Other urls found in this thread:

That will teach Bethesda. Mess with the alt-right, and receive a dogbite, motherfuckers.


If that game doesn't do well it's going to be used an a major example for why singleplayer games without lootboxes are a dead avenue for AAA games.

So what? AAA games are fucking shit now anyway.

Being right doesn't give you the right to post like fucking cancer user.

Looks like its going to sell marginally more than
The Evil Within 2

Probably. The devs even grandstanded about not having multiplayer in their game because it would "dilute the experience".

Why contain it? Let it spill over to the consoles and PCs, let the flops pile up on Steam. In the end, they'll beg us to buy their games.

So why do the steamfags dislike it?

Wait. What controversy happened to wolf 2 other than no mp? It looks like a good single player game?

It's basically the same game as the previous one, from what I heard.

Very true, but I'm fascinated by the current model of watching the usual suspects in games journalism spew that kind of shit and then the market following suit as they enter a new state of even worse shit. I want to see how deep this hole goes into utter depravity and exploitation of the normalfag.

Reading the reviews a lot of people are complaining about the game constantly crashing on them (and by a lot I mean most negative reviews mention this exact same problem)

You know the "alt-right" is just a golem we created. Posters here want more than "civic nationalism".

Hi Ben


I forgot to add that the game is fucking full of bugs and apparently for some people it's crashing so bad it's literally unplayable.

Hopefully it can kill the western game industry to the point where normalfags start to play Japanese games from time to time.

Anyway, I've seen a decent bit of people saying they're holding off to get it on the Switch. Whether that will translate into actual sales numbers I have no clue but I fucking wish it didn't, fuck this garbage

You did this to yourself

in turn those games will die out due to oversaturation leaving those hollywood kikes wondering "what do we do now"

this tbh

over on our site we have ONE thread at a time about shit because shit doesn't need more then that

Way to give yourself away, scholmo.

More cutscenes than game.
Diversity and Communism good, everything else bad.
Instead of Mecha or Occult Hitler, you get grandpa hitler that vomits on himself and takes a nap.
White Americans are evil.
Only ones fighting the good fight are niggers and jews.
Pregnant woman of colour slides on her side, lobs a grenate, lands on her stomach, rips her shirt of, akimbos two StG 44 and says WOW.

It is not a controversy per se, but more that it is shit and everyone knows it.


Shitty port

David pls

What's the point of ratings if the goyim just ignore them?

Tfw hitler lived out the rest of his days happily and in peace



Did a 11-year old come up with these names?

What the fuck, spoiler that shit.

Did launching on the same day as Odyssey cripple it further, I wonder?
Since the game costs $60, that's 2.52 million. How much did this game cost to make?

They can keep shitting out games like Lawbreakers and Battleborn instead if they think that's the way to go.

Some of you guys are okay, don't go to polygon's website tomorrow

The problem people seem to be having with it at the moment is it's a buggy mess that seems to have been shoved out the door early.

It will probably get 5-6 times that over the next month, but yeah the figures aren't looking great so far.
Doesn't work that simply. After accounting for taxes, price differences between regions and Steam's cut it it probably comes to around $630,000-$850,000.


That reminds me..

Good, when all these shitholes die I'll look forward to seeing all their diversity hires and hipster writers begging for money on patreon.

i haven't seen a point made for any of those besides more cutscenes also hitler is not exempt from old people problems

I've received reports of alt-right meme attacks on game launches. There's not enough games like Dusk.
to go around, and the console peasants are starting to get desperate.


thought retard that proceed to create singleplayer game with lootboxes and then wondered why it flopped even harder

Fine by me.
They will use it as example of something that isn't true and fail. They will continue doing this to the point when all their releases will be failures. It is much better option that settling in on stuff like Wolfenstein 2.
Nintendo released Other M and assumed it failed because people didn't want Metroid. Guess what telling them for 6 years that we want new metroid games worked out. With people like you we would receive Other M 2 more times.

The 3 games that have positive reviews aren't good games. They are just semi competent at what they needed to do.
None of them are great. All of them have better games than them in what they do. None of them have mechanics that are either refined or advanced compared to older games. None of them are clear improvement to stuff they are sequels to.
What a thrill AAA gaming is.

Yes this game makes sure you actually care about Hitler.

Do you work at Kotaku perhaps?

Maybe a little bit but those audiences don't overlap a lot and in addition the games are on different platforms.

I liked TNO and pirated the new one. It's not very long, and there are tons of fucking cutscenes. And when I say this the cutscenes are fucking long as fuck, it's basically an FPS with Xenosaga-length scenes breaking up the action. The cutscenes themselves are fucking cringey. They decided to take the "over the top" feel from TNO and go full retard. I can't tell if they're being serious or trying to write a comedy, but holy fuck this shit is awful. Regardless of your political thoughts, these scenes will make you fucking cringe left and right.
The gameplay is a copypaste of TNO, but there is less of it. You can really tell they starved this game of content for the season pass bullshit. The worst part is the bugs. I thought maybe it was because I was using a pirated copy, but most people on Steam seem to have the same complaints. Tons of crashes. Typical physics bugs, like falling through the floor. Even worse I've hit parts where I had to restart a level because flags for opening the path to the next part of the map after killing enemies don't happen, or cutscenes were supposed to pop up and they don't so you basically "softlock" and have to restart from a checkpoint and fight shit again in hopes that the level unfucks itself.
TL;DR: It's a bad port of shit game.


You belong on reddit.

A+ voice acting here.

People complain about buggyness on pirate copies but i pirate everything and i never have any problems, I mean absolutely zero.

That's some fucking cringe right there.

There you go. It makes sense to me.

Sounds like my suspicions were correct where a lot of the team scrambled to "re-do" most of the game after something happened about a year ago, leaving little time to fix anything or let pesky gameplay get in the way.


What is that number even? Steam spy says there's 42k owners, literally 10% of what RtCW has…

Punch a nazi? more like shoot your own foot.

What do you mean, games that have 20 or 30 times more owners have more concurrent players? This is shocking beyond words.


How the fuck did you already finish downloading your torrent? The game is fuckhueg so people are still leeching en masse with little seeds to be found.

Would a game about killing communists sell better?

i'd buy a game that let me crack bugman skulls

>In Europe in the 30's of XXI century


Torrent has been out for a few days now.

mean for

its total hours played

kill yourself and this cancerous "LOOK HOW BAD/GOOD THIS GAME WE LIKE/HATE IS DOING" mentality, absolute fucking faggotry. Just fucking wait at least a week after something's released, because otherwise this is amounts to inadvertent shilling of triple a games

I wanted to find some good videos of people tearing this games asshole open, but all the reviewers are sucking its dick except ironically, jim sterling. I'm guessing cause it's still too soon and Beth doesn't give preview copies. I'm happy it's failing commercially and fucking horribly. All the terrible reviews have left it mixed and its opening weekend a complete clusterfuck. Hopefully some vids come out completely shitting on it, I want to smug at it more.

Can't have that on nintendo board captn.

Hello Bjorn, i reported you to the government for posting on a sexist, and racist website such as this one, enjoy mandatory pozzing, try making a good game someday


It's the western AAA vidya industry, who the fuck cares? People keep buying shit and tolerate loot boxes and other gambling feature


You say that and mario odyssey which released the same day is literally fucking amazing. Japan > West

Its dead jim.

If singleplayer games are dead explain Skyrim

i want this industry to crash faster, so next time they don't cater to normalfags and whales with their shitty practices against the consumer




Jesus, they did worse than I thought. People really aren't buying AAA games on PC anymore.

I'd rather play a game about killing jews to be honest.

What's the difference.

Predict Kotaku article titles on why this game didn't sell.


Of course they're desperate! They can smell their nogaems and the sound they'll make rattling their consoles will serve as a warning to the industry

At this point, watching a waklthrough on youtube should be considered piracy

I thought someone would say that but if a western studio made an anti-communist game they'd find a way to turn it into anti-Russian propaganda and probably make the resistance full of jews and American niggers.

Just give em some time and you can bet your arse they will try this jewery.

"Wolfenstein success stymied by Alt-right groups spamming negative reviews on steam for insulting Trump, and nazis."

I really hope so

If you make normalfag play the Japanese games then they will corrupt them too. normalfags must be contained and the lootbox filled cancerous games is where they must stay.

i'm prety sure it does,can't remember what "game" developer it was but it was either one of those that put indie unironically in the tags of their steam page or possibly TellTale

"Nazis To Blame For Wolfenstein: The New Colossus's Bad Sales"

Didn't some indies already tried that?
The cancer child goy comes to mind.

I can predict that Wolfenstein II will be the GOTY at the Dorito Pope's Game Awards in december to show that they're #Resit-ing Drumpf's Amerikkka.

So I haven't played the game but in universe are the Germans really trying to erase American culture/History? I mean I know the concept of Germany conquering America in the first place is far-fetched, Hitler had begrudging respect for America, and even if America was occupied by the Germans, they wouldn't try and tear down the old symbols and ideologies of America, it would re-contexualize them.

The fake TV shows they had for this either seemed actually nice (the sitcom where the little brother is caught eating a full bar of chocolate) or just stupid (Nazi Superman fighting Uncle Sam, a Pilgrim, Lady Liberty). At least The man in the high castle made 60s Nazi America seem somewhat believable.

this image needs to be posted in every thread like this tbh

Not the GOTY, but it wouldn't surprise me they make a special award just for it, like "BEST POLITICAL MESSAGE" and shove it with some irrelevant games

This used to work until those 5 people somehow turned into the silent majority. Between how much of it has been forced into all forms of media, from movies, to sports, to television, to music, this tactic has begun to backfire horribly and seems to cause massive lost sales.

I'm not a history buff but the Nazis fought against communists, didn't they? Would be interesting to play a game about that since neither sides are considered good guys.

Yeah, Life Is Strange 2 will probably get the best story title. Unless Chelsea is making another game and decides to suck the dicks of all the panelists, and the clit of the one diversity hire.

it still works because people still talk about the controversy aspect rather then the game it self

I can't even think about shit without marketing it these days

BTW have they released the list yet?

outside of this imageboard I haven't seen any negative criticism

Its had plenty of niggertive reviews on steam.

Did anyone here saw this coming? I figured the way they were trying to market the game, they were really desperate to sell it because it would have been so bare-bones. It was just so convenient that Charlottesville happened for it.

Fuck off with that shit. If this shit worked, everyone would have swallowed Andromeda.

because of nvidia driver issues


My jaw almost hit the floor when I saw that in a retsupray.

I had to stop watching when we got to the nigglet interaction with billy where we all learned that niggas be liken dat bubblegum just as much as dem white bois. The was too strong for me to handle.

So why does the image even matter if the original 5 dipshits who are mad can also literally be the people who made thing to make people mad? Are you saying we cannot talk about things when someone can make a thing, post a thread, and then fill threads with hate toward their own thing? Did GG never happen in your world?

Except they're not buying the game to "support the creators" they're thinking the creators can go fuck themselves.

Maybe Kojima ghost wrote this shit?

Obviously its because the Creation Club™ is extending its longevity indefinitely. The prices of our community created and in-house regulated add-ons are a very fair and a huge deal. I suggest you give a try and buy Skyrim Special Edition™ on Steam and since you are convinced of its quality go tell all your friends to get as well, you won't be sorry. While we are on topic - might I suggest also picking up Fallout 4™. Its a very in depth Role-Playing game set in a post apocalypse with its wacky and fucking bananas nature. It also part of our amazing and expansive Creation Club™.

That shit was about as subtle as Roots or Birth of a Nation.

**the cringe


Pretty good

The user reviews, jim.

for a nanosecond there i thought they were going to actually report the truth

then i saw the >people who bought wolfenstein 2 were targetted by antisemitic attacks

you don't get it, andromeda looked bad on a techical level even to normalfags, there was no room for astroturfing since they really thought people would eat it up. if you look at farcry 5 though they didn't show anything other then a narrative designed to piss off the few

except that if you've followed the shit threads on resetera and other shillsites people are eating it up based upon "fuck drumpf xd" alone.

Oh, you got me.

Is this a real article? I can't tell when anyone parody them or they actually speak

I fucking, forgot how to link. I looked at my post and subconsciously said, "whoa how did that extra > get there?" and deleted it.

I'm just going to post their wicked sick sub-indie sell count and then go to bed:

Most normalfags barely even understand what communism is and what commies did in Russia and China. Even if we pretend that the holocaust happened, communism would still have a higher death toll than fascism/national-socialism.
Also, don't forget that a lot of "game journalists" and game developers are unironic communists or at least glorify the ideology. So no, in this era I don't think the general population considers communists to be the bad guys, maybe if the red scare was still a thing then it would.

user, fucking what kek?
And if its working so well user, WHY ISN'T THE GAME SELLING user? WHERE'S THE MONEY user?

You think these mouthbreathers represent the majority? Nobody gives a fuck about cuckenstein, they want to play asscreed and mario odyssey

this shit can't be real, why are there so many milenials in the fucking workforce of these idiots?

If the game had a made-up story I would agree, but if you just showed what communists did as historical facts you can't disagree with it.


Funny how the red scare was closer and longer for america than hitler yet nobody even cares.

Good, let this piece of shit die like the order did. This isn't a game, it's an interactive Marxist movie.

But nazis are evil!!

That's what they will be saying, but it's bullshit everyone knows those audiences don't overlap.
They just don't want to face reality and that people playing FPS are mostly westerners, mostly white, mostly male…
Which in this day and age won't support a game so chokefull of "anti-right" propaganda it's actually visible even for the normalfags.

Note that I fully except CoD WWII to not do that and have a regular plot about heroism with maybe a couple of cringy "MUH DIVERSITY" (if any, again to cleverly disguise it you just have to not mention it… which is hard to virtue signaling turbo-retards) moments as usual and to sell very well. And on the opposite the new FarCry 5 is gonna go the same way as Wolfenstein II for the same reasons.

But leftist can't into 1+1=2.

Its fake, but it wouldn't be too out of place. NeoGAF was non-ironically called a undead Nazi site.

The reason the normalfags think communists can be good guys is because communism as an ideology is considered noble and heroic instead of national socialism which is "evil" by default. I am not justifying anything, I am just explaining their mindset.

Well it's easier to sell game with direct enemies, rather than makes ones with the enemy of your enemy. And when games mentions communists, it's to make fun of the cold war era where everybody were watching their back for commies.

Well no shit you think people are eating it up, it's fucking ResetERA. It's nothing but shills shilling shills and user trolling user down there. So far the reality is the game sold like shit and no one cared.


I never said anything about silent majority but quite honestly it's too soon to judge how well it's selling tbh give it two more weeks and then we'll see

normalfags represent the majority and normalfags are idiots who get swept up in hype and the best way to produce hype is with word of moth from friends so if those friends are caught up in the controversy then it's likely the normalfag will just follow suit.

one site of many

Great job, moishe. We don’t want civic nationalism.

Absolutely. It could be rated E and only carry ‘cartoon violence’ because communists aren’t people.

It's a fake article

You're not fooling anyone Pete, no ones buying your game. You're gonna be living in a cardboard box soon.

I want reddit to leave

Normalfags don't give a shit about politics, they're apathetic, unlike SJWs. They just want to know about the last epic meme to repost, what clothes to wear, and what piece of entertainment to sink their free time into.

Does “X dollars an hour” have meme potential with regard to new games? I feel that normalfags would respond to it pretty well, given their current financial situation. If a game can be clearly shown to not give them value for their money, they’ll steer clear.

Those people don't buy games in meaningful numbers. Don't confuse their appreciation for a game's narrative that aligns with their politics for a purchase decision. In the first place, you should disregard anyone who seriously believes their ideological opponents are literal Nazis. No matter how much you think Hitler did nothing wrong, you're not a Nazi, and accepting the label just plays into their hands.
That aside, the vast majority of normalfags who buy this game will do so because either a YT or stream faggot told them to, or because they saw a bullshit advertisement on traditional television. Marketing gets all the budget because it can sell anything, no matter how bad.

Perhaps so, but in the clown world we're living in there's no reason for me to doubt such a an article would exist.

I didn't even give it a second thought.

Not really, considering how many normalfags pay exorbitant cinema prices to watch complete dogshit.


So did I. I just wanted to get an archive to share some nice quotes.

Dont bully bear.

Real Human Bean is the new Guile theme; it goes with everything.

At the very least, we finally have a game that has surpassed Metal Gear Solid 4 in its gameplay/cinematic ratio.

That’s different, truly. Normalfags who go to the movies aren’t interacting in ANY way. The mindset is different. Rich Evans probably said it best, “It’s like being dead for 90 minutes, but I’m eating popcorn.” Video games and movies are fundamentally disparate. A movie–ANY movie–is going to be $10 for two hours. Minwage faggots can stomach that. But if a $60 game can give you 100 hours of gameplay, why would they want a $60 game that gives them 2 hours of gameplay? Even THEY can see the difference.

purposely misinterpreting what's being said sure isn't a shill tactic what so ever nope. not at all

correct, they buy shit based upon being uninformed as fuck, that's why word of mouth is the best way a company can shill their game

no they don't but they have alot of clickbait video game journalist sites which project a narrative designed to trick people into buying whatever product they're shilling for.

It says a lot about them that I believed this shit top be real for a second.

They were hoping the hitler snuff film they put into the game would go viral.


You're going about that all wrong. Value per dollar isn't something that concerns normalfags. That's why they still buy brand name items in the grocery store, when the generic is half the price. Normalfag purchases of entertainment are driven by social potential. You should harp on the fact this game has no multiplayer, and its generic "kill Nazis" narrative is done to death so there won't be anything to talk about, either. Then you can effectively drive home that it's not worth $60.

user, i've already won the argument and am smugging at you. You claimed the controversy helped the game, the sales of the game thus far stand in stark contrast to your claim. It's a triple A title that hasn't even broken 100k sales, whenthey often expect sales in the millions *minimum*. And what's your defense that the controversy is good? Oh, Resetera approves of it. Fucking Resetera, the new neogaf. Because Neogaf, or Resetera are clearly indicative of the larger gaming population with their extreme sjw-ism, permabans for criticizing a transexual and other insanity. Oh and also accusing others of being a shill is also a shill tactic


It sure looks like it, really the definition of try hard

Yes, word of mouth, from friends or their influencers, not some random thread on an imageboard which is virtually a myth for them.


I'm actually surprised I haven't seen people talking about the length that much. This has great meme potential to kill off this shitty game. I think people are too focused on the nazi vs communist shit, we need to start memeing how this is a interactive movie and not a game. It'll be The Order 1866 all over again.

Oh, and to add on top of that, precedent has shown that this controversy actually hampers sales nowadays. See Mafia 3, and Andromeda, and that's just off the top of my head. The fact you'd even try to argue the controversy helps with the mountains of evidence to the contrary is actually funny. I'm not sure if you're an idiot, an SJW or a troll.

That's amazing.

Same, when I think of Telltale shit or Life is Tumblr you can honestly say just play it on YT.

I'm getting The Order: 1886 flashbacks.

And you think threatening me with the loss of potential AAA garbage would give you power over me?

It's actually two thirds, since the whole game is six hours long while the cutscenes take up four hours of that time.

I think controversy helps games that are made to be controversial, but controversy about a mundane game that's just another entry in an established series imparts a "wait and see" attitude on consumers. They can't be bothered researching to figure out where they stand on it. Then by the time it settles down, their attention is focused on the next product cycle.

no I claimed that controversy is a marketing strategy actually.

it's been a day, it's very hard to gauge how well a game is selling based upon a single days worth of data, give it two weeks.

what do you think I'm defending?

neogaf had alot of ties with businesses and those ties are likely to have moved on with resetera and so while yeah they don't make up the gaming population that doesn't matter because they'll freely shill X game based on "fuck trump" on other sites like reddit and cuckchan and those sites with their SJW sprung on from outrage to vice versa

stop being a shill then

cuckchan isn't a myth to them and sites like reddit have threads designed for reposting various screen caps.

how do you explain farcry 5 or asscreed series then, I'd like for this shit to stop but that's not going to happen untill we get some CLEAR facts and people stop falling for bait

Mmm. I hope you're not underestimating the SJW problem. The others may not go as quietly as you think – GG indicates they're behind the problems in Canada.

are you joking me?



It's poetry that the company who owns Fallout now does nothing but drop bombs.

This is even dumber than calling gamers dumb. SJW's dumbass "we wuz kangz" and "punch nazis in the USA" games didn't sell, so they call all single player games dead. Meanwhile Mario Odyssey releases as a completely single player game, sells like crazy, and is doing extremely well.

You journos need to come out of denial. Origins and NuWolf didn't fail because they are single player, they failed because they force politics and are too narrative. But you will never hear an SJW journo blame NuWolf and Origin's failures on that, because those are the kinds of games they want to replace games with game play, like Mario Odyssey.


I actually thought farcry 5 came out tbh I looked after the fact and found that it was supposed to come out in may but got pushed back

I fucked up tbh

Most don't know about it.
And reviwers will do their damnest to not say anything about it either.

So? I haven't played anything from the modern industry since Dragon's Dogma, and I wasn't touching it often even before then. I have over a decade of good older games to choose from. So many games, they could probably last a lifetime. I am perfectly fine with dumb assholes continuing to ruin themselves to my amusement.

But we're not on cuckchan or reddit here, so I don't know why you're complaining about this thread. I assume halfchan has people trying to stir shit up and bait Holla Forums, or what's left of it. As for reddit, it's a shill's den, but everyone knew that, but I can see their user base are starting to notice.
If we can't talk about what's wrong with this game and it's politcal agenda full of white guilt, who will?

Not showing the other side of the same cart

as sad as it stand publishers do shill here tbh

They do, it doesn't change the fact everyone will just point out how shit their games are and why, it's more productive than point them as shill and call it a day

Regardless, despite what people may say otherwise with demographics and shit, launching this the same day as Mario exactly killed it, just look at how nobody talks about Horizon now because it launched at the same time as Zelda.

Batman: Arkham Asylum was released 8 years ago and looked significantly better than this.

What's even the point of updating your video card anymore?


Congratulations, you've managed to make a human fridge with Aryan features and a killing streak look like a complete beta.


Isn't he a jew, though?

You claimed it still works within the context of the conversation concerning Wolfenstein II. It hasn't been working so far.
It's been two days, and those have been very low sales. On top of that its review score is shit, with a mixed rating.
Why do you fucks always have to avoid the question? it's obvious what my question was, but you niggers can never just answer a question, you need to try and avoid it to avoid the subject. Do you really think you're convincing anyone by avoiding the topic?
Oh wow user, and yet it's not INDICATIVE OF THE LARGER GAMING COMMUNITY! The topic of this part of the conversation had to do with how Neogaf, and Resetera tacit support of the pro communism fuck america wolfenstein game was indicative of larger support of the gaming community, when the game in question is already receiving horrible ratings and selling poorly, not of how neogaf has shitty sjw developers on its site, or that it shills games to try and promote its cancerous brand of social justice.
You're not fooling anyone chaim.
I dunno user, how do I prove a game that HASNT BEEN RELEASED YET is doing poorly in comparison to the two games i've referenced that did poorly due to that controversy.
Hahahahahahahahaha. Indie games are selling more lately. I'm sure the budget for We Wuz Kangs was low though, the same price investment as hollow knight for sure.

He's only white when convenient. They made him Jewish now.

This kind of stunt can only lead to loss.


In all honesty the "experience" of those games is made better when watched, it's exactly the same except you not only put forth zero effort to get the experience but you also improve it by having your favorite sperg shit all over it like the garbage it is.

I know, I'm just saying the point would be even more effective if you showed both sides

Is this a parody of nazi movies? Like SpaceBalls is to Star Wars?

That was beyond trash.

This is literally only canon William

He's jewish, not hwite.



When are we gonna make a WWII game where the player character is a nazi who loves his country? I mean us, here. AGDG get on it.

No… the game is just bad.

Have you seen the gameplay and writing?



Are the Nazis just as stupid and over the top? This wouldn't be as bad if the Nazis were like that. Then I could mistake the game for a parody instead of a cringey Liberal projection session. Though I'm sure the game is very one-sided in its "bad asses."

You know, I could even laugh about the absurdity of it, if the game wouldn't take itself so fucking serious.

Only Sonyggers and SJWs cared about Horizon Zero Dawn.

What about a WW1 game where you play a silent protagonist only to realize that you are literally Hitler?

Learn programming, git gud at blender, use UE4 or some other engine and do it yourself

we did it, reddit

praise kek!

A bunch of pretentious cucks playing at running the industry, but the industry left them behind long ago. WE WUZ KANGS are the future.

Well, there has to be a reason why you got that many copies to begin with.

That would cause the best butthurt.

Why do people do this?

Female general

Alt-Nazi America world is super advanced

But only Nintentoddlers cared and care about Zelda as well.

Why did she take the jacket off. How did she rip it off as if it was a cartoon.
What the fuck is wrong with the animations

Bloody genius

She didn't duck enough so the back of her shirt caught on fire, that's why she takes it off
Not shown very well tough

It would have to be kept secret until release day for maximum effect, so idiot youtubers and SJWs playing the game don't realize until they get to the end. I'm sure the protag being german would immediately set off flags for liberals though.

Those are midnight launch copies. Every single one of those games were pre-ordered.


I really want a game like MGS3: Snake Eater that is like Hitler's rise to his own veritable Big Boss status.

That's what we should do. We should co-opt the media's strawman of the alt-right and push T_D to identify as alt-Nazis. Could you imagine the infighting?

Yeah but the devs made him look like an aryan because a game where you play as a skinny goblin (which is what kikes actually look like) would sell even less.

Not koreans, bugmen. Basically another name for numales.

It's like the voice actor cringed hard halfway and struggled to finish his line, only making it to the end by thinking solely of the money he was making.

That's fucking disgusting.

From a cinematographic point of view: badly edited, cliche, cringy, derivative, tonally dead.

Also why the fuck did she take her clothes off, and why wasn't she wearing a bra? Is there a point they're making with the nudity?

I used to wonder about this when I played Medal of Honor Allied Assault as a kid. Imagine the story of a german soldier, just trying to protect his country against the allied and soviet invaders. The horror of seeing his land raped by the war, the despair of wondering how history would remember them. Good themes to explore in a war game.

Spics love that shit

Bad is bad. Normalfags aren't patient enough for those fixes. They'll move on to the next scam long before any driver patch releases.


the entire world does, minus usa


I'm not even sure you're cuckchan, you're more likely a TRSodomite.

I think its because the voice actor was thrown off by the stupidity and insanity of the lines. He sounds like the dude who plays frank west in the new Dead Rising, who was a white dude. I'm sure he had a serious life moment wondering what the fuck he was doing voicing for this shit game.

…or you could just leave, neofag.

Why the fuck would you want them in the semi decent part of vidya? Kick normalfags out of the gaming scene period you dense cunt.

Poe's Law hits hard with this one. Bravo Nolan.



If you give in to paying the Danegeld you're just giving more power to them with which they'll make you pay more Danegeld.


Has this been posted yet?



Slap embed related in the background and you could have told me that this was the new Postal sequel and I would have believed you.


I'm buying 10 copies just to spite you nazi fucks.

Make it some secret that you unlock the full ending sequenz when collecting ever yhelmet or finishing some obscure and hard as fuck optional game objective.
So people sing praise about the anti war game and then get assblasted that they praised Hitler.

I'm buying 20 just to show I'm more dedicated then your cheap ass.

this isnt real
is it?

This is yet another proof that SJW faggots don't even buy videogames.

but leftypolchan, that's your entire welfare cheque for the month!

Good job antifaggot, please post a timestamped picture of your receipt or any other proof of purchase

I'm buying 30 so now I'll have done the work of both of your by myself. You're both not working as hard as I am, you must want Drumpf to win.

I can't believe Gerald from Hey Arnold's got himself a new job as a journalist



America has learned what multiculturalism means. Nazis are no longer the monolithic villains they used to be.


I'm ready for the western games crash.

Do you think America needs to be removed from the maps for over a century as a result of "tolerance" and multiculturalism to say "never again" to such (((tricks)))?

Kekistan cancer aside, chaos theory is something that should be celebrated as we're seeing it now as the pendulum shifts away from liberalism and the ideologies it holds, much to their chagrin.

Just fuck kekistan faggots though. They're just project chanology 2.0

So when is it going to swing back again?

I am spending all the savings I've built up since I donated it all to Bernie two years ago to buy copies of this game. That's probably around 60 copies. Drumpfnatzees can't win.

Genius idea. No joke.

The bald sheboon is extremely emotional about it from the very start. Also I wonder why they didn't want to make her bald in the game as well, I thought everyone was beautiful in their own right :^)

When (((revolutionaries))) murder the new Royalty again.

I don't believe you. Post receipt with timestamp.

dont they see irony in this?
have these people even stopped for a second and thought why are they told to hate "nazis" ? have they even put a thought about who are nazis and what makes people nazi in the first place?

who knows, that's the beauty of chaos. It's not something you can guess. You can see the signs, but when things happen is anyone's guess.

To a lot of the left now, anyone not backing them is a nazi bigot worse than 40 hitlers. This constant push has caused a rift and people are now finally pushing back.


I've been trying to not get angry without proof lately, but I'm really being pushed by the rest of what's in this thread.

lel it reminded me of this



This reminds me of how I always see Jordan Peterson related video in my feed "If you were alive in Germany in the 1930's YOU would be a Nazi too!" I'm like, fuck, I want to be one now, what are you talking about. But I don't think people give any thought about why NatSoc rose the way it did. I think all knowledge of WWII that most normalfags have is from Schindler's List being showed in high school.

Even though it's good news that the game isn't doing well, what is the major cause? Is the game really that much of a step down from the New Order, because Assassin's Creed Origins came out on the same day, or vote brigading because Bethesda reintroduced paid mods?

I just realized something. So they were wanting to get across how unstable, scary, and disgusting "Hitler" is correct? He going around threatening you and the people around you with a gun and vomitting in front of you… wouldn't it have been more advantageous to keep the camera in first persona and let the player look around while all this is happening. In that way you are immersing the player in the moment and having them be threatened and disgusted first hand.

It's amazing how these people can't even get their own propoganda right.


Though seriously. Chaos Theory and the link to the egyptian god of chaos was a nice discovery that should be celebrated. Only when you carry it into daily life like kekistan faggots have does it become cancerous.

Chaos is the key to change and even in the chaos of transition there is a set order to things

>jam packed full of SJW bullshit and pushed by (((games journalists))) who everyone is sick of at this point
Take your pick, they're all true.


"Alt-right" is a term coined by Israeli supporter Richard Spencer.

back to r/The_Donald

please stop ruining Holla Forums


What I get from the reviews is that the game is poorly optimized and doesn't even support a Steam overlay. It's also fixed to only 60FPS.

Pro Tip - Hitler hating not having acceptance into art school is also a lie. The art school rejected Hitler because they thought Hitler would be better as an architect, and Hitler agreed with the assessment. Source is Mein Kampf.

Aside from the political BS, this game is just a bunch of early 2000's game design cliche's that have been done to death. If this was released at around 2009-12 maybe it would break top 10. Now this style of gameplay, the CoD mixed with Dishonored with added political commentary is just tired.

There isn't a wall on the border, sweetie. The orange clown can't even get money for it.

I voted trump because I'd rather have four years of stagnation and possibly even backwards motion than four years of aggressive liberal plans to turn America into Sweden. Even if the democrats win next time, they have to clean up trump's mess before they can proceed with their own machinations. Anything to stay the pozz tide. Chaos is our friend, and if anything, our country continuing to function despite his incompetence will make people realize the president really doesn't control shit.

that's hyperbole, right?

Oh boy, you got 10 feet of wall done in 10 months! Really good progress there! People can just walk around all 40 feet when the term is up!

Scroll up, see youtube screencap. "Full game" videos are 6 hours long. "All cutscenes" videos are 3.5 - 4 hours long.

aut-right is more like it. Faggots is a better name for them. Though as of late Holla Forums has become a massive caricature itself and I can't tell Holla Forums from stormfaggotry anymore. For a group of people who believe in nationalism, they like to ape german nationalism and larp as WWII nazis. Which tells me they aren't actually serious about nationalism or have no understanding of it and just go "we'll emulate nazi germany because that was nationalism". Which defeats the idea of nationalism because nationalism is the belief in your own country and having pride in it. Can't really be a nationalist if you're running around having pride in ANOTHER country.

Holla Forums has ruined themselves. Not as faggoty as Holla Forums but damn near close

All of this points to the game seeing a radical rewrite somewhere down the line, no doubt because someone at Machinegames (or Bethesda) thought they should cash in on controversy

not that he would lie.

Tits or gtfo. You know the rules.

You, uh, do know that's not budgets work, yes? Budgets don't tell Departments how to spend their money. You won't find specific dollar amounts for anything. The Department of Homeland Security already confirmed they have money for a wall.

If Hitler hated Jews so much, then why would he pass up an opportunity to slander them?

If they're like weaboos for german culture, you may have a point. But if they just want to ape germany's methods, why not? The only thing they did wrong was lose the war. Murrica has more armed services than the rest of the world combined so we wouldn't lose.



are poltards really socialist though? Otherwise they can't be nazis.


Try again >>>Holla Forums

You need to leave

Game sold less than fucking AC on PC
jesus christ

Honestly, how many fucking threads do we need on a shit game no one here wants to play?

You too slut.

I have $2 to put aside for the wall too! We have secured funding for the wall! A whole $2!
Yet another half-truth thrown out there to keep the stupid supporters believing.

I don't know what you're arguing. I was talking about being rejected from art school.

Because aping another country's good points instead of your own makes no sense in terms of nationalism.

dunno. I just don't care enough. Again Holla Forums has some uses unlike say Holla Forums with it's ugly Body Odor of a tranny

Apparently they included female Fingolian Chief Engineer or something for some reason.

I still feel like I have no real fucking idea of what national socialism truly is, but it at least doesn't make any sense to equate it with what most of us refer to as socialism because socialism's heart is class warfare while national socialism heavily emphasized all classes working together. If that thing about socialism actually having been some kind of very old system in Europe long ago that Marx etymolygically twisted into something completely different than what it had actually been is true, then I guess the analogy to make would be that national socialism is to socialism as classical liberalism is to liberalism.

they want a safety blanket for their ethnic group, this will only facillitate weakness because its incorrect for the current time. It could only work if the population is willing to work, but nowadays it seems like it wont.

I feel no need of leaving

omg AC flopped? Happy day.

It takes 17 years to approve a highway. Give the man some time.
It's a bit surprising that people haven't grown tired of the whole "Trump will never do X"-thing, seeing how often it has been wrong so far.

If you're going to use a different name for meme magic then at least use something else, since chaos theory is mathematical discipline.

Bait works, faggots exposed.

Sweeties are infinitely inferior to sweetHEARTS.

If your country is doing things wrong, and another country did things right, why would you not want to copy those methods in an effort to improve your country because you want it to have a better future? Are you saying the only way to be a nationalist is to be perfectly content with what your country already is, and just have pride in it?

And yet the stupid toupee salesman had done nothing but sell you down river. Those undocumented persons are all gone! Muslims are banned! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

How old are you?

Wait, alright, what AAA game released this year didn't flop horribly on steam? I can think of Automata and, well, shit, nothing else really.
is the crash coming?

Leftists always type like teenagers.

Failing campaign promises is the definition of a failed president and so far he's failed on all accounts POLTARDS BTFO.

Nothing you said is based in reality.

class warfare is communist tier. Socialism just means social programs.

28. I talk as I want to. lol.

I'm not leftist, I think.

heres your (you)

If we stopped giving billions in aid to israel and your beloved shithole 3rd world countries that constantly need help we would already have a work force of robots and that wouldn't be an issue at all and people would have plenty more time to procreate and focus on their race and culture, and you know it leftykike.

The thing is though is you defeat your own point because you had to go back in time to ANOTHER country's past instead of your own's. You're admitting that your country has never had a high point in it's history thus there is actually no real reason to be proud of your country of origin. So being a nationalist then makes no sense and instead you're pretty much larping as a german.

I would say 1950s america would be a prime candidate to start looking in terms of AMERICAN nationalism.

I honestly don't know who you're trying to convince anymore. You didn't even know how the budget worked until I told you. What are you resisting when you don't even understand what it is you're trying to resist?

Absolutely disgusting.
The beauty of motherhood, creation and love defiled in an act of violence and destruction. The vessel of a new life literally smeared with the mark of death that is the remains of brutally killed human beings.

Holla Forums isn't one faggot, it's a group of white nationalists with mystery meat moderation (thanks Jim.) Some larp as natsoc, others want real capitalism, many are just waiting for economic collapse.

1950's america was great only because of the post-war economy boom. It was a nice environment to live in and people were decent, and that should be emulated, but recreating it is not possible without winning another world war.

Shame Jordan Peterson is a fucking retard spouting nonsense about "judeochristian civilization" when referring to the West where the the only common element we have with (((them))) is monotheism, but that was a result of synthesis with Greek Philosophy later a second synthesis happened, with Roman law.
Bonus points if he considers Vatican 2: Faggot boogaloo to be the real church, because apparently for 2000 years The Father and The Holy Spirit were not paying attention to the world and all the crusades, morals and existing was a mistake.
Vatican 2s' goals can be summarized with 3 words

The vast majority of whites in 1950's in america were of germanic descent, you do realize this right yid?


you think that would happen, but lowerclass whites would be pissed off at automation. You need to learn how the system works and general human psychology.

As for foreign aid the money is handed out in order for kikes and race traitors to distribute the debt to other countries with worthless money. The system is too crazed to change at this point unless a bunch of deep state faggots start dying.

I see we retained some FAGugees after the site imploded

That walls coming fast aint it baby.

Automata isn't AAA, its AA.


Lol nhatzees are so pathetic and embarrassingly cringe

they are only pissed off about losing their jobs because a solution isn't being presented to fill the gap, if it was clear there was a prowhite program in place to give income to white people to invent, create works of art, fund their hobbies/interests and procreate, they wouldn't have a fucking problem with it.

You have been discovered you fucking subversive piece of cuckold shit, now return to the, indistinguishable to reddit, cuckold aficionado website from which you came from. In case you are retarded I am talking about cuckchan, halfchan or as you may know it 4chan. You are not welcome here.

By the gods it's much worse than I thought. I get the feeling they want us to revolt and start something (throw the first punch as it were) with this game and how it portrays those who are not exclusively left-wing/progressive/globalist etc., but it's so poorly designed, has horrible writing, tells a terrible story, and goes beyond parody of what Nazis were really like.

I want to be angry, but I can only laugh at their stupidity and their piss poor sales, which will probably do much more damage to them since they can't stand being laughed at.

I've never realized how infuriating it is to be called leftist. I don't care about your Hitler ideas. He was just rejected from art school and his publicity book is no evidence to the contrary.

Don't call me communist. Communist terrorists killed 150,000 of my countrymen in the 80's and ruined my father's entrepreneurial efforts

He says no nonsense. He makes the point that the judeochristian "myths" (he's not a believer) aren't stories to be discarded by the "enlightened" because they are a representation of what was learned through the millenia regarding basic ethics and morality necessary for civilized survival.

I'm not american but I do support the wall. You don't do Mexicans any favors by letting their country hemorrage good people that would otherwise be a force for change within their nation.

You are doing this in the most incorrect and selfish way possible. White people via the virtue of understanding long term planning will find themselves with a unsteady mindset when they see everything become automated. Infact this idea that you are peddling goes against human psychology, you are essentially describing automated luxury communism.

You are not making any points for yourselves Holla Forums

I actually do not, as I do not spend my free time masquerading as a woman on the internet.

An exception to the rule, even she thinks that a womens places is giving birth and keeping house and justifies her ranking by saying she did her part by raising 11 children prior.

Almost all of their technology is inferior copies of stuff that Jewish techno cult made. The robotics, the infrastructure, the space travel, the lasers, etc.

Do you have any proof to back this up? Wouldn't the lack of work ethic as luxury increases proven time and time again prove that automation is an inevitable in an advanced society? How would propose to possibly stop it from happening?

This pretty much just argues in favor of NatSoc though. Ergo, the only way nationalism is worth a fuck is if your nation is just one nationality/race.

Supreme jej

You've lost, drumpftard!

The projection.

What if someone creates a mod that replaces all enemies with commies and jews?

That's literally the plot of the game though, you don't have to like it but you can't deny it.

Its just suck a fucking classic jew move its just funny at this point.

I wonder if they will at least stop making PC ports of this trash, I'll gladly go back to it being a dead platform to AAAs.

do you have proof that automation makes workers happy?

you dont, you dont give a shit about poor white people. The system can change but it wont change to the extent that you are seeking, since systems grow more complex and more time needs to be put in upkeep.

Automation is nice but you need to keep people busy or they will start doing degenerative shit. The average person is not autistic, they will not do what you want them to do. They will do stupid shit, you need a buffer for these changes because it will lead to a sort of fatalism for the people who aren't used to it.

Problem is, judeochristianity is a pointless, ideological scam.
Real jews (eat kosher, follow the Torah etc.) don't want to be seen as equal to others
And it only furthers the tensions between two groups because there are groups saying (((oy vey they're just like you goys guys!))) But reality comes really fast to debunk it leaving people rightfully mad at the attempt of a ruse.

Just proving my point.

>>>Holla Forums

You might be one, or one in the making, if getting called a name infuriates you that badly, Libbie. Emotional instability is, like, Liberalism 101.

Well I'm not jewish, so I don't believe they're more special than anyone else. I am catholic, tough.


Bullshit, tons of jews love to be shape shifters

at least I'm in the right place with people who get angry by silliness like "wow" and "omg".

Just proving my point

That's bullshit capitalist propaganda
The environment that automation in a society creates without the negative influences of modernity can be seen in ancient rome/greece, slaves were essentially automation, allowing the people to pursue architecture, arts, writing and philosophies to the highest degrees, the problem is the culture and society, not automation, just get rid of the subversive influences and always safeguard against them while funding programs teaching young people positive things, they will not become degenerates because they are bored, because they will not be bored.

Sure thing, Libbie.

If your convinced I'm jewish I don't think I can do anything to persuade you.

ok my friend, thank you for teaching me to be more tolerant

The drumpftard is stuck on repeat now, lol!
Just enough brain power to keep parroting your equally as stupid leader!

If you don't like it then leave, nigger.

They eat different food, wear different clothes, speak and sound different, follow additional laws.

Funny how that backfires on the less bad jews and never on the shapeshifters (^:


I'm not even American.

maybe for the dumbest of grunts, obviously if we're going to an automated white society, we need to get rid of all the untermensch that would normally be slaves or fodder, who would be "bored" and not intellectual enough to pursue positive interests


You are a cum guzzling retard. Everyone need motion to ward off frustration.

you just dont take jobs away from your own people man.

Why cant you understand that, just automate extremely dangerous jobs and technologically enhance works with anti injury body rigs when it comes to simpler jobs. Keep people busy while paying them well will make them have babies. Decadence happened in rome because they over depended on one facet of their complex system.

Your plans depend too much on multiple variables.

"Real" jews don't give a fuck about the Torah (except maybe a symbolic one), they follow the Talmud instead, where they read funny things about Jesus being the son of a whore and all that good stuff.
"judeo-Christian" is a term that was created in order to subvert American Christianity and get their support for Israel (which worked really well to be fair).

on the contrary, I belong here.

Not additional laws. Perfected laws. The old covenant was an imperfect manifestation of the true Word of God. Jesus instituted the new covenant, perfect and for all humanity, resumed in his overriding commandment: "Love each other as I have loved you."


grunt detected, intellectuals don't, philosophers didn't

Jesus fucking christ.

Heh, got anything Rob said about Zenimax?

Really sad

In the 20's or something, it was theorized that as automation increases, it would result in people working fewer hours for the same (or more) money. Their jobs wouldn't be replaced by robots, but their responsibilities would be reduced so much by the robot's presence that the human part of the job would basically be supervising the robots, and you'd still get paid as much as when you were the one on the assembly line using human muscles to make things. The stock market ruined any chances of this happening.

If we lived in a just society where people didn't treat each other like shit, then increased automation would lead, eventually, to a system where most people get paid livable wages to do basically nothing, and a few (justly) get paid more than that to keep the automation functional and improve it. If you want to sit on your ass earning welfare and do fuck-all for the rest of your days, you could afford to live that way the rest of your life. But if you wanted more, you could take up some creative pursuit and sell your hand-made products for a premium. You could design the things that get manufactured by automation. You could design the automation itself, as a programmer or engineer. You could maintain the automation. You could still be in law enforcement to keep the bored masses from turning to crime to keep them busy. There will always be people who actually want to do these things so it's not like our advancement would screech to a halt.

HOWEVER, we live in a society full of assholes who only look out for themselves, and the only thing driving corporations is greed, not the betterment of humanity or advancing tech for advancement's sake. So the more things become automated, instead of paying everyone a base wage, or having robot supervisor positions where you earn the money they would have paid the robot if it were human, they just take away the jobs and money entirely and put it in the CEO's and stockholders' pockets. Rampant automation will never lead to an increase in quality of life unless the system is completely reinvented to support the notion.

I need the source for that image

Honestly I only care about smart white people, the untermensch worker with his lack of foresight and emotional reactionary response to everything is why society is so easily manipulated by the jew, because the stupid are the majority, white utopia will only happen if we genocide all nonwhites and about 80% of whites. It's not an easy decision but it's the one that needs to be made for a better future.

You do know these people would still spend time researching. Its like saying a book writer does spend effort and work when doing book. The idea is to direct attention you mongoloid.

The alternative is re-training for higher skill jobs, which inevitably accelerates automation and further redundancies. That means an increasingly frivolous job market that is also shrinking at the same time and would inevitably crush the human spirit. Only thing left is a virtual reality "jobs market", but as mentioned the notion of doing a job for no practical reason would be frivolous and unrewarding. Inevitably that means only fullfilling baser needs because those are the only motivators left to live on as AI does all the rest.

It's quite a serious problem to contend with and it's inevitable, because automation means more efficient production/power to control society and governments/corporations aren't going to ignore that opportunity. If humanity had an attitude to opt for a stable balance of man and machine, this wouldn't be (as much of) a problem.

I don't know, friend. Greed would exist even without stock markets.

Or you know, genocide the jews and guide the others.

Oh look, a leftist that thinks he can shill his shitty ideas for a post-scarcity economy by using Holla Forums buzzwords.

I give a shit about white people both poor and intelligent. Technology can pull everyone to an excellent level, its a shame to lose everyone just because of what constitutes "social progress" to you.

by everyone i mean the whites who were victims to this vicious system.

Holy shit this is so ham-fisted, no child talks like that

What the fuck. I thought Donald only had the one brother who was an unfortunate victim of alcoholism. I'm curious as to what's going on over at Zenimax.

Well the just bought shares, the kike banned from banks is still the head.

This is a walking simulator, all you do is walk down a linear corridor, press X to start story, get fed
Thank Dodge for the modern world.

>While Ford may have believed that such a strategy might be in the long-term benefit of the company, he told his fellow shareholders that the value of this strategy to them was not a main consideration in his plans. The minority shareholders objected to this strategy, demanding that Ford stop reducing his prices when they could barely fill orders for cars and to continue to pay out special dividends from the capital surplus in lieu of his proposed plant investments. Two brothers, (((John Francis Dodge and Horace Elgin Dodge,))) owned 10% of the company, among the largest shareholders next to Ford.
>The Court was called upon to decide whether the (((minority shareholders))) could prevent Ford from operating the company for the charitable ends that he had declared.



Sure, Ford was a nice business owner. Without other shareholders he might have made a great working place with high and dignified salaries. He is one of millions of business owners though. My point was that without shareholders greed would still exist. One well-intentioned man isn't representative of what modern businesses would be like today without a stock exchange.

Many people start independent businesses. It's not illegal not to have shareholders, but how many don't sell stake when given the chance? Without stock, how many would not become greedy?

If it's a joke I don't get it. If it's a provocation, meh.

Golems don't have to 'get' anything. Get it?

ok I get it, but friend: christian faith isn't broken by a webcomic.

Sucks to be you tbh

You're not understanding. That case set the rules that the entire stock market, every shared corporation in the USA (and probably foreign ones) has operated on ever since. It is ILLEGAL to do anything with the profits of a shared company that would put the money anywhere but the stockholder's pockets. If you try to use profits to give your workers higher wages than is absolutely necessary for company's value to rise, you'll get your pants sued off and they'll cite this case from 1920. And that definitely applies to paying people comfortable wages to do nothing but watch a robot. Stockholders would say "why are we paying a human? The robot will work whether it's observed or not. At most, we only need one man watching all the robots via a bank of security cameras, since their failures are so rare. And that man doesn't need to be paid much because he sits on ass all day and has little value."

shin megami tensei? I haven't. Do you recommend it? I've seen threads about it but never gave them a second glance.

yes I do get your point. It's bad. A solution is not to sellout to investors, ever, and completely own your business (or at least, make a corporate constitution that investors would have to agree on that stipulates policies for employee wellbeing and distribution of profits among them to a percentage).

My point was that the evils lurking in the hearts of men exist and would often manifest regardless of the existence of shares.


Oh good it gets worse. Subtlety is a lost art, or they are really that arrogant/stupid in thinking that no one would question the blatant propaganda and historical inaccuracy in this

Absolutely Kristallnacht

Cattle don't question the farmers either

Are you an (((atheist))) or a forest nigger?

How the fuck does voting for a fucking candidate automatically put you into some sort of oppressive fascist group that demonizes innocent people of all their hopes and desires on a regular basis? Also apparently the KKK has such a massive foothold in the video game industry that they, too, would be of equal blame.


Neither, I'm just not a (((christian)))

these fucking people. hook line and sinker.


It's considerably easier to cobble together letters into words, and those into sentences than to actually make a purchase. Number of steam owners speaks for itself too.

When we expel the kikes from America, once and for all, we will have history on our side.


give it a rest

if true someone should tweet it to them. It'd be funny if SJW's boycotted bethesda.

Kill yourself my dude

Steam tags aren't honest enough, time to correct that.

should add parody

It's fake, dumbass.

Let's not forget the short tag.

I'm Christian and I despise Jewish practices
What does that make me fedoradag?
Also you seem to forget that the Jews hate Jesus because he called them out


I've seen this cliche so many times in movies…the fucking EEEUUUHHHHH a female character makes when she shoots a gun to show off her independence. lets me know exactly what kinda person wrote the screenplay for this shitty scene.


Considering he's not a retarded forest totem worshipping nigger, and is so evasive about his beliefs it leads me to believe he's a Jew sowing sedition against the only religion which managed to name and fight the jew before being (((subverted))) by (((humanists)))

This is Bethesda we are talking about. When was the last time they delivered something that wasn't full of bugs that they expected modders to fix for free?

The bad part is that they didn't even kill those kikes, even though they definitely deserve it.

No way that's real.

We have other problems.



It isn't.

Formed by the sjws after gamergates attack on the media. I have someone in place though, I'm more concerned about jews they've relocated to tel aviv.

It's the Gemara user, I've went to Jewish school and my brother is a fucking rabbi. They follow the Torah and the Gemara. I don't think they give a fuck about the Talmud.

I will however confirm that most Jew are prejudiced, but that's really the same for every religion.

I should probably bumplock this thread

It's called a business school

Mark, when are you going to admit that Judaism ended with the Second Temple and convert to Orthodox Christianity?


$60? There were deals for this at $33 before it even came out.

WTF is he going to play it on, the microwave?

Steam has a 30% tax.
Before the tax the devs pay on income to the real government.

maybe the people who said videogames are degenerate had a point…

The people who said video games are bad for you are the very same people pushing the shit you see in that mp4.

When the American Crusades happen


Watching cutscenes Sorry have only 12gb left on my drive
You really like to whine about sjw propaganda don't you?
Yes advertisement was a horseshit and all. But fucking goddamn, game is almost redpilling.
But really, game is just filled with stereotypical characters of people from that time. The only strange or off putting character is BJ's father. All the others are just representing what usa had in it.

I fucking laughed my ass when BJ talked about bolshevic traitors to Horton.

And you know? Character are not idealized in this game. It's literally shows that they are fucking terrorists, and it did this in first game. They are fighting for their own good, not for the piece, it's just Nazis are to caricaturish.

Game story is not a commentary on situationin your country, it's a just fiction which by accidents touch some topics of it.


Steam tags don't work anymore, they changed the system once the indieshit devs complained about the "walking simulator" tags.

Killing Nazis is now more played out than slaughtering zombies (or Nazi Zombies) that's why this shit would be lukewarm even if the game worked, which it seems to not.

Perhaps a game where one mows down SJWs, thin skinned DYEL faggots, hipster/betas, trannies, oogahs, communists, mudslime, the current year cast of malignant wretches that plague our media and existences, bit more relevant, zeitgeisty, John Oliver as first level boss, a crowd of ugly overweight feminist Hilary supporters braying in your ear as cannon fodder. Big bad is a tightly knit clan of kikes who ball together and fire niggers and opiates at you from a cannon with 'Disney' emblazoned up the barrel.

Ok so what happened here is some betas and some whooping noisy women got into a room and the GURLZ laid the finer points of this shitfest on those soft doughy beardboys and BOOM, GOLD.

Why would they ever think this would appeal to anyone? There's nothing good to be seen even the character models look 6 years old. What a fucking toilet chock to the brim with steaming shit.

yes and no. Again you're failing to look at things others have pointed out about the time period. also nice lack of statistics, didn't know this was reddit.

What with shit like this, Andromeda, Lawbreakers and so on it's very apparent that there's a wide-ranging sucking vaccum where there should be creative talent in the industry. People who can't direct coupled with the rabid, ill thought out, first draft fantasies of a retarded rainbowhead wymon/grinning betafag now somehow pass muster. They knock up some wonky, ugly, plastic cartoon models, slap on the most jarring dialog it's possible for human ears to handle, leave all the bugs in and push shitty toy packs and max price DLC/mods on the mindless cretins who'd eat this shit up.


That would work great in Postal