Cancer that you wish didn't exist in video games

game store clients

""Before Steam""

""After steam""

Other urls found in this thread:

A thread had to die so you could fear monger.

Of all the shit you could bitch about in the industry today, and you choose "the client going offline" in which case you can still play your games.

The down side of the pre-Steam days was trying to patch games. Multiple patches floating around, trying to figure out what is the latest, and whether you can install just the latest or if you need to install a series of them on top of each other, and if any of them are for some other language/region than yours. Then you finally figure it out but the site you want to download from is super slow or wants you to make an account, or worse yet wanted you to pay for service.


Is today just lets all act retarded day?

There also being the case were you get you account with all your games banned because you offended a bluehaired bull dyke.

Before Steam

After Steam

or that's what you cry about on online forums before people find out all your games were bought from shady russian key resellers and anything that was online you cheated on

This is the first triple-A game I've bought in years. The campaign and movement movement system look really good, so I hope Respawn gets some shekels from the sale.

Steam improved digital downloads. You didn't have to worry about patching the game yourself, or the different sites you bought games from. The fact that the only bad thing you can say about Steam is that it'll shut down one day says everything.
Now if you weren't a faggot you could mention how physical PC games are dying, or how Steam's monopoly on digital games has led to Valve giving up on making actual video games. You could mention how it's packed full of shovelware and Unity asset flips. Or you could mention the real cancer that shouldn't exist:

In the old days you bought a game and you played it, and everything was fine. Expansions and DLC make sense for adding more content, but publishers pushed further and further until we ended up with the trash we have today.
Nowadays games are made to be microtransaction machines. They play to psychology to make you think that paying for content is fun. They try and hook you onto paying for fun, in the hopes that somebody is retarded enough to empty their bank accounts for imaginary characters.
Games are pushing microtransactions to the forefront now. I'm stuck playing Fortnite because a friend bought it for me, and it's sickening how much they try and get you to pay real money for things. Everything you do is rewarded with fanfare. The game throws free crates at you, and the menu you open them in is full of other options for better crates that cost their ingame currency. They give you a very small trickle of ingame currency to try and get you hooked. The whole game feels like a money sink with a game attached.
And for the record don't bother with Fortnite. It's a tower defense game with a cartoony artstyle. It feels like an evolved phone game.


Though I will concede it's super gay that physical copies for anything but Freddie Fish aren't really a thing anymore

Why pay for an inferior product to begin with?
Its like telling people to put a condom on their horse cock dildo. Why acquire one in the first place?

Because I can get it for really cheap, virtually free if you consider gabe bucks from the steam market still have some level of compensation to developers who make games I like.
And again I reiterate my other point that there ARE more places besides steam that you can buy games, and steam is so unobtrusive and easy to remove, I don't consider the process of cracking and packing it enough of a pain to outright not buy a game, when they start using drop in the pan pop up drm services on top of steam purchases I have a problem.
It's a value assessment thing.

Isn't this one like the 3rd on the catalog?
Just pirate their shit, fuck how is this hard you goddamn autists?
We got a whole thread and a whole board around bypassing their shitty client, stop trying to fit in, goddamn.

Just DL crack you retard

I am in that same camp. The game feels fantastic but that stink of EA is all over it. What a sad state of affairs for that IP.

That music is usually terrible and you know it.

Normalfags, waifufaggotry and politics.

Why are you describing Holla Forums?

Sounds more like Holla Forums

First time that happened to me was when I bought portal 2 physical. Empty box with a ducking insert. Last time I bought a physical pc game.

Oh God, yeah and the fags willing to handwaive it all away too are plenty. Shadow of War has supporters of microtransactions all over the damn place, willing to shill their shit for free.

This is the correct and only way to play

As opposed to literally for free?
If you're buying it "virtually for free" then the devs are only going to see pennies for your dollar. It seems more like you're trying to expiate your guilt rather than anything tangible.

The main reason I use steam is because all the classic games that I never got to play as a kid are usually really cheap and are almost guranteed to work.
Unless you've managed to get into a private tracker than you're pretty much fucked for piracy these days, especially the only stuff that gets seeded are either megapopular stuff or brand new hot triple AAA garbage that I have no intention of ever playing. I can't tell you how many times I've pirated Bad Mojo only for it to not work at all.
I'm a believer in trying before you buy, but the majority of the stuff I'd like to try have either really deprecated torrents that don't reflect the current game or aren't seeded at all.
I just don't play enough popular games for it to be viable for me.


What kind of horseshit are you spewing? Most old games are even worse default because the steam release comes with a poorly configured dosbox release.
Are you really this retarded?

Do you have to be delusional to use steam? Is that a prerequisite as a user or just as an apologist?

gog collection torrents are rarer these days but you can still find them. Higher success rate at working on modern systems than Steam's versions (for instance, GOG's Freedom Force works while Steam's still has the Windows7+ mouse icon bug)

Your second paragraph is literally not an argument. Show me one good public tracker that has an abundancy of obscure games with the latest updates.

GOG is a godsend for piracy but their library only covers stuff that's had the DRM willingly removed by the content holders.

Good one

Remember when MGSV came out and the physical PC version just had a download code and the disc just had a Steam installer on it?

Before Steam
After Steam
Don't act like nothing's changed.

Most of the old game's creators are either in the dirt or corrupt at this point so there is no point in buying them. Thats why you just pirate them.

Are you really this much of a cuck? Don't answer that.

Kill yourself

Pretty sure rutrackers registration is still open. I could be wrong though.

Don't spoonfeed him m8

dont underestimate Valve`s love for money
Steam is going to be around forever
even after the civilization collapses
Gaben needs expands his knife collection

My bad. I'm tired. I want to start a new game, but I can't decide which one. Vidyaprocrastination is the worst.

What are your choices?

Before Steam

After Steam


I'd recommend Ace Combat 5, but what kind of game do you want to play? I might recommend something.


Eh, a comfy game to sink time into. I was thinking some rpg maybe. Basically I need something I can really get lost in to help me quit the tobacojew. I guess that's not really specific, just recommend me something you love, user.

If you like JRPGs you might enjoy the Trails in the Sky trilogy. It's a bit of a slow burner and it took me like three playthroughs to actually stick with the first game past the prologue, but once I did I enjoyed myself, the music, the gameplay(to an extent), the chararcters and world, I loved it.

>I'm adding a DreamWorks-faced bitch with SJW hair and aggressive posture for the right reasons

I'll give it a try. Thanks, user.

Or if you're looking for a metroidvania the recently released Steamworld Dig 2 really clicked well with me. The game is gorgeous and pretty toaster friendly, the game is motherlode with a side order of platforming and some pretty neat movement mechanics(jetpack+wallrunning+hookshot) and it has one of the most fun optional challenge modes I've seen in a metroidvania, it's like a randomized gauntlet that tests your mastery of all the shit in the game, including basic platforming that might seem impossible if you've never figured out how to time walljumps correctly.
The music's pretty great, appearently it's made by El Huervo too.

Thanks anyway at least I dont have to play a shit game

You should be hanged.

Why would you care, user?
It's not some furry fapbait, is it?

If your friend is gonna bash you for it tell him to fuck off.

Wall jumping.

What's that one furshit gay (redundant, I know) Visual Novel?


Before Steam

After Steam

Fuck digital downloads.
Digital downloads ruined any potential of playing video games for people living in rural areas.

But, to be fair, it's a blessing in some ways. There aren't any games worth playing with file sizes that big.

major minor?

Get better taste in music, faggot.

I think cuckchan refugees try to fit in, an show how hip and cool they are for hating valve, sometimes using "m-m-muh rental" and "you don't own nuffin, goy" despite at the same time living in a country whose currency is just a fancy rothschild IOU



You're supposed to pick LAN while using a VPN like Tuungle or Hamachi, or pick direct connect to your friend not connect to official servers.

Before Steam

After Steam

I almost forgot.
After Steam

Holy god how many of these threads do we need to have EVERY DAY?
We fucking get it you don't like Steam

Its exactly like pre Witcher 3 release and all the GOGshills that came fromthat shithole, holy fuck
I don't give a shit about Steam, I know Steam is shit and pretty much anyone here knows Steam is shit and no better than being a consolefag and that piracy always wins.

I mean, I understand one circlejerk talking about it, but we got like 3 fucking thread on the catalog about this shitty fucking service.

Nigger all those fucking complaints are entirely avoidable, and the last two are just symptoms of games at large no matter the platform. There's many reason to shit on steam, but use ones that are actual issues.

Plenty of GOOD developers are self-published. I don't buy anything from EA/Zenimax/Ubishit so I'm not concerbed about inadvertently supporting the cancer that is most modern publishers.

You can't give an answer because you don't have one.

Rutracker is good for a lot of things but up to date vidya isn't one of them. I use it all the time for hard to find music but I'm not going to find an up to date version of Rodina or a copy of Original War that has the widescreen support update.

Name em, remember that you specifically used old games as an excuse.



"gamur vision"
I don't have any footage on hand, but it's that thing where hold down a button and everything around gets highlighted with a red outline.

It's fucking terrible and I hate it.

I mainly use it for music and movies, too.
Real problem with piracy for me is how hard it has become to find games in any other language but english. English is fine for most games, but with grand-strategy e.g. I prefer it in my mother tongue.

Wasn't this guy in a shitty metal band or am I thinking of another sjw?


Literally just go to the steamapps folder and find the game. Unless the game uses Steam for some kind of online service, it'll run just fine without you having to launch Steam.

You have a reading comprehension problem. I've already said all of this before so here I will reiterate again.
I buy old games through steam because they are often too difficult to find via a torrent and with the latest compatability updates. Notice the old games I had used an example were BAD MOJO and ORIGINAL WAR as an example for this earlier.
Here are some self published I played very recently:
EYE Divine Cybemancy
Fucking Mount & Blade
Postal 1 and 2

You don't seem to understand this, but if you don't actually support the games you want to play then the endless hordes of normalfags will be only the driving force for any game development whatsoever, unless it's purely a labor of love like Dwarf Fortress, than you have no excuse to bitch and whine when every game is an Overwatch/Destiny clone in a few short years.

I agree that buying games from dead developers doesn't support them, but you're the one putting the opposite words in my mouth. Try actually reading everything I wrote and stop being so poised and ready to get triggered.


Remember when Gameshack was like the godsend of organization? "You mean this site has all the patches, and also demos of other games? Fuck yis"

nothing could save it anyway

wow that's really good. sauce?

If it's the original song you want, it's this

i haven't bought a single physical copy since the first time that happened to me.


Yeah, that never happened before steam.

Valve/Steam made those popular, and also makes it easy to integrate for developers i.e account inventories and Steam trades.

no, I wanted the piano, but thanks. It was a related video

What? Literally what games do this?

steam has a community moderation policy making it nearly impossible to get your account banned

you forgot no fun allowed

t. steamfag

I thought we killed you all?



Gee whiz you guys sure are ignorant of the things you hate. Almost as if you're a retard and have no thoughts of your own, relying on the consensus of the board to do your thinking for you. Please get off my board.

So what, who gives a shit a about some racist drumpfcucks out in the middle of nowhere? smjtbqhlad

before steam

after steam

Yes. You're probably too young to know of times where people downloaded installers and then had to download patches seperately off of sites like filefront, or when it wasn't made clear if the games were the latest version, so you'd download patches you didn't need. You're probably also too young to remember having to manually check for potential patches, or having to scour the internet for them when the links were dead. It was also real fucking neato when you had to download the game and then apply a series of 10 patches in order as opposed to just downloading the game.

There is literally nothing to be romanticized about downloading full gigabytes of data through the tin can and a string anyone uploaded patches to. Patches are actually the most attractive thing about game launching clients. You are functionally retarded if you're arguing about patches.

She would look a lot better if she were 20 years older and had all-white hair as opposed to white bangs and didn't look like an early 2000s animated movie character

It is actually easier to pirate multiplayer games than ever. I've played many pirated games with friends using some fake Steam emulation software. Private servers are becoming incredibly widespread, as well. The last one we played was Stellaris. The rest of it is either direct connect, hamachi/gameranger bait or the online only is too strong.

Literally none of that keeps the game from appearing in your recently played games and played game history, you fucking pancake. Why would you write all that stupid shit and then call someone stupid?

True. You can't take seriously a commander that isn't at least 50. Battle scars for more prestige.

The Cancer in this game is insane.

I hate this bullshit. Installing from disc is a lot faster than downloading the fucking game.

but white is not part of the rainbow, user.

>>>Holla Forums

But white light contains all of the colors of the rainbow user.

Lurk more, newfag.

Shit, you're right.




Hmm, really makes you drink.




Going to play devil's advocate here
Before Steam

Really activates the almonds

This guys name is familiar, I feel as if i've been disgusted by him before. Who is he?

hi goober

Consoles past the Xbox.



Stardock CEO, pro-GG.

Female characters have existed in games for decades, don't be an idiot. Design is still garbage though.

Stardock's CEO, got falsely accused of sexual harassment by some woman trying to sue(that he fought and won) and had sites like Kotaku and the others try to ruin him over it.

Some stores do and this is really fucking annoying to me, I used to buy from stores particularly because my internet speed is garbage and this saved on download time, then they started doing this so I have to wait a few days for downloads to finish.

Has he done anything SJW-y lately? It might just be the simpsons avatar if thats the case
Considering how pozzed simpsons is nowadays

I was under the impression that Stardock and Brad Wardell were alright. Pretty decent software and strategy games. Has Brad done a Tim Schafer?

No. There's a female captain and people are acting like any female protagonist is automatically SJW garbage because they've been burned by too many companies that actually are like that and its now a conditioned response.

That follows. Interesting that a white guy running a 4x factory implements women better than (((diverse))) women do.

Interesting =/= surprising, of course.

Sounds like straight up bait and switch.

what did you mean by this.

It's not just because it's a female captain, people saw the hair and thought of pic related.

White bangs or white areas in hair, even in youth and not even as a part of greying hair, is actually naturally occurring.

Yeah, but people are so sick of that shit, they get paranoid. Regardless, it's not a very good design.

""Before Steam""

""After steam""

wtf happened!?

Though that's honestly because of the shitty Pixar artstyle than anything else.

While true, a shitty character design is a horrible reason to overreact and say Wardell's trying to pander to SJWs after everything he's gone through.
