Dwarf Fortress thread

Dwarf Fortress thread



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never managed to get it run on my mac *sad pepe*

i was never autistic enough to enjoy this.

I'm the opposite. I'm too autistic to play it for periods any shorter than an entire day in one sitting. I only play it when I'm on vacation because my productivity plummets and I completely forget the outside world exists. I do wish the UI was better even if I no longer find it difficult to navigate, and the game badly needs optimisation. But it still sucks me in like nothing else.

Im afraid of DF. It promises so much and i know it will suck me away.

funfact: actual autists cant play dorf because its too chaotic for them to process
what appears to you as a mind bogglingly complex system of events appears to the autist as pure chaos because the autist cannot into abstraction

Next update will allow us to send raiding parties out to other locations.

is it possible/advisable to jump in first few times blind?

do it in adventure mode

if you never played banished or rimjobs before, you want at least a basic guide because theres no tutorial or tooltips whatsoever

Adventure mode > Fortress mode


he he he

It happens. I usually play a bit and leave the game for a long while before picking it up again. At that point I start a new fortress since I don't feel as attached to the old one anymore.

So how many task does he still have left?
20? 30?


Does rimworld or dwarf fortress have toilets or requiring citizens to bathe or anything like that
Or is hygiene beyond the game devs

The original intention was just adventure mode and then came that monster, fortress mode. He probably added more tasks.

I think there is a mod for rimworld that adds hygiene.

Citizens wash themselves in dwarf fortress to either wash off blood or just as a general cleanliness thing, you have the choice of either being an elf and making oil soaps, or being a savage and using crundle tallow soap. If you don't give your pixelmen clean water and preferably soap, you increase the risk of infection greatly, are they to get injured. Infections are usually far worse than any typical injury.

There are no toilets, you filth coprophiliac.

I know it probably wouldn't be fun in a game to have to micromanage dwarfs shitting schedules but it would be cool to have since games neglect it despite having a needs system.


I didn't know dwarves liked using mugs over drinking from the barrel until recently so my dwarves never had any. The second they took a few mugs down to the Inn the innkeeper started serving so many drinks that 14 dwarves started throwing up violently all over the place. The great hall might not be covered in shit, but they're sure covered in something.

Honestly all I've really done is fuck around in adventure mode, and eat peoples eyes out as a birdman. I want to play the fort mode, but I'm kind of afraid of it turning into a huge timesink that I don't have time for right now.

That is a valid fear and 100% likely.

So? I don't even build a military half the time.

Yeah get that dorf hack thing that can speed up or slow down the game.

I'm waiting for Improved Siege… enemies that dig, climb and launch boulders at you is my dream.

My militaries usually suck because I'm too incompetent to set up metal production, food production and leather production while managing defence and expansion at the same time.

Maybe in the far off future we can delegate some tasks down to the dorfs and let them handle it.

Man it's simple. food production, if forested bring or designate an herbalist, then go into Zones with i. cover a huge swath of land with a bunch of trees and hit g, then G to turn off picking from trees so the little cunts don't get stuck in the trees. Bam, automated food gathering. Check the still once a season and set your brewer up to make some booze.

Metal, literally just burn wood and smelt ore

Leather though, why even bother, trade for it

Your military is this simple, set dwarves you want to fight. Hit a. In the alerts hit enter on the squad and then right, enter on training. Now build an armor stand and place it, then in the armor stand's q menu should be a "t" function, hit that and they'll stand there training until you give a kill order. They'll just keep getting stronger. I have two axelords right now who've never even been in a real fight.

Now send those dwarves to kill elves.

That's pretty bad for a programmer. He probably does stuff on the side.

Why do people play with Dwarf Therapist, Tile sets, etc? Is the UI really that bad? The only thing I had trouble with after understanding the main concept of what menus are is marksdwarves.

I played vanilla because didn't want to fuck with external tools, but I can see why others would. It's really intimidating seeing all that text everywhere.

Dwarf Therapist has a lot of quality of life stuff.

Like sorting dwarves by skills and stuff. You can find all that stuff in the game, but it would take you ages.

September: $6804.59
August: $6621.65
July: $6688.04
June: $6799.25
May: $6971.76
This is how much he reported for the past 5 months. He makes ok money and is a pretty humble guy as far as I can tell.

I just override their titles when they first arrive to what I need at the time, and that's the only thing they do until the dwarf dies, the industry collapses, or I draft him. Tile packs are confusing; is there really that much of a difference between whether a chair is a character or some pixels vaguelly shaped like a chair?

I always wanted to learn DF, but the learning curve has always defeated me. I managed to play adventure mode for a while because I have heaps of roguelike experience but damn.

the learning curve is literally just becoming proficient using the UI

Right? The inconsistency of the menus and the interface just fucked me.

the only inconsistency that bothers me is the one with designation methods
the shit you often need you will remember quickly, like d>d or b>w>c

The thing is, because I've played so much roguelike I should be used to memorising all the command patterns to get stuff done quickly … grinds my gears.

I picked the game up by following along on a basic let's play of a given version. Should go without saying that you need to play the same version as them.

After finishing a series, move onto another let's player and get an idea of the different ways of playing (farm shapes, aquifer drilling methods, housing techniques, etc.). Keep the wiki up at all times and do not be afraid to pause and look shit up if you don't know what they're talking about.

What's a good graphical overlay that doesn't force me to look at ascii shit I'm too lazy to decipher?

Phoebus graphics pack. Use the dwarf fortress file depot and get the lazy newb pack, it's the default. Might be called the "peredexis errant LNP" now.


So considering df progresses about 10% per every 4 years and assuming this upcoming update puts us at around 50% then that means df should be complete in about 20 years.

Toadey himself has said it will be 1.0 in about 30 years.
Also the source code will be released when he dies.

Is he planning on going past 1.0?


Here's a fun idea. Play with normal setup in an evil biome. That's what I did and I could dig down 50 levels with 5 different caravans until I gave up. There was a waterfall that I used for water until I realized that random drowners would swim down and up and wreak havoc in my colony.

He might not make it though.

Just do it

The one thing stopping me from playing is the game being an unbelievable timesink.
Everytime I start playing, I sink into it for a good 4 hours because there's always something to attend to or some nasty shit going down. And after loading your fort again next time you play, everything is as erratic as it was and on top of that you have to try to remember or relearn what mechanisms, jobs, and means you put in place were supposed to achieve, why your mayor is walled away in a room with a feeding hatch in the ceiling, what are dead babies doing in a danger room, why is a fish cleaner chained outside, etc.
I still play DF from time to time, but the only winning move really is not to play.

And dropped. Not even 4 years in. That's the last time I give Holla Forums recommendations a chance

What did I miss?

Is this a new meme?


I want to collect them like trading cards.

Adding homo dwarves to the game just enhanced the roleplaying experience tbh.

Try Rimworld.

Here's one my brother experienced when we went on a DF binge.

Wew lad how new are you to DF, version 34 stayed the same for like 3 years.

There was a time perhaps 4 years ago when we were getting 2 major updates a year with several bugfix patches

Faggots exist though so why wouldn't a game that tries to aim into realism not have faggots in it.
I've played several forts since then and I have never had faggo romanticos, it seems to be around a 1-3% chance just like real life.

DF is a pinnacle of game depth and design with a dev who is devoted to his game, you're just as much a fag as the dwarves who stuff their caverns with plump helmets if you know what I mean.

More like 2-3 years and that were updates that occurred AFTER world history continued after fort generation.

Before it would be static ending when a Fort is created, however once that got finished he added in

After which he has gone into the next mountain which is seizing foreign lands, which I imagine is finished will have its own slue of releases just like when he updated from .34.

I'm completely content with the break in between I started playing back in 2011-2012, and there was a nearly 4-5 year span between the updates then.

I have been trying to make a sort of magma cannon for a legit year now. Anytime I try this, I flood my fort with magma when trying to pump magma up towards the fort's entrance layer.
T…this time I'm sure will be different.

Well Satan what are you using for valves? Floodgates or bridges, I advise the use of the later.

Also if you're not already aware diagonals remove pressure from liquids as do fortifications, ie they will not get pushed upward to another z level.

It's frustrating when you bring breeding stock of an animal and they won't breed because the two males you brought are too busy bumming eachother to make babies with the females.

Arent there gay animals? I dont know if there are exclusively gay animals though.

Yeah there are gay animals. The frequency of gayness has been tuned down since he added it though. It was bugged at like 20% at one which meant you had to take way more male animals than you should to make sure you could actually breed them.

you cant pressurize magma tho

You can in a way with volcanoes.

Just like real life you wouldn't try to start a herd of livestock with just two animals. You usually want at least 3 males and 6 females. Depending on the species you will want a lot more females.


Just like make depot. If you're in a forested area make sure there's a path at least three wide to the depot.

Birds breed very fast because of eggs.
I had eggs and honey and my fortress of 80 was well stocked forever

Some areas have docile goblins that arrive in Winter.

And in some cases, kidnapped Dwarves can lead goblins and vice versa.

Hey, I'm retarded and have never embarked on a waterless biome before.

Why are my dwarves saying they don't have water for medical purposes when there's a staircase down to a cavern with a pool in it that has natural ramps at the edges and, more recently, mined staircases? How do I fix it?

yeah its a gobbo leading the dorfs

Hit 'i' to go into the zones function, highlight some of the water's edge in a new zone then hit 'w' to denote that it's a water source.

Yo, /tg/ here.

I'm sure you're all familiar with Boatsmurdered, and that Dorf Fort is our particular brand of autism, right?
Here's my proposal: A Succession game between Holla Forums and /tg/, where we rotate between a /tg/-user and a Holla Forums-user in the lineup. But not just a normal succession game, no, this needs something special… namely MOTHERFUCKING FIREARMS AND TAME-ABLE DINOSAURS.
Dinosaur mod, and Dwarven Firearms in a succession game. who's down for it and whatever greentexts and storytimes that come of it?

there is a mod that adds firearms? last time a checked that feature was only available in masterwork dwarf fotress.

What the fuck is this dinosaurs meme? Every fucking place I look people are adding dinosaurs to shit. MTG, video games, children's clothes. Way fuckin' more than before too, there's dinosaurs all over the fucking place. Dinosaurs and guns in high fantasy is fucking lame.


It is indeed, my friend.

i just want to have musquets and shit.

Im sure nothing could ever go wrong with that setup
yesser, no disaster impending or anything


ah, turns out one is out-dated, the other is 404'd.

Other mods to shake things up would be welcome though.

As for the disaster… You talking in-game or out-game? Because in-game that's kind of the point.

Why mods? Why not just the vanilla game? The shaking is done by the switched off parties, not mods.

I'm down nigger, Prepare to encounter unparalleled efficiency

Eh. You're probably right. I usually throw in something new for the novelty, a hook to get others interested.

Alright, How about /tg/ decides the Worldgen settings, and Holla Forums gets to pick location and get first crack at it?
Standard Succession rules, each player gets 1 in-game year before they pass it on, fallback to the previous iteration of the save if someone flakes out. Game continues until the fort is beyond salvage.
Give me… about a day to get everything organized on the /tg/ end?

I'd prefer vanilla as well

Sure that sounds good, just don't be fags and make things super boring I also always suggest 666 demons for the world gen.

Alright, you folks should organize a player list, I'm going to steal your OP image for my own thread.

I elect myself for 1st year and choosing location, as I know what I'm doing.
The next is my brother for year 3.

Anyone else can elect themselves.

Have you started or genned yet?
Ill take year 4 if its there in the next hour.

Or maybe not, tomorrow is probably better for me

If we're doing a succession game let me bestow some changes to the people playing.
Legendary dwarves are no longer the indomitable force able to take on 100+ armies.

Legendary dwarves get tired and are able to be swarmed by numbers so dwarves with steel gear, +2 legendary fighter and weapon skill can still be fuckled.

Large armies help and cave adaption is even worse so above ground barracks are key, or barracks with natural sunlight poking through.

/tg/ is slow so it'll probably be a day or two before we have everything organized on our end.

I've been trying on and off to get into this game for a while, and like another user said, the main challenge is the UI. I tried my hardest to just get used to the vanilla UI, but I'm not sure I can. Does anyone have any graphic overhaul packs/texture packs or whatever you call them that looks similar enough to the vanilla that I could feasibly learn it and switch back to vanilla later on?



Yeah, no shit. There were times I would spend hours just planning how I'd design my fort and looking up medieval architechture (and older) for A E S T H E T I C S inspiration.

yes but did you spend four more hours to lay down the complete blueprint in one piece in quickfort?




Does it have a 43.05 version?

Nice one, but check this out.


and yeah quickfort is up to date

More like Loli (the) death goddess.

Awesome, I'll go look for it.

Kill him, reclaim the book and let your dwarves put it in the library, bam, immortal fortress full of necromancers.

How can I get excited about sending raiding parties to bumfuck middle of nowhere when I can't host a proper military with reasonable reserves due to inevitable FPS death that occurs due to Toady's incompetence regarding game performance? Jesus christ, what is the point of adding extra features when the game is not even playable in fortress mode?

I don't get the same FPS death issues people seem to get. If you run the game with dfhack you can do some lag fixes, /fix-fat dwarves command and /clean all mud snow command and shit like that. The only time my game starts to lag is when trees decide to shit their foliage on my CPU.

works on my machine :^)

I play on a low-tier laptop and can keep a solid 100FPS unless its during a large siege.
Be smart with stockpile management, you don't even need a quantum stockpile everything, you just need to make sure you atomsmash shit you dont need, and to use plenty of boxes and bims and barrels for fairly centralized storage. Store food in an area only accessible via the kitchen and dining area as an example.
Keep all your workshops as close to the trade depot as possible and create one quantum stockpile for raw materials that the workshops use and a small stockpile for lumber with a quantum lumber stockpile next to it, so you can get dwarves to bring it inside into the dirst stockpile than quantumly store it when you have excess wood laying around outside.
The two biggest performance hitters are fluid simulation and pathing.
So if you don't dig into rivers and stockpile intelligently, and seal off your mines when you've exhausted them, you can have about 200 people and elves in a single map on a crappy laptop like mine that can only play Insurgency or RO2 on lowest settings when its freezing balls in the house.

Also I should add that workshops themselves act as stockpiles, so only stockpile stuff you have intentions of keeping for your dwarves, otherwise leave it in the shop so your dwarves can walk 3-7 feet to put trade goods in the depot. You'll be able to get your trade goods out before the merchant does.

Speaking of death machines, Satan, has anyone ever weaponized the Circus?

That just gave me the idea to make a criss-crossing magma/aqueduct with floodgates at each intersection and corresponding levers somewhere inside the fort to drop magma on any little spot I might need some. If I pump stack a reservoir of magma just above the magmaduct it should be ready to go even after a couple uses.

I don't know how you'd stop the circus after unleashing them, but I have weaponized forgotten beasts by luring them into a stairwell that led outside by pastuering an animal next to the stairwell in the cavern. Once the beast killed the animal it wandered up the stairs and killed most of the goblins that were invading. Once the goblins killed the beast I sent out my dwarven squad and my Dwarf Squad leader single handedly killed the remaining goblins. It was pretty cool. They were all worn down and bloody and wounded and he sauntered towards them while dodging crossbow bolts and bashed all their brains in without getting scratched.

Well, ideally you'd mine down to the point just before the right spot (in its own separate mine from your main one), link that with a tunnel/stairwell to the surface, then have a sacrificial dorf strike the earth one final time when a large enough enemy arrives. Suddenly you have Hell on Earth.

this is the reason I stopped playing. Despite the games incredible detail, there isn't much to do besides boring mega projects that no one will see and you definitely won't feel satisfied about when it's finished.

So what is the joke, really? Do people do map reviews like that?

Time to go to a savage evil biome then. Also, let yourself get attached to the dwarves and their dumb lives. The game means more that way. I'm playing a fort right now where one of my initial dwarves, a woman who spent her whole life as an herbalist ended up pregnant and married to the cook. She was out pulling yams when Amost had their first child and a couple years passed. One day while she was out a giant badger decided she was next and killed her, for some reason didn't kill the infant which grew up MOMENTS LATER into a child. The badger slaughtered the child too and after the military dealt with it I unforbade their things and the cook went out with the rabble to collect them, at the pile his little sprite stopped, did that flash thing where the slashes spin around on them and they stop for a moment, then immediately he stopped what he was doing and went back to his room. Stayed there for like a week in-game time and then slipped into melancholy. He was so broken he went to the river outside and drowned himself. They're all buried in their own family tomb now, gold sarcophagi and silver walls, out in the field where Amost used to pull yams.

Well obviously thats how you get them out, butnmy question howndonyou put the genie back in the bottle?
I'm thinking maybe dropping a massive stone block to cover the hole

Many autists critique in this way. Many, many, jaded autists. Nihilism or something.

Nah, that one's a /tg/ classic riffing on how unrealistic fantasy maps are made to suit the plot.
…It's actually just western Europe rotated 90 degrees.

Yes but it is a form of nihilism by slightly sad but stable people. It is also slightly sad that this could realistically happen and does happen despite the content being authentic. I am sure every critique is even parodying real historic events and dynamics in Europe. It's tragic that reality is mocked as unrealistic and purely human construct. It reveals how steeped in illusion and ignorance we are as a species, nation, and in this instance a splinter of an interest group.

Everything is a trope, a gimmick, a rehash, blah blah blah in a trend of ultra-modernism and neo-mania. Class is dying in a forced Marxist ideological world.


Yep, that's the crux of RPG campaign design in a nutshell. Nothing you do is going to be truly original, so instead you find ways to freshen up old ideas. It's less about what hasn't been done yet, but more about how it hasn't been presented yet, capitalizing on novelty, or even nostalgia and the honest taste of face-value tropes.
It's basically equivalent to most anime genre tags. There's a billion and one manga series about a character with a huge sword, but there's only one Berserk.

I just want a true combat simulator so I can become a cyberpunk martial arts master.

Tell me your ideas user. I had a few ideas for a similar thing. Roguelikes / party-based adventure games seem ripe for this sort of thing.

In particular, I had thoughts about different systems (borrowed from one of those wrestling games), such as strikes, holds, escapes, etc., and a fighting style would consist of different strengths/weaknesses of those. But then monks could also get Ki power and align chakras for stat boosts and powers, that sort of thing

I'd rather have a vertical 2.5D fighting game.

It would just be incredibly involved and concentrated physics and controls.

The tip screens would be about 999 in count, all talking about different combat styles and moves and dynamics and shit. It's like ancient martial artists formed a council and a wizard, a sage and a sorcerer were commissioned to create a combat simulator with controls that made you jizz from their perfection, sophistication and authenticity. Chaining simple controls like a puppeteer. "All martial arts seeks to return to simplicity". I would just have sage quotes running through my head all day as I try to move a million miles per second to keep up with the connections. I was watching Hero today with Jet Li and the best baddest dude in that movie (Broken Sword) perfected his skill with calligraphy. That's the shit I'm talking about.

I really want to try to get into this game, but when I first opened it up I had no idea what I was doing. Just figuring out the controls took some time and I only knew what a few of the symbols meant before I gave up a couple days later. Is there a better way to learn it or do I just need to spend an autistic amount of time with it?
I mostly want to play for adventure mode because it's the only game I can walk around as some Leechman abomination killing and eating things.

Take a screenshot and show us then.

Just curious, has anyone ever managed to play in a maxed-out embark area?

Maybe if you have the patience to play the game in real time.

Heh. I might try it when I get a proper rig. Unrelated, but do you know if modding chitin and scale to be viable materials takes effect in my current saves? Or do I have to generate a whole new world for that? In that case, is there any utility that can introduce the fix to existing world save files?

you need new world unless you are editing raws of already existing world manually.

One more question. Well, two of them. I know taking in random names is all the rage, but I feel like naming my fort this time. What's a good name for a fort located in an evil mountain range with a magma-filled gorge* on one corner? And while we're at it, what does the symbol you can design in the embark screen stand for? The fort or the founding group?

Can someone explain to me how military scheduling works? I've had my happy, well-oiled machine fucked over before because I didn't do some of the military bullshit right and I get raided or someone goes mad with no response force in wait.

I'm not going to open DF to check what the name options are but something like "Death's Maw" or "Dwarf Rage" or something halloween themed. "Pumpkin Hill" heh. "Skeleton's Keep". Make a spooky haunted mountain, turn everyone into necromancers and the undead, dark evil library… do they have organs in this game yet? I haven't played in a while. Pumpkins everywhere…. PUMPKINS. We should ask Toady for an emergency update for jack o lanterns with at least 6 face variations. 6 pumpkin sizes. and 6 pumpkin creatures. Maybe a variation drops from haunted trees that eat dorfs that try to cut it down. Anyway… halloween theme.

have a one squad training all the time. its much more effective to have small but super trained standing force



he he he

I feel a little ashamed for having to ask this, but is there any way to set jewelers to automatically cut rough gems without me having to order them?

Afraid not. I really wish you could set standing repeat orders for things like gem cutting so every season I don't have to go through each and every gem and, once again, set them to be cut.

God fucking damn it. I edited the raws on an existing save file to be able to make stuff out of chitin and scale like I would with leather. Now the game crashes whenever I load the save file. Is there something I can do to make the mod work properly, or do I have to revert the raws to their original state?

Forgot to say, but I followed the instructions here: dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2014:Skin

Aren't mods usually done in a new world?

Manager bills maybe. If you assign a manager you can set up orders from the stocks screen and it auto delegates them. Not sure if that will let you choose the cuts though…

You can restrict the workshops to only allow a specific dorf to work it.

are gay dwarfs useful in any way? i just use them as fodder in my military.

They are less useful than regular dwarves as they won't contribute to your pop. They are just there to simulate realisma. Just make sure you bury them like any other dwarf when yer experiments end. The last thing you want are tons of gay dwarf ghosts lurking your fort.

What are some good complimentary job combinations, and what's a good job-to-population ratio? I keep finding myself getting hit with waves of migrants whom I end up just loading down with labors that the fortress needs right at that moment, and the end result is after 3 years I find I have a dozen engravers or fourteen cheese makers while other industries languish.

That ratio really depends on how many dwarves you have. If you have around 20 then you want 100% to be working. If you have say 100 dwarves then you'll only need about 30 actual workers. The rest of the dwarves are still useful because you can create armies with them and also their sheer numbers allow you to stockpile very quickly. Thus improving the efficiency of the actual worker dwarves.

Also I should add that if you delimit your worker dwarves from basic menial tasks then you don't have to suffer from poor work output when you are trying to do massivr construction projects, since building walls and cleaning etc are very basic tasks.

I think that might be part of my problem then - I can have 60 dwarves in my fort and I start to panic if so much as 3 of them are idle, resulting in massive workflow balances where, for instance, masonry is flooded with 20 amateurs and something like glassblowing has a single grand master but he's too busy trying to carve doors and thrones from stone to do his normal profession.

Yeah to improve worker efficiency its important to have your most talented dwarves be limited to very specific tasks.
It helps economically too because 1 top tier craftsdwarf is better than 5 amatuers.

I don't have a problem with workload or worker distribution, but I do have a major issue with hauling, especially early on. No matter how many dedicated haulers I assign I keep getting loads of jobs cancellations and resources lying on the floor because they're not tgetting to their respective workshops fast enough. This is a bigger issue with wood, as logs are too big to carry more than one in a wheelbarrow and I can't into minecart routes, not to mention it takes a long way from the forests to the workshop on account of my extensive defense grid. Any advice?

Make a small stockpile for wood next to the workshops.
Make sure your craftsdwarfs, metalworkers, carpenters etc dont have hauling as a job.
Just how far away is the forest from the workshops?

Check. I've made whole rooms just for storage purposes in order to further reduce hauling.

Check it like you check my dubs.

I've embarked in a mountainous area that's contiguous with a small but thick forest. I've made the main entrance at the almost-top of said mountain (the top level is reserved for the main entrance garrison) after removing almost all the slopes to ensure there's only one path to the entrance that passes through multiple checkpoints. About eight Z-levels in total, with the forest at the very bottom. Also yes, I've considered digging into the foot of the mountain to make for a minecart access, but that wrecks my defense planning because it presents a far more vulnerable entrance point and would stretch my forces thinner if I wanted to reinforce the security there.


At least there's only four things left to do. That means the release will come around next year.

minecraft faggotry

78 Tasks left.

Good progress.

it didn't happen

we got a day technically


What's the fastest way to master this game?
It doesn't seem particularly easy with noobs.

Basically… as disgusting as it seems, binge watch tutorial vids and playthroughs. Capnduck and Avak are likely your best Youtubers in that regard.

Use the wiki. There's several guides on how to make your first fort. The rest is trial and error. Remember, Losing is Fun!

I'd advise against this on the account that it makes things more confusing.

Never watched one in my life.
They kill the fun of exploring.

I don't see the multiple guides, beside the Quickstart guide.
I was hoping to find some kind of handbook that helps you through the game without spoiling it.

Can someone who's played the ROTMK mod tell me how to get my koopas out of their shells? I lose half my population after a FB attack because my koopas stay in their shells and die of thirst.

I think you might be misunderstanding how the game works; the world is randomly generated before you start playing, and yours is effectively guaranteed to be unique, from its terrain generation to its long history. Before you even start playing you have to pick an embark location, which can greatly affect how difficult the game is. Watching someone else's video of the game spoils nothing unless both they tell you the seed for their world and you go out of your way to mimic their embark location; it's not something that will happen by accident.

I feel like having some Fun. Could a charitable user let me know if there's a way to find a Vault to embark on top of in Fortress Mode?

I can't wait to see ass creed flop generals plastered all over the catalogue for then next few weeks. You guys really know how to run something into the ground.

Oh shit wrong thread

He is right about the legend of whorra.
Is this a new mene?

Except that image is about Legend of Aang, not brown Erin.

Magic is probably going to be huge. I'm expecting to see a lot of interest in the game rise up again, like with what happened with the beastmen + adventure mode building + art update. This current one seems to have shit to do with squads and artifacts mainly, but there was also talk of some more political systems being added. I thought that was all in this update but it looks like magic will be happening next year or even the year after. Shame; I was excited to see enchanted artifacts and squads and magic and all of that shit be in a single update, but whatever. I'm still expecting magic to be some huge fucking deal for the playerbase though. There will probably be a few purists who like the more mundane world before where magic was purely tied to necromancers and fucked up biomes, which made it feel like a terrifying, eldritch force, and will just continue playing on 43.05 forever, but I think it'll be a lot of fun.

Shit man I just wanna see what he's doing. He said he wanted to make magic a really complex thing and I'm really curious as to what kind of "complex" it's gonna be. Like, will you cast like you would when you aim a melee strike? You choose an element and a desired effect from it and then cast it at a target? You'd go like
but I'm also expecting it to just be handled like art, where you can write a spell and sell it or learn it or buy a spellbook from someplace. I guess it kind of depends on whether magic will be handled as more of an art thing that your character picks up and learns about or as more of a skill-based thing where you can choose it from the start and manipulate it accordingly. I'm really fucking looking forward to fighting impossibly deadly bandits and monsters that have a lot of batshit terrifying spells; it's probably gonna be a lot of fun and it'll definitely add a bit more strategy to the game.

That would be… some arcane shit. I like it.


If I remember correctly, I think Toady said magic level would be a slider in world generation, so you'd pick how magical the world is.

It's been a while since I've read the monthly posts where he answers questions, and I'd have to go digging for it and that's too much trouble for me right now, but I from what I remember he said he wanted magic to be like an invisible being you invoke, like a deity. Not really sure what he meant by that, though, but he also said the development of magic should differ between world generations, so some worlds would be more adept with something like teleport while others not. I think he said he wanted magic to feel unique between worlds and playing in a new world would involve experimentation to see what you can do and how you can do it, too.

Well, whether or not those things actually come to be, I'm still looking forward to the magic update because I just like magic. Plus, artifacts with enchantments could make them more practical than just being eye candy.

Now, you're probably wondering what Urist McDorf is going to need all of this magic for - after all, he's been building up blood magic for twelve years - but to answer that we need to talk about parallel planes, specifically the Abyss

What the fuck.

Jesus christ Toady is a god. What if he's trying to teach people real magic? What if Toady the Wiz Kid is Toady THE FUCKING WIZARD.

Alright, I've done the digging so now I can source shit now.
World generation magic scale: bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=140544.msg6583653#msg6583653
Magic as an "invisible unspeaking companion": bay12forums.com/smf//index.php?topic=140544.msg6970205#msg6970205
Magic differing between world generation as well as side effects from using magic: archive.is/zLG1N

In addition, he's said the magic update will have to have to be split into several parts, so it won't all be there in the beginning.

A Urist is a Urist, you can't say it's only half.

I for one welcome tranny elf migrants, they bring much-needed diversity to the stale homogeneity of a dwarf hole.

I don't.

I wish Toady wouldn't do this shit. Or at least make it easier to identify them so I can throw them into a pit.

Speaking of, on a scale between 1 and 10 where 1 is Low Fantasy and 10 is High, where do you think DF sits on as it is currently?

It would be kinda cathartic to watch some tranny elves flail around in a drowning pit or something.

It can't get much higher, can it? What's left? It's beyond Lovecraft territory in some ways.

There is no such thing as a male knife-ear.

Hey, nothing wrong with letting tranny elf migrants stay around as long-term residents. Gotta keep my vampire Champion fed after all, he he he.

I got seiged while digging a pit for a drawbridge :(

Forgot last pic

Death was sweet release for them.

The main distinction between high and low fantasy is the visibility and accessibility of magic, not how much magic is present. In Conan, for example, there's all kinds of magic shit out there - magic weapons, enchantments, demons, necromancers, blood magic, gods, magic beasts, etc. - but Conan is the archetypal low fantasy because all of that is removed almost completely from the day-to-day. A magic weapon is something that will live on in legends, monsters reside only in the depths of the earth, ruins and the wildest places and the closest most people will ever get to any sort of magic is buying a charm or amulet that's probably a placebo anyway.

The UI is self-explanatory enough for the most part, but it's still a fucking chore to navigate. You will have to memorize lots of key combinations to traverse menus. The core elements of the game like building the important stuff and designating work are not bad, but building the more advanced stuff and the entire military system is a UI nightmare. I still spent hundreds of hours on this game, but man the UI fucking blows. You should use Dwarf Therapist at a minimum, it makes it easy for you to manage your dwarves' tasks and jobs, and it's basically just a fucking spreadsheet. A spreadsheet being a major improvement on the vanilla UI should give you a good idea of what you're dealing with.

What's a tile suppose to be metrically anyhow?

Toady says 2x2 meters long/wide and 3 meters high is the general metric he uses. But space is weird in current DF because every creature is one tile in size from babies to giant elephants.

Quarter tiles would be awesome.

Holy shit magic has always been so fucking fun in games. It's gonna be great to see an actual love letter to it instead of just a list of spells with set functions. I always like playing spellsword/Red Mage-y characters with good skill in combat and a good amount of agility and spells to rely on, so I can strategize to the max with my versatility. It's a lot more fun to have to think my way through problems by putting together good ideas on the fly instead of just relying on my few proficiencies to power me through everything so long as they're good enough. That's just been my preferred style though; I like being the backbone who can do whatever's needed to even out the playing field for his allies and still hold his own in a fight when he's alone. Shit's fun.

It'd be cool to have dragons and other large creatures be laid out like the caravans, where they're multiple tiles moving around as an entity instead of just one. I think it'd add an amazing sense of scale and would be awesome to witness in game.

Then you have to consider the vertical tiles. He would have to make DF 3D…. still ASCII

Honestly his development process is good and should be implemented more often. Get all the gameplay, mathematics and such (CPU primary RAM secondary type) completed, and then go for sophistication of interface, controls, and graphical processing. Dinner before dessert. Getting into matrix mode requires complete focus and commitment anyhow. Can't STEM thinking about how difficult it would be to animate it. Just shit the output to text and ASCII and call it a night (at 4AM). Gotta get under under the iceberg.

As an autist myself, I'm not so sure that's the case. We certainly CAN comprehend abstraction, but it is usually not the first thing that comes to mind. That said, I love RTSs and games like Dungeon Keeper, so maybe it's just me.

I've made a mod that added in Angels from some guy's mod that adds in some Messiah bullshit as a playable civ for both fortress and Adventure mode, though I cannot say it is without its bugs. The fortress portion works fine, it's the towns and shit in adventure that seem to have issues. Compared to that, adding in primitive guns could probably be a cakewalk for me.

Top fucking kek where'd you find pic related?

Make a repeating work order using you manager.

To elaborate, set up a work order from the manager's menu (not the workshops) to cut gems. Set the number to 0 if you want it to be perpetual, then add a condition to it that will trigger the order to become active whenever you have rough gemstones.

That's one of my favorite DF pictures.

From what I've seen in some other future of fortress posts, there will probably be sliders for specific things such as "weirdness of magic" and non-human species stuff where you could potentially make a dwarfless world. So it'd probably be a bit different from that, but going by a scale of 1 to 10, I'd probably put it at about 3 to 5 or so. There's various magical and mystical things, but they feel more like forces of nature rather than magic and the only magic guilds are necromancer guilds and every civilization is only mundane.

I prefer going offensive utility mage myself, things like debuffs and lockdown, usually illusionists/mind mages take that role. It helps I like that theme as well.

It was a gulag fort



Source is
by the way


I think one of the big parts of the magic system presentation was that "casting" itself wasn't hard coded, different creatures and cultures "cast" things in different ways, singing, breathing, so forth.
I'm kind of excited to see how much variety there actually is there.

I'm honestly excited but at the same time depressed because I know I will never be able to fully enjoy and/or exploit the magic system because even if I do play DF for a few days straight I'll forget about it two weeks later and have to learn it all over again

I can't wait for the files that let us add/remove which skills are chosen from the list for casting.
Butchering Cats to kill elves with summoned Chicken-demons is gonna be FUN.

Hey, user. Don't get your hopes down. DF can be a little tricky to learn at first; put some time into figuring out the raw basics of the interface and remember the important keys. It'll stick eventually, and the game isn't too hard to learn when you're just sticking to the basics of how the game works and controls, then you can build on that from there. Dorf is an excellent game and you shouldn't pass it up if you know you're going to have a great time with it. Keep going!

It's not this update, and magic won't be done in one update. I'd say these are more end goal things. Toady still had to do a lot of stuff.

It's just like reading. You might get in the flow with a book you like, but it takes someone who can read with intensity to get back into it after months of haitus right off the bat.

I know. I was talking about "this" as in "this update that's coming later". I kind of worded it wrong due to hype.


I think my dwarves are subtly hinting as to what kind of weapon they want to use.

How do you assign specific items to specific dorfs? I have a really spiffy artifact cape and I want my King to have it someday.

Bumping with shit from the interview article, because why not bump with something to talk about?

wow i fucked up my memetext

What's your favorite Dwarf Fortress' inspired game?

GURPS Fortress. The most autistic TRPG in existence.

Fuck off back to Reddit before I fucking murder you.

*DF ripoff

Actually, on Steam there are several strategy games stating that they are originated from DF.
Maybe you should get your sperg checked out, and get back to >>>/reddit/

After the retarded boom of Minecunt, the insulting dog turd that was Gnomoria and the endless, inescapable shilling of Rim(job)world that's reached this very board, can you blame me for being a little bitter?

Where can I find this?
Been looking around and only get articles about GURPS itself.

It was a project me and a couple of half-chan anons worked on a year or two back on a Discord server. The basic idea was that we design the game around progression, similar to how Dwarf Fortress works. First you're a party of settlers surviving in the wilderness, then you're a figurehead leading a small town to success, dealing with day to day life of the fortress and perfecting your craft, Then you're a major leader and/or hero of the fortress who splits his time between fighting off massive invasions and forgotten beasts, and a government head who manages the local economy.
The project died a few months after it started, but I still have the document for it.

im guessing toady is gonna do some magicka shit where there are proc gen spells and runes
imagine hooking up speech to text in adventure mode and having your character shout out a bunch of syllablss

*and having that cause a thermonuclear explosion

I agree fellow user, that would indeed be the ultimate video gaming experience.

crops need to be under ground. I just saved you 6 hours go forth and conquer. only thing not in ui.

kill your cats.

he is planning to die with the game un finished. that is his goal

legendary engraver was my favorite part of this game. The stories were actually good. and smiley faces everywhere made me feel good.

2011 for me. Downloading on my i7 chipset right now tomorrow is already gone. i can feel it


Last time I played was in 2011 on a laptop and FPS death was brutal. Since then I built this dope tower with intels I7 chip. I can't wait…but I actually will, this artifact update isn't out yet huh?

It might come out this month. Maybe.

I got so excited when I read
earlier in the thread. you can send your dwarfs off on quests?!!! FUCK YEAH TOADYYY!

It was supposed to come out in October, but it seems he couldn't make it in time. He posted saying he has 4 more things to do, but who knows how long that will take.

My name is Chaw Skunkjaws, the demigod elf biter who dual wields shields.


God damn it the game crashed after a few hours of play.
I feel like never playing it again but I know I'm lying to myself.


damn it Toady I need the stuff man

Hey so I made a race/civ mod


If it interests anyone feel free to try it out. I appreciate feedback, especially considering how many variables there are in this game. There's probably a ton of stuff I've overlooked.

Here's a story about how to fuck up at the very beginning.
The fort did get back up and running afterwards but talk about a fucked start.



Down to "two" more things.

Chaw Skunkjaws died. I made a dwarf biter named Kuk Netroared.
It turns out that once you bite and latch, shaking the body part around only takes 1 to 2 ticks (seems to vary, might depend on skill and stats) which means biting is weaker than weapons but you can attack more and fit extra hits inbetween enemy attacks. Also does more damage than wrestling because wrestling grabs deal no damage and bites do, while in my experience shaking around is also better than pinching or gouging. On top of that with 2 shields I have more defense than a wrestler, because wrestlers require a free hand. I'm trying to see if attacks can be interrupted with bite latches but normally the enemy hits before the bite lands so at least I know it's not viable if it's possible.
I also started carrying body parts of fallen enemies in my mouth, it's very convenient for throwing. You can only carry one thing because whatever is in your mouth falls off on the next bite.
If you're a biter you do need something more, because you can't always land bites. I use punches, coins (thrown) and a spear (sometimes thrown).

Here are some achievements of my biter:

What about unarmed damage? Can you grind Striker until you reach Kenshiro level and pulp people's heads with a single punch?


Change his profession name to berseker, he deserves it.

Yes. If it doesn't kill them, it could also twist their neck and make them a quadriplegic.

I bought the panties of the elf queen for a few copper coins.
I'm wearing them right now, they have minor damage


So I'm going to play a little game here, inspired by

these posts.
My ultimate goal is to become the greatest unarmed fighter ever, going down in the annals of history with hundreds of kills.
I created my character "Keth Ica - The Eagle" (who is a literal eagle person) with some fighting skills. no wresting though, for added difficulty


Our adventure starts in the hills of direction, after Keth emerges from the wilderness to venture out and pursue his ultimate goal of becoming the greatest fighter in the world. The people here are nothing like his tribe - they're featherless and pink, unlike anything he's seen before.
His first action is to drop all of clothing and weapons aside from a bag and a loincloth, to show off his muscles (obviously).
Despite just entering civilized society and having extremely low linguistic ability, Keth somehow perfectly understands each and every word of the surrounding villagers, probably thanks to some curse by a certain frog deity.
A villager approaches Keth and begins to converse.

Dis Gon' be Gud.

Our first adventure! Busbel, a hydra, has been terrorizing the region for quite some time now.
Keth checks his map - Busbel is holed up in the mountains to the northwest, in a place the farmer calls the "Wall of Owners".
The journey from here to there will be long and arduous, (Especially without the ability to quick-travel through the mountains) and Keth briefly considers going hunting for some vampire blood, for it's strength-enhancing effects.
Nevertheless, our feathery hero asks for more specific directions to the monster, and proceeds to engage the farmer in ritual fisticuffs, as customary of his people.

The fight goes well for a moment, and suddenly the farmer draws a knife on Keth! Obviously this ignorant farmer has no idea of eagle-men tradition!
Keth, holding his best with his amateur wresting skills, tries to grab the knife. The farmer, in a spectacular display of bladesmanship, cuts Keth's right arm clean off with the bronze knife.
Luckily, [THE EAGLE] is able to fend off the farmer with a few kicks, and the coward runs away.
Our hero is left bleeding in faint at the start of his adventure, already endowed with a major disability.

Look at the bright side now you lost a few urists of weight.

The news begins to spread quickly, so Keth begins to pack up for travel, not wanting to draw any "paparazzi".
He takes a moment to devour a meal and fill his waterskin up at the well, and then to express his emotions to one of the bystanders. He's off, and takes a day to travel to "scout" (wander aimlessly" in the surrounding area, eventually settling down in a town called "Mortalfishes" for the night. Although he sleeps in the dirt, he's thankful. He couldn't recount the countless times that he had lost one of his many relatives to bogeymen during his tribal childhood days.
"Perhaps," Keth thought to himself, as he began to go to sleep, "I should find a companion so I can travel during the night."

Time to look for a werecreature then.

I believe yellow function loss heals eventually. It's Cyan and Red that are really bad.

Red wounds become scars, but you lose no function unless an internal organ, the eyes, spine or a tendon is damaged. For instance the right ankle on my current adventure character was shattered (red wound) but I lost no function.
I don't know what cyan ones are exactly but I know not everything can get them.

In a modest prayer, the handicapped man-creature smalltalks his god, casually mentioning the cold weather. He lies down and begins to think of a nice, warm beach.
The shivering bird-man wakes up covered by a layer of snow. He quickly puts together a short-lived campfire, and warms up the ice in his waterskin. Already, it was shaping up to be a bad day.
People need outlets, and Keth's outlet is mindless violence. He walks into one of the nearby humie huts and silently strangles a sleeping serf to suffocation, sensing psychopathy, similar to a psychotic, senile savant.
Entirely disregarding the previous events, Keth asks the two other farmers, who are now cowering in a corner, about local troubles. The refuse to answer and instead hock a loogie at the poor, underprivileged murderer. The birdman ignores them and leaves, wandering over to the outskirts of a nearby evil fortress.
Out of nowhere, a goblin attack force jumps him. This certainly was going to be a bad day.

Probably, although I don't know how I'll survive getting infected. I guess the wings will come in use.

I think the wiki says red is when the wound fucks up the part so bad it looks like hamburger.
Cyan is functional loss but the part is still intact.

Keth greatly underestimates the goblin's competency and is immediately hit with an axe to the ribs. Suprisingly, there is no functional damage and he continues to fly.
He swoops back down, attempting to snap the neck of one of the weaker goblins - another mistake, as this one stabs him out of the air, crippling his other arm. Keth regains his balance and flies back up into a tree before departing the location for a northern dwarf village.
He'll have to rest before he can get into fighting shape again.

fuck uploaded the images in the wrong fucking order

I think the wiki is wrong then.
I have no sort of function loss on my ankle that had the bones shattered, and the scar is yellow. I've had tendons or nerves damaged in the past and that definitely causes permanent function loss, nerve damage even makes you feel less pain.
Also Kuk Netroared died by being frozen in the ocean while grinding swimmer skill, fuck.

He flies over to the nearest dwarvern village.
Hungrily, he attempts to kill a horse. This ends up backfiring, as the horse kicks and maims him, his liver and right knee destroyed. No more booze, no more walking. In a daze of pain, he falls to sleep.
Amazingly, all of his wounds heal in the morning, except for his inability to use his hands. In a insane fervor, Keth calls out to his god, accusing him of being a monster several times, in a desperate hope that the deity will strike him with some cool curse. This fails, and he begins to head north towards the hydra. Although he's in no condition to fight, he hopes to somehow become stronger along the way.
The journey is uneventful and he stops at a fortress entrance for the night.

Keth, extremely tired and hungry, falls asleep atop the fortress entrance.

Suddenly, he awakes surrounded by a guttural laughing. Bogeymen! But how? He thought he was at a safe site!
He is torn apart before he can react.


Keth drifts back into conciousness. He's at the same place, but things feel different; he feels a few days younger, but generally the same.
However, before he can even depart his temporary resting place, a troupe of goblins appear!

It looks like the health page uses a different color code than the body parts page, because the guy's arm is cut off but the function loss is in yellow.
It seems like mangled parts to heal but they don't completely heal, like you said, I just tested it out.

Phase one: Keth delivers a lucky blow from behind to the goblin, destroying his throat. The goblin tries to abscond but suffocates in the process. Keth scavenges an iron shield from the corpse.

He flies away from the fight, failing to find anymore goblins.

Alright, this wasn't as interesting as I thought, so I'll retire the character for now and play a bit tommorow if I have the energy/time.

I wonder if the wrestling subsystem will get an update to let you control where you throw people once you're in control of the grapple. Pitching goblins off cliffs and shit would be a riot.

Probably, it's a very needed missing thing

You went for strong foes too quick. Should've holocausted some farmers and stolen armor from a keep.

Do I always get the curse if it says "You feel horrible."?
I ask because I had that message appear when a mummy came rushing into the room I was in but I noticed the (!!)s in the next room and walked away, and I swear my companion was closer when it opened the door and the message appeared. My companion even got attacked first, the mummy ripped off his arm and he ran away, then the mummy came after me.
I went back to the nearest town, grabbed a cat and let it hit me a bunch and all of its hits glanced off my armor except for one which knocked a tooth out, which is reasonable but I'm still not sure.

Which isn't going to improve anything for DF since the game doesn't have multithreading. I7 architecture just has hyperthreading as opposed to i5, and more cores than i3. And a bit more cache I guess, but not per core so it doesn't really change anything.

i7 has better SCP than i5
heres what dorf performance actually depends on on a scale of importance:
CPU cache size > CPU raw SCP > RAM latency > HDD speed
those are the four that significantly affect performance, by loading the games folder on a ramdisk you can get 30 extra FPS for example
the bottleneck of performance with dorf lies not with the raw processing power of your CPU but between CPU cache and RAM

Speaking of that I wonder how much compiler optimizations matter for the game.
For instance I've been playing dwarf fortress all this while on a 64-bit sempron 2600+ 1.65ghz with 1GB 400mhz ddr1 (no idea what the latencies are) + some random 40GB hard drive, it has an integrated gpu but it can't do hardware acceleration under linux even with the official drivers. I first compiled it with gcc 6.4.0 and the cflags were "-o2 -march=native -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-stack-protector" but now that you mentined cpu cache size I'm building with gcc 6.4.0 and "-o0 -march=native -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-stack-protector -flto=1". The linker is gold, it's not specified on the compiler flags because it's the default for me.
I also run the game on text mode without an X server.

I mean -Os not -O0

Any idea when we'll be able to make readable signs in Fort mode, rather than rely on pictograms and shit? Also, how do you assign non-building items to specific dorfs?


You can leave notes around and read them. I use those a lot on my lever room for instance.

Yeah, but you can't read those when you drop by your fort on Adventurer mode. Or can you?

I want to say you can….

Thats right on.

I wish this multithreaded….seems like an ideal application for that. story thread/outside world: Fluids and physics: General catchall: Dwarf: Dwarf2: Dwaft3: Creatures/Animals: OS. Hyperthreading goes to dwarfves.

a boy can dream

I went through this stuff once trying to optimize for a work laptop. didn't really matter.

"Down to two now! The various remaining artifact issues were uneventful. Now the main thing left to do is handling all this companions-during-infiltration business, the issue being that a goblin might address one of your companions instead of you, due to line-of-sight, etc., and your buddy needs to be able to pipe up intelligently to save all your lives. Might take some days due to the various various ways it can All Go Wrong.

Then finally some bugs I promised to do before the release. Normally, we do bug-fixing for a while afterward (and of course we'll still do that), but e.g. dwarves being stuck in trees and broken undead tissues managed to get to the pre-release promise list, in some discussion or other. So we'll see how that goes after the companion identity stuff is handled. Then we should be ready!"

Significant update has happened, 4 new races have been added.