Is Super Mario Odyssey THE best Mario game ever made?
Is Super Mario Odyssey THE best Mario game ever made?
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proof that game journos suck dick at games
no, but those are the best dubs you ever saw
I mean it does look pretty good. Waiting on that emulator.
When is this shit going to go away
What makes you think about that
It's easier to make a barren wasteland and add some props than designing actual stages.
Oof. I bet nintendrones are already sperging out about that and looking for any reviewers who don't give it a perfect score to witch hunt
Review score inflation + a game easy enough for them to beat + Mario in a dress + stronk womyn don't need no Mario
Open relationship fatty gave a 7/10 though, he is /ourguy/
I'll never waste another moment of my life listening to that fat sack of shit.
Please don't post that disgusting faggot here again. He is total asscancer-tier, if not worse.
And you didn't even hooktube.
by this logic 64 and Sunshine were open world too
>Better than >>13696623
I see you are a man of culture as well.
I think so but I haven't finished it
Sorry I didn't mean to scare you
Galaxy has a better user score and the same critic score.
already a thread in the catalog
Is there porn of the female rabbit yet
Odyssey is not open world by any stretch of the imagination. The main difference with 64 is that there are far more "stars" to collect, a lot of them are easy as shit, and you don't get booted to the hub every time you collect one. That's it.
Yeah, available for 9999 coins.
Even the hat looks pretty spooked.
I'd give it a 6-7/10 as well
I wonder, is there a mod that doesn't boot you to the main castle after collecting a star?
I've played several hours, and despite the game being very good in a number of ways, I'm disappointed in the lack of cohesion. There's no uniform art style, and the mix of cartoony, and semi-realistic design is jarring, and undermines the universe I hoped to immerse in. There's also a lack of memorable music, aside from what we already remember from past games; and music doesn't have a huge role most of the time (meanwhile I still have Mario 64 songs running through my head).
The Moon collectables come too quick, and too easily; it stops feeling like an achievement pretty fast. I think it was a mistake to make them so numerous, but maybe they thought attention spans of today require constant reinforcement.
Eh. Maybe if it had come out when I was 9.
I see you're new here. Try this feggit
The non-optional waggle controls piss me off and controlling the T-Rex felt janky as hell.
It's become a fast tradition to make new Odyssey threads while the last one or two are still below the bump limit. is still below the bump limit, and has been bumplocked becuase Mark thinks Odyssey deserves more threads.
3 or World is the best.
Not even a real Mario game.
Every time I see people complain about open world games I'm reminded about how just a few years ago there used to constantly be anons whining that there weren't any new open world games. I wonder if at least those anons are happy.
You mean this beauty?
3 or 4 years ago i remember open world was "the future of videogames", funny how it turned out to be moba shit instead
the artstyle reminds me of some shitty steam greenlight game made in unity. It's really not very good at all. Why they didn't continue the styling of Super Mario 3D world I have no idea… Hell, even a cel-shaded kind of style would have been preferable, would have improved the visuals AND made it a better experience in portable mode, could have been at a higher base resolution
They made it with the Japanese market in mind. They play these things most often in incredibly short bursts while commuting.
What we all want are GOOD games, not just specific genres. The open world games we've been getting since Oblivion are all "Follow the arrow, and pretend you earned your victory" trash.
Are Japs really whipping out their Switch in public? Seems unlikely.
It was originally developed as a Mario game and changed to Doki-Doki Panic later on. It's 100% Mario game and even introduced features (such as grabbing enemies) that have been a staple in Mario games since.
Ackhually, that story is more complicated than the rumors that have long been repeated. It was Mario game first, then Doki Doki Panic, then Mario again. I can't recall the specifics off the top of my head.
Yes, just like their phones and DSs, 3DSs, 2DSs, PSPs, Vitas, etc. The culture surrounding playing vidya in public in Nippon is very different from the West's, even with vidya becoming more publicly acceptable here as normalfags eat more garbage, and has been for some time.
Don't forget enemies that have been staples as well, such as Shy Guys and even recurring characters like Birdo.
Doesn't seem that way. Mario style is not the same as intending it to be a Mario game.
Mario Odyssey isn't the best game out this year, nor is it the best Mario game. It's a solid 8/10 (which shouldn't be a negative score) with an engaging, really fluid movement system that fails to utilise it the majority of the game.
Most of the worlds moons are hidden behind menial tasks that often repeat themselves. A couple are hidden in shiny hills that need to be ground pound, a couple are being held by NPCs that you talk to, some are hidden up a pole or a tree, and others are just out there in plain sight. Whereas that's fun the first world or two, it quickly gets boring… Rather than enjoying engaging level design and tight platforming, you spend most the time walking around a map for the fourth or fifth time looking for a shiny hill, or a plant pot.
What makes the game even less of a challenge is its -10 coin death penalty. Of course, this would be a penalty if it weren't for the fact that coins respawn after death and any you drop can be picked up again provided you didn't fall off the map. The game is too generous and accessible, and in several challenges there have been more than 10 coins right next to the starting point… Which respawn, meaning you actually earn money every time you die.
People fall quiet about some of the captures, but the trex and tank are not fun. The hammer bros are awkward, and the two actually fun captures right at the end of the game? You do one two times overall, and the other for a total of three times in the entire game, that includes the unlockable "hard mode" ending sequence.
The soundtrack can get painfully bad, or simply nonexistent. The first time you enter Metro Kingdom you'll have to do a night section on it, and any challenge maps that utilise the night section use the same song, but the music playing in the background during this is awful. I actually had to mute my TV and listen to music while playing the game more than once.
The only time I felt challenged was the two postgame unlockable rewards: dark side of the moon and darker side of the moon. Both give you fuck all in terms of rewards, the formers challenge rooms give one or two moons at most and its boss rush gauntlet gives you three moons and an ugly outfit.
The latter only has one challenge, and although it's difficult that's mainly because there's no checkpoints and most of it is above the map, where if you fall once you need to start all over again. That being said it was great fun to complete it, even if the invisibility cap it gives you is a gimmick that gets boring quickly, and it only gives 3 moons which you could make in 5 minutes doing fuck all elsewhere.
Mario Odyssey is not a bad game, but in terms of level design it's a huge step backwards for the series.
Yeah, I agree. Still an exceedingly well made game, though. I'm having fun.
Maybe short bursts is the better way to play it.
Never ever, deal with it
Also while I'm at it, the boss design it's incredibly fucking lazy.
For the most story, you fight the four rabbits one by one. Then you fight them again, using the same attacks, the same tactics, just slightly harder. At the end of the game, an unlockable challenge is to fight them a third time without healing between fights.
The chain chomp holding mother rabbit? You fight her twice, using the same tactics, same attacks, it just takes more hits to capture the chain chomp.
Bowser? You fight him twice, with the second fight once again being identical to the first minus being slightly more difficult. An unlockable challenge is to fight him a third time once again fighting with the same methods.
And every other boss you fight? They're also recycled hard mode battles in mushroom kingdom.
If you read further on:
So it was originally a mario-style game that featured Mario and his friends as playable characters; A "mario game", if you will.
Something something superior Nippon.
This is the worst offense, probably. Agreed on everything you said. It's not up the level of 64 or Sunshine, in my opinion.
Nintendo totally doesn't pay for reviews haha
just go back…
My cousin has a Switch. Maybe he'd let me borrow it if I buy Odyssey and left him have the game when I'm done playing. Still waiting on piracy to get a Switch myself. A hardware revision would be nice too because you know they'll probably improve it eventually.
This really is the best Mario game.
II tried Doki Doki Panic and it's shit by comparison. You can't run, many animations are worse or outright nonexistent, some jumps are actually easier, etc. In terms of polish it is objectively worse.
Switch softmodding when?
People pay full price for games on Steam, Origin, Uplay, etc. and don't actually own them at all. When renting or trading games at least a physical product is involved.
That's what I'm waiting for.
when more cancerous offspring like you exists.
Fuck off Reddit
yes, now go buy a switch and make sure to preorder skyrim
Super Mario Galaxy was pretty choice. music, art, gamplay and cute shit was all top notch. 10/10 would enact out sick inflation fetish with stars again.
Fuck off dweebagoon
Galaxy > 64 > Odyssey > Sunshine > 3D World, if you count it
I really enjoyed the visuals of Sonic Adventure, but something about Odyssey makes me feel that it's going to age like milk.
I can never place 2D and 3D games in a series in the same list, they're too different.
It's called play Banjo Kazooie.
64 was best. Swap with Galaxy and you're about on the money. 3D world needs a giant fucking power gap though.
Every 3D mario game after 64 has been an attempt to replicate the success of super mario 64, but never can do what made the original a smash hit.
damn she's thick
much obliged
Everyone says that now. But where's the proof?
Haven't you heard, if it's not pure nonlinear it's open world. Exploration is a bad thing now.
Galaxy had a more cohesive art style, tighter level design, a most memorable soundtrack and a great expansion pa…I mean sequel. I really need to replay that, how does it run with Dolphin?
This is exactly why I don't carry around any expensive electronics. There's tons of videos and shit of people getting their belongings monkey nabbed. I remember that one with the LPer streaming pokemon go live. And you just see this black dude walk beside him and steal his phone live.
Because it's the best? Because it's an actual Mario game in 3D?
Have you seen Sonic Adventure recently? That game aged horribly. Characters are janky as fuck, areas are graphically unimpressive, and the game just lacks polish. Some of the areas in Odyssey look like ass, though. I do agree with that. The grass textures are some of the worst I've seen in the last two generations. I have no idea how they managed to have individual blades of grass in the Wii U version of Breath of the Wild, to move to these ugly ass textures in Mario Odyssey. It comes off as lazy.
Games don't age, if they were good when they came out they're still good today.
Then Sonic Adventure was never good.
What 3D world? Nah it was shit.
It was already janky when it came out, especially compared to other games from that era like Rayman 2 (which aged just fine)
Minimal graphical issues, nice.
I disagree, it was never my favorite or the best game, but it's still a good game.
Sonic Adventure's artsyle is fine.
Nah. And neither is mario 64
Open world is cancerous, Odyssey and BotW prove this
Sandbox open world games is a step back for gaming, it's a regressive game design that would rather have people wander around a map devoid of life. Only Reddit, normalfags and games journalists like open world.
Is that why Nintendo can't reproduce how solid the movement was in 64 to this day?
That's just nitpicking, of course with their first attempt to 3D there'll be some weird moments here and there.
It seems like you criticism is more with dated graphics than artstyle.
I don't know about you guys, but I just want a Broadway production of Mario: The Musical.
I don't mind playing games in public. I also carry a gun with me everywhere I go. Let them try.
Some normalfag is more likely to try to feel better about himself by taking a picture of you playing vidya in public and calling you a loser playing vidya in public on whatever site he goes to than steal from you.
Well that's what I do with friends who have PS4, either pay full price or ½ and they loan me the console.
So? Can the faggot taking pictures DL 450 pounds?
All I'm saying is there's no shame in being yourself, but its probably good to make yourself into a bit of a monster so people don't fuck with you.
user that's not how normal adults behave, have you ever been outside? That's some cartoony delusion you got there.
Oh come on, that would get some thot or dickhead at least 20+ retweets on twitter, and people live off of anonymous validation from the internet nowadays.
Nice gets. I carry too, but its way more inconvenient to shoot people than you might realize, even in states that allow it like Texas. Shooting someone is going to incur inconvenient court costs even if you get all of the benefits of self defense. It's always smarter to just not put yourself in a situation where you are likely to have to pull your gun.
Where the fuck are you living?
I wish the new games would stop treating Mario as a celebrity and make him a simple everyman again. New Donk City's festival and throwbacks were great, but SM64 treated Mario as just a man on a mission compared to Odyssey constantly referencing past games and glorifying his 35 year legacy
I can't imagine how a kid must feel playing through Odyssey as their first Mario game and not understanding the 8-bit sections, the entirety of New Donk, or the post-game Mushroom Kingdom content
Its not as bad as you'd think.
It's only the case if you're unattractive that some loser normalfag takes a photo of you minding your own damn business just playing a game so they can post it on twitter or reddit or wherever for instant validation they're not a complete loser themselves.
Odyssey gave Mario the HL2 Gordon treatment.
Though perhaps the fallout of a stand your ground situation is worse my experience is only with a castle doctrine situation.
Ur Mr Gay
Who gives a shit? Fuck kids. At worst they don't know what the references are and don't care and go on with their lives. At best, the throwbacks make them play older Mario games to see what all that was about.
Exactly, I doubt anyone here is ugly.
Nevermind those horrendous mouth movements.
People bitched about it in Sonic '06, and it was a problem in Sonic Adventure as well. I had the same feelings about Mario Odyssey when New Donk City was full of somewhat realistically proportioned humans next to Daisy who had slightly exaggerated proportions, next to Mario who has seriously exaggerated proportions, next to a goomba.
Didn't like Paper Mario much I guess?
Yeah, but these are normalfags we're talking about and unless you're a perfect 10/10 you'll get viewed as pic related for playing your 3DS or switch in public.
Paper Mario only has like one good game and that one is mostly nostalgia kids who grew up with a Cube talking.
Yeah it was strange enough when I watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit. I don't know why Mario and more historically Sonic are totally fine with this.
That's because a lot of early open world games were good. It's not their fault that the genre became shit.
Nah. Might take the cake for one of the dullest though.
You just have to be not a fat fuck, and don't wear goddamn cringey vidya clothing or cosplay or whatever in public.
Flat-brimmed cap with your favorite superhero/sci-fi on it? Into the trash it goes.
T-shirts with ANY kind of nerd shit that isn't a very subtle design? Fuck you, burn it.
Trenchcoat/duster, and you're not an actual cowboy or some kind of military officer or a businessman with matching suit? Throw that shit in an industrial shredder.
Pants with a zipper anywhere but the crotch? No.
Balding on top of your head? Shave it completely, you're not a medieval friar.
Can't grow a beard without weird bald spots in it? Just shave it all off for fuck's sake.
Sonic gets away with being an animal. But this is Mario, who is human next to more realistic proportioned humans.
Nice bait.
Normalfags don't have the ability to differentiate some fat loser with an anime tshirt and anyone just playing 3DS in public or watching anime in public, a lot of normalfags want to feel better about themselves so they just lump the two together, hence why anything that's not ultra mainstream is called "weebshit" by normalfags.
You have a persecution complex my dude.
It's not a persecution complex, normalfags have zero ability to think for themselves outside of memes and you know it.
It's still jarring as fuck. Sonic characters look nothing like real animals, the best approximation is Tails and he's still proportioned totally unrealistically. They look more or less like Mickey Mouse knockoffs with their oversized heads, hands and feet.
I'm telling you, the "loser" part is literally just looking like a loser. If you're normal sized and don't dress like you're in 8th grade, nobody gives a shit what you do in public. If you're getting laughed at for playing a portable on the bus, it's because you're riding the bus and sitting in bum piss because you can't afford a car, not because of the portable.
Because Sonic was literally created with Mickey and Felix the Cat in mind.
You spend too much time on this website. If you think normalfags even know what weebshit is or what that might conceptually mean, you are vastly overestimating them.
Yeah, and there were neve any significant Disney properties that combined realistic humans with Disney cartoon characters, imagine that. The only thing that comes remotely close is Kingdom Hearts but the humans in that game are still very stylized.
Odyssey catered to normalfags and journalists, and they still aren't interested in the game. Please give me my challenging linear platforming adventure back and remove this shitty open level design.
Odyssey catered to kids dummy, and kids love it.
You know what? I prefer to live in your world because in mine every fucker is trying to get some nerd cred and it's especially cringey when it's girls doing it, it just flashes to my mind how poorly they've been brought up. Or it's a fucking vain attempt at getting attention whereas she could use the time to gain actual qualities that would get her attention in an honest way.
fuck off
It's really good at going for nostalgic references that's for sure.
Either way i'm having really enjoying it, I just beat the main story and I can't think of much I disliked.
The only biggest criticism I have is that there is almost Too much shit to do, You get a Power Moon for doing almost anything and everything that by the end they start to feel more and more worthless. I got 102% in Donkey Kong 64 and buy the end the golden bananas didn't feel worthless. They should have had some kind of secondary collectible or something, so the Power Moons would feel a little more valuable.
user you haven't even played Odyssey or you would know it's not open world - stop being a tryhard baiter please you just embarrass yourself.
but I agree with zelda - would have preferred a smaller, tighter game with better/more unique dungeon designs.
Goddamn… That many? I thought the number would be closer to 400.
yeah there is a shit ton. I'v been playing the game for 15 hours and I have 317 so far. What you do to get Power Moons is still fun, but there is just so many of these fucking things.
Not 64>sunshine>galaxy ?
Honestly don't get what's supposed to be so great about galaxy. You spend so much time in them doing nothing but watching those star cannon cutscenes.
Do you know if there is a limit with how many you can buy at the shop?
There is also a Ton of content after beating the game it's almost like they have half the game unlock after you beat it.
I don't know but you can only buy 1 per level until after you beat the game.
Mods are under the bed sheets pooping their pants.
post skeletons
Because some fags need to justify to themselves not buying a Switch just to play it. Even though not wanting to buy a switch for 1 game is justification enough.
But is it better than SM3DW? honest question, i thought that one was piss easy and was disappoint by that, don't comment on the easy modo on oddysey i know about it, its for children, i want to know about the regular mode
Poorfags, everyone!
Has any of you fine gentlemen even got to the third steel platform on the vanishing road blue door course right by the power line that sends you off to the giant rock carrot with the Broodal's boss rush in it (Dark side of the moon)? I cannot by the life of me sanic fast enough to get past the second set of timed-vanishing road.
I just wanted some happy-go-lucky Mario experience not having to account for turning radius and animation frames, all the while jerking the controller around vigorously. All of the nignogs saying this game isn't hard, enlighten me on that shit if you even have the game, buncha posers.
You can buy as many as you like, but they are 100 coins each. This was put into place so people can reach the super end game content more easily, but people who enjoy going back and collecting moons can do that as well. it's a pretty good system.
This is what happens when you keep playing Nintendo games folks; you stay the prepubescent 6 year old that you when you first played Mario 64 and you never advance any further than that mentally or emotionally.
God I hope there's a subquestmoonthing to chase around your Mario skinbag
this was a disappointing mario game
So far all drawings are shit
porn is even worse
Why do you fucking care though?
What the fuck is wrong with its face?
hmm those are allot of assumptions, all based on the fact that i'm enjoying playing a Mario game.
Did you also know i'm far more of an autistic Sonic fan then I am an Nintendo fan. because if you did you should get paid for this kind of deductive reasoning your like fucking Sherlock Holmes
Which Galaxy is better IYO?
It's too late, hes already given up his job as a plumber.
Just wait for an emulator, its just android so it shouldnt take that long.
another nit pick I have with this game is that most of the level just end with clifts Like they made the level but did feel like making a convinceing reason why you can't walk out of it, so they just made everything a cliff.
Posted before i was finished by mistake.
You see this map That's the level but that all there is, if you go to the edges it's just a cliff.
Sunshine did this allot better since almost every level was over the ocean, so there was a nature reason why you didn't leave the level.
Said map brings you into a dark forest map if you fall off said cliffs so that's not really the best example to use.
Oh I had no idea about that, okay so the cliffs aren't all bad.
I actually enjoy that bit about the game.
Though it could be because of laziness, it gives everything this very weird "representation" otherworldly feeling.
And the game is deliberately fucking weird, with the aesthetic, so I'm inclined to suspect it could've been deliberate.
The biggest evidence being when you look into the backgrounds and see how much more of the place there is, combined with the overworld map screen, it gives the feeling the feeling of like, I don't know how to explain it. Sort of deliberately meta, in reminding you this is supposed to just be a representation of what it's portraying, and not actually how the kingdoms are structured geographically.
One big reason I think that is because the maps are actually way smaller than I thought they would be, when I saw the trailers. Even sprawling ones like New Donk, are actually really fucking small, and easy to make a mental map of.
But when you only see bits and pieces, it all appears like some really huge area.
Though I will say this, in that I agree it's fucking jarring and I'd have preferred some official answer on this, from someone on the staff.
Because all I can do is theorize, and the actual concrete evidence is that these are like 64's worlds, but unlike that game, these aren't just paintings brought to life, but like, an entire continent on the map, is squashed down to a huge ring of shit way off in the distance, and a tiny chunk of land in the center of a big valley/separated by cliffs/floating/what have you.
Cliffs are far more immersive than invisible walls or distant environment and horizon line being sacrificed for mountains around every level.
I haven't played it yet, but I did play Yooka. The biggest problem with Yooka was the giant maps that felt empty. I went back and re-played SM64 after Yooka, and one of the first things I noticed was that SM64 levels are really, really small. But they are filled to the brim with stuff to do. You enter the stage to get one star, and on the way you see 3 other things that you really want to do instead.
When we are stuck with giant open worlds and developers making some retarded push to make things bigger just because they can, having a small, crammed world is awesome to see.
The size of the world doesn't reflect how much there is to do in the world. The difference between SM64 and Yooka Laylee is a perfect example of a small and lively world and a giant, dead world.
Except all their dog and pet related franchises.
Those are not realistic humans like Odyssey's.
Eggman in sonic adventure wasn't that much of a fitting character with normal humans either.
Have a little respect for this man. Video games are probably all he has in life until he dies of a heart attack or diabeedus.
The only good Mario game.
Is "Mario Madness" the subtitle?
someone post it
god damn i love the overworld music in that one. and the mario allstars remix really captured that old timey cartoon music even better.
64 > galaxy > sunshine > odyssey > I don't count 3D world, and havn't played galaxy 2
I do remember that. The stream chat was hilarious.
I think the movement was ok in odyssey, but with the simple level design, strange art direction, and lackluster music, it's still just a mediocre game that didn't reach its full potential.
And those people are fucking stupid.
(You) just suck, user.
While I don't believe it's open world, I believe it's worlds are a little too big. Basically what said.
Odyssey isn't open world no, it's "open-level". Sand and Snow Kingdoms for example are just fucking empty spaces with light platform sections here and there
someone update image plox
What dipshit came up with this?
The same guy who blames anime for making him molest a child.
plz tell me it's fake
Okay flag this is the last time you trick me like this
A literal school shooter.
You're part of the problem.
Never, because it isn't just a meme. It is something people dreamed of ever since vidya was a thing.
I sure hope so. The ending isn't even that big a deal.
After all the fighting Bowser and Mario both try and win over Peach by trying to give her flowers but then Peach is like "enough of this shit!" and walks off, Mario and Bowser both feel rejected for all of two seconds until Peach basicly says "lets go home" to Mario, I imagine Peach after getting kidnapped and almost forced into a wedding wasn't in the mood to be swept off her feet.
Sonic adventure had some impressive visuals when the Dreamcast was new, but as a game it was just okay.
Anymore the visuals are nothing special, and the only thing worthwhile about it is the A-Life, which is a feature that will probably never be seen again.
Reminder that to libshit faggots, anyone who disagrees even slightly with libshit agendas is a MRA goobergater. This is just some cuck who thinks a pang of nausea at blatant feminist shit means he is now "on the other side."
I dont have the link to the acticle right now but I think it is, it has something along the lines of:
" I'm all for women having equal rights and agency, but why did she decide to become a woman who dont need no man after I went through all that trouble? Real Nice Peach…… Is it because I'm short?"
Oh no, could that author be entitled to Peach? What a shitlord!
I more for criticizing the fact that Peach as a character sees to randomly decide when she's capable of taking care of herself and when she needs saving.
In Mario 3D World you can play through the entire game as Peach and defeat Bowser as her. Yet here she needs saving yet again. But i guess that's just lazy writing at this point. "Mario need to save Peach because he's Mario and she's Peach."
cause its easy and pretty
That's all it will ever be, though. A meme dream. The best open world games have already been made.
The more I play this, the more justified of an 8/10 this game becomes. With all the repeated moons and bosses, perhaps even 7/10.
I'm wondering if journalists even played the game for longer than 5 hours.
Journalists never play longer then they have too. They beat games as fast as they can which isn't very fast, So they can shit out a piece on the game, and then go back to bitching
about inconsequential crap on Twitter.
This is not how you do good level design, everything in this is a chore.
Best to treat each Mario game as a standalone. Nothing makes sense under scrutiny, because they don't care. Their goal isn't consistant characters or a consistant universe. If I remember, Miyamoto once said something about the Mario Characters being a cast of actors, putting on different plays, sometimes taking different roles. And then they play Tennis together on their days off.
I guess that's a fair way to look at things.
Although as a kid I gravitated a little more to Sonic then Mario (still played both a ton) due to getting invested in the story that connected each game.
I was entertained enough throughout just a casual playthrough. But the collect-o-thon and uncreativeness of the moons is pretty absurd. It's truly a quantity over quality.
And boy, do I ever hate having to look over every edge for the coins. That shit is tiresome. Least give an option to buy some sort of expensive coin detector just to make this less of a headache.
You have to go back.
They age graphically. That's why games that go for muh realism most often look like shit down the line, but games that go for a polished stylized aesthetic most often still appear visually appealing even when graphics have vastly imrpoved.
Granted, the optimal solution is to get out of the fucking city, but that's not necessarily an option for everyone.
Bullshit. There are 883 unique moons, including 1 per each Kingdom's shop. You max at 999. Has anyone bought more than 116 extra moons? Because I bet you that's the cap.
There are 883 moons, not counting extras you can buy after the ending.
Such a great thread
Don't you just love cuckchan tier template threads with no input on games?
I don't know if 3D world really counts. I mean yeah, it's technically a 'main-series' Mario game according to fan wikis, but then so were all the New Super Mario Bros games.
If we're talking AAA Mario Games, then the last ones that came before Odyssey were the Galaxy games.
Yes, Sonic 06, that's what Odyssey's artstyle reminds me of!
Real disappointed with the size of the levels and how bland the level design is. Really wanted to like this game.
wouldnt it be more fun to play and enjoy the game? i dont understand
They don't enjoy games. They enjoy waxing retarded on social media. They enjoy virtue signalling and have likes and favorites roll in. They enjoy #RESISTing and towing the political line. They do not like games. Games are work to them. Games are a means to and end. They are for furthering their agenda. Games are for propaganda and money.
64 is better, but it still a very good game, one of the best marios
instead of a hat he should be throwing his skin around
You better not be talking about the star in the ceiling of peach's castle.
3D world definitely doesn't count as a 3D mario game, because while it is 3D, the levels are designed in the same linear fashion as a 2D game.
Galaxy's levels were mostly linear.
You're a nigger. That shit is easy.
No. You get moons to appear sometimes by simply staring at certain objects through the possessable binoculars. I'm pretty sure user is just a faggot who happened to look at something that gave a star before finding the hint that tells him what to look at.
But they weren't designed like 2D levels, like 3D world's levels were
Volleyball is utter horseshit. It’s pretty much only doable with 2P mode, which makes it a joke.
Just park Mario’s ass in a corner and use Cappy’s instant acceleration and higher speed to destroy the minigame.
Trace Walking is easy as shit if you're not a retard and volleyball can be cheesed with 2P
I found the skipping rope harder to get to 100 than this shit
Why is my shitty thread still up
An excuse used by shills.
Nigger, you are retarded. I made this thread, and like any normal human being I turned off my computer and went to bed afterwards.
From what I've seen it looks like a solid 6.5 to 7 out of 10 game. Has a lot of flaws that made me not interested in playing it, but it looked like it could've been a fun time regardless. Not enough for me to want to buy a Switch, though, especially with the amiibo shit and the actual build quality of the thing.
But what if threads die during the night?
Game is okay, but you're a fucking shill.
No content is locked behind amiibos.
meh i'll just wait for an emulator cause i'm not a nintendrone
It was a shitpost.
Are you just baiting me and trying to make me angry?
Have a snickers shill-kun~
Oh you found me out, Nintendo won't pay me now.
Don't blow your cover next time Mr. Damage Control.
surely the other threads actually discussed the game though, right?
By that logic Dues ex is open world.
You haven't played this game have you? It's like 64 and sunshine.
Mario 64, Sunshine, and Odyssey are not open world. Why did normalfags propagate this myth and why did retards like you run with it?
Galaxy and it's sequel are the most polished but also the most boring 3D Mario game. Not even baiting. You're just railroaded the whole way through.
i think your enjoyment of galaxy depends on how much you enjoyed the bonus stages in mario sunshine, of which i enjoyed immensely. to someone like me it was a masterpiece.
You are exactly as railroaded in Super Mario Galaxy as you are in Super Mario 64. Super Mario Galaxy, however, looks a lot better and has much larger levels than SM64. Also Bowser and the other boss fights aren't nearly as boring.
I never liked the Bowser bosses in 64. The difficulty all depends on how well you can time your throw into the bombs. If you're skilled, it's over in a minute, if not it's repetitive trial and error.
turbo tiddy peach is best peach.
Super Mario World > Super Mario 2 > Super Mario 64 DS > Donkey Kong '94 > Super Mario Sunshine > New Super Mario bros. > Lost Levels > Super Mario Galaxy > Super Mario Bros > Wario Land > Super Mario Land 2 > Super Mario 3 > Donkey Kong > Mario Brothers > Super Mario Land
I really enjoyed Odyessey because it was something different. It didn't feel like a rehash. It felt like a true continuation of 64.
Neither is DK94
With worse controls and overall gameplay.
its a platformer with Mario as the protagonist, therefore it's a Mario game. In fact his back jump and triple jump originated in DK94
Please, 64 aged like milk and the only reason it still talked is becuase muh pannykek maymays.
Angry Henry detected. No really it's aged fine, the movement mechanics are still better than anything we've gotten since
Disagree. Galaxy refined it farther.
Galaxy's level design was to open and to full of other gimmicks for anything to happen with the controls. And they severely fucked with the new momentum which was one of the key elements in 64. It also added spinning which wasn't shit but they botched it by forcing it to shaking the numchuck. Galaxy refined a lot of things but it cut corners in the process. It's a solid title but nothing comes close to the controls in 64. Where you could pull of some great combos to get to areas that didn't seem possible before.
Not really
I thankfully don't and I still want to chainsaw the insufferable, edgy pretentious retard.
How'd I do boys?
objectively wrong. In fact I only recently played 64 seriously and its hands down the best 3D Mario. The aesthetics are the only part that aged poorly but the controls are top notch.
Galaxy was nothing but a shallow fun gimmick game. It didn't "refine" jack shit.
No mercy on the retards.
I just read the article, it's parody.
Holly shit you are a retard? Peach is just a Olive Oil, Mario is Popeye and Brutus is Koopa. Its a fucking video game. Fags who overanalyze this shit are as cancerous as the SJWs.
He literally is a Popeye ripoff, DK was originally going to be a Popeye game. Funnily enough, Sonic is Mickey Mouse/Felix the Cat.
Thats cute
I know, that's why I pointed it out.
"Peach could beat Bowser in that game, why is she getting kidnapped in this one?" is not overanalyzing user. I was just poking fun at continuity.
I don't actually give a shit.
I've seen plenty of things that are worse than this, but this still managed to disgust me a lot deeper than most things have. Good job.
Nowadays, Miyamoto wants Mario to be like Mickey Mouse and Sonic's attitude has been toned down.
Mickey never had an actual personality nor did Mario. It's why Wario and Donald exist.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
I don't really get this mentality about 3D Mario.
Like, wasn't 64 only "open ended" in its structure, because they had to think of ways to save cartridge space, so they reused the same maps for a lot of shit, just having different things change?
If I'm wrong on that, and the intent was always to make something like Odyssey? I still don't really think completely open 3D Mario is the best way to do it. Or rather, this whole "quantity over quality" mentality to the moons.
The most fun I've had in the game is hands down any time there's any sort of platforming challenge. Because Mario's controls in Odyssey are just that fucking good and fun. Probably the best controls Mario has had in 3D, though sunshine's physics might be preferable albeit his Odyssey moveset is better.
And the biggest problem is there's just not enough shit to use this sublime movement on. You want fun and interesting challenges? Fuck you, go climb up this really basic geometry to find a moon. Go pound this glowing spot. Go and look in some random knook.
I don't want that shit, because that shit is FUCKING BORING.
And every single time this happens the most memorable parts of the open leveled 3D Marios are when you're just fucking platforming.
Mario's not a fucking collectathon, it's about going from point A to point B, 64 stood in stark contrast to the series established mechanics, at that point, and it shows.
As much as people give 3D Land/World shit, and to a lesser extent Galaxy, they really are the most "Mario" 3D Mario games there are, though maybe Galaxy has them beat, simply because they don't shy away from the linearity of Mario.
I'm sorry but i need big tiddied girls in skimpy outfits to have fun in video games.
Dammit I recognize that artist.
The main difference was the static camera and the less cinematic presentation. Put those things aside, and 3D World's level design feels very Galaxyesque.
I'm with you there. I do enjoy collectathon platformers, and I welcome Odyessy just because it's good to keep things varied and never settle too hard into one formula, but for me THE Mario games are SMB3 and SMW, and I love Galaxy and 3D World because they bring the feel of those games into 3D, whereas 64/Sunshine/Odyessy feels more like a spinoff series.
I do not. Can you give source? (also, are they both traps?)
You are implicitly ranking 3D World above SM64 and that disturbs me.
3D World might be my favourite 3D Mario game.
They're less assumptions and more observations from the look of it. It's okay to be a manchild nintenbabby-kun, just be okay with being called out for it.
3D World is trash. It's just New Super Mario 3D Land 2. Terrible rehashed garbage.
And yet it's great when they rehash a game you like.
Mario is the cod of marios
Quite a feat when there's nothing happening.
I liked 3D land because it was fun to play in short bursts on the 3DS, had some decent levels and the best bowser fights of the series.
3D world took all the worst aspects of it, shit controls, no moveset, bland artstyle, no presentation and made everything else worse. Bowser fights were terrible and repetitive, the level design was just sticking a few large boxes together so 4 people could run around and climb up walls in cat outfits.
apply yourself
Peach is standing blowjob height
Mario has been the video game equivalent of Mickey Mouse since the NES days. It was only during the early arcade years that he could be compared to Popeye. Sonic is like a mix of Felix and a Looney Tunes character.
It makes little difference whether he's analgous to Popeye or old Mickey. Back then, they were both "actor characters" taking on different roles in whatever they starred in.
Does that make her a shortstack now, or just short?
mario is a shortlet
Not really. Galaxy's levels are literally spheres, while 3D's levels are just "go right"
Why is saucenoa so shit at actually finding the source of hentai?
The levels are at least triple the size of 64s, and while that isn't open world, that's pretty damn big
I hate it. Not trying to be contrarian or whatever buzzword you want to throw at me, but fuck sake after decades since the last 3d platformers, I would have thought this game would have made a giant leap, a tremendous stride a new mario game to set the bar for platformers but fucking hell these levels are tiny as hell and are poorly designed, they're no fun. I wasn't expecting gargantuan maps and they would have done it wrong had they gone that route, but something a bit bigger and more vertical and better designed. I knew right away when I got to new donk the rest of the game would be shit, I was so hyped for new donk city. Really disappointed. This was the only new game I got hyped for, I will never buy into hype.
Truthfully, the switch has been pretty shit so far. Zelda's boring empty open world, arms, Mario Kart port, hell I didn't enjoy Splatoon 2 as much as the original. I dunno.
This is the only thing I disagree with. 64's levels were way smaller and were still fun. Size barely matters.
Thinking back on it, you're right. The levels are just poorly designed and are really boring because a few months ago I replayed Galaxy, Sunshine and 64 and they're all really good. Odysseys level design is stale and boring, user makes really good points, I agree with everything he says.
I have to create my own challenges bypassing obstacles that are supposed to be used with the captures by chaining hat jumps.
You must be under 18 if you actually believe this bullshit.
No 3D Mario game forces you to utilise the skillful secondary moves requering button combinations. All of them can be simply cleared if you just jump normally like how you play Mario on his 2D games. Mario's secondary moveset serves to find shortcuts, go faster or reach higher places in a quick way, with all of this being optional, not to be obligatory.
Plus, I assume you haven't seen yet.