The absolute state of mark
Shat goes in all the fields
Other urls found in this thread:
The question is, did he challenge the rock?
Mark, please fucking stop disappointing me.
Mark, if you started lifting you'd have an easier time, I'm telling you. It improves every aspect of your being.
Mark, please scrub yourself from the internet and stop being a fucking disgrace. Furthermore what kind of narcissistic faggot uses his name in all of his media accounts?
This is not a thing you cake boy.
Sam Hyde?
That's not as horrible as finding out one of my cousins use to use dish soap as lube which ended up horribly fucking up his dick skin permanently apparently.
So thread is going to be pinned?
Just imagine fat jewish guy such as Mark trying to stick something up his ass.
I still don't know the context of the second pic.
But everyone told me /fit/ is just a gay meme.
It's almost poetic.
I did not wish for that attention.
Also /sudo/ nominating boards, go nominate something Holla Forums related. Currently 33/48 places used up already.
Yeah you should probably be a /fight/er instead. You wont be as aesthetic, but you'll have the confidence of a god knowing that you could take almost anyone musou style.
wat habbens if you use conditioner ?
I've used conditioner before
It worked pretty well
You save roughly 3 cents per fap.
Ass sucks it up and its possible to get sick from it.
I know you can get "dishpan hands" because the slightly acidic chemicals in dish soap will fuck up and dry out your skin.. but on your dick.. mein gott. That poor retard.
Why the fuck would I need any kind of substance to fap?
Okay, now serious, jews cannot fap without lube for an obvious reason
He's talking about user's cousin; not Mark.
I laughed.
lrn2 chemistry nigger
It's like pottery.
I flunked chemistry.
I am proud of myself.
That's TOR you faggot.
TOR sank years ago, bro. Let it go.
Anything else I'm missing?
He was only banned for 8000 years
we images now
go on
my sister has jerked me off with conditioner before and it didn't bother my skin. Is my dick fucked?
Oh shit I thought it was a metaphor, I was wondering why everyone thought he actually did it.
How would your "sister" jerking off bother your dick?
Actually that reminds me
Didn't that faggot spamming scat porn spend $2000 on scat porn to spam in undertale threads
you have been conditioned to enjoy it
What is there to even spend so much money on?
Story time.
How long until Mark ends it all?
They prolly frotted later.
Not until you go back to cuckchan
Mark proves to me time and time again that he's a living joke. I don't even mean that in a mean-spirited way. Everything he seems to do ends up kicking him in the nuts and he then lets the whole world see.
Bless you, you crazy jew.
post source on the first image or i swear i'll piss in your shoes
lana rain
TOR is 000000, that ID is not 000000.
Look at his flag.
Wait, when did he spend 2000 shekels?
so yeah she gave me a handy and you should look at the first letter of each sentence
How fucking dare you use Sir Daniel for your moralfaggotry.
How fitting for this level of shit.
so did I but that shit's easier to remember than how to use a keyboard
You deeply disappoint me.
Our leader
our glorious BO
The dude who sets the tone for the culture of this board, and and guides it's community
Is too autistic to masturbate properly without professional medical advice
He's perfect. Mark, I love you so much.
why can't he use real lube? would his parents find out?
What did he mean by this?
His sister, obviously.
This is a good thread
I'm not writing a fanfiction about me and my sister so that you can furiously masturbate to it. Especially because it didn't happen. But if it did happen i would
Jesus christ, I'm cut and I've been fapping dry at least once a day every day for a 1/3rd of my life without any problems whatsoever. What's wrong with these bozos?
Why doesn't Mark have a dedicated thread on >>>/cow/ ?
wanted to gas all Jews but Mark should be spared for the milk.
I've bought lube, onaholes, condoms and prostate massagers online and had them delivered to my house without my parents knowing, mostly because they respect my privacy and don't rip open my packages.
fuck off mark
Shut the fuck up Pewtrid.
W o w
I have a doubt about people playing video games on this board now.
nice trips Phil :^)
fag i bet you're a shitty vol
Do your jobs better. gaylords.
you deserve worse
the only vidya I seem to play these days are the ones /radcorp/ hosts, bless them
Why'd you have to go and put the image in my head?
user you came into this thread with promises of incest handjobs, and you disappointed me.
It certainly helps having lube, but is not required.
Eh, /cow/ is less of laughing at idiots and more at laughing at dumb people who think they are good people. I don't think mark is lacking self awareness enough to think he's an upstanding human being.
Agony in Pink.
I don't think i'd be so disgusted if he didn't have a position of power.
Wish he'd flip back on the rabbit thread.
Your whole team sucks shit at thier jobs. Please convince mark to give Holla Forums to a better candidate, kill himself, or both.
I found a photo
Shit, i don't. Fuck the rabbit threads. It's not video games, nor is it anime, touhou, or japanese. The only excuse he has for posting that shit anywhere other than Holla Forums, /kind/ or /x/ is the exact same picture he always posts. Also he posts it on multiple boards, so he's an attention whore, and he ONLY posts Tewi and never any other rabbits, so he's either or both an avatarfag or a waifufag.
Check and mate.
Not my fault that Holla Forums is autistic and missed the social cue for sarcasm
I don't play games with Holla Forums, y'all niggers are cancerous as fuck. I have all but like 5 threads hidden
are you still being "sarcastic" or are you just pretending to be retarded?
At this stage I wonder if Mark even challenges the rock?
Mark why is the catalog now have 18 pages now? can you lower it please
Shit's fucked, code ape needs to fix it.
Oh, Thanks for the answer then Mark
Ignore this user and bump the autosage limit up to 400.
I'm not Mark.
He want to bloat the system and crash the site. This is his plan, these are not anons.
can we start calling you kraM then
just call it goldenTod
Plz no
Thanks Mystery Merchant
what? i've never heard of this
his parents thought he did 911
his "old" jews tried to jew him
Who even needs lube to jerk off with their hand?
Oh right.
Update: My dick is okay
use bacon grease next time
That's fine, you're not passing your genes along anyway.
Reminded me of this.
Something about wanting to sue him over something. I forget what.
Archived for posterior. Grab it while it's hot, and save it for the next time he shits s thread up. Or, for the meta threads
True enough
archive it again
A second scoop for the whiny kike who cant play sonic, coming right up!
Why havent you killed yourself yet, Brogrief?
Are you the 4am user?