Mods Delete Threads Becuase Of "Islamophobia"

How is this place any different from cuckchan if mods delete threads with the reason "islamophobia"?

Other urls found in this thread:

You know anyone can read the logs right?

Mods delete a lot if you get too correct about anything anywhere. They prefer complacence or token idiots.

You know where they live.

Time for very personal meta.

Why has nobody created a Holla Forumsmeta board? It can be unofficial. Mark will likely pay attention to it.

Welcome to nintendo board.
Bought your switch yet?

You are new. You need to go back or shut your cunt.

Holy shit you're new.

How can you tell the reason?

Nah. (You) need to fuck off and go back :^)

Yeah, this place is pretty shit since its ran by a kike.

This place would be pretty great if Holla Forums ran it and got rid of all the commies and centristcucks plaguing this board


Oy vey, I can tell you one of the reasons. Just recently.


looks to me like there was no reason, so why are you telling me there's a reason? unless the reason is actually later on the list under "spam"

What you have on your hands now, is something that does not have an off.

Cobalt is little bitch in general.

Holla Forums is the worst regardless of the actual website. How does this happen?

OP sorry man but they deleted your thread because it was shitty, not becuse it ws islamophobic.

Nintendo comes and starts paying the owner.
Since in order to even run the board you need to have manchild's mentality it always happens.

>>>Holla Forums

Was a shit thread about a shit steam page

And I got Hitler dubs too. That means I'm right.

>>>Holla Forums

it does look cuckchan as fuck tbh

You have tickled rarefied air where only a few fly. Used to care for looking after this hobby, but I see exactly what it is now. There is no coming back.

At least keep your retardation contained to an existing thread rather than spawning a new one

Man, who Holla Forums out of its containment board
>>>Holla Forums

Hey cobalt, grew a penis yet?

Have the vols always been this shit or is it a recent thing?

There is no existing thread you retard. Do you even know how to use this board?

It's too late. It was always too late, really.

Go play some fucking videogames instead of keeping this retarded bait thread pinned to page 1.

You can't give a reason for deleting threads, only for bans.

Are you fucking serious you newfag

I'll see you, OP.

Bitch, you took a curator review and pretended it was steam's official statement. Are you from buzzfeed or something?

Are we being raided?

The reality is mods deleted it most likely because they don't want to deal with your retarded ass going nigger nigger nigger like some inner city kid trying to sound cool

I mean if you want to go for that ban keep it up, but you are indeed a faggot

Making fun of muslims is all well and good but OP's thread was based on a false premise, saying Steam was encouraging games for disabled mudslime gamers when really it was just one fag's list.

Fuck sandniggers and fuck you. Reported.

it's been a while since some newfag out themselves

Guys, what's another good summer's over kind of song?

influx of cuckchanners when they couldn't discuss neofag on their shit site. They bring their complacence about getting buttfucked with them.

Seems they are controlled, because I am not seeing evidence of a large scale raid here.

Doesn't matter. It makes fun of mudslimes and should've been allowd


this tbh

Having good threads making fun of muslims is good, having dumb threads making fun of muslims is dumb.

Hey guys why do I have a pink ID?

Every post you've made so far is either Holla Forums and Holla Forums level bullshit

Which leads me to ask, why are you here?