-Trump statement.


Is that a spic tranny?


It was a joke post user, I over exaggerated said events because I thought it would be funny.

user did good here. This is an excellent attack point

>no matter how moderate you start being, you will still get banned, censored, rules shifted and all sorts of shady shit

This may potentially neuter the entire forum to outside viewers and make their reputation worse then GAF. And they are such hyper SJWs that they will bite the bait every time.


1 in sex women get raped
no wonder their so stupid idiots lmao


lmao libs


bless you anons, keep up the good fight

They just miss the weak cuck right who rolled over to their lazy protests.

I'm dying inside
I want to die
The ignorance..
I guess they don't even know what bush family is
I think this world deserve Apocalypse

is that you gook?

It's one of those positions that's intellectually void and easy to take. I guarantee that republicans, in 7 years will be saying that Obama wasn't actually that bad a guy.

i guess i really need diverse images on my tablet

fug i failed the spoiler

Sadly you are probably right.

yeah, but the italics makes it more hilarious.

I still can't believe that Europoors call their McMuffins "English muffin burgers"

It's called a McMuffin.

the reason why people think this way about him is because in every bit of media he's in he's portrayed as an harmless idiot and because these people don't actually go out of their way to actually get some facts in their life outside of community approved posts and videos

We aren't europoors, we are in the east are better… even a few burger shitposter admitted it how every europoor joke don't apply on us.

reminder that sausage egg mcmuffins are god tier

Thanks the trips dubsman!

Bathroom's to the right, we have a free gym downstairs

Post about how Neil Degrasse Tyson raped someone

Old news, but fuck him anyway

Yeah, he also raped astrology.

Holy shit. If I was left alone in a room with that faggot I think I would kick him till he stopped breathing.




Why are these faggots so easy to infiltrate? I literally can't tell infiltrators from stereotypical consumer retards

>stereotypical consumer retards

Wailing hyperconsumers, user.

ur gay

I wish you hadn't cut out the post he was replying to.


I'm sorry for my failure.

Like THIS, faggots!


I'm compiling the whole thing later on anyway


mad max was such a good film, I still can't believe it turned out well

here you go

You would've had more luck with belasco boo.



please just end it now

I think I recognize that frog. Is that Mr. Pickles?

I have no idea I just saved the video of a toad eating a snek

pretty sure that's a frog, friend

Why are you surprised user? Have you been paying attention here?


Poor thread

Top Cucks.

should have been more subtle. making them extremely paranoid about each other is way more fun than shitposting on there

are u still doin it or what?

there was only one guy stupid enough to upload an image with exif data

Because it's a white dog. nice name, faggot

One of them also uploaded this old, obnoxious video

with a thief looking for a opportunity sure but not a home invasion no

Home invasions are exceedingly rare, though.

That dog does not look like it'd be able to fuck anybody up.

It's like a bunch of kids took hold of the childcare and are running the place.

Yeah, only about 750,000 a year in the US if you define it as a property crime committed while at least one person was home.

That sounds like a lot, though.

Alright, just came here. Can anyone give me a quick rundown of what we're doing now?


Also… Am I the only one interested in destroying them?

looking at crime victimization surveys, I guess

That's odd, I heard they were going to open last night, and the night before that


There's nothing surprising about this. These are the exact same mods and admins that made NeoGAF the liberal echochamber that it was.They're not going to suddenly have a change of heart and become self-aware.

They opened it the night before last night… But registrations were closed down… It was on lockdown.
Now they are actually going to move on from locktown… This is where we make them go into lockdown again… and again and again

Ok, so what do you mean? Like shit post on the discord or the site?

Why would you expect it to turn out any differently? These faggots want an echo chamber.

Why… Are you…
Posting like… This… Faggot?

I could tell he from from halfchan or reddit after his first post. We're obviously being flooded with them, but the day of the rope can wait until after we get bored of neogaf.

He's an underage faggot.

Was not expecting any different, but it never ceases to amaze me. Also surprising is the fact that they call other people on cognitive dissonance. Which in itself is an example of cognitive dissonance.

i wouldnt be surprised if the mods were working overtime and removing the exif data from the posts

I get what you're coming from, but these faggots unlike other censorship ridden shitholes with awful janitors, don't even give a reply to an actual argument backed with facts.
Fuck, they didn't even wait until the thread became shitfling or something.

Because this fucking thread is riddled with cuckchan halfboys

It's moviebob!

He is multitasking with a cock so its hard to type.

Here’s some fresh gore, updates soon

I *heavy breath* am *heavy breath* not *the sounds of congestive heart failure* moviebob.

Why try and argue a point rationally or explain why you think an obviously biased survey isn't biased when you can just abuse your position to silence people? What makes me laugh is these people are worse than any other coolaid drinking community I know of. Even macfags.

I remember many years ago where someone made a thread on some macfag forum arguing that macs were overpriced and underpowered and there was like 30 pages of people calling for staff to ban him. The moderators turned around and said they wouldn't ban him and that people should learn how to debate. If they couldn't argue against his points then maybe they didn't actually know why they were buying macs besides getting told they were "better".

fitting in yet?

someone posted gore on the mecha thread

makes you think

Did that trigger you?

Doesn't Tor serve that purpose equally fine?

these people think that tor is some deepweb shit and that paying for something guarantees quality assurance

But Opera in-built vpn is free

Wait, mark, is your mom hot though?

How do you overexxagerate your dad telling you to cuck him? Did he tell you to cuck him a little bit? Why did your autism 'kick in'? Is that part of the joke?


Getball asuals

You're certainly not

That's kinda cool, but doesn't that mean that whoever distributes Opera likely has access to the traffic?


First pic is a bit of a wank, he did nothing wrong.
How is this any form of rape / assault?

You'll have more luck trying to steal a cake from Mark.

it probably would have been fine if he wasn’t a complete autist after she said no

story checks out

Yes, but its not meant to for "deep shit" anyway.
Just a cheap alternative to bypass firewalls discretely, if you are in his situation.

the only lasting harm was that she found out evilore was an autistic asshole :^)

Because there's a witch hunt going on so anything goes.

found more gore :)

The ResetEra Discord shared an Holla Forums screenshot, to which some users responded the thought Holla Forums was just a myth. ResetEra's own userbase is likely partially here, too. Anybody got the scoop on and RetroGAF?

I don't subscribe to that thinking, if they guy running neofag actually did rape someone it would be fun to watch it tear itself apart but if he didn't he didn't.
Still wouldn't be surprised if walking in on someone naked is considered rape by neogaf standards.

I doubt any of their users are here and that it's just one of the mods thinking he's figuring out a method to stop us

the problem isn't the fact that this happened, it's the fact that the accusation alone is enough for these people. it's high school drama projected onto real life standards

On the forums. Sadly I've got banned from most of their discords.

screencap of the event mentioned

Nowadays almost anything can be considered and charged as rape, by authorities.
Its all about them tasting their own poison.

Mark doing his best impression of Neogaf mods.
Is this a joke because I certainly am not laughing.

That is comedy gold.


If I was stuck moderating this clusterfuck I would be doing the same.
Unless you can show some of the shit he has deleted / banned people for I'm going to assume it should have been deleted.
Not saying hatechan is infallible (Holla Forums, Holla Forums ect.) but it's still a whole lot better than halfchan because shit like pic related gets removed instead of 300 replies.

yes, niggers and spics are genetically predisposed to obsessing over fighting games

The two shills are completely untouched in the thread. They stick out like a sore thumb but anyone even refuting their arguments was banned.
He even deleted the censorship apologist bingo.

In what thread? Link posts you fucking retard.

only because they couldn’t afford to buy consoles and good gmes when arcades were around :^)

A big problem with moderating 8ch is probably the fact that so many autistes flat out hate us, for whatever reason. Shit like freechan, mewniggers, the nigger imageboard, whateverthefuck it was called. They all come here to intentionally shit everything up, because of whatever reason. And, you know, Bethesda actually does shill 8/v/.

This shit is absolutely fascinating. We've been a boogeyman of sorts for a long time even before GG, HACKERS ON STEROIDS but we've reached a new level here where people are genuinely uncertain that we exist and are scared that if we do exist we might arise out of the darkness to hunt them. It's like we're a piece of folklore, or a cryptid, or Batman or something.

So does Nintendo but calling them out gets you banned

... (Internet Account Aggregate v2) (Gaming Accounts)

Just a friendly reminder.

I know about Freech hating Holla Forums because Holla Forums has the global rules applying to it, but what about the others?

I'd really like someone to draw/write up something like that tbh

We are the Hannibal to their weak Rome.

quite honestly I don't think it's anything more then afew autists who are left overs from 4chan

Did you fuck that up on purpose knowing I'm not going to bother copy / pasting that into my address bar?

It's more "antishilling" than anything. They come on here, post the most obvious "raaarrrgh sjw game" strawman shit, then screencap that and use it to fuel a narrative that racists are totally mad at the game, hoping people will get into it more just out of spite.

nah I'd say that's more ubisoft, bethesda are way too normalfag to really need to do that but then again, this new jewinstain is really bait filled

Not really. They were here to regularly shill before FO4 came out, but we got advance warning and porn spammed the thread.
Also, I'm convinced that the "Fallout 3 is better than New Vegas" shills that show up from time to time are Beth shills. They are slowly lubing the place up before they try to go all in a few weeks before Fallout 4 VR comes out.

So you complaint isn't what is being deleted / banned but what isn't?
I can't tell if you hate censorship in all forms or only want it applied to what you personally hate, if the latter make a fucking board.

The catch with calling anything "shilling" is that games, devs and series have blind fanboys that are indistinguishable from actual shills.
I can't remember how many times I have been called a shill because I like small indie games and people assume that if it only has 10,000 sales the only person that would talk about it is the dev.


My complaint is that mark is defending a cuckchan template thread poster(the faggot who was spamming the BotW screenshot threads) while banning anyone who calls him out.

Then post some fucking proof. Make a post you think he'll delete and cap / archive it before he does.

Hey fags, idea time. I have a VPS that has a mail server on it. If some user is kind enough to point a good/normalfag domain to it, I can create a small frontpage describing a bitcoin-paid email service and give emails to all of you fags for free. Then go register at ResetERA with your """"paid"""" email. How's that sound?

Here you go, assuming you are right this >>13678675 should be deleted right?

I literally linked you to the thread and the log you retard.
Here open your mouth wide >>13678620

well any thread that's made the day it gets released or there's "hype" threads for it but the game looks fairly mediocre and isn't really selling on it's merits alone. yeah that's grounds to be suspect tbh


from the looks of it you lost some kinda autistic arguement where you basically ended it off with some rant about how the mods are nintendo shills, you keep on doing this and you're surprised when people find you at fault


Yeah Mark can do no wrong. Never mind he literally deleted half a page worth of posts and banned multiple different posters over nothing and is now shitting up the thread with damage control himself.

Provide proof if you want people get get pissed and put pressure on Mark to stop.
It really doesn't help your case that the post you liked here hasn't been deleted because links to deleted posts turn into greentext. I'm guessing you used a blank Alt + XXX code on the end.

no he just banned you but you came back like the salt monkey (you) are. shitting up this thread because you think it'd gain you some nice support from people who don't really give a shit

Slander those who insult KEK! Allahu Akbar! REEEEEEEEEE

So you can't even read a single thread?

I support him

You can't even provide one screenshot?
Burden of proof nigger.

Tor is fucking shit up for me

welp never mind he just aborted his stillborn completely

are you fucking dumb?

How can I see what posts are deleted if they are deleted?
You are just salty you got called out for shitposting and are now stuck on tor for ban evasion and can't post anime trap pictures. If being on tor stops print screen from working you have so serious computer issues, I recommend calling India and giving them your credit card details to get it sorted ASAP.


I read it and saw it tbh

support this dick you useless fagwhore tbh

In retrospect you were right
He made 30 posts before he was actually banned.
This is typical Neofag behavior where one poster comes in, baits out "undesirables"(people who don't like nintendo in this case), mod sweeps in and bans anyone who argues with him and then at the end gives a temp ban to the guy to look impartial.
Imgur because TOR users can't upload screenshots

Heres 4
Wish I could also post the one where OP admits he was the faggot making the Zelda template screenshot threads

No (You) for you

He was in that thread as well

I have no issue with that ban, you admit in that post you were making multiple threads ie. spamming.

Thanks user.

Thats not me m8
Thats the cuckchan template thread spamming which Mark was defending.
He even gave him a warning instead of banning him outright and even then only banned him because people in the thread were calling him out.

two can play at this (you) you slut tbh

actually he was autistically complaining about that person

You are a very confusing autist, work on those language skills.

Thanks translator user.

Why the fuck would I refer myself in third person you retard. Don't blame your poor reading comprehension on me.

Why the fuck are we discussing about posts here? This thread is for neofag and resetera shit. Go make a fucking meta thread, stop derailing.

Nice, why did you post a imgur link though?


Aren't you a pedo?


yup because shitposting about shitposting is still shitposting

there's already a meta thread


I've been on this thread since day one before it was even a cyclical, I made the 2nd and 3rd OPs with the antiGG pedo count and NeoGaf acolytes praising PS4 tan, these threads have been derailing countless times and for stupider and less on topic shit than this shit and the threads are pretty much shitposting general at this point, stop being a fucking nigger.

t. nigger

I'm sorry

What about the chick who played wonderwoman, she was pretty hot. Besides, maybe marks mom is really good in bed, like she can give great blowjobs.

You don't understand. We are their users now.

Anyone know what's happening now?


Incoming ban for possibly developing thoughts not befitting a drone.

Who is this idiot and why does he believe that he can talk on behalf of italian americans? Has he ever been to Brooklyn?

All Italians would do is tell his faggot ass to nut up tbh

check what? your privilege?

Why do you fags keep trying to put labels on people? Is just them a faggot not enough?

That only happens when the quote is the first thing on the line, just like greentext, because >> is the beginning of every reply.
Not >greentext

Is that supposed to be Holla Forums as solidus snake?

please show respect for the mods


God these people are faggots.


This was clearly a false flag thread and got locked. NeoFags can sniff out the real from the concern trolls. There needs to be more subtlety with these kinds of threads and posts if you want them to bite the bait.

They're going to shut you down with the "you're not arguing in good faith" retort every time if you sound disingenuous.

How do these people operate in the real world?

These fags make /a/ look like anarchy, Christ.

You are correct, please accept this picture as compensation.

It's some fucked up Stockholm syndrome they have going between their users and mods.

But everyone there always sounds disingenuous.

That bullshit is debunked within minutes by some Comedian.

someone's ego's hurt. they didn't even insult the guy

I'm Italian American, and this fuckin' mook does indeed need to get the fuck outta my town, capice? Ya capa tosta or somethin'? You ain't no paisano of mine, ya fuckin' putan.

I know people like this in real life. It's easy to forget these people don't just exist online.

They don't.

I have heard this but find it hard to believe.


Already sort of exists, in the form of pic related, as it applies to the whole of imageboards, not just 8/pol/, particularly the bottom post. Just needs a layer of spooky added to it. However, it's different, because pic related assumes that they know we exist. The fact that they don't makes us scarier.


having a post history and looking through that to judge a dude isn't creepy but taking screenshots of a discord and making access more public is?

oh how wrong they are. if they're posting personal pictures, we got them on lock

>"Ey yo, famalam, I gotta extra large Hawaiian with a two litter of Coke, boneless buffalo wings, cinna sticks, and a chocolate lava crunch cake."
>As you do, he says "That'll be thirty-four sixty, bruh."
>"Plus tip."

This isn't the ending I was going to write originally, but I got tired. The original involved noticing an unusually rapid expansion of your town that year, despite not knowing anyone who'd arrived, and going back to market later, slowly realizing that the newcomers to your town, and even many of the merchants you'd known for years, were bizarre skinwalker-like humanoids with red skin that had been replaced most of the town, but the ones you could confirm hadn't been replaced couldn't understand that anything was wrong with them, and you begin to suspect you're crazy and eventually hang yourself to get away. It was probably for the best, since you're a furry anyway.


I don't think the farm and corp aspect works even though I get what that means

you sort don't get any kinda leeway since jews always mock your peoples

It looks like they already picked a name for themselves but what should we call them? I suggest RE-tards

why bother labeling them? that's what they want

I dunno, man. I'm not a writer by any stretch, I just thought I'd give it a shot. Can't learn unless you do.

That's horrible

Tarderas, tard era

There are racist undertones in that name. Think of all the conquistadors who enslaved the Indians with their smallpox virus.



Do people have paid emails ever

Come on goy, only 30 shekels a year

I ve never seen an ad in gmail in my entire life

Sometimes, when they need it to runs some tiny company out of their own apartments.


Can we get /baphomet/ involved in this operation?

Doxx those furries.

I wonder…

The real /baphomet/ migrated nearly three years ago because US authorities started monitoring their activities after they doxed a federal judge and sent a message written in blood to a girl.

At first i thought this person was one of /ourguys/ having a laugh but after a bit of digging I found out that he's not just a real person but also plays his shitty music at concerts and apparently has ties to antifa
He also has an interview on his website which probably isn't even a real interview and just written by himself


so basically our taxpayer dollars are helping this fucking degenerate to sit around, grow fat and not contribute to society. COOL BEANS
Also what the fuck is a "gray asexual"?

Holy shit dude! They asked about your sexual orientation! Not about your jedi religion!

is it true that a few more chicks have come out against the elf?

Please firebomb that place along with Portland and San Francisco.

it means it's an ayyy walking in a human skin.

It is the spectrum between sexuality and asexuality…… also called gray A, grace or gray ace


If i saying this out loud, it's sounds like GR-AIDS… hol up… wait a minute!

Your gender?
Your sexual orientation?
How old are you?
Favorite type of music?
What are your hobbies?

hey guys welcome to reviews on the cuck


Wonder how it feels about the satanic nationalistic Norwegian Black Metal bands.


It's "Just the tip" sexuality.

Wasn't the whole satanism thing made up by the press and it spiraled from there?
Pretty sure Varg and the other people from back then aren't satanists.

Infernus from Gorgoroth has claimed to be a theistic satanist. Others have claimed to be part of various occult shit as well. In most cases though, it was just taking dark imagery of heavy metal and pushing it to its most logical extreme. I just find it funny that when you find musicians who claim to be satanic or use satanic imagery, they're also fairly red pilled and conservative.

Embed somewhat related.

hbomberguy is a faggot and a pedophile.



not active enough from the looks of it

Hey man that's not very nice

fuck furfags tbh


Can these people do something surprising just once.








Fuck is this shit?


If they look anything like the pic you replied to then absolutely yes.


The gaffers have found us. Fortunately for us we are undercover. Here's the code: JackedInDaHood

But we're a myth.

A pink haired lady told me that if I post anything racist online the evil gobbler gakkers will get me.

fag tbh

please talk with us tbh, we're not going to ban you for wrong speak

They can't talk without a dedicated mod team guiding their opinions for them.


I got 1000 accounts. ResetEra is toast.

How can someone be so punchable?

Lots of estrogen and marxism.






I can try

save everything

How do you figure? I'm fairly certain the picture in question depicts a female, in which case there is nothing gay about it.

Punch a faggot.

what you're obviously a girl so that's how it's gay tbh furfag

Don't worry, your time will come.

Has anyone seen Brian Baehler also known as Brian577/TyphonDog recently? He told us he was going to kill himself over a gaming forum and he better fucking deliver.

Even before I left Reddit due to Gamergate, even they had grown tired of him. He really comes across as a guy who, once he got famous, thought people wanted to hear every fucking thought that occured in his head.

We need to pizza the shit out of one guy on there right now to make them fear us.

I prefer being male though.

They are here? They are watching this? Cool!

Hey faggots do you know your mods leaked your personal infos?
Do you know we have EVERYTHING, like literally everything?
Do you know you are on our mercy since last week Sunday? Do you know it faggots?! He?!

Why, Koei-Tecmo? Why follow the new strand of cancer? At least this now shows who is responsible for not having DOAX3 arrive to the west.

Why are you here if you don't want to be the little girl?

Maybe he wants to protect the little girl instead.

Because I'm a broken individual who hasn't left imageboards since 2007.
post more not little girls when?

Calm down, Matt!

If you ever find a way out please come back just once to tell me how.

that sort of mentality went out with cuckchan tbh

everything went down hill due to 2007

My favorite things about this forum is how INCLUSIVE it is and how TRANSPARENT THE MODERATION is.

it's almost like they're the problem or something I wouldn't know though I'm just a

What did you expect?


I'm younger than you, way younger..

Despite the claims prior I found 4chan on my own randomly. I can't even remember how, all I knew was it had awesome porn.

You know i'm more and more convinced this new forum is a hideaway for the sexual predators, just like Neogaff was. If everyone is silenced and put into an illusion of safety, than noone will know… never will know… what's happen in the dark shower…

Matt you lost your memories again? You must remember Matt! you need to get back the Tag Team Champions Belts!


in another time, at another place

quite honestly I think it was a joke and the people taking it seriously are fucking retarded

I'm honestly kind of sad

We finally had an user go full ham and his post got deleted in under 5 minutes, so people are pretty disheartened by that I'd guess.

user we know this will come…

See, this is why no one takes leftists seriously.


Someone suggested making a culture board for art/book- and self-improvement threads, but I don't have the time to mod something like that.
As an evolutionary strategy pessimism doesn't work really well, user. And most people are too retarded to have a more nuanced view of life.

Did he mention Harry Potter?

you lazy fags should help me destroy's search rankings. Just search for "free backlink builder" and spam resetera in all of them.

The election was more like anime than some dumb movie.

Your a neogafer guess what your shilling isn't working


No, just Hunger Games, Star Wars, and Braveheart.

The fucking autism

You mean Jason Pargin.

That is not the full article. Screencap the full article.

That looks like a barely modified bix nood comic. I know it's not easy to make a nigress look appealing, but yeesh. Even the Wolfenstein nigress looks like she's a chimp on crack and meth.

When they could have just used a visual formula like Marina.

Christ, just fucking click it you nigger. I'm not going to screencap the whole fucking article, but here's probably one of the important parts.

It's already been linked you tard
see >>13681947


fug wrong image

I hope you've read japans take on trump?


Why disheartened? See >>13681086

This is how you win. Make them continue to ban the most moderate of positions and they will ruin their own forum and their reputation will tank. They'll radicalize beyond repair and become a laughing stock. We've found out how to destroy them from within.

I'll happily participate if you guide me to one of the less sketchy sites so I don't get computer aids

Can we focus a little bit and bury the rektard's on the google search?

Marina is a nigger user.

Esoteric kek threads are now allowed guys (^:

I'm trying to figure out how freebacklinkbuilder works right now. It seems to only tell me how to help sites.

She a chocolate squid, so not really a nigger.

does anyone have that "marina is a nigger" webm?

Go on ResetEra and talk about Marina and how show sexualizes niggers.

How do I find link farms to submit them to?


add user onto the fire

Secret Santa sounds like a honeypot plot
Bait the trolls to give their info, then when they troll doxx them.

help me anons. i’m tempted to get my last 23 accounts banned. i want to see the subversion of the retards, but they’re making it hard. how did the soviets do it?

The problem is that the soviet attempts at subversion were to create these people. We need an entirely new theory of what we need to undermine them. And also, their incessant banning of any outside ideaology is exactly the kind of defense against subversion that was talked about.

Just nuke two or three, screencap the results so we can laugh, and keep the rest safely tucked away for a prolonged bombing raid.

This. I'm pretty sure there's plenty of anons that would want to grab one of the accounts.

i agree it's still good to mess with the atmosphere even if you get banned relatively fast

==I have a plan for it.== There's a thread out there right now about whether "guys" is gendered, and therefor assumes someone's sex. Right now, most women say no, so it's okay to say guys or "y'all" as a substitute to be safe.
Now, imagine if a bunch of women immediately came in saying that "guys" is actually extremely sexist with some sob story. It would become retroactively sexist and people would stop using it.
Do you see where I'm going with this? We infiltrate, say, the black community, and then push our OWN issues, and then agree on our own issues with sockpuppet accounts. We can literally aim the retard army.

You mean jews? They're a patient race. They also have a lot of money to do what we're doing. However, stay strong user. I'm already getting 15 replies of anally devastated cucks trying to justify their opinion on antifa.

I recommend only doing this for 15-30 minutes max, than go shitpost on Holla Forums & talk about games or whatever, or you'll lose your mind and reveal your power level. It takes time, but it can be accomplished.

However, since you have a fuck ton of accounts, have fun and get one banned. Make sure to at least drop some red pills and try to structure your post professionally instead of going all
Just post "Greatest lie never told" and start talking about the jewish problem and post Yuri Bezmenov's video about SJW.

Make sure your accounts are leveled up. You need them to all look like real people.

You're a dumb nigger that needs to watch embed related.

don't really car if i'm a npc, watching all this shit go down is good enough for me. i guess i got lucky when they chose this program for me

Of course, that's where the infiltration comes in.

Make sure to also be subtle about it. Don't go full 1488, or they'll just justifty that you're a mean racist bigot.


Read the wikipedia page on it

Posting the names will just get them banned.

Patience is key

IMO, start with encouraging fence sitting in some aspect
I have more specifics but I don't doubt that we are being watched as it is.

Fuck that looks too spaced out

Anons can post a email address for you to send them to, and then give them the information over that. I gave about 5 accounts out to anons.

shit, thats a good idea

ok which one of you faggots is this?

[email protected]
if anyone wants to offer an account so I can help infiltrate the black community

Sick of these fischer price niggers.

I cant only hope this site shits itself and dies real soon.

to be honest, i can’t trust you autists with accounts. i dunno if you’re gonna waste it before we succesfully get mod status

Once you achieve mod status couldn't you make other accounts mods to?



Yeah, but that’s gonna blow my cover.

No, the better way is for mods to be able to approve of new members. Play the long game user.

Maybe there is a way to make one a mod without them noticing. I mean these people are not too bright.





The actual fuck? There are fucking TRANNIES themselves who agree being a Tranny should be considered a mental illness if only to reap in them government benefits as a result. The argument was never about wither or not being a tranny should be considered a mental illness, rather, how it should be treated. This mod is just plain retarded on all levels

They've been infected, and I don't think there's a cure.
In response to this, an infected agent's mind will protect them against wrongthink with a non-sequitur

It works the same for resetera. If you say that a threat is vastly overestimated, regardless of what comes next, they will say you're undermining or underplaying it. And only rapists benefit from undermining rape. Then they'll cleverly imply you must be a rapist before banning you. I've had this happen many times in (((college))).

I've tried arguing that overestimating rape and saying there's only something like a 2% conviction rape would actually "embolden" rapists, because you're telling potential rapists that there's no punishment waiting for them. Of course, the thought terminator for that was "Huh, in my opinion you're sounding a bit like a rapist". You can't beat them with reason. You have to be emotional, and be on the right spot on the progressive stack.

This is going to be fun.


Those digits
Clearly this is the better strategy

I did and the number 1 people that are pushing these tactics are jews. Look up the ceos and higher ups of tv stations, 80& of them are jewish, same with hollywood.

Spoiler that shit, nigger. Whatever the fuck that is.

The hilarious bit is he never implied being tranny was a mental illness, he simply said that if you have issues with self-esteem and other things like that, you should stay away from South Park games. Which is probably genuinely good advice.



You guys suck at the infiltrating thing. I'll admit that it's not easy playing up to these faggots though.

nice job being subtle

It's clear this is an user

I wrote a guide on this shit

p-please don't ban me haha

Why do you have pictures of this kiddie fiddler saved?

That's what I'm thinking. I doubt those were real users. They would never use the words mental issues as it implies there is something wrong with wanting to cut your dick off.

This nigga has the right idea. Email me, I got banned for being a dumbass. YeezySon [email protected]

So do they think its a physical disorder?
They can't possibly think gender dsyphoria is a normal thing that happens to everyone.


These people don't deserve the comfy nujabes brings.

That's exactly what they believe retard.

I've met multiple trannies in real life, all of them admit they're fucked in the head. This is just a virtue signaling mod thinking that nothing bad can be said against the chosen ones.

This is why I quit using normal forums in general many years ago. That and it was honestly too much effort having to keep up an online identity than it was worth. Anonymous imageboards saved me

They're self-censoring. Stage one is already working.

I can kind of follow their logic on this

and here are the relevant thought terminators
In some cases, they'll say that being a tranny isn't a mental illness, but the mental anguish that always comes along with it is (gender dysphoria).


If anyone wondered how these people can get away with all the shit they do, this is the reason. These spineless cucks that'll do anything not to harm their faggot orthodoxy.

Nigger, some of them believe there are no biological differences between men and women.

true, but i’m going to check if there’s an easy-to-access mod list when i get in

That's highly debatable, and it's just them side-stepping the issue entirely for the sake of virtue signalling. Don't overthink this. It shouldn't be controversial to call trannies mentally ill. The only controversy should come from how its treated.


Has that furfaggot killed himself yet? It's been a week, hasn't it?

Brain-washing sure is a magical thing

nope, they're both legit gaffots and one suicided his account there




Chromosomes are a spook.

i think i see a couple of /ourguys/ in the gentrification thread in etcetera

oh good now it's really starting

Who wants to toss an account by posting a YouTube embed of this?

But user, you don't understand! Chromosome determine your sex, not your gender! And gender is socially constructed!

…What do you mean most males identify as men?

I wonder how many of these retards even know the term "gender" was coined by some pedophile psychologist named John Money in the 1950s?

I wonder if they know that he psychologically tortured two men to death.

They know. They think he proved that trannies are real since the kid they castrated, traumatized, and feminized ended up killing himself. Not even kidding.

They still wouldn't care.

Video related, specifically timestamp 14:46


Cheers, lad

This, I worked at a motel for a few months in a country where prostitution is legal and there were a trillion tranny or transvestite prostitutes.
Every day I had nothing to do other than talk to those people and most of the prostitutes (including women) saw prostitution as wrong, and most of the trannies said in some way or another they're mentally sick.
Also for some reason almost all of the people who picked up tranny prostitutes had fancy cars and were obviously from rich areas of the city, it was rare for someone to pick up a tranny by foot or a cheap car.

reminder that trannies are above women, sexuality, physical disability, and wealth on the progressive stack. You can see that reflected in how fiercely they're being defended. anons should LARP as them to get the minority voice

Bonus points if you LARP falling in love with some other forumer and send unsolicited pictures of Chris-chan to them

That looks like Diablo but at the same time something is off about it. What game?

divine divinity, friendo

Kek this never gets old.

Delet this nowwwwwwwwwwwwwww,

Found on twitter

it was nice knowing you, user

give archive please

wouldn't prostitution boost the economy though? or it depends on other laws too?

Depends on legality of the trade. If it's legal, the government gets to fill their coffers with degenerate money. If not, the mob usually gets the lion's share instead.

No it doesn't. It's like trying to legalize all the drugs. The problems it causes far outweighs any monetary benefit.

Incredible. This might actually work.

Well it's a tax free service that takes nothing and makes nothing so not really.
Maybe if you assume it makes rich people spend the money they're sitting on or that people will go in the motel and buy a drink enough to matter more than the amount of crime, drug use and public disturbance it causes.

Meh, there's DickSuckingLips and then there's chimp lips. I don't mind some DSL on that sweet octoling's ass.

There's this part of programming, they'll automatically ignore shit that deviate from the program.
Their minds are sealed with a hot iron.
They are only able to screech and be the goodest of goyim.

What the cuck is wrong with NeoFAG? I thought they were dead.

Wait does her pussy glow in the dark in that pic. Hmm, hold on gotta fap to some glow in the dark Octoniggres.

Evilore's rep is pretty much dead. NuNeofag is technically up, but good luck on them having any reputation remaining.

Someone give me an account so I can become a nignog and join the black community. I don't plan on getting banned.
[email protected]

did i do it right? collecting pics and personal info from other threads as we speak

wait a minute, who's still in the discord? we need some updates.

forgot this one too. did i do it right?

there were like 40 threads bumped in the last hour its not really dead. the community areas are the ones that are dead. so neofag is like turning into gamefaqs or something for now

denial is a wonderful thing

Registrations are open.

CIA detected

How do I get in? They've specifically banned

Might as well have had a (You) in the screenshot.
Also what in the nig is going on here anyway? What is reset era and why should I care?


Ah, my bad. Not sure of any emails that would work. Sorry.

Mailinator has a ton of domains for this exact purpose.

Use a throw away email from one of those sites that's gives out fake ones.

Don't blow all 23 at once right now, save some of those accounts for deep prolonged infiltration right in their mindpussy.

They banned it? Really? Have you tried

You specifically need paid email, for some reason worked, but throwaways don't, and now got bannu'd

who's got the autism to learn some new stuff? send me an email of your id and proof [email protected]

use old gmail accounts

not ur gov id ofc

They whitelist email domains instead of blacklisting them? That's new.

I passed the automated process with a temporary email.

Your email has been confirmed. Your registration must now be approved by an administrator. You will receive an email when a decision has been taken.

They're literally unable to post an image macro without explaining it


What kind of avatar do I want to use? I'm a nigger. I was going to go with a black anime girl but I noticed no one else uses anime for some reason.

cute luna

do a basketball or handegg meme, or serena williams if u wanna be a black chick



now that you posted it, it's ruined

Seriously, I can sort of see some of them as shills, but the sheer amount of blatant facebook tier posts on there is more than enough to make it not worth it.

Whatever you choose, don't post it here or choose one from here. There are Resetniggers here spying on us.


Did they actually ban all of the and various domains? Or did the mod just not approve it?

Use this to inspire you.
woke niggas love boondocks.

they think that someone who isn't a spastic retard would want to join them

How's that fence working out for you, Boogie?

that picture is pretty confusing because I don't know exactly how it relates to your post. try adding something like "me when I respond to a post about boogie"

It's always hilarious how centrist try to act superior to everyone around them when this is their logical end.

officially it isn't. because of the same political pressure that caused homosex to be not considered a mental illness.

He's saying he hate's Boogie's fence sitting.

With articles discussing how Urks in LOTR are actually blacks, and how mental dominance is borderline rape. Is the mind dominance in Middle Earth: Shadow of War actually nigger rape?

ResetEra probably has an opinion

That's a bannable offense shitlord

Pic related gave me a hernia

He has a video where he laughs at people who think he's trying to please everybody by being a fence sitter. He's well aware it gets him no friends.

Imagine if for every single thread made here, a series of 20 obligatory posts authored by tripfags just said "Good thread OP!", "Great effort put into this thread, OP!"

Holy shit this is going WAYYYY back

that thought just made me bleed from the eyes.

Great post! I love belonging to this community!

Great idea fellow channer. Let's do this :)

one can only hope the cancer from there doesn't spread to here.

well said

Today OP wasn't a faggot!



this is me whenever I see 962b66 post about how confusing it is when anons don't explain how their images relate to their posts

I'm a crazy diamond

(this is me when responding to the influx of new anons I don't recognize)

Meme responsibly, gentlemen.


Holla Forums is a nexus of hardcore gamers, enthusiast press, and video game industry developers and publishers. This is a neutral ground where facts and evidence, presented within the confines of civil, inclusive discourse, prevail through careful moderation.


I disagree.


Could've sworn I posted in one of these threads already but if I didn't consider this my (1).

webm related, is a typical thread on Holla Forums

It's cyclical, buddy

Civil discourse triumphs.


Do all anime share the same handful of voice actors?

No, all nips just sound the same

I mean the gaming industry loves using the same 5ish voice actors so I don't see why other fields wouldn't do something similar.

mark wasn't so careful when he risked life and limb over the consumption of cake.


Do you think it'd be more responsible if Mark starved himself for a few weeks before eating 8k calories in one sitting?

Or perhapshs I'm wondering why someone would ink a squid! Before throwing them overboard.

Mark didn't do anything wrong. Did you see what that cake was wearing? it was practically asking for it.

guess who i am
post tfw neo-neogaf doesn't know they been infiltrated this whole time

This so much, thanks for the incredible post!

typically companies use a very similar pool of actors, so it's just the anime that you like. trashy hentai like this.

kudos op great thread here is my exif jpg of my dog and steam ID as well as my XVideos registration and tag list of foot rubbing clang dolphin fetish I fav'd.


some have been spying here you fucking idiort. delet

tfw you can report yourself for badthink

Delete this you attention whoring idiot

Some one should report themself and see if anything funny would happen

This is just too fucking easy


what attention whoring? i'm just showing you guys you're not alone

Stockholm syndrome, it's literally them brainwashing themselves to enjoy the punishment.

nice edit button


(i'm posting this mp4 in response because the image in the post i'm replying to reminds me of this particular simpsons episode)


I can't delete it

what a blunder

couldnt we just upvote

"So hyped for the DLC" is our version of their "nigger"

not going into inspect elements and not copying in the edit button
not contacting mods that you found the goober gaters nazis account
Get gud faggots.

Upvoted fellow gentlesir!
Edit: WOW Thanks for the gold!

thanks for helping my personal cause comrade

i'm a star platinum



luckily we can always spot halfchan


why do they always do this?

9gag tbh

I can' fucking tell if people here are retarded enough to show their usernames or are falseflagging the neofags lurking here

back to cuckchan

It kinda makes me want to play epic mafia.

Well said, I love the well thought out posts we get on this forum and the general quality of gaming discourse.


is that really him? or is he just trying to fuck with people?

Could be a farmer impersonating him, although the dude has a few accounts on various gaming forums and is currently online on steam


Most aesthetic GAF child coming through.

That might be too good tbh, unless you are using that as a counter propaganda. Hmm, wait how is retrogaf doing in the whole nu neogaf vs resetera civil war. Are they even a blip on the radar right now.


no retrogaf is a honeypot and there's only 99 members and 25 topics

And they still have that coin miner on their captcha or some shit iirc?

Why does he wear the mask?

Then that chick better have a dick, and there better be an angry dude in the background yelling "The Gay Community!"

>Known bifaggot enablers are just as bad as known bifaggots.

Agreed 100%.


great now they can seem reasonable and stuff great PR

Ain't no dick on that girl fuckwit.

yeah RETROGAF still has the BITCOIN MINER on the captcha

ok, how the fuck do you put a miner on the captcha.
I dont keep up with bitcoin shit and i just dont understand how can you put that on a captcha. Is this a new thing?

The poster that got banned never even said transgenderism is a mental illness. He said insecure people and those with mental illnesses shouldn't play games that are known to be edgy and shit on everyone. This mod is basically saying you're not allowed to criticize trannies.

Pic related is ResetEra mods

Javascript mining exists now. I don't know how they work without downloading the whole chain, though.

What the fuck are they saying when they say "in good faith" What? Fuckers just straight up ban people because they are arguing and getting their points out and say it's not in "good faith". Niggers just want to create an echochamber where their ideas aren't tested, than look like complete morons when debating with actual people who know their stuff.

Someone should compile the comments that were banned and stick it right next to this one of the mods. It's fucking stupid, their reasoning.


That's a lot of dolphin porn.

user better fucking share

Thats kindof impressive.


Defending trannies is a mental illness.

Post 'em in a drop box or something and link us them.

As a transbonaparte I'm triggered by your post.

Word of advice to anons, remember to pick a specific demographic to focus on (Women, trannies, negros, etc). And when anyone says they're not sure if something is offensive, ==always== chime in and agree that it is and give some bullshit reason as to why. Either it's another user trying to subvert them, or they're doing the work for us

how long are y'all going to go on for?
Its great that you're fucking up neofag but don't forget to come home and rest from time to time anons
Any new progress been made?

Then I guess it aint like Holla Forums since there aren't any girls on here, dummy.


Where's the fucking user who talked about knocking the site off of google search results? He came in here with a great idea and then fucked off, never explaining how to do it.

Mods have now banned people for genuine factual statements about transgendered mental health. And I don't mean this from a Holla Forums perspective. Being transgendered means you suffer from the mental disorder "Gender Dysphoria," and it's literally impossible to undergo surgery unless you have this diagnosis. See

user can't into this
Also, no. Why would you want to agree with them? Saying that something is offensive will just adjust people into the liberal echochamber trash that neonigger was.

Giving good counter arguments, while somewhat in agreement and/or pretending to not know much will do just fine. Also, if it's appropriate, say that they support women's right, gay rights, etc(only when the post is about said rights), so your arguments have some weight.

So, if someone ask if it's offensive or not, always say no and give a good, non-Holla Forums answer that doesn't raise and red flags.

The goal is to turn it into the tumblr of the video game world, where no sane person would want to set foot into.

your mother is the one few females that post.

Which, funnily enough, is also the goal of the posters who reside there.

Don't forget for one or two anons to claim to be transgender or black, or wtv is being "attacked" and claim it IS offensive and the other person is being bigoted by deciding for themselves how other minorities should feel.

Yea, like what happened with neog-oh.

Like seriously, we've been promised that we would strike them at day one with shitposting and spam, even ddos attacks to shut down the site, yet no happenings. Just some talks about some gay ass "infiltration".

No one wanted to partake in a DDOS attack because they're a bunch of scared pussies, and some claimed it wouldn't work so we shouldn't try.

Yea, which is a waste of time trying to make it another tumblr because that's their aim anyways. We should subvert by making it as CENTRAL/RIGHT as possible. Giving good counter arguments to their retardation and slowly redpilling, that's an infiltration, not making it some fucking tumblr shit which is the whole point of the site to begin with.

DDOSing gets you v&, and shitposting and spam gets banned instantly, and seeing as the new account registration is closed, you're running on very finite resources there. It's better to make them think that absolutely fucking everyone on the site is a gabbergroober.

The best you can do is to get banned for one of those arguments and not have your post removed, so everyone can see that you got banned despite not being crazy. An user already got wrecked because he tried to explain why men are worried about false rape allegations, and told them if they needed help they need to not do it on a public forum


How do we kill Resetera? Or will it die on it's own?

If they ban, oh well. Use another account or get gud at hiding. You have to argue in a way that makes them seem you support their cause, but not so much as to support whatever they do.

That being said, I also advise to not touch topics like trans or rape, since anything contrary seems to get any red flags anyways.

It's not 2007 anymore, people quit doing this shit for a reason. Ever wonder why /i/ isn't a thing anymore? This is one reason why. Shitflooding became impractical, the only thing left to do was either classic trolling or social engineering to worm your way into communities.

And when that happened a bunch of normalfags immediately deleted their posts. If we can cultivate an atmosphere of paranoia and over-moderation, even the regular posters will start getting upset and being banned.

It's already a sjw hugbox and it's only been a few days. If you suggest a AAA game isn't a 10/10 you get dogpiled. They'll definitely eat each other.

I would fucking love to see his reaction to this.

The point isn't the subject. There's literally no chance of turning reseterra into anything but a far left echo chamber while the mod team bans everyone who would engage in wrongthink. That's what we use, though, to make all the other members afraid to speak and the mods paranoid as fuck.
Think about how much power we'd have over those retards if we control the opinions of a minority group. We can, at a moment's notice, declare something unclean/racist/sexist, or whatever we want it to. We can make them act as crazy as we want, or use them as our personal army of retards.

At this rate they won't stop until everyone who isn't the most extreme communist is banned

This shit gave me abs from the laughter.

Imagine a jew pretending to be white so he can write a blog article like "101 ways we white people are racist by denying racist". We're the Jews.
anons need to understand that we want to obtain power, not just post scat plank gore and get banned immediately.

I've talked to some Holla Forums anons about toxic masculinity. They know their stuff.


We have infiltrated them good. Around 1000 anons have joined.

Not even joking, there's probably 15 or more anons in the mods/admins.


It was made by a friend of mine, it's mean to be about Enzo from Bayonetta.

It's disinfo. I am part of the mod team. It's all bunk trust me.

give us a pic of mod buttons. or email me them at [email protected]
[email protected]

What's that? Nazis say people shouldn't pay money to eat shit?
Hold my beer.

my urge to send them my money increases with every advertisement I see, and somehow this doesn't make me realize I'm a complete tool

Which is worse, this or microtransactions?

this could work better in the video game section as they're not looking out for it there as much and it's also easier to get away with

Agree with this, I thought that was the whole point and goal of the twitter OC as well. To poe's law them.

I'm surprised how much of a shit I don't give about Wolfenstein. I was never really into that series, only one I played was Return to Castle Wolfenstein.

I love how stupid these people are for falling for this obvious bait marketing campaign. Should just have a billboard that says "Buy our game or else you're a Nazi"

The goal regardless is to redpill as many people as possible. There are two ways of doing that: Slowly pull people to our side with well reasoned arguments, and to make the forum so far left, that normalfags will also be punted out, and forced to reside elsewhere.

email me for ebin ponzi scheme at [email protected]
[email protected]

spasiba, comrade. we have successfully infiltrated their ranks

I played TNO and it was trash. I have no idea why it sold so well.

One guy in the thread said "I wish they'd rely on their game being good instead of marketing gimmicks" and someone insinuated he was a gamergater.

Sounds like krautchan

The death of Neogaf was like D-Day. It shed a tear in my eyes.

That's a pretty shit marketing strategy tbh. Normalfags don't want to be reminded of real world shit, doubly so for shit like movies and games.

Fearporn gives autists adrenaline.


Jesi ti idiot?

cyka ebanoe i mid i fuck your mom

Some of these guys can be swayed. Keep up with the subversion tactics lads.

Remember, this is what the jews do to us, and it works.



he dun goofed


deleted in like 1 minute

Absolute hero, that guy.

Fucking 9gag?

Dammit dude, why'd you have to go blow your cover like that?

God status revoked.

What a brave soul, may he rest in peace

Well there's no recovery from that one
Way to blow your cover

if I were to turn around, and do something bad, how long would it take for them to kill me?


he doesn't say trump is bad, just that people should be aware of the results.

fucking retard, now every and all points he had are out the window to these people because they can simply label him as a troll and out the window with it

I have a faint feeling this guy isn't /our guy/ but just an actual 9fag who sniffed out muh kekkistan meme.


He was going to get banned anyways once he started down that path so it's best to just let us laugh and enjoy watching them burn


Can you newfags kill yourselves already?

Wait, this asshat doesn't know Goatse?

Is… Is Goatse old enough that most of the internet doesn't remember it?

…I think you all know what to do.


Too direct to my taste but what the hell, you had a good run


Did they even begin to suspect 9gag had something to do with this trolling?

Sorry guys. Had a feeling the banhammer was coming anyway. Plus mods = fags.

Guess who's the actual retard.

These things really are fueled entirely on emotin


that's the wrong attitude and the wrong method really since people tend to remember the emotion feeling they got from something" at the end of said thing, that's why alot of mass produced films end at a high note.

you're right he's clearly from cuckchan

these people live in a world where they don't come to understand someone, that someone has to come to them explain them selves.

nigga please

You blew it tbh fam.


either im getting old or these fucks have never been on any other website beside gaf

how much sex have you had in the last 3 months?


Is it even worth making a complication of this now? chimp kind of stabbed us in the back

The goatse faggot got the thread shut down.

Great job.

He was on their radar already and had to cross the rubicon one way or another.

dont end it like that its not that good of a strategy

Or explain how open borders somehow averts geopolitical instability, terrorism and economic collapse over the course of several decades. To top it off how does it make sense to import a foreign labor force in the advent of advancing automation? So even if they use the "whites won't do the jobs they do" argument, they'll be out of work in less than a few decades. That means you have a bunch of displaced people who have no job prospects or financial security, living almost exactly like they did before leaving (and drag down the host's nation living standards as a result). At that point they may as well move back home as it'll be no different.

But instead of proposing ways to export automation to ease third world strain and stabilize their economies, they'll just call you bigoted because they can't think for shit.

you kinda fucking up our operation fag

Sounds close to Polyana.

lmao the mod closed it for general political discussion but fucking took part in general political discussion

This is the difference between jews and niggers. We're supposed to subvert, or redpill, or manipulate them. Not chimp out for 3 seconds of instant gratification. I'm not upset, just disappointed.

I'll make the compilation.

Actually this might help. If we put more fence opinions being labeled as troll opinions more legitimate users will be witch hunted and banned on the stake. In the end they will start canibalizing each other, but for that to happen we must make sure that the middle ground is completely off limits , even the middle cuck ground.

Yeah, now they'll delete any new political threads and force the situation into the clusterfuck thread with the title "make Trump pronounce niger".

Goatse guy really fucked things up tbh lad.

i'm pretty sure most people would pronounce this wrong.

what??? but thats implying the strategy is to turn it into a far-left / tumblr site. i thought we decided against that

Why not make it so far left nobody wants to associate with it.

yeah i get that but it seems not everyone is on the same page

Because NeoFag was just that. We don't want NeoFag2, we want to dismantle these fags, and scatter their ashes to the winds.

give them an excuse to shut it down rather

all he achieved though is reconfirming the mods ban happy attitude because they generally think they're some lone group fighting against the world of hatred.

point them towards England on that point

actions based on passing whims

they're wanting to do that on their own

no one has a real plan of action here but people tend to agree that btfo of these niggers is prime tbh

They don't have to be but it would certainly help. We really need a containment site full of far left loonies. Not only is it going to be something amazing to harvest and awe at, but due to their avalanche of mental disabilities they are going to be easy to dox.

For me, the goal has always been to spread redpills.

Spamming in their discords is one thing, but actively disrupting a situation where redpills can be spread isn't good.

Makes us look like niggers.

I agree with that sentiment, which is why it must be more extreme than neofag

I am saying to help them even more then , give em the push that will throw them off a cliff.

Spreading redpills to these people isn't something that is going to work. They follow these beliefs like a religion which is why they don't believe in god.

Well there's really only hoping the other agents are observant enough to take notes before they go nuclear at this point, what's done is done.

They want to Trump to say "nigh-jur"? What's next, make Trump say niggardly?

The mods in that place that are not agents are most likely factions from oldgaf, and they are already banhappy to begin with. Maybe the dude could have held his spaghetti in longer, but let's not kid ourselves here. The mods who are oldgafs elements, you're not going to win them over.

Literally impossible. On NeoFag you'd get banned for the slightest wrongthink.
These faggots need to live in fear that every user on their board could be an evil gabergroober Trump natzi, then, when they begin to break, we need to be there to push them over the edge.

the thing is, they make their own containment sites and keep everyone out, so making that happen faster is fucking moot

like that one user said, once he saw what he had become he realized how insane he was sounding because he was able to connect it or something like that tbh

the point isn't to win them over you dumb fucking cunt, the point is to win over BYSTANDERS and their NORMALFAGS. you'd have to be a massive fucking inept twat to not realize this

I wouldn't wager it as impossible with the people we are dealing with. I am well aware of the state neofag was. And yes if they live in fear that every user on their board could be an evil gabergater trumpstaffel it would certainly help a lot.

what you are saying is retarded for the reasons I and others have stated, consider suicide

I hate these fucking sites, I had to back up the page every few seconds because EVERYONE edits or removes their posts for no reason, and they're liable to disappear entirely

probably a neogaf supporter

remember anons, rektera is a controlled opposition
controlled by anons :^)

there's a war between resetera and neogaf, neogaf in the future will probably try to want to seem like the reasonable moderate site or something, so it would make sense that neogaf supporters would want to turn resetera into tumblr shit hole

basically don't do something that might help someone else out


it already happened, 9gay, neofag and so on already sneaked in and started false falg, edit old post and spread unfair bans screenshots.

If you have something better to offer go ahead and state it. I might have arrived kinda late to the party due to work but i want all this cancer to die in a fire as much as you do. If you have any suggestions to make go ahead.

There is a war between them ? I thought resetera was former neofags running to a new house, and that neofag is long pronounced dead.

i wouldnt consider it dead its just less active for now


It would've been if the resetards had a better sense of timing, but before they actually went up the original page was restored, and there went the best chance they had to hurt the original neofag

God damned meme face flag

Oh right the old "PR actually matters you guise" faggotry play, in that fucking place, where the old neofaggots elements wants to reset things so people don't remember the old or new neofag. Where there are tons of bystanders and normalfaggots to be found. Be my guest leaderfag, good luck and god bless.

your new is showing

It's technically back up, but Malka's name is mud.

there are actual niggers and cuckchanners running around here, waiting to be lynched, and you're focused on a youtube embed



what pre-programmed "arguments" do they use?
so far I noticed :


they're basically all preprogrammed

that's the main one and most of what they have honestly they just word it in different ways / less extreme versions than that

you really should lurk som moar

Don't mind me, just wanted an excuse to repost this.

what I'm noticing is everyone is a personal attack of some degree

I appreciate the nuclear takes, but man people really need to get better at this.

Come on man.

Yeah, how dare that guy not want google to track everything he views, especially songs about killing gays?

it reeks of cuckchan tbh

The sports section of gaf is the most boring existence I've ever come across

it was also happening on like the 14th page of a topic with only a few people around so that's even worse.

I wish /sp/ was here with us to raid it.

Thanks doc


That thumbnail is a work of art.

hello norm­ie

It's like Internet 1.0 all over again.


Holy shit, gaffos are going to spontaneously combust from the triggering force alone.

Good one

At least 9gag took the blame and the entire thread shut down, so it wasn't a complete waste. Also this user has a decent point

The only thing is that he wasn't patient enough to let the red pill dissolve on it's own - he gently placed it on their anuses and then proceeded to ram it in with his foot.

It just justified all their own arguments to themselves. "I mean, see how Trump supporters act? That's why we're right. They shouldn't be allowed to comment here…You can't have a civil conversation with them"


no trump voters took the blame since that's how these people operate

that's not a good thing or a bad thing

no one saying it's a complete waste, just that the ending was mediocre

not really, why the hell does anyone want another possibly even worse neogaf? if you think all those fuckers will go there and stay there contained in their little world then you're naive as fuck tbh



actually, what if that guy was a sock puppet and the mods let it happen inorder to enforce a stricter registration policy?

Good post.

this sounds like complete bullshit, but brazillians are retarded enough to where this might be true

People asking if ReeTears will be the same as oldgaf and getting dingdong'd by oldgaffers mod and confirming their suspicion that REEETEARS was created by oldgaf mod vermins trying to set up the old shop with a new name and without Malka, is not a bad outcome.
To keep splintering what remains of gaf, you bongistani.



gimme dem (you)s you (you) slut

hard to say isn't it

certainly however you want those people to land in our net or another net that's open to people having opinions

neogaf only splintered in the first place because of drama within the mod team due to an accusation against the owner. those people who followed suit are not like us in the sense that they'll not move when that place turns into a living sjw hellscape since that is what those people want. so in actual what people should be doing is pretending to be a woman online, get close to the site owner and mod team and then make claims of rape much like what happened with evilore.

That's not a bad idea. We've got more than a few anons working on subverting the black community. Could use some 'women' making a name for themselves.

Why!? He could've kept dropping truth! Fuckin' 9gag.

which article did he read?

which one is it

NeoGaf is still up but activity on the site is way down.

It's at about 10 - 20% of pre shitshow activity.

ResetEra has 5 times the activity.

it'd be even better if it was a tranny tbh

the point would be to show them what their "listen and believe" moral actually is which the hope is would open them up to more reasonable discussions with people they'd never consider doing so and sure there'll be people who'll sink further into sjw hell but that's life really can't win them all but you sure can win as much as possible

doesn't neogaf still have alot of users and that resetera have much less then neogaf?

Some kid killed 4 people in Brazil the country where half of worlds murders are committed.
100% problem of Brazil.

At this point we could stop trolling. We could easily enlighten these people to simple facts like Gamergate being fucking dead for few years now or Trump is not a Nazi or even something like quoting Koran.

Great. So how well do you fit in a dress? You'll lead by example right? Because I sure don't have the girlish figure for it, not anymore at least though I can still get some appreciative looks with my legs. I biked a lot during one summer.

DAE drump nazi?

Can you stupid faggots stop saying this shit?
It won't fucking work. They don't listen to reason, or evidence, and posting such gets you banned anyways.


I came up with a better option to make them splinter one that's got some backing to it since it's based upon what happened to neogaf, the "lets make the place into hyper SJW hell" has only one obvious outcome which we'd just have another SJW hellhole, unless you can explain otherwise that is.

Mods won't, majority of people also won't.
But there will be % of them that simply were in this echochamber long enough they just haven't seen anything else. Learn their patterns and find way to say stuff with them not realizing you are outsider.
Like shitting on feminist communities for not being diverse and being 80% male.

Do you unironically believe that people who stuck with NeoFag for 19 years, then fled to a more SJW'd shithole, because the head mod was accused, with no evidence, mind you, of raping a woman can be saved? Are you fucking stupid?

Because it will complete neuter the forum, make them infight from within and tank their reputation. We already saw these seeds budding, with those users disagreeing with that one ban and those two legit Neogaf users getting canned despite doing nothing wrong. The best way to get banned is to get banned while being the most moderate fucker alive, as "neutrals" will notice that and start a ruckus. The more moderate, reasonable that get banned, censored, and hassled, the more insane the forum itself will get with it's moderation that will turn on it's own users. Then the forum will get so heavily moderated that it can't sustain itself.


No I simply believe it would be actually a challenge worth trying. Trolling and getting banned seems boring for me.

people were bitching about how it took weeks or months to get approved for a "Junior" account in neogaf, I doubt they could get much worse than that

Most of them just can't be reasoned with. And the few that can are disadvantaged by the hoard of screeching retards that reaffirm everything they already believe.

best case scenario, you find someone you can reason with on that hellhole, they don't mind the screeching retards, and a (((mod))) doesn't shut it down. At that point, you should just try to get into discords and private message people.

regardless you shouldnt be implying we should give up thats not a good strategy

You speak like cannot be reasoned screeching retard cannot screech stuff you want him to screech.
Cannot be reasoned with simple means you should use different tactics than reason.

no one's suggesting giving up. I've already mentioned, there's a ton of us in the black community. Once we get 'respected', we can stat directing the chimpouts as our personal army. You do what you want. But I'm going to go get me some slaves.

and they only achieved to make him look cooler than he was

I agree with you that is an approach that should be followed, it's certainly much better then blowing your load reconfirming believes but quite honestly I think that isn't enough due to the fact that those people are conformists extreme, sure we'll get people that way but I don't think we'll end up with a forum which can't sustain it self since it only really wants to sustain itself with it's self anyways as the mods seem to be doing everything they can to just have ex- neogaf users.

yeah the whole site is basically "let's take the good part of neogaf" and "make it perfect this time"

Pretty much everyone agreed that user fucked up the ending. People need to remember that we're the Jews, now, and Jews only blow their load in the privacy of their own children.

that wasn't real neogaf anyways if we just apply neogaf correctly this time I'm sure it'd be perfect

This lack of self awareness is ridiculous.

he should get warned for that based on another warning that happened earlier

nvm post is gone already

drumpf btfo




Not only does it make the mods look retarded, it will scare away the newfags who want to join. Do it.


given that the sjw shit in FC4 turned out to be a parody of anita sarkeesian, I think they'll find that the "right wing nutjob" enemies will be given a much more nuanced treatment than they will like (or be capable of noticing)


look at farcry 5 or asscreed tbh

So have someone pose as a woman online, maybe a 2/10 jugalette, find a real oldgaf mod, cock tease him a bit about a shared road trip together and a hotel room, let the bathroom door ajar slightly while hiding in the shower and accuse that mod of rape when the bugger comes in. Sounds great Neville, again, will you be the one to lead by example or are you just leaderfagging for someone else to pull off your plan. Because I told you, I don't have the figure for it. Legs, maybe.
Ehr that's not my plan and never been. I want to roll in with Poe and get the real retro party started. But even if it does turn into another hyper SJW hell it will continue to splinter off if they get more ban happy. Which is still fine by me. Do whatever dude, this was always a troll horde "army" anyway.

The full depth of leftist/SJW writing is simply this:
>The bad guys are interchangeably super powerful or super pathetic, with the only constant being that they are cultists of conservatism, masculinity, ChristiansNot Catholics cause the pope's cool and "with it" now, currency, and European genes

coming up with a plan =/= demanding people follow it

you're basically doing ground work then which I said was fine to do but isn't ultimately effective in the goal of making them splinter tbh

Yeah that was pretty funny.

no you don't understand, far cry 4 included sjw themes while being subversive about it.

far cry has had very red pilled writing since 2

>state of the art SERIOUS BUSINESS discussion boards built by scores of industry professionals using the pinnacle of modern forum technology have to rely on uncooperative third party image hosting to get their fill of distended butthole imagery
Can gaffots do anything right?

Well, they only spent $140 on the budget xenforo product. They will probably have to buy some add ons for image hosting. They are just buying software and hosting, and then saying they "made" the forum.

Sounds like Stillborn, LOLbreakers, Wolfbergstein3, Borderlands2, basically a lot of recent or semi current titles.

are you entertainent?

user I surely cannot understand what you speak of. I mean, there's no way that Pagan Min is actually more correct than the Golden Path is about everything, and is the best thing the country has for non-corrupt stability, nor would he have good taste in food like Crab Rangoon!

Does anyone even know what Far Cry Primal's plot is even fucking about? I don't think even shills for that game ever existed.

Neogaf is one such place that proves that not being Right tends to also make you not Correct.

This is a lie, that kid`s father was from the military and his mother was a cop, probably why this lefty is going on the internet and telling lies.

South region was colonized by german and italian immigrants, it still has a very different ethnic composition than the rest of the country and the idea of ethnic purity is very much alive there. Stop trying to geography, burger.

Generation Zyklon at it again.


mods that name reminds me of my cousin that got raped once can we do something about this

Ele escreve NatSoc em algum lugar? Porque ate ai o rio grande do sul inteiro e Holla Forumslack

da onde e a segunda imagem?


what a coincidant.


I'm pretty sure WolfII: Antifa Edition flopped.
Yesterday, it had 7k concurrent players on PC.

I heard people have been buying it, giving it a negative review, and refunding it lol It take away money from the devs that way.

I think primal is about afroemigrants conquering neanderthals. maybe.

Looked up NuStein on Steamspy, top concurrent players, one day after release: 14k.
Euro Truck Simulator 2 gets more.




Didn't see this document posted.

why the fuck?

s-should I tell 'em?

Best guess is that they want to monetize the fame and all the mod circlejerk are looking for a payday to be the next Evilore selling their brilliant forum for 5bn to Yahoo like Tumblr or something, idk.

at this rate they will do it

Maybe they really are retarded enough to go full SA and charge for signups.


Resetcucks BTFO


pls don't blow my cover


I almost want to make a shitpost telling everyone that trump owns this game and to not buy it…or rub it in their faces that a Trump literally owns Zenimax.

How do you feel about spending money on and enjoying something made by the Trump family?

Holy fuck, it's real.

can we ask Trump nicely to tell his brother to stop killing everything I ever loved?

c-can we meme this? Either boycott or rub it in their faces…

well it's a fact that trump means racist so they should be doing something if they also leave a forum based on an accusation


is Donald and Robert the opposite of Obama and Malik?

yes, absolutely we should because it'll work for sure

someone wanna tell them?

wtf i want to play wolfenstein 2 now!

they have mods that check in here though so might get banned fast

I'm making some info pics

that's the beauty of it, it's trump connected this isn't a lie or something made up just linking zenimax's site will do but WEW lad


Just be subtle and don't go full sjw and you'll be good. Would avoid putting it on the gaming forum, tho.

If you're making them, don't post here. resetfags might be lurking.

I did enjoy ESO but eventually quit because of my shitty connection, 60-80 hour week job, and buying the wrong thing at sieges. I'll probably go back once I'm stable (after 5 years but there might be new MMOs out there).


Main villain is a female, how long until buyer's regret sets in?


she makes a good villain tbh. most of the game is trash aside from a few good bits and she is definitely one of them.

what a bunch of faggots

funny, but you blew it. Way to ruin and invalidate you're argument. Now no one will take your opinion seriously, and anyone who does make the same point will only remind them of you and will ban you.

Should have saved it for a separate post.

I made one but it isn't good and I'm not on resetera so I can't really post it there yet

how is the co-opting goin? did they take the wolfenstein pill?
I want to see there reaction when they notic this

At least he did SOMETHING rather than the rest you all that do literally nothing but take screenie

She's got the personality for a good villain but come on, she's a middle-aged woman
At least make her a cute nazi girl

oh, the non-rektera-spy-anons already found out. yes, we made them like it by turning the diversity pr stunt against them.

She would be if she were in the game for more than ten minutes total, or if you actually fought her (hell, even fought somewhere SHE COULD ACTUALLY SEE YOU) at any point in the game.

Wolf 2's ending is so shit. "Here, fight some robot dudes BUT BIGGER. OK, gg enjoy your mindless 'freeform' missions goy."

Definitely true on all points. The two new Jewenstein's are definitely games made to appeal to journalists and not people who actually like FPS games.

I'm currently arguing and playing devil's advocate on certain topics. Subverting takes time, but you have to slowly give them the red pills. What that user did was he immediate validated their thinking like "oh wow, this guy had a decent argument, but I'm just going to listen to my feelings because he's a meanie alt-righter now".

She's actually old for a reason. She's already "done her duty" as a woman, meaning she has birthed and raised her kids, which is why she's allowed to serve in the military.

I got an idea tbh

what did you think our plan was? to sperge out whenever we lose or are threatened by arguments? that’s some pussy shit that, honestly, makes you look more retarded than them. how else did the soviets ruin america?

Don't say it here, btw

New Order (plus Old Blood) were damn good, though. Totenkopf was a good villain because he shows up repeatedly to fuck with you (and does something just unspeakably horrible at the end) so you keep on hating him. Hell, even Engel made more appearances in New Order than in New Colossus, and she was the side villain. That whole scene on the train, or when you kill her fuckboy near the end of the game, those were good.

Wolf 2 definitely has good moments but it feels rushed and half-done. You play the first act and it's OK, then you get your head cut off and shit gets amazing for a short while, but they didn't go anywhere from there and it just ends.

New Order was so good because they could maintain the quality of the writing and gameplay throughout an entire 8-10 hour campaign. They failed to do that here.

Yup. He should have just took the shit flinging and got banned for just ""wrongthinking"". At least there it would have painted the mods as Stalin tier, and the user as someone that didn't do anything wrong. Hell, he could have gotten a light sentence of a week or so ban or warning.

Gee golly why isn't gun control working?

what are you guys gaming on this weekend ?

And not a single good game was seen that day.

Thieves are human beings too. Which is what illegal immigrants are. They're thieves.

Its pretty shit that he blew his cover when he was doing so well, but at least he made a show of it.


That guy is definitely not from here. Way to fucking ruin every point he made, now it will all be refuted since people never take the ideas, and always look at the person.

Ding, ding, ding.


if people look around you'll probably find it

basically any disagreement involves an /ourguy/

Damn.. He was doing so well up till this point, but to be honest, he did well enough dealing with these brain dead spoonfed retards as he did for so long, I can see why he cracked when the mod team classified his retorts as personal attacks. The only thing he was really holding back on was unleashing the fucking beast.
9fag false flag :^)

Not really. I've been acting like a cuck to blend in, gotta build that e-rep.
shh delete this, cuckEras lurk here.

u go mane

Top kek lad, way to kamikaze.

yeah i know that's me you're responding to
nah its not
or maybe it is

Honestly I can't believe nobody is calling out the users for being extremely homophobic about what they are saying about that picture.

Absolutely fucking shocking. They really don't give a fuck to hide it anymore. The site goes up just a couple days ago, is full of /ourguy/ infiltrators, and AAA publishers are already robotically using it as a shill platform. With 'gaf there was at least a benefit of the doubt there were shills there and one could assume they were just fanboy retards. But now its fully transparent. and retards will still fall for it

so how are things going?

Absolutely cucked.


That's what 7chan did with ebaum's world.

We should begin complaining about how supportive the mods were of Trump and how we don't feel safe

Didn't some faggots try to organise a "raid" against us on 9gag during gamergate? Nothing ever came of it of course.


this is the greatest screencap i've ever seen

not that I know of. I never visited that site but I thought 9gag was one of us back then. (I was only active on GG back on 2014)

I love when they accidentally make the villains look correct


What were the lolis you could roll for?

remember r. trump is only one board member of many, and the actual administration of zenimax is a different entity entirely. and the actual design decisions are left to someone like rodd boward

thx for convincing me trump is /ourguy/

Usually a villain you can agree with and sympathize with is considered a well written one. The issue is that SJWs accidentally do that, while forgetting to make the hero even remotely relatable beyond their their skin color/sexuality.

Trump is pure 1488 mate, remember that time he pissed on the wall in Jerusalem and went FUCK YEAH NOT YOUR BIATCH MOSHE.

Damn, this is finally slowing down

I can't believe how many people fall for this meme. I live in a highly conversative area but I could probably find a lot of people who say they agree with it

just ask this fucker why so many people are trying to get in if it is not a great country

Get ready to have him related to Bolsonaro, for propagando purposes and more gun control
as if criminal really give a fuck and receive the dindu treatment, if they get caught, while being related to right-wing extremism to scare the cattle and let more lefty bullshit saturate the country.

Yeah. Been a fun week though.

My reaction folder has grown exponentially thanks to this grand event.

It's been real damn good although I will say it's probably ran it's course unless some of the infilshitters want to go full autismo.

Is it too late to infiltrate create an account on reset era?

You need to have a whitelisted account apparently, and domains on the whitelist are going to be tied pretty closely to your real life. Though you could easily sue them if they leaked it, I think most anons here would refuse to use it.

These mods honestly seem way better so far (actually letting me say not horrible/"objective things" about Trump, and warning someone who insulted Trump voters, deleting things very quickly) and it looks like they're trying very hard to make it the perfect "enthusiast" / developer / publisher posting central. Hope no one gets discouraged and actually keeps trying to infiltrate although is there anyone more than like 3 dedicated people here?


Registrations are open, but you now have to use a paid email. They (((blocked))) because we were using it, but try

Or maybe if some user that has extra accounts can lend you one.

Yea, it's actually going pretty good so far. I just make some clever counter points(though as gentle, and not mean in any way) and they get all assblasted. Dropping red pills subtlety, but pretending to be a feminist, or whatever to make you seem like you're one of the good guys.

Basically, be a contrarian to these retarded liberal idea. It might be hard, since most are brain dead, but you have to pretend that you're not arguing with a adult, but a child. Be patient, gentle, and don't raise any red flags.

Also build a "good guy" rep so that you aren't immediately recognized as "that guy" who defends, trump, nazis, etc. Post about video games, do some dick sucking about hillary, etc. Maybe change profile picture every once in a while. Make sure to post at least 15 neutral, liberal comments before going contrary.

What I wouldn't give for that magical first night again.

Paid for domains like a comcast account, or work relate email.

feels nice and warm
but that first night felt like a raging fire on your neighbors lawn, made my nightshift fly right by

who needs an account? i just made another one email me your thread id and proof
[email protected]

Will they accept a registered domain that isn't normally a host?

I have a few domains that have few or no e-mails associated with them, but could be configured to forward to a real inbox.

I got in with a temporary disposable email

More people need to make alt accounts and get in to derail it.

I guess this is the end. See you guys on reseterra.

A good point. The fact that intentional misdirection isn't the first thought people have upon seeing that is rather sad. If you're going to raid somewhere, send people that are going to hate your guts to somewhere you hate, rather than lead them back home. That mindset needs to come back.


Getting this picture in before this thread is closed or deleted, leaving people unable to continue posting. Great community here by the way. Keep up the good work.


immortalizing nep as last(??!) post

Look This:

Does anyone have, or can make, a soundless version of this webum so it has a small file size? I already have a small gif of just Vivian dancing but I'd like the background too.

Google business accounts also work I've heard.

When they brought registration back up they got more strict (wonder why, kek). Couldn't get in with something free and relatively secure, but maybe I'm just a pleb when it comes to this stuff.

Here's a soundless version, not much smaller. If you found the exact moment it loops and made one of only that it would be very small.

How much do you want to bet he only wants it so he can post it on cuckchan?

Why would someone even bother posting it there?

Thanks for the attempt. Mucking with frames and loops is out of my knowledge unfortunately.

Well before this thread dies I'll let you in on a tip. Your ISP gives you a paid email that will work. Just register the legit way. It was pretty fast and I think after two months you get full privileges. Then you're a sleeper agent for future campaigns.

This site is good for lurking. Never post, just watch.

Does gaf even HAVE disinformation?

No, just hubris.

Yeah, I'd rather live under a fascist dictatorship than a fucking communist shithole.

Here's a better tip, finish that faygo and get in the shower.

I hope I'm not the only one seeing the irony in these posts.

I don't really see the irony, communism doesn't even believe in "property" that doesn't belong to the state.

Why is this thread still around?

Because the cucks must hang, and the jews must be gassed. This thread will not stop until these things are accomplished.

well if you're not gonna do anything else with your accounts and the hype is dying down you may as well just raid them.

>women is leader of the reich military
r des poepel retordid?

announcements to try to save neofag are coming

Anyone around at this point in NeoFAG are providing support to a sexual harasser

Maybe we're going about this all the wrong way. Maybe instead of going for the ultra safe-space of Resetera, we should be gently redpilling Neogaf now that all the SJW have gone.

good idea but unfortunately with the majority of the shitters gone neogaf is no longer a threat, resetera is well on its way to becoming a fully fledged neofag 2.0 with all that entails.

I never saw that ad before. Holy shit, that just made me love 10x more than I already did. Wow.

How long can you own it and still get a refund from Steam? I never did that before but I have no problem buying it, giving it a shitty review, playing for 5 hours, then asking for a refund.

I think it's two weeks with less than 2 hours of playtime.

If you're not above 2h, you can ask a refund

Thanks for the info Anons

just realized the guy that said to push them far left might be right because they're clearly trying to be a more respected site this time around that isn't known for that based on the mod actions so far. so i do actually agree with trying to push them far left, but always remember to adapt if something changes.

or perhaps you should be wondering why would someone ask specifically for a smaler,soundless version of that webm if there's only one other place that has standards so low and users so retarded that they can't even do it themselves,to post it on?

Because this is the imageboard version of reality TV. This and the numerous Wolf2 threads are what you can expect from now on. Fuck video games, posting vaguely related drama and contrarian politics is way more fun. It's like I'm really on Twitter.

not reality TV when people are actually involved and doing things BRO thanks for giving me a reason to bump :^)

Can someone post the used diaper wearing fag caps?


Brain dead yet?

I wonder how many legitimate users they lost from that. Not like they'll have their member count represent how many users they actually have though.

Well said fellow gamer, haha!



>far right
das some funny shit rght there

the echo chamber is real




I hadn't clicked this thread in some time and was wondering the same thing but then I saw this

god damn man. this is how you go to hell.

Cause it's funny watching neofag burn.

Wow that facebook post… it's always been about virtue signaling I guess. Way I see it, if you have to tell the world you're not racist in an unsolicited public manner, you're probably a racist :)

People tend to become more conservative as they get older because they mature past the point of just flinging ad hominem, like racist misogynist, transphobe, homophobe, etc. This is a kid who just doesn't want to grow up.


kys faggot

Isn't this the definition of bigotry?


you first

Do YOU know where we are, faggot?

here i did it again,what are you gonna do about it?
it's not a sticky you retard


Removing the sticky was likely the trigger. Either way, when Neogaf and ResetERA are up in flames again, you faggots better be here again and we'll pick up where we left off to spread the terror again. This is just the beginning.


speaking of discords what have the neogaf discords been reduced too after this past week? Are they dead?

You know, after watching the resetera thread for so long, I can't help but imagine them as just being that picture where a bunch of guys hug each other. It's not even a hugbox anymore. They're gayer than Holla Forums at this point.

There is a feature on this forum that lets you watch certain users. You get a notification whenever they post.

Built in stalking is a strange thing to add…


link the thread, i’m gonna see if i can do something about their logic

I really just have no idea what the fuck is going on in that discussion.

Canadian anons please tell me this isn't what your average person thinks of free speech.

It's the liberal double think where no one is allowed to judge someone else because it would result in hurt fee fees. To make it worse, they'll later turn around and tell you they are expert authorities on judging who is bad and it's obviously nazis and the KKK.

Shit meant instead


In their minds, muslims killing other types of muslims isn't a sign that muslims have a problem. It's internal problems caused by cultural differences and lack of unity caused by CENTURIES of western colonialism and interventionism.

user, I

you think they know anything about the sunni-shiite split right after muhammad died?


Canada's media is 99% far left, non retarded average everyday leafs do exists but you will never see or hear from them in or reported in the media because anything that counters The Narrative is largely filtered out. If they are mentioned at all they'd be labeled racist or Trump sympathizers.

One day leftism will be deemed a mental illness, it's just not today.

pls do not make links clickable so you have to copy paste them

Why do enemies even bother to plan shows of love and peace when your own traitor government does all the heavy lifting.

Just use the search function.

Reddit Is Banning Nazi And Alt-Right Groups As Part Of A Hate-Speech Crackdown" (BuzzFeed News)

they have also made it joining isis sound really lucrative since you get a first class ticket to free gibs.


Thread's dead bro. I guess the Resettler's have won.

you expected subversion to occur overnight?

I wish there were less normalfags on the planet. Somehow I want the NWO depopulation scheme to be real.

no, but i did expect ResetERA to die quickly.

Just like how anti-GG folks expected 8ch to die immediately once they pull life support off hotwheels?

Canada is a cucked place and most of the media is far left and the very small parts that are right leaning are just normalfag tier pansy.

I am glad America voted Trump.

Everyone except for the jews, and their golems are.

wait a minute, we can get in deeper through the vice waypoint forums and discords since there's a lot of collusion between neogaf, nugaf and vice's communities. possibly reddit too

shit i forgot. we can make them paranoid of people who are in all of these communities by being subtle and not sperging out

Never forget why we're here.

GAF won. Racists completely BTFO.

How can a man be in such a pure denial?


If you kill the NeoGAF they win

Because that's the state they live in.

He's saying they won because he assumes someone getting made into a mod on gaf just got the keys to most important gaming forum? It's almost like talking to commies at this point.

Well said.

Someone was spamming porn and it took like an hour to get deleted lol. Everyone assumed he was from the other forum too. The ultimate troll against both sides

It's been a week, so I'm gonna uncycle the thread.

Feel free to continue having these threads in the same way that we have the GamerGay threads.

Thank you very much.


Don't worry, we're not banning the threads or anything. We just feel it shouldn't be cycled anymore, feel free to have these threads in the future. Just as a reoccurring thread.

It's over anyways, user. It was a fun ride but we're done here.

There's nothing left? Well shit.


Sageing a cyclical works, it makes it so your post doesn't bump the thread. It's only stickies where it is pointless.

at some point the show's over but i suspect it starts again sooner or later, webm somewhat related how I saw the neofag shitshow

It's funny how modern leftists still consider acceptable to use virgin as an insult. Damn hypocritical of them if you ask me.
Infiltrated people in liberal circles (not only NeoFag) should really start moving to push virginity insults into their wrongthink pool.

Did you just assume my sexual history? This is just as bigoted as slut shaming.

Wait, history is problematic isn't it? Sex past.


I just want to say Mark; thanks for joining in with us and allowing us to have some fun. It shouldn't be celebrated but when even cuck/v/ isn't allowed to talk about it, it makes being here all the more better.


Sup, anons. Hows the infiltration going? I've been steadily dropping a few red pills here and there. Not too much that it would alert mods, but enough to make people think.

My pleasure

I was banned because they went in and banned active accounts with nono email addresses, so I'm done unless someone were to drop more discord links

Damn. Maybe some anons here can let you borrow an account, I heard one user had over 20 which is insane. Or have you tried registering normally? Just try using any email server other than the regular ones and

rip thread
You were fun
Everyone remember Brian577's life. Don't be like Brian577.

The guys should seek help and find jesus, or he'll really kill himself later on in life.

Many laughs were had.

The delusions both Neogaf and ResetERA have against each other is truly a sight to behold. Can't wait for what the future holds.

I hope we continue to have weekly threads.

We really should have generals. Weekly updates and stuff like that.

the percentage of active members being so low also makes infiltrating way easier. sorry for autistic image i was having fun

Also, is it true that some of /ourguys/ are infiltrated mods, or is that just lie?

we have a few mods atm and some are mods on the discord servers too although those are kinda dying down a bit and they're not public so it's kinda pointless to spend time on them

So I guess this is where we part way and start infiltrating in secret? Cool. See ya on the other side. I'll make sure to add you guys if I find ya.

I'm okay with this.

Funny you should mention that…I found Jesus not too long ago and I asked him if he had a message for me to pass on to Brian577…

Is this thread finally dead?

Look at

cycle removed but not really gonna be dead because there are going to be developments in the future post in threads u like its easy ty

So now that the major drama is more or less over, can we get some best-of screencaps that summarize this whole shitshow?
This was a great thread. I just want to enjoy it with you guys one last time. no homo

Yes, but hopefully some anons make weekly updates or generals, though I doubt anything big will happen so they'll just be screenshots of retarded things neofags/cuckera faggots say.

There's a couple of webms floating around of some of the earlier stuff. I know because I made one.




ok anons, i hope you are ready with your acounts.

I doubt anything is going on.

it's always going on~

quick google for politifact


For what?

he died for your sins

hey guys what are some of your favorite kind of pizza toppings

Pineapple with pineapple pizza with a side of pineapple


Do they even have support for webms?

i'm still disappointed that this faggot is still alive

impressive digits


gg no re


bitch I live on the fourth floor

wow thats a tall basement


lmao this has to be /ourguy/, it's not subtle enough.

you mean people born asexual are shamed by them?



Please be more subtle mod anons, they're going to catch on if you keep this up.

Time for new thread, or will thread be kill?

Time for new thread