Konami to make Metal Gear Survive announcement tomorrow

Konami to make Metal Gear Survive announcement tomorrow

BEST CASE SCENARIO: "The 'creatures' are not the only enemy and since its alt universe multiplayer bullshit they are going whole hog and throwing in frogs and the cows from MGS4 and if you own MGSV its free

WORST CASE SCENARIO: We at Konami have a great respect for PUBG so we are happy to announce a new direction for MGSurvive!

Other urls found in this thread:

eatchain.com/garbage/METALGEAR???/Metal Gear Solid 2 Agness Kaku Intereview/Page 1/Hardcore Gaming 101 Agness Kaku Interview.htm

Kojima made another game?! Holy shit I'm hyped!!!

i absolutely cannot wait. konami is really good at doubling down on their retarded ideas so i honestly wouldn't be surprised if they announced that they would be charging a monthly subscription for it, or that it would feature dante from the devil may cry series

MGS:PUBG would be better than MGS:DayZ

But since in both cases the game would be trash, who cares.

I think the unanimous 'why does anyone care' for Holla Forums across the board is 'what if MGO was co-op operations and not fucking team deathmatch'

Actually the best case scenario would be "it's cancelled"


I'm actually pretty excited. Worst case scenario for me is it's shit, and I pirate it just to play in the fox engine for a few more hours.

It will have a Battle Royale mode down the line for sure.

Konami is going to go to the dogs, and they deserve it tbh


Kojimbos sluts on suicide watch

Kojima wasn't the only person who made Metal Gear and the post break up team on MGSV has done some good stuff.

If you want to go full hero worship you may as well buy the Evil Within 2 because Mikami had a hand in Resident Evil.
This will lack Kojimas delightful autism in subsystems that nobody else would add but the engines solid and this is technically a spin off. It doesn't need to be MGS6 quality.

MGR originally had Kojimbo until development was handed over to Platinum and he wasn't missed.

Best case scenario is some faggot Konami exec goes on stage and blows his fucking head off.
Worst case scenario is this game doesn't get cancelled.

I wouldn;t mind there being multiple camps that would allow trade and competition for resources. It'd be kinda fun.

I thought this trash got canceled. I can't wait until they find more ways to piss on dead IPs

So far all we know is each player has their own base that you customise the layout to get things working like plants near watertanks and so on. Which was probably planned for MGSV but cut for time.

Kojima was never heavily involved in MGR. He left his guys to work on it, and they twiddled their thumbs for a few years before handing it over to Platinum.

if only for the performance, yes. but the biggest issue is the online for MGSV SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS SHIT, it had no servers for anything PvP. can't shoot anything

When did I say heavily involved? You think you are hot shit?

Maybe we'll get a game and not 8 hours of cutscenes

He was about as involved in the Platinum version as he was in the original.

He had no involvement on the Platinum version beyond PR.

inb4 they turn MG Survive into a pachinko game

The fact that its been over 2 years and counting last month and still now multiplayer mgs ops since peace walker is a fucking travesty.

Wasn't that the same in the original version?

Yes but that doesn't suit the hero narrative where Kojima is the Kubrick of videogames.

Kojimbo is highly overrated.

At least that might get some good music.

I never implied that.

Alright for the sake of everyone let's analyze the trailer once more and see if there was something we missed.


You're right user, but saying he wasn't the driving force behind it is also dumb. Its like saying Trump doesn't do "everything" as President, well no fucking shit but if he's out none of it fucking matters

Probably tbh


Let me guess, they'll all be instance based and you can only get in with a friend granting access.

I want to cuddle with a cute nun.

I think Silent Hills first 4 games are a shining example of why the 'captain of the ship' theory is bullshit. It took more than Kojima being the idea man to get Metal Gear to be what it was. Koji's art. The con man composer and so on are brought their own thing to it. It takes a kitchen to cook a 5 star meal. The head keeps direction but doesnt have its hand in everything at all times let alone in this case even knows how to actually make every system himself.

Me too.

They've shown more stuff since actually.

It won't break fifty thousand sales worldwide and they know this.

Video games are a lot more like the film industry than a kitchen. More importantly the Silent Hills games had nothing to do with Kojima, but Metal Gear has everything to do with him. If you took the main director out for the Silent Hills games they'd probably suffer the main fate to be honest.

Coming Feb 20th 2018 goys

Not if they announces a switch version, those fags will buy anything

That first one reminds me of the peg-faced pirate from Doctor McNinja.

I'm still waiting for the Metal Gear Zeke reveal. Base Goblin dropped it into the ocean before XOF attacked Mother Base and nobody found it again. Pretty easy way to get rid of it and use an adapted Sahelanthropus model again. That roar at the end of the trailer has to be something big.

That would probably be the best place for it. There's no current portable MGSV, so this is your next best thing.

"Yammero! Prease Konami! Dontu put in originaru ideazo for Metar Gear Sorido! You musto rip offo Filthy Gaijin cinema insteado!

It'll probably just be MGSVs world with monsters in it, and construction elements like Rust and other suvivor simulators. Apparently you can change clothes so it'll probably have the mechanics and ideas that were supposed to go into MGO3 in it. As well as all the clothes and shit that they refrained from putting in MGO3 when they realized their shit decisions killed the game before it even started.

I expect it to feature advertisements for MGS pachinko.

I could honestly see them doing this.

Well the current MGSV team already added bikinis and all female motherbase teams. I imagine /k/ is moist as fuck over the idea of operator girls doing co-op operator things.

In Bikinis.

They're already ripping off Filthy Gaijin cinema by putting zombies in metal gear solid you mental abortion.

Off in the distance a cry of
is heard. It's from pic related.

Only if they have tight trigger discipline.


Zombies existed before film. Never been done in the Metal Gear Solid series. Kojima would never of thought of it. Deal with it.

Except the entire "The Sorrow" fight in MGS3.

and the fucking vampire.


Ghosts =/= Zombies. Try again.

Play the game again. The nanomachines only work because he's already magic.

Its be so many years i dont even care i just enjoy the bullshit.

I wonder why Big Boss can't wear swimsuits? Does he have cyber legs too?

He already did, and in better ways.

Then what about the parasite zombies in V?

The best case scenario would be to shut the project down and have Konami fuck back to Pachinko. But they probably spent too much on that trailer so they'll go all in with shit that won't sell.



Or when his idea for Rising 2 was literally Gray Fox versus Nanomachine Zombies.

for some reason it cut off the February release date but there we are.


Isn't that Fire Emblem Warriors game bombing in Japan?

people like watching trainwrecks

Kojima wrote all the terrible stuff. Every other writer made Metal Gear interesting.

I understand the Neogaf boat just rolled into dock but lurk a little mang.

Tell me more about Snake's Revenge and Acid.

are you out of your mind!?

He is talking about mainline games, Kojima wasn't the reason for the writing being as good as it was on the original Solid trilogy

I've been here since 2014, suck my dick. Sniffing around every fucking update for a trash game isn't checking to see if it's a train wreck, it's called being a fanboy. If you want to see if something's a train wreck you have to actually wait for around release.


at least we are not having that awful shit from the FOB pvp

careful there user, you are going a bit NUCLEAR

pvp is for fags.


Keep spouting dated memes user, you're so funny.

Calm down user there is no need to be so botty bothered.


(real quote)


Enjoy your (You)

I can see…day one DLC with in the special edition if you preorder the game…

If you can't manage to do that, don't worry because the DLC content will also appear as a season pass in the in game store that you'll be able to buy with a virtual currency.

Got a spicy sauce to go along with this post?

Oooooh boy, this dog shit it actually getting released. Hell, even Kojima thought it looked like a generic zombie-shooter. There is nothing they could announce about it that would make any difference. It's going to suck.

The only reason it has the name "Metal Gear" stuck in front is that they were too poor to start a new ip and using an existing one will "ensure" sales.

I didn't realize Diamond Dogs had a gender studies program

To be fair, MGSV was already riddled with resource gathering and crafting. In general this really just comes off as using the existing systems to set up a base building game, which MGSV had failed at mostly. It still looks mediocre, and there's no way in hell it wont be riddled with microtransactions, but it does just come off as MGSV's base stuff, actually finished, and with an even more stupid storyline.

It'll likely be half a game, but the other half of what was the previous. Two halves that definitely still aren't actually going to make a complete whole.

but a generic zombie shooter was kojima dream game!

No kidding. I went into MGO3 expecting tacticool gamemodes and instead all I got was a lot of deathmatch and variants of other gamemodes

How much you wanna bet that base builder was built upon what Kojima wanted FOBs to be but got cut due to Kucknami's interference?

It's called fun you cuckchan faggot. It's like watching a trainwreck but you know when it's going to happen so you go to the site of the accident, unfold that lawn, pop open a beer and enjoy the show.

who else wrote mainline mgs until it got all jewed up





Is it just going to be a mod of mgsV?
But hey, at least its not a card game

As I said before:
You're just a NeoFaggot riding the hype train.


Kojima is a liberal fucking hack.

Tomokazu Fukushima you fucking niggers. Do you not know how to sesrch for the fucking credits

Every remotely prophetic thing in MGS2 was from him. You think a nigger like Cuckjima who watches movies and takes a knee knows about history or politics?

Kikes do. Looks like this cuckchan exodus is going to dump more Kojimacucks on us.


as a Switch owner and a fan of the series

DOA spinoff

Most of the board was Kojimacucks until Konami started shilling Survive, not that I give a shit about normalfags' need for worshiping celebrities.

On one hand we won't be subjected to Kojima's vapid gimmick writing without the supporting writers that made his earlier games good. On the other hand Konami wants to milk the Fox engine for all its worth and so it's going to be the same mass market shooter we've seen for the umpteenth time this year.

This tbh

Kojima cultists need to be gassed, They're fawning over someone who wants to make games even more movie-like who's now teamed up with one of the worst horror writers in the industry. Neither of these people can write for shit.

Well, yeah.

He's happy to shit on it because he was fired from Konami.
Just by the look of it you know that it was one of his ideas for a MGSV game mode. He said countless times that Red Dead Redemption and Left 4 Dead were among of his favorite games.
Wait until he announces a co-op horde mode for Death Stranding (or whatever that movie is called).

I actually would enjoy more a MG Survive if the enemy was AI soldiers and not the crystal-zombie entity.
A co-op horde mode with objectives and some kind of tower/base defense would be nice.
The game won't sell though, since it's coming out way too late after MGSV and the Kojimafags are all over the internet defending their 50-year-old otaku.

Peace Walker is superior in almost every aspect

50-year old westaboo, that's even worse because absolutely nothing coming out of commiefornia is in anyway palatable

Konami killed all of their franchises worth a shit and are either sitting on them, or raping their corpses. Please let this be the final nail in the coffin and let these faggots go under like CuckCom is about to.

Shit, you're right it's actually worse. He's friend with JJ.

He wrote the story outline and was a producer.

Kojima covered this in an interview. He wouldn't make an MGS game where zombies are the central conceit because as he sees it everything in MGS should centre around espionage and the military-industrial complex. This is not to say he wouldn't/hasn't played with zombie themes in his games, but it's never the core element. Usually ancillary characters or something done for a bit of fun or a film reference.

I mean, it could be good. I doubt it'll hit the levels of polish the previous games did being a hastily-assembled cash grab, but it could surprise people by being a fun survival game. That's actually my favourite part of following a game that looks like it's going to be a trainwreck, when it turns out to be decent against the odds.

He controlled the canon of the franchise for better or worse so that's the minimum he had to contribute. It probably meant he had control of how things ended. The most memeable lines were actually suggested and written by 8-4 of all groups, not Kojima.
they give this title to Miyamoto for various projects in which he does the bare minimum by giving advice and then fucking off.

Then what are the mist and the parasite units? They're zombies with a MGS skin.

Read the rest of the post.

Seriously, what the fuck happened to the guy?
The only thing on Nip internet I saw on the guy in the past few years was 2ch anons joking about Kojimmers keeping him locked in a storage container in a half-dead state, leeching ideas off of him.

It's likely to be shit, but at least it might give us an updated and even more moddable version of the Fox engine.

I've heard that he went to work for Sony. I don't know if it's true.

This isn't all just about Kojima, the fucker doesnt work at Konami nor does he hold the rights to this trash. No one here is shilling anything or defending or "fanboying", we're just getting together at watching a dumpster fire ignite. As far as I'm concerned no one should give a fuck about Kojima until he's finished with his latest project that might not even be good, or a game.

And this is coming from an user who enjoys Kojima's work. That being said, I won't defend anything or everything he says or does, I just personally enjoy his work. Most anons here might not, and that's fair because his style isn't for everyone. Some anons grew up with MGS, others joined late and ended up enjoying it and some just couldn't get into it. It's no secret that Kojima is a huge westaboo and movie lover, what's appealing to some is the fact that he blends the "movie feel" with actual gameplay (regardless of opinions of said gameplay, it's still present). I could be here all day discussing why anons are wrong comparing MGS to Thief because it quite simply isn't fair. Thief is obviously the better stealth game and comparing it to MGS is like comparing bananas to door knobs.
If he were to make a zombie game I could see him maybe doing a game with zombie concepts similar to the original cinema ones (Brraaaaaaiinnnnssss and rising up from the grave and being really fucking slow), he wouldn't (or atleast I don't think) slap METAL GEAR on the title just to sell it. Hell, I'll can even stop using metal gear as an example because he did work on other games and people seem to forget that.
I know that people enjoy those games and I remember when he was going to make a new Silent Hill game and everyone went fucking ape shit because of how good P.T. was. This new one, Death Stranding, looks interesting in terms of concept but there is no gameplay, there's nothing of substance and that's worrying. Does it deserve hype? Not really, too little info on it. Will it be good? Let it come out first and then we can talk.

It does seem (to me atleast) that hating on Kojima seems to be the new hip thing. I'm not saying he's excused from any and all criticism and people can genuinely dislike his work/style, but the amount of pure hatred generated towards him just seems odd to me.


But all things aside, even IF Kojima was still on board, this crap would either never have been made or been a new IP completely with better, interesting ideas (that end up going absolutely nowhere). Now if Kojima actually went through with making this, it wouldnt be any better or worse than what it will inevitably end up being. Metal Gear Survive is pure unadulterated rape of a franchise that people love just because they're fucking desperate and need money. Pachinko machines can only make so much money. I honestly hope this kills Konami and sells off its IPs to companies that could do something interesting with them. New, GOOD Castlevania game never ever

Heard a number of theories on what happened to him.
The conversations I've seen online and from a couple of Nips I used to play MGO with believe Kojimmers has been surviving on bits and pieces of story ideas Fukushima and other early writers discarded from their time at Konami. The Nips I talked to also believed Kojimmers ended Fukushima's writing career for some reason.

Really difficult to tell what actually happened to him with the language barrier and his name hasn't shown up in anything after 2005.

Thanks user.

Its a shame about castlevania.
The new igavania looks okay but
I would prefer there to be a male main protag and having a female as a different playable option with a different story tbh
Castlevania is a man's franchise.

What if it's good?

Eh, you can have room for stuff like that. For example it could follow the JoJo route of "all these protagonists dont seem connected but they really are by the Belmont blood". Cliche, but eh its better than introducing a warewolf man or people we dont really care about.

It's also a shame about Silent Hill. That series really needs to be revived in a good way.

Can it be good?


Okay, it was a man's franchise.
Go away

I'll be surprised.

I bet it could start off okay if it's using the same movement and shooting options from MGSV but then it would completely flounder out because fighting zombies is fucking gary and you'll probably have to grind constantly for the resources management aspect

Holy Kojimacuck batman
That's because people are waking up to the fact that he's not some grand auteur genius, and when he does try to be one, he fucks up. See MGS4 onwards. Also those Hollywood movies he watches have finally turned him into a liberal cuck.

He's given too much credit for groundbreaking shit that was actually done by others, namely his writers.
Kojima wishes he was david cage with his movie games.
Fixed. Time to wake up cuck.


Not an argument.
He never was and probably never will be
No disagreements there. I'm just mentioning the fact that hating Kojima just seems to be a hip trend and anyone who disagrees with that trend is instantly called a cuck or "Kojimacuck". Odd concept, people have opinions and they differ wildly. Almost like Holla Forums isn't a hivemind. Huh.
Wake up from what? All you've done is toss the word cuck around 3 times and mention things that even a small child would be aware of.
If you're talking about the x-files knee thing, I just assumed it was Kojima being clueless and liking that image just because it was x-files. But I could be wrong and I might have missed other "liberal cuck" moments. Because guess what? I don't dedicate every second of my life wanting to know every little thing Kojima does.

Also you seem to really like throwing the word cuck around. Almost like you don't have a proper argument so you just throw insults instead.

Jesus Christ no. David Cage doesn't make games OR movies, he makes incomprehensible shitfests that normalfags eat up because they dont know any better. David Cage would be Neil Breen tier if he didn't do all his work on consoles. In fact I will now dub him "The Neil Breen of Console movies" There is an alternative universe where David Cage is hailed in such high regard like Kojima isHow horrifying

You know nothing about the industry and don’t have a fucking clue how to behave as anything other than a 9 year old fanboy.

You must be 18 or older to post here.

He was creditted with a special thanks in the SCEJ game "Rain", if I recall correctly.

He apparently lead development for Ghost Babel.

Additionally, MGS2 translator, Agness Kaku, was more positive to the written script for Ghost Babel in comparison to MGS2, AFAIK.

Just roll in from neofag?
Cucks like you sure treat him like one.
And the "hatred" is warranted.
That Kojima is a hack and has been for years.
What an apt description of kojima.

Also, you really like to point out the use of the word cuck, cuck.

Kaku is also a batshit insane feminist, so that doesn't mean much.


Disregard that, he wrote the script. Shinta Nojiri lead the project, apparently.


That might be possible, but that doesn't necessarily detract from her competence as translator.

One does not equate the other

I've heard Ghost Babel is good, though I haven't played it (I should really get on that, nothing stopping me really). That said it's also worth noting that Kojima made Policenauts, Snatcher, Zone of Enders. While I don't doubt that Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 were joint efforts, to totally cast off the leader of development and main story writer in favor of a background writer is silly. It is a shame we don't have anything other that Ghost Babel to see his independent writing (and lets face it, that game took a lot of cues from MGS), I'd be very interested to play something written by him.

pirate it

Holla Forums will deny it's good and will continue playing E.Y.E, Doom, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. forever.

Read this
eatchain.com/garbage/METALGEAR???/Metal Gear Solid 2 Agness Kaku Intereview/Page 1/Hardcore Gaming 101 Agness Kaku Interview.htm

While she brings up some legit criticism of Kojima, Kaku herself is a fucking nutcase. Read her quote about guns breaking your arm.

Read her original draft of MGS2 first codec conversation. She rewrote the fuck out of it, badly.

Agness is a cunt.


I'm excited, anything Metal Gear is always an instant classic. Snake and Raiden have always been popular on Holla Forums.

Sometimes I think that me remembering this game was a fever dream. Thanks for reminding me user.

Kojima was producer for Zone of Enders.He didn't have anything to do with the directing or writing irrc.

Fukishima did research and justification for background elements that led to the prophetic themes of mass surveillance, the patriots, drone warfare. Once he left Kojima started retconning some of those things and even hinted at them being good things if it weren't for the voice virus or whatever. You see an entirely different quality of writing starting with MGS4 when Kojima started doing these things.

You're lying, it does work. Here, archive it for yourself then:
please use archive.is/articles/hideo-kojima-is-afraid-of-political-climate-in-ame/1100-6447527/


it still is
one game with a female protag doesn't make the franchise "for girls" or waifu shit. fuck off with this bullshit.

fucking casual

More like best case scenario: We have canceled metal gear survive.


Now that would be one hell of a tweeeeeest.

I'm failing to see the "liberal cuck" part of his statement besides the "afraid" part and that itself is stretching it. This is really just someone asking his opinion, he says a few things and doesn't continue on that point. This article bundled with the x-files "take a knee" tweet really doesn't paint Kojima in a good light and is understandable if anons think less of him now because of it. Personally, I think even accepting to talk about political climate or refusing to comment on the tweet is a big fat mistake. I just hope he doesn't painfully shoehorn social and political commentary like most AAA devs do now-a-days.

Three games with female protags, no, make that four (N64) means that another one won't change anything. I'm not saying it's 'for girls', I'm saying that Bloodstain's progtag being female changes nothing, and in fact is a good callback to the last good castlevania game. So fuck off with your bullshit.

The best case scenario is it being cancelled



And what does it change?

No, seriously. Portrait of Ruin was fairly solid and had an interesting mechanic in having switchable partners and possible co-op. Ecclesia was alright, with a neat weapon system and challenging bosses. I've never played Legends, and N64 is unfortunate, but "Castlevania games with male protags" has a far worse track record - namely the reboots - than ones with female protags.

Again, Bloodstain's choice is a callback to Shanoa, and one of if not the last decent castlevania game.

That honestly sounds better than MGSV.

So, it's tomorrow. Where's the announcement?

Game is releasing in February 2018.

And, just answered my own question:

Irrc it was one of Iga's sanfran buddies who convinced him since we needed more womyn in games but the end result is fapbait funny enough.

I think i'm actually hyped
I'm done mourning Mteal Gear
Now i just want to laugh at Konami

But Evil Within 2 is actually good
everythig you could expect from a Shinji Mikamy Survival Horror secuel
less spoocky, more action, bigger scope, but still scary
and the first game was basically a "Shinji Mikami's greates hits compilation album"
it sure was kike shit than all the story was in the DLC but the game is still good
**and people who laughs like "yohoho" need not worry about kikery""

We get it user, you like to suck cock and want big men to pound your ass. That’s the actual reason why you think having a female protagonist in a castlevania game is bad. You just want a Belmont to come in and tie you up with his whip and shove his cock down your throat. It’s plain to see.

care to elaborate a bit? I liked the first one but didn't cosniderate great, sorta figured the sequel wouldn't have much more to offer


tbqh I would probably enjoy "PUBG on Fox Engine" a lot.

Contrarian cancer like you is just useful idiots for goons to play the board into assuming their antijapanese stance.

God damn.



No, being a Kojimacuck makes you a goon, like all cucks. Sorry you still think Cuckjima is a god.

Who cares?

As far as I know, she even wanted to rename Raiden to Leiden, just because he "looked European" or something.

Invest in a dictionary and learn how to speak like a regular human. Overusing cuck just makes you look like a faggot and outs you as someone who doesn’t belong here.

Stop talking like an inarticulate millenial cuck faggot who refers to "people" as "humans". It makes you sound like you have no communication skills.

Let's be real here. The only good thing about MGS V was the smooth gameplay. Anyone who seriously thinks this will be worse is just some Kojima cock sucker. It's literally the same gameplay, copy and pasted. It can't be worse.
Yeah because the AI in MGS V was that much better right? If anything hordes of zombies might be more fun than the retarded human NPCs they had in MGS V.

Maybe reddit will like it.

Fucking pathetic.

Damnit, Why the fuck can't we wear MSF Uniforms on MGS V

The Fox engine itself was also pretty good when it came to optimization. You didn't really need a gorrilion dollar gayman PC in order to run it. I'd put it up there with Serious Engine 3 & MT Framework for the looks without the cost of performance category. It's a shame the engine is wasted on poverty ball games these days.

Kojima is shit

She's the perfect example of that entitled 'localizer' cunty attitude that I despise.

And holy fuck, she fucking butchered the original conversation. Small things like sneaking point could use some changing, sure, but having Otacon call Snake Dorothy? Completely changing Snake's dialogue? Fucking trash. If you want to write so bad, honey, just make a book.

Hope those nip shekels are worth it, shill.

the more you look at (((her))) the worse it gets

Fair enough.

In defense of Kaku, she does have some fair arguments in regards to realistic authenticity and I wouldn't take the part with the firearm in a literal sense.

However, with that said, her view clashes with the logic and context of MGS' narrative.

I'm still giving Fukushima the benefit of doubt, due to:
a.) He was responsible for the script of Ghost babel, which appears to be competently written.
b.) The correlation between his departure and what happened to MGS' storyline post-MGS3 is perculiar.

I'm not good at stealth games and am too autistic to enjoy dialogue lasting longer than 30 seconds, Kojima is a hack, Metal Gear was never good.

These people lack all originality and creativity though. They can't "make" something unless it's based on something else. When a person like this actually puts forward the effort to author a book, you get Ready Player One.

No she doesn't. She's a retard who thinks that you should only write about things first hand. Since Kojima and his team aren't firearms experts, I guess that means no amount of research and collaborating with ex JSDF member Mitsuda Mori will qualify them to put guns in their games. And then there's her horseshit argument that Kojima and Fukushima shouldn't tackle American politics and should stick to "recent" incidents concerning Japan, like the Lod Airport Massacre from fucking 1972.

That was just some hamfisted way of shoehorning YOU'RE NOT IN KANSAS ANYMORE LOOK A WIZARD OF OZ REFERENCE in something for the gazillionth time. I'm more taken aback by her use of badly shoehorned in phrase like the "Mickey Finn in OJ" and changing story specific terms, like "Philanthropy" to "OMEGA".
You should've have seen her old blog where she bitches and moans about other games she translated, like Hybrid Heaven on N64, then wonders why she's essentially blacklisted from the industry.

Nice strawman Kojimacuck. MGS was always babies first stealth to begin with.

literally never heard of the guy and when credits roll and I can't skip them, I walk out of the room and occupy my mind elsewhere until it passes and I can see what kind of cool stuff I unlocked for the next playthrough.
I assume he stopped writing after MGS3?

We have this thing called the internet that allows you to look stuff up without being spoonfed like a retard.
His name is in the opening credits too nigger.

Except it's online only.