Kronia Death Watch Edition
Warframe Thread
is the grind still horrible?
Only reason it hasn't been completed yet is because it's an archwing mission, and no one likes archwing.
The real reason is the loot table is just one archwing gun. People would run it if anything useful dropped.
Is there a convenient way to sell things for premium currency yet?
What killed the game for me was only have 2 frame slots and having to either spend real money for more or having to manually find and make trades with people for the premium currency.
are these any good? and can the magnus riven be used in an akmagnus?
Oh well, guess I'll try Equinox next
But lad you get a potato out of it.
Sell syndicate mods for 10-20 plat a pop, you'll be rolling in slots in no time.
No, magnus cannot be used with akmagnus. The magnus one is ok, could make it good for mid tier content, the simulor has a pretty slim disposition IIRC so you can probably sell it for 100-200 with the right stats. That strun one doesn't really have any good stats other than damage, I'd reroll or sell it to someone for about 20-30 plat.
He's pretty good if you just want to sit around tanking and giving all your weapons a really good buff. though he can't heal himself so you need either lifestrike, hirudo or hema, or a syndicate mod/weapon that can.
He's just so boring, 2 abilities that are worth a damn and they are both just number buffs, I hope he gets a rework or something because I like how he looks.
He's one of those frames that's basically a weapons platform, whose powers don't do much of anything, like snowglobe frost and iron skin rhino. Also equinox is fun, with a lot of varied builds for minmaxing most of her powers. She's not incredibly good though, but has her niche uses.
Just did war within. Was ok. Haven't done anything in a while, what's the deal with focus now? I'm reeling to hard from my loss of energy regen to even look through the different schools.
How many times can somebody fuck up in one sentence? The tranny ayy is strong as fuck. The only thing it doesn't do well is be a trinity.
Do the quest on the plain of eidolon and you'll get energy regen back.
Aside from her calm and frenzy build, she's mostly outclassed by others in her niche. for power strength buffing nidus is just as good and is tanky as fuck to boot, for her slow build nova has better supplemental powers for an equally good slow effect. And even ivara has a pretty good sleep set up and is also useful for stealth. I guess I meant to say she's flexible.
Did you forget maim exists?
Equinox excels in the sometimes useful "kill everything on the map" niche.
Also the other jobs aren't so much a case of outclassing as being on par with.
If somebody missed Teebs-sempai's video here it is.
the strun one is the only one worth anythung, roll damage and or multishot, then either use it on your own strun wraith 100% status build or sell it on asia trading servers for around 300p or so.
Hey, I think it was in a previous warframe thread someone posted a picture of Mesa in a kind of dakimakura pose in mostly black. Saved the image but it apparently corrupted. Anyone have something like that by chance?
This one?
is this the #1 frame?
Yes, I am in your debt.
Free shit is free shit, I suppose.
The warframe market update is awful. Feels like I'm on dial up.
You can at least sell those blueprints for credit, made about a million on them alone.
The latron really is a trash rifle.
no, because Valkyr exists.
He even has a cup holder on his cock, what's not to love?
Git gud.
unfortified codpiece/10
game is good but i can't stand grinding
every time i play for a couple of while and then vomit violently and uninstall
How much grinding do i have to do to get a soma prime?
it seems like a lot of people are using it and i just reached mastery level 6, so it seems like a good choice.
Also how much plat would i realistically need in this game for slots and other stuff, thats kind of necessary, since i just got the 75% discount?
It was free (or was until yesterday I'm not sure) with Twitch Prime (along with Frost Prime), which is why so many people are using it.
user people are using the Soma Prime because it came free with Twitch Prime
Frost P and Soma P are free until dec 31, if you're a good goy you should get it and if you're a bad goy you should cheeze the free trial to get it.
Jon's team is such a bunch of numales, why isn't he? Is it because he's Persian or something?
Delete Slovenia
They are draining his energy and will to live. See how unfrequently he uploads. His income must be getting lower and lower, and he insists on having a somewhat good production quality done. They will drain his resourses and move somewhere else.
I mean it's ok if you have burner accounts, but I don't consider it free if you still have to provide something in return
No, he is a white man. I hope he gets out of the disney deal without too much shit attached
Fuck off, Croatia, I know it's you, you balkan bottom bitch.
well fugg i already used my amazon prime trial for something else.
Any other suggestions for a main gun for mastery 6 after finishing the seconde dream? The boltor is falling off and im not sure if i should use a potato on the tiberon i just started using.
I'm sorry but I'll play devil's advocate here. Anything "free" on the internet will produce revenue somehow, simply because it's someone's job. I understand the concerns regarding datamining, but if you are really concerned about it, then don't use "free" services.
Using them and complaining is akin to a kid crying because it can't have ice cream for breakfast.
Amazon probably already has your info somewhere in their holdings, which include twitch. The prime deals are a much more straightforward goyim catching program though
Who said I was using them? I don't, so there's no need for comparisons.
You know, funny thing, I tried registering on amazon a while ago with one of my burner accounts, but it said that email address was already taken and it sure as hell wasn't me.
Honestly, I've always been skeptical about online shopping. It's all a bit too convenient and fast, feels insecure. Especially now with Amazon pushing for the IoT bullshit and that Door Unlocking app, which just begs for abuse.
I still can't believe they didn't revise that shit.
That's their entire business model. It's never going away unless someone makes some kind of Warframe private server.
they did
As someone who maxed it's rank.. It truly is. It's such a piece of shit. It's fire rate sucks. It's damage never scales to be properly effective past rank 10 or so missions. It's just fucking awful. I cannot fathom why DE decided it should be one of the most common drops besides fireworks. I would have random bundles of scrap and ferrite over Latron BPs, but at least it's free credits.. but fuck that, just give us the credits!
I avoided using sniper rifles for so long but after getting a free potatoed Vectis Prime though twitch drops holy shit I love this weapon.
glancing at the list. hek, vectis prime, opticor, tonkor, ogris, dread if you like bows, zhuge, ignis.
At that stage I used broken war and a lex prime for everything, which is an easy farm. akstiletto prime could also fill that role.
That seemed fairly efficient
Trump won primaries hes president now too.
im already building hek because i saw it on a list of guns that are supposed to be decent.
just not quite sure because ive never used a shotgun in this game.
also do we have a clan thats active and are you allowed to shitpost in clan chat or will that get you banned?
Which frame has the biggest dick?
you don't need to protect your cock when you have beetles for armor
For the mastery
Valkyr is PURE, she had a hard life.
She's a cocksleeve who does porn for money.
Warframe porn no longer makes sense after The Second Dream came out tbh.
The frames are sexy and that's that.
May as well post webms of people fucking sex dolls.
The warframes are partly biological and have some modicum of self awareness.
Don't forget to pick up the Scattered Justice mod for it from SM. If you cannot I'll gib you one.
user MR grinding is 90% of the game. I recently grinded up the Latron myself to max, used it as a component for the Tiberon, maxed that and vendored it. It seems like a waste, but from it I can tell you that the Latron is indeed trash and the Tiberon is a decent gun in desperate need of a prime.
Same here. Though it's worth noting they all got a lot of buffs with Plains. Had you used it before I don't think it would have stuck with you.
That's entirely speculation and piss poor reasons to think watching them fuck each other is sexy.
Well, niggers are partly human, and have some modicum of self awareness, and you don't watch them fuck, do you?
It's extremely supported by the surrounding lore.
Niggers aren't near as sexy as them though.
the warframe moves without the operator on a few occasions. also, the operator is retarded and acts mystified by things the player/warframe know about before you find the mute operator option.
there's enough in game to headcanon them into being void demons piggy backing on you, instead of accepting that they unsilenced a silent protagonist in the dumbest way possible.
You actually reminded me to mute the potato, thanks lad.
Wait you can mute them, how?
In the options, where else? There should be a toggle for operator voice.
Region chat, Twitch chats, and even here people constantly ask the simplest of questions that could either be solved by poking around a little bit or googling. I just spoonfed the other guy so I know I'm part of the problem, but why do I see this more in Warframe than anywhere else?
Wish I knew about that sooner.
Wew. I must have had that switched off from the start or something. I wasnt even aware the operator was supposed to talk during missions. I can imagine it being on the level of Dragons Dogma pawns. Thank fuck i never had to deal with it.
It was off for me by default too, don't know why.
I had it switched off by default as well, only knew it existed because youtubers and my friend bitching about it.
God bless you Koreans powergaming achievement farmers. God bless you.
I swear, I have Harrow Chassis blueprints for days. Can't get the other BPs to save my life.
I managed to get two extra Vectis Prime from him, can never have enough free weapon slots.
No pawns actually give you good advice they jsut repeate it a lot, the space babies just say stupid one liners that aren't relevant to what's going on.
I still don't know why they didn't just put all of his parts on the Corrupted enemy loot table. It's on theme and not tedious as fuck.
How are the corrupted in theme with harrow
That's probably why they didn't do it, gotta get people to purchase plat for the hot new frame.
why did the fomorian health drop a bunch in the last 9 hours?
DE probably stealth damaged/ nerfed its health since they probably are nowhere near ready to implement Relay rebuilding and don't want to be without 3 relays, and don't want to cheapen either of their ideas.
Oh joy another event all about grinding.
Time to build the wrecking ball.
I just got done farming for that fridge-on-a-stick today after farming up the research cost for the Knux. Jesus fucking Christ that was abysmal.
How do you get in contact with the people from this? Just message them in game and hope they are online?
All the frames are of the void though, they are all powered by void energy. How is he connected to the corrupted any more than any other frame?
Nice. I keep on going back and forth on whether or not to sell mine or roll them. I don't really need the plat, but I don't want the tedium of selling shit ones.
what a bastard weapon to build. gotta wait 24 hours too.
How do you guys not have enough cryotic? It's the only thing in the game that uses much.
oh i got plenty of cryotic it requires another weapon that you have to build that is annoying
Double mastery :^)
I don't do high level excavation groups for MR. And Knux research requires 20k
You don't do high level excavation period. All levels of excavation give the same amount of cryotic per extractor, so just sit on earth for an hour at a time raking in the easy ice cubes.
I only brought high level excavation up since I imagine that's how someone would get so many passively. I'm not spending an hour at a time in excavation.
How else do you get relics?
I have so many of those passively that I only ever need to farm specific ones.
You can run high level excavation for relics if you really want to, you're losing out on the first 1k cryotic being essentially free, and doing excavation against anything that isn't grineer is a pain in the ass what with corpus constantly popping your frost bubbles and 6/10 infested eximus being energy leeches.
They can't leech your energy if they're dead.
Yeah, but the only time I really see grineer energy leech eximus in large numbers is during eximus stronghold sortie 2s, so grineer can't drain your energy at all.
what kind of maniac would do excavations for longer than the minimum amount of cryotic required for what they want at the time?
I was talking about infested.
I run them when I'm bored and there isn't an infinite fissure up.
Trinity prime requires 90 extractors worth of cryotic to build. The sibear requires 300 extractors worth of cryotic. One of the new operator arcanes requires almost 800 extractors worth. Even if you only farm as much as you need, that's still a lot of a game mode that nobody enjoys just to get these three items.
Stop shilling for a long since ruined game, you cuck
Kill yourself
Your asspain is delicious.
You will die a slave to freemium jewry, never having known what a complete game feels like because you are poor and lack any control over your own life
You would be better off ending it all tonight
This may come as a surprise to you, but there exists more games that warframe, and I can play games other than it too. I'm also not poor, and don't spend any money on it. Look like you;re just mad people are having fun in a way you disapprove of.
Good thing I didn't bother to redownload it beforehead.
They just refuse to make their shit fun.
By now you should have learned that there are people that enjoy being fucked in the ass and paying for it.
Finally, more weapon slots.
Can you sell that shit for ducats too?
nah, built primes don't give anything
It's not free is it?
free if you make burner accounts.
It's not free if you have to do busywork for it.
When Ash's prime accessories will be unvaulted tho?
It is free but there is a 0.1 chance to get it
Is idling busywork? Also do you mean the accessories from his prime access pack? Because never in that case.
The busiest thing you'll do is make burner accounts for this crap.
Hol up, there was an unvaulting of similar packs previously. The one that was going with mag, you know, the cool armor one.
So it's not never.
But not anytime soon I guess.
But that requires you to actually buy the pack.
Tragis prime.
Well duh, those are prime cosmetics.
You can't get it without paying.
Targis Prime so far is the only set of prime armor that has been brought out of the vault. It was originally only available with Nyx Prime Access but got released again with the Mag Prime Vault. If more prime armor gets brought out with future vault deals then it'll be because a profitable precedent was set with the Targis armor.
Slap on some True Steel with Berserker and Blood Rush and you may just get red crits.
There's also this mod, but I've never seen it myself.
Of course it is profitable. There is a constant flow of new players into WF that missed out on previous goodies.
We should be due for that event again soon apparently.
Also disgusting to think that weapon would have 2XX% crit chance with both mods before Bloodrush and/ or the Gladiator set takes effect.
This is nutty right?
I mean if you like shotguns why use anything other than Tigris Prime?
Send a friend invite with a buying message, cause i don't think there is any other way to PM them without seeing their name online in a list.
Tigris Prime is a primary, Broncos are secondaries. :^)
Cause bronco is a secondary?
Even with all the extra damage you're kinda missing out cause you can't use it with akbronco, which aren't too amazing to begin with.
Why do secondaries even do?
What do you need them for?
I mean that goes for 90% of the game's gear - it's just useless. Why is it even here?
Variety implies balance, alternatives. Like in better fighting games, or monhun, where all options are viable.
In WF there are no alternatives to say Tigris or Dread. It's all just junk.
not sure what game you've been playing, but it ain't warfarm.
I woudn't rate them badly at all, but when it comes to musouing through the game's content there are better options.
Wasting 200+ ammo in under 2 seconds.
bronco prime was buffed to have the same status as akbronco prime, roll for multishot, build for 100%status and corrosive blast/heat for killing even at sortie and beyond.
the gun handles real nicely with good pellet grouping and fast firerate and reload, and burst that can kill two or three enemies per 3 shots or so.
Rescue missions.
wait i thought youre not supposed to give them a weapon, ince it just makes them fight instead of run?
If you give them a Furis modded with a Winds of Purity the lifesteal will work for them making rescue missions piss easy.
They are piss easy anyway, you just run through the mission and they teleport behind you.
Sure as hell love them secondaries.
Is there any other way to play a game?
I once saw a normalfag play a game and enjoy it, while not complaining at all. I think he was just taking the piss though, because he only played for about an hour instead of 10, and then went somewhere else.
Is there some easy way to get the mods from the orokin principle rooms?
i somehow have one, but i dont even remember doing a challenge room.
Also thanks to those that suggested valkyr to me in the last thread the frame is very fun.
I really wish they would change the way stalker marks worked, a flat 2% is so fucking stupid it should go up the more bosses you kill.
Just do the challenges you fucking retard
They're all piss easy and spawn often and the mods aren't even that good
the fight where you bait the orb into killing pillars in the main quest is one of the challenge rooms and counts.
and the easy way is to git gud.
spam the lua capture mission, it's always a linear dungeon and the challenge rooms don't show up as end caps so you'll pass through them on your way to extraction if they're there.
thats good to know since i wrote that post after going through every corner of the map and not finding it.
Shame there's no grakata melee weapon to go with my Primary grakata and secondary twin grakatas build.
The Kat is kinda a grataka.
kids are retarded hypocrites
They did that themselves, the grineer are responsible for the infested being everywhere.
They're trying to kill all the genetic super plants so that they can have room for tons of retarded factories to turn it into planet china like they did with ceres
Why are they trying to actively kill the wildlife on Earth? I don't get it, it makes no sense.
because the orokin fucked it up and made everything into monsters, like they always do
oidf get out
To make room for their retarded factories, keep up user
The plants are fine, and the dogs and shit are just feral
They killed Twitch drops.
If you're still after the 2 Exclusive Twitch Drops campaigns, you're fine (the Totem + the Sigil).
If you're after the generic Achievement drops, we've had to end this campaign early. The toll it took on our database was not small. over 25% of our infrastructure at a given moment was going toward inbox distribution of drops. To make matters worse, people were using third party tools to re-open previously patched multi-view issues.
Thank you all for joining for the launch of this crazy ambitious drops campaign - more refined campaigns to come in the future.
Now time for me to open my hundreds of inbox messages :)
Well DE lied and killed the drop event early.
It had to end sooner or later. I got enough to be satisfied with it.
Same here, and I didn't start until just before the multitwitch nerf.
Oh! and 51 Forma BPs
I started a day before the nerf and got fairly similar numbers, but wound up with 60 nitain somehow.
also there's the 4 weeks of bonus affinity.
I can't really remember how much I started with, but I assumed I was out. I have 130 Neurodes and Cells on hand right now and 50 Neural Sensors so I assumed I just 80 of each rare resource. Either way, 86 Nintain is going to last a long time.
I forgot about the boosters. I only got 1 double drop affinity booster unfortunately, which I used to grind out the Cryotic for Knux and Sibear. The affinity was useless to me since I'm the user from a few threads back who got the highest tier of Prime Access ($140) for $9 because of a Steam fuckup. I'm currently sitting on 58D 11H of double credits and 82D 3H of double affinity.
fuckin' a
im set for life for affinity bonuses
the resource booster was a separate thing de sent out along with some eidolon shards. i really should have gone for knux and sibear since i hate cryotic farming, instead i pissed it away on fish and rocks.
How did you manage that?
Not who you're asking but it was a glitch on steam
There was a fuck up on the steam page for warframe, it sold the prime acess for $9.
Shit you're right, I forgot about that.
I had a friend over who randomly decided to check if there were any free bundles or good sales on the DLC page. They corrected it pretty fucking quick and said they where going to investigate before taking further action. We figured they got reimbursed by Steam because they let everyone who bought the package keep it.
Unfortunately I went full nigger with my plat thinking they were going to take it, but I'm pretty much set on stuff like slots now.
It's so nice to have a simple successful mission without any fuss alongside chill teammates that know what they're doing.
It's been ages since I played with other people, I pretty much just play the game as if it's a single player game.
Spending it on slots is a better investment then cosmetics.
sometimes its fun carrying shitters through a mission or pissing off try hards. just sometimes though.
Don't vendor that Latron now that you're done with it. It's a material for the Tiberon. Same with the Tipedo, it builds into the Lesion. Which is a fantastic weapon.
I still bought a bunch of stupid stuff with it otherwise.
I exclusively solo or duo with that friend. Only grouping when absolutely necessary like Vault runs or Rad sharing.
already in the oven, user
Anons, is there a helpful graphic for people starting out?
yes, consult
to this day I still have no idea what Rad is.
Radiant sharing. When you upgrade relics to increase chances of getting the rare drops, people make squads so you can run 4 radiants at a time, so if you don't get it chances are a squad mate does.
Oh. Do they usually use the same relic or something?
That's the point. All the dirty numbers are on this page
Fug. I had a max rank Latron that I sold with all the BPs since I've got the Soma Prime. Oh well.
It's not like it's that hard to replace. Just a little more cost to making the Tiberon.
How embarrassing.
I got a ton of free shit that will alleviate much grinding for weeks to come. I'm okay with this.
They better be busy adjusting the focus three bullshit
Anyone know if it's possible to hit Sage rank yet? I'd think so given how much mastery this update added
10k short if you have absolutely all the Mastery possible, even with all the exclusive shit.
not yet
I fucking knew they were going to have problems with this after my first hour and I had 100+ sitting in my box. That server crash last week was a direct result of the twitch drops and prompted them to try and make it work for only one stream at a time, but I guess people even found work-arounds for that.
Thank god for the apology double drop booster they put out last weekend, I was able to get enough oxium for him.
Oxium grind actually isn't that bad if you know about Galatea, Neptune. The oxium drops from the skies there.
learn to spy faggot
and then farm ivara so you can forget how to spy
I bet you also say you don't like being carried to bed and cuddled.
This. Ivara is great, press 3 and you're done.
I mainly use Ivara for Corpus easy mode, Loki for Grineer, and Limbo for Moon. Which has been broken since PoE and hopefully they never fix it.
I use her for everything, prowl can bypass the laser doors on grineer as well, and I think lua too.
yeah, infiltrate works against all the orokin stuff, and dashwire makes the rooms fairly quick. limbo probably gets to cheese them faster, but i never tried with him.
I can't think of any laser door I need Prowl to cheese. On the contrary the laser overlays on one of the normal Grineer room's console will still trigger the alarms through Prowl. I guess she could bypass the conveyor belt room's laser door and hack the rear console to get in, but going in by blowing up the side entrance isn't really slow.
Ivara doesn't particularly shine on Lua. Only one room has easily avoided security drones Which are currently broken and stuck in place that traditional stealth helps with. As Limbo you just jump through everything without slowing down at all.
I stuffed my Limbo with nothing but speed mods and Sanic through Lua with him.
Nice one, taking a joke from a Shy video.
Also, what they're building is warships so not exactly peaceful is it.
At least the Tenno build dojos and solar rails and relays
git gud you __:^)_
new favorite weapon
You must have rubbed off on me because I just got one too. Not a bad roll, but nowhere near as good as yours.
Half of me thinks the machine probably can't handle the crit damage from this weapon coupled with the riven mod you showed us yesterday.
The other half expects a loud nigra thrown in there somewhere.
how come I only got 3 out of the twitch thing? I've gotten somewhere around 1000 messages.
That's why, most of us had 10+ streams open at a time before twitch nerfed it so only one stream per person worked, the events over now anyway.
high status + blast = fun
It'll take that Riven and all four status mods for it to break 50%, but it's still nice. Innate Viral is pretty cool too.
If it were an electricity-themed weapon, you could've called it Pikachu.
get it?
Holy shit I didn't know.
I've got over 100 hours logged and I only recently figured out how to melee properly and pull off channeling attacks and combos. This game hides shit from you in the worst way.
I just didn't read the wiki entry on it yet. However you still have a point.
Aztec chicken skin is live now. Even the first responses on the forums are angry at what was lost.
That's an Ember skin? What the fuck.
This was the original concept art, oh and DE fired the guy who drew it, DE's also on damage control right now deleting all negative threads about it.
Looks way more like an Equinox Skin.
Nothing about Ember outside of one helmet has any sort of references to a phoenix or birds in general, but this skin has goddamn feathers all over it and even fucking bird legs. That's a Zephyr skin with a shit mohawk slapped on top of it.
The new Nekros skin kinda makes up for that colossal fuck up with Ember.
you forgot the Prime variant
Man, that would have been hot. Such a shame now much DE keep fucking it.
I guess chroma dynasty and frost harka are shit now because they changed too much.
It's not even the fucking deluxe skin like I expected it was, what are you complaining about?
That doesn't change it from looking like an improperly defeathered Chozo.
Honestly the skin looks fine but that helmet is fucking atrocious.
Compelling argument you have there.
What can I say, it's your thought process.
Aside from the mohawk and the arms the skin isn't that bad, but it tastes bitter since it comes in place of what was supposed to come out instead. You're either a moron or Steve to not understand this.
What? That shitty poorly designed Ember skin made by the guy who ruined Oberon Prime? I'm glad that fuck got fired. His design was trash, birdframe is way better by comparison.
I stopped playing three years ago, I'm here to shitpost and talk about porn.
Please tell me you don't do this for free.
There's only one faggot here that thinks this Ember skin was a good idea. Fuck off.
Fuck off shill.
Ah shit, I wish I had thought of that. You can basically frame any company for anything just by using the edit function.
It's only 67 UIDS out of like 3000 though
fuck off nigger
Hi Steve.
emberfags like you sicken me.
You're obviously new to these threads.
Here's a couple of facts about the general opinion probably held by the people who frequent these:
It really seems like someone has a script running that looks for "warframe" and "damage control" and makes the same post in response each time.
Well, since I'm here, maybe you can tell me why people hate this skin?
Well you sure convinced me how wrong I am mister marketer.
For a second I thought I'm on the official forums.
That's the Imperator you nig
I'm actually a Valkyrfag, but nice projection. Before I give you another (you) can you actually say why the other skin is so bad? Not just that it isn't to your taste, but bad enough you'd defend the new skin as hard as Steve would?
Mohawk looks dorky and the arms are funky. Tits and hips are nice though. I don't hate it, but I'd much rather have the burnt skin.
Now I'm certain this is some sort of script.
He's somewhat wrong about the new Ember skin but he's definitely not wrong with how atrocious Oberon Prime was, it doesn't matter how good your designs are afterwards, that was just unforgivable.
Holy shit, an actual honest response, and one that I can agree with. I actually think the biggest turn off for the whole skin is how poorly integrated the mohawk is with the skin. Which is kind of odd because those frills on the shoulders blend in perfectly with the model. The top part seems so disconnected it just looks silly. Though the arms don't annoy me to much.
The burnt skin is definitely a stronger concept. When did they fire the artist? Maybe after they let him go they just didn't want to use his work for something coming out afterwards, which kind of does seem like a dick move.
The white unburnt parts are way too simple and the black burnt parts look more like infested than actual burnt, they're supposed to give a feeling of magma or obsidian but they don't, it just looks stupid.
The helmet looks too similar to oberon's feyarch helmet, the stupid little tits band doesn't really look that good, and the shoes just rub me the wrong way for some reason.
It'd be better if the burnt complicated parts were the majority of the frame, and the simpler underbelly was the "burnt" part, sort of like how skin becomes smooth after a burn, but it doesn't.
I also hate the skin on principle, it doesn't really follow any themes of ember,
and it makes her look more generic. While I appreciate a skin that's willing to take liberties, I don't think a skin should have a net loss of detail.
thanks 8ch I love what you've done with the text box
That was fast. You could see Nekros Prime's wings and finger thing on the deluxe skin until they fixed it just now.
I'm waiting for DE to start deleting threads and comments asking to get this back since they can't handle any kind of criticism.
Both Mag and Nova look pretty simplistic and fine in my book, so I have no problems with the unburnt part. The burnt part can only work if it has a proper animated flame/ember decal on it.
And it does play into the theme of Ember. It's a fire flame, most people associate playing wiht fire to be a dangerous activity and she gets a bonus while on fire.
Oh, no I agree about Oberon Prime. Totally off theme. I'd expect him to have massive golden antlers rather than what we got. Nor do I disagree about firing that artist. Which skin is superior is obviously going to be opinion-based, however he has such a strong opinion against the burnt skin and in favor of the phoenix skin that I find it suspicious. Especially since a lot of people favor the burnt skin and would understandably be that upset for its exclusion. He got the skin he wants, but he's still upset and defending a shitty move by DE. He may not be a shill, but he's certainly acting like one.
I was also a little put off by the jiggle physics of the mohawk itself. I don't know about any of the internal drama around the artist, but there's no real reason they wouldn't have the rights or be able to acquire them from him.
While I appreciate the honest response, and disagree with much of it, this
Makes no sense. Or do you think she's the Phoenix frame and not the Fire frame? And would you argue that Frost isn't an Ice frame, but an Eskimo frame? There is a difference between a main theme and a recurring motif.
Basically this.
Did you miss out on the part where I said
Did you miss the part where I said?
It doesn't look Infested to me. Among other things. There's no further discussion here since we're now entirely in the realm of opinions. I just wanted to see if you had a real opinion or if you were just a shill.
The next retarded thing you'll say is that she's been a pheonix this whole time because you can come back from the dead just like a phoenix can.
clawed feet and big hips implied she was a bird, however one could interpret this as a Salamander or other fire-based creatures. It doesn't really matter because my point wasn't that every skin has to take a motif of the original's phyiscal appearance but more that it needs to stick with a theme.
Take the new Nekros skin or Oberon's feyarch skin. They take an aspect of the warframe (Nekros's ghost related abilities, Oberon's forest abilities and fairy like attributes) and rolled with them. This concept for an ember skin doesn't do that. It doesn't roll the fire up to 11, it removes parts of the original warframe but doesn't replace them with anything. It looks like you just slapped Oberon's feyarch helmet on a mag then overcooked it, burning off the antlers.
Like it or not the Phoenix skin rolls with a part of Ember's original design, and while I would've perferred a salamander themed skin (like I though ember already was) I think it's still better than what the concept this hack drew.
So, assuming Baro has the same things he did four months ago we can expect
God I hope not, that's a real crap haul. If he does bring those relics. I'd be down to rad share though, I bought then last time and got both the link and BP in the first 5, then I spent a few more for fun, so I have 3 left.
none of that sounds good
I guess I'll get to save up more ducats for his next arrival.
Looking at the wiki he brings the same loot, plus new additions, every four months and this was the haul at the end of June/ beginning of July. But I might also be an idiot and counted wrong.
Nah I'll be fine. I Rad shared Valkyr Prime and that was totally fine.
I don't think you want that either.
This was everything labeled for July 14-16th 2017
primed cont is pretty nice.
So is P Cryo Rounds. The only thing I need from it though is Mara Detron, Ki'Teer Presence, and P Morphic Transformer. In that order. And the idle only costs a million credits and no ducats.
kiteer presence is pretty nice I gotta admit. Anyone have that pic of the "fucking poorfags" volt prime with it?
there ya go, something I could use!
New to warframe here. Are fist weapons completely useless? What is the difference between the larger cestus type weapon and the fist+foot weapons?
There are some okay fist weapons. Tekko have extremely high crit chance. The only difference between fist weapons and sparring (which is the term you're looking for) weapons are the melee stances (combos). Also the sparring weapons tend to be better. Check out Hirudo for a great sparring weapon.
All that and the sliding attack on sparring weapons launches enemies obscenely.
do you not like fast?
I like being FUCKING INVINCIBLE more.
For someone who just started out should I start getting into obex/kogake or should I stick with the staff until the relevant combo mods are found? I'm also currently levelling mk-1 furax since my staff was already maxed and the starter fist was only 15k. Furax is fun especially for the finishers but it seems to lack in the AoE department.
Since I can build the obex with starter material, is it worth the use during levelling or should I save up for kogake? I'm asking around because I've not tested all the weapon animations yet and I don't think I'll have the funds to test them all yet.
Another question would be what's the meta people shift towards? Gigantic 2 hand weapons? Dual dagger faggotry? Weeb sword faggotry? Or is all the weapons quite well balanced and most people can carve out their own niche?
Obex are really cheap, just go for them, see if you like sparring weapons.
The meta is whatever weapon you find the most fun to use, most people never do the stuff that requires the boring "meta" shit.
You will want to build and level everything eventually for Mastery Ranks anyways.
The meta is more-so concerned with what works, which a vareity of weapons do, and other can, but with much more TLC. This list shows the disposition of all weapons
This is correct.
Condition Overload + Maiming Strike + +++Range +Slide Crit Riven mods on a Scoliac is about as mememeta as you're going to get. You can whip a whole room and critical slash proc them at the same time, at a greater range dependent on your roll because of the Scoliac's high riven disposition.
In reality though melee does so much damage and scales so well through mods like Blood Rush, Body Count/Drifting Contact, Weeping Wounds, and the fact that melee weapons not only have good primed mods but also have a lot of primary slash that most things work well. Atterax, Galatine Prime, Lesion, etc are near the top tiers of power, but you can blend just about anything with anything that isn't horribly outclassed.
Melee is currently the best weapon class, so no matter what kind you like, there is something of its type that is good. Typically melee weapons with long reach are "the meta", but it doesn't matter too much.
just find stances you like to use. the melee mods are so brokenly strong that it doesn't matter too much.
Ah, I should mention that every variant of a weapon will have the same disposition. Many people use Nikana Prime so both it and the normal Nikana have a low disposition. I'm a fuckin' idiot and didn't notice that blurb above the table all this time.
and to think i recall using a couple really rare ones too
"My Little Space Potato Can't Be This Much Of A Bad Goy"
in terms of power losing naramon cheese realy hurt him.
radial blind still gives the same stealth multiplier. losing shadowstep was more a quality of life loss than an overall power one for excal.
fucking niggers, just how do they fuck this up? some retard was probably just supposed to nerf system droprates even further and fucked up somethign else.
i'm sure they'll fix it right away. DE would never leave a bug in the game that makes a boss unkillable, for years
Is Lephantis still bugged?
well they seem to have fixed it and i finally got the systems.
Do we have a clan or will i have to join some normalfag clan in order to get access to blueprints that have to be researched?
he sure is
I've got a spare Octavia Systems blueprint(the one from the caches)
I can't get the fucking music room to spawn.
I'm willing to trade my BP for a BP of the Chassis(the music room one).
ign is Big-Matt
I'm up to farm for the neuroptics in the derelict survival, too
so is he bugged 100% or is it just a dice roll?
its the one thing keeping me from the eris junction and i already have the key.
It's a dice roll with odds that aren't in your favor
do i keep the key if its fucks up or do i have to farm that again as well?
Yeah you keep it
I don't run any official Holla Forums clans, but if I see an user in here that wants the BPs, and none of the clan bullshit, they're welcome to join. We have everything researched except the Hema and I'm working on that.
You can't trade non-prime parts, mate.
Is there a list of what types of items can generally be traded or not?
The server moderator had a bit of melt just now. It'll take me a bit to splice together all the pictures I took.
On the wiki yeah. Generally it's prime parts, wraith/ vandal parts and unranked special weapons like Vaykor Hek.
Here's part one of a mod forgetting what its job is.
Why? Because they can't look like women no matter how hard they try?
How did a tumblrfag get to be a mod?
That's not AT ALL what that rating means. Fucking leafs need to be stacked in a pile and burned like the yard trash they are.
I hate this meme so fucking much and I hate how Totalbiscuit fucking forced it.
Part 2 faggots
Apparently because you're implying a tranny is unscrupulous enough to trick innocent people.
I know a trans girl who made a hat with large reflective pieces of plastic and lights that says TRAP on it. Many of them love the memery behind it. The problem with this mod's thinking is that they got a lot of complaints, so it must be a bad word without even considering that the people who don't mind aren't going to say anything about it.
Oh fuck right off, now we have an SJW as a chat mod I expect it to go full neogaf and banning everyone for wrong think.
New user from yesterday, I've ended up building a lot of things at the moment. Among other things I have a kogake and taxon being built. I found a stance mod for the furax and suddenly I can juggle everyone to constant knockdown.
Part 3
In Part 4 they'll say how much they wish they could abuse their power, but won't. So righteous and noble of them.
Don't know about Taxon itself, but its weapon, Artax, is very good all the way to late game when other sentinel weapons fall off. Remember, its goal isn't to kill, but to CC. You can swap all sentinel weapons with each other, except Deconstructor, and increase their range with Zoom and Accuracy mods oddly enough. Glad you're having fun Ora Ora'ing things.
can the fist stance mods be used with sparring or do sparring have their own mods?
Go to California or Texas you fucking kike, they don't give a shit what you are there.
Hell you could say you're made out of fucking space stardust here in Texas and nobody will care.
God I don't even know if i'll have the courage to read Part 4.
Sparring has its own set of stances. Or rather, it has one stance that's actually useful out of two. It lets you do capoeira.
And Part 4. The chronology of the text might be a bit fucked up on this one. I also messaged that Funny Valentine guy.
Fist and Sparring are two different weapon categories, so no. Just like you cannot use sword stances with dual swords; you need dual sword stances. The only weapon to take two different weapon stances is the Dark Split Sword.
Wait was Valentine trying to start political shit in the chat (something that's almost instantly banned in the Warframe chat usually) just to prove a point that Server wasn't even doing his job?
Dunno, but he probably will now.
I got back into Warframe a few days ago and decided to give Sorties a try, and I got this to drop. How do I go about unlocking this Riven?
low level corpus survival, high damage pistol (or Sonicor) and some luck.
PoE might be a good place to try too. Jump off a mountain towards a Grineer camp as Zephyr and or with Aimglide mods using a Lex or a Vectis or something.
There's a survival mission on I think Saturn against corpus with shafts of air that let you float in place. You can take as much time as you need to get the headshots as long as you hold right click and don't touch anything.
Limbo and his 2nd skill
Keep going?
IIRC Tonkor has incredibly status by default and ammo maximum is literally useless, so yeah.
yeah, the MS is nice, but the other two are useless. i know they nerfed the tonkor pretty hard, but i think you can still get red crits with it if you have the right build with a good riven. try to go for crit chance + crit dmg + some type of dmg if possible. but crit chance+dmg or crit chance+MS would both be solid.
WAIT WHAT? Someone explain please
The space jew is back, shitty items though.
It's still a mystery
Wrong thing there m8, but yeah Shito Ki Teer is here
Jew Ki Teer shits at pics.
For anyone new here, be sure to at least pickup the Primed Target Cracker. It's mandatory to any viable crit secondary build.
The Primed Slip Magazine can be useful for a few niche builds, and ammo mutations are kinda useless due to carrier.
Quanta Vandal is pretty meh.
Rest is just fashion + Inaros quest. (That is always there)
I want the jew emote whats a quick way to earn money for a scrub?
I wasn't meant to quote him, whoops
Hey look at that, I was dead fucking wrong. Oh well.
For a new player? Dark Sectors; doing 5 minute survivals as Chroma will get you a bit extra, but the idea is to spam the fat completion bonus they give. Otherwise The Index; medium risk is a nice balance of time invested and payoff.
i dont have a chroma but does necros desecrate give more credit drops too or just materials?
Does he ever sell anything good?
Depends on how scrub you are but the Index is the fastest way.
Low Risk if you have no gear or friends.
Med Risk if you have the gear but no friends.
High Risk if you have both.
*Med Risk if you have either gear or friends.
Probably. Nekros is good to take on survivals anyways. As a reminder if you chop an enemy to pieces he desecrates every piece.
Chroma's fourth ability gives a boost to credit drops.
I kinda see where I fucked up now. Vanity stuff aside the Primed mods that had gone the longest without resurfacing were these. With P Slip Magazine last showing up in the middle of May and the other three being mid June. It's probably foolish for me to assume at this point, but my previous prediction here will probably be half true on the next Baro visit. Except P Bane of the Corrupted was actually released back in August so that probably has no chance of showing up again any time soon.
He doesn't have a Chroma.
So what I gather from these posts is "buy the fucking crit mod"
…well off I go to see if I have some prime trash to make into ducats, I know I at least have a set of Paris Prime and that seems to be not popular at all
Also if you don't have an Inaros yet buy the "Sands of Inaros" blueprint it's actually a quest, a very grindy boring quest with a bullshit final boss, or if you're a good goy you can just buy him off the market.
I did the Inaros a while ago, the bullshit boss isn't that bullshit actually, just get ammo recharge pods and lure whatever is chasing you to the entrance of the shrine, you can bulletjump over the attacker and pump them full of bullets while they try to get back to you
JewDevstream #100 is starting in 1 hour nigs.
Godamnit, I thought the Jew Presence was an idle not an emote. I hate the way emotes work in this game.
I fell for the same dirty jew trick user, don't feel bad
It's just a million credits you'll never get back, no biggie
The money isn't a big deal, it's only a few Index runs, I just honestly expected them to staple it onto a standard noble animation. It wouldn't be so bad if emotes weren't retarded though.
no one knows what it is yet, but i imagine it's tied to the last 2 undiscovered Sentient entries in our codex.
perfect just as i sold my last two for 200p a pop. ill probably buy mag one for some meme builds
The Devstream is live at
Also after stream we will get 3 100h alerts: Catalyst, Reactor and a rifle riven. (Unless I heard wrong)
That's what I heard too.
they must be making a boat load of money from idiots buying plat to fund their gambling riven addiction
That new frame looks very problematic
New Warframe, summons a kavat (I think).
I think she looks pretty sexy
you can only sell unranked Primed and Syndicate mods, right? Or can you sell them leveled and boost the price?
I don't know about ranked syndicate mods, since that's trivial to do, but you can certainly do that with any mod.
you can but it costs so much to level primed mods
Also what's with people having mods that affect other people?
Check your inboxes, they're doing twitch drops from this stream.
They tried twitch drops, It sleeked and gave everyone 12 Exilus adapters.
Tenshin is giving out Exilus adapters like candy.
softcap on mats
thanks, DE
mind testing if the status chance buff applied by sibear charge attacks give +50% of the weapons current status chance or give it a flat 50% bonus status chance? you could probably do some fun stuff with that riven.
wasn't that about focus?
For focus only.
dunno, but the principal of it angers me
Do you have hearing problems or are you just autistic? They didn't say you'd get diminishing returns on materials, just focus.
We already have plenty of reasons to call DE out on their stupidity, no need to add made up shit to the pile.
goy whats wrong with that 5% drop turning into a .5% drop, just buy plat and get it from the trade chat!
I'm only half listening while playing
oy vey, why didn't I think of that before? I should've listened to my "influencers"
I'm ok with that
I like it, I only have like 60 days worth of playing anyway
I'm pretty sure they said if you do the same type of mission over and over the drops will be lower because that fat fuck wants people to diversify their builds and locations instead of being an efficient farmer.
It was just for focus.
Zepplin? You will need Archwing apparently, unfortunately.
Am I the only one that thinks they look like giant ass Exilus adapters?
That's what $700,000 worth of Exilus Adapters looks like.
I did not expect that
They're also literal faggots
I kinda miss the meme where gay men were well dressed and groomed, it didn't make being in the same room with a faggot so awkward.
Meatrock landed on the Plains of Eidolon, near the center of the map.
That is only true for the last generation of faggots when they had the desire to actually hide that they are giant flaming faggots.
It messes with some of the firbolgs coming in to drop troops off too. I got to walk right up to one and melee it to death.
I know Mutagen samples were more prevalent a long time ago, but fuck me.
So it's confirmed an infested event is coming next, I wonder if they plan to implement faction specific bounties or if it will be a crossfire type thing.
Meanwhile Rebecca keeps getting triggered over knob jokes.
Stop the presses!
I've heard her say things like "okay, stop" and "no no no" more than the others have answered questions or talked about the game. It's like she needs to stay offended to keep breathing.
what a horrible fucking service.
Devstream #100 rundown
Modestly trying to keep the stream family friendly, while stupid, is hardly being triggered.
You can't make this shit up
That's pretty fucking skeezy
Did you see her face at all when she was telling them to stop? Everyone but her was either laughing or giggling while she scowled, clenched her jaw and kept adjusting how she was sitting. That was a very upset woman trying really hard not to call everyone there a bunch of shitlords. She was in agony over knob jokes and it was some of the most entertaining parts of the stream.
Is Danielle a tranny? All of her features are incredibly masculine.
I thought Prime access was given away mid stream? They were being really vague and the video was breaking up at that point.
I probably didn't get a good look at her. Could be she's getting triggered on behalf of the kids though. Either way she should have laughed it off.
I wasn't there for the boob shot, but I heard she laughed that off. Did she acted triggered there too? I ask because that's what I was basing my perception on.
man, the posting died for a couple of minutes there
give to me :^)