You're video game OC
You're video game OC
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Grape game? Grape game?
Do I stutter?
Grapes are not raisins.
But raisins are grapes.
Grapes are objectively the best fruit
There is no better fruit than grapes, and I really would like to see someone try to name a better fruit
Lemons for flavor
Oranges are basically god tier for health
Pears are the GOAT fruit. Grapes are for patricians as well.
You're not wrong, but grapes are overall better for their versatile uses
It depends on whether you treat it as botanical or culinary fruit (iirc the former is more correct because science)
That said:
grapes can be used to make grape vinegar and red wine vinegar, which are much superior culinary dressings to lemon tbh
Raisin is literally grape.
more of a banana kind of guy
gas yourselves gay community
i wasn't referring to the penis, you moron.
bananas are tasty and healthy, to say it's not is a crime.
I wish idea factory would just give up and make a neptunia h-game already
Isn't it your fault for seeing penises in things that aren't penises, gay community?
Grape Rape
Not OC at all but i made those
Your mom
Tranny Bubsy is kinda hot but what about Tails?
Grapefruit, purely on taste alone.
Yeah! If you want you can play the grape game at night, with your kids! Or even other kids!
I am?
Goddamn, someone please help this continent
Just let Putin invade it, I'll even take him
Only two I've bothered to make this whole year. They're collecting dust so take em if you'd like.
I made this
What a coincidence, I just fried up some eggplant for lunch. As for OC here are some things I made recently.