Was cuphead only Successful because of how triggered game journalists gotten over being called out for sucking at it?

Was cuphead only Successful because of how triggered game journalists gotten over being called out for sucking at it?

Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/file/z8pba9xnxzjjv2s/Powerslave EX v.1.0.0 + patch v.

Nobody cares about your shit game.

NO. It was successful because it had a lot of hype beforehand and turned out to be an actual decent game, which is fucking rare in this industry.

The backlash against gamejournos' defense of absolute incompetence sure helped, though.

Sure. It added to the hype. But I like to think the game sold quite a lot on its own merits. I'm sure there are a lot of people who bought it cuz muh difficulty, kind of the same as the Souls games, but I found it quite enjoyable and actually bought it after pirating it.

a mediocre game is now GOTYAY because the main stream kiddies and normalfags have the memory of a goldfish when it comes to video games


Cuphead was successful because
It's a pretty fun game but believe it or not I actually liked Furi more as a pure-boss rush game.
Animation was tip top though. There's clearly talent behind the game, that much I can say.

Like see, in this video some guy breaks his controller at the stupidly easy intro boss, the acting is fucking obvious. It's like if the a bunch of people tried to ape DSP for attention.


Cuphead was successful because

How soon until game journalists called cuphead antiSemitic somehow?

They already have. A while ago. Git gud up-to-date.

It's also been called racist and ableist.

Who cares? Fuck the kikes, they're 2% of the population and we're all sick of them. It's time for cartoons.

Its a good game with the added meme/hype of journalists getting bootyblasted. Throw in a top notch score and art style and its not a surprise the game is popular and successful.

But wait, there's more!

How come none of them actually uses either the invisible dash or the charge shot? Especially in this moron's case, the 4hp charm doesn't help because clearly he's going for an A+ rank.

Faggots acting like spoiled children for shekels is disgusting, mainly because their audience is actual children.

I don't think that's acting, he's just a faggot.

Didn't hurt that it had Microsoft funding and marketing budget.

Because both require that you don't make mistakes. The HP charms are a trap imo since they make fights go on for longer because they lower your offensive ability.

I could understand getting mad if he lost at the end or something, but he got hit once by a starting enemy. It's not like he hasn't faced worse either, since he's on the 3rd world. I don't get it.

It doesn't help that the charge shot is unbelievably OP. I can't really say if it's a better DPS machine than other weapons but it takes care of certain bosses and enemies in MUCH less effort than anything else.

overacting is mandatory on twitch.

Shouldn't he be working on his game? :^)

Grim Matchstick a CUTE GIRL


He is, he will get an inspiration and steal implements another feature that's in no way connected to the game

Shit at games and still isn't working on his.

2017 was a genuinely great year overall, especially compared to the barren wasteland that was 2008-2013.

yeah nah kill yourself my man


not on cuckchan, home of the weebshitters


the art style was a huge factor

try harder faggot

This an older version of that image?

it seems like it, is there an updated one that adds Cuphead and shit?

I think so, I remember seeing one with newer games like Heat Signature and Jydge god I fucking hate that title on it.


Was it bad? I was in the hospital for a few weeks during its release?

It has potential but it's full of bugs and glitches. I'd recommend waiting out for a few more months if you want to play it.

Lotta shit games in there lad. A lot of mediocre ones that look better comparatively too.


post is worthless unless you list them

the game wasn't even that hard, wtf
I don't get it
it was good though

I'm on my first playthrough and this game is pretty fun. It's a solid 2D run n gun without the oh-so-retro pixel aesthetic, good OST and kinda challenging difficulty. It's a decent game that got marketed correctly, that's why it's becoming popular and selling well.

Thimbleweed Park, The Surge, Nidhogg, Robo Recall, Tekken 7 suck.
Xplane, Rain World, and the latest Atelier are mediocre.

Felt the surge was alright truth be told. Gotta say if that dev keeps this up they might start making some pretty good games, considering the step up from Lords of the Fallen.

So games that play like your standard 90's platformer are apparently considered fucking amazing now?

How weird.

Name three other recent games that play like that, nigger.

Shovel Knight
Rouge Legacy
Mercenary Kings
Shoot Many Robots

Just off the top of my head

Is he acting like a spastic on purpose?

Shitty Dark Souls clone with a lot of wasted potential.
Identical to the first game, but with an uglier art style.

2/10, your list is shit.

As somebody who knew Eva from day one, no, this is how he is

Surprised he hasn't killed a woman and dressed in her skin yet

"Play like a platformer" says nothing about a game's quality. Might as well lump all RPGs together and claim that a single one can't be great just because they have similar mechanics and some other ones aren't great. Literally judging a game by its genre rather than actual objective measures. What weak bait.

pick one and only one faggot

why do you need to play recent games?

How fucking young are you faggot?


Off the top of my head

Again, Mc Fucking Kill Yourself, do it your way

Need this gif but with a merchant face.

I can keep posting these as well, unlike you in my old age I can still remember the past

you were saying?
Surge gets mixed opinions, have removed Nidhogg 2 from that version but I hear there's an updated version so I'll remove it from that one two




I don't think that's the reason but I'm gonna need webms and images of what you just described. It sounds too hilarious not to be in my folder.

I didn't hear about it beforehand. The journalist fucking up was huge free advertising.

It's successful because of old style animation.

It looks cool, it's easy to get into and the game is pretty straight-forward.

It contributed

Grim Matchstick is a girl

p-please stop, user

I serioulsy doubt this game is as hard as some people claim.
This looks like it's a case of "Darks Souls is hard" memery.


It's the visuals that had people give it a passing glance over the mountains of pixelshit. It's the word of mouth of actually good gameplay that made it apparently worth looking into. It's the whining of journalists that solidified it as the real deal. If Cuphead were just some point 'n click adventure game, nobody would have cared as much.



The game is fairly difficult, but a lot of that is because it's an 80's-90's throwback gameplay wise.

It's roughly on par with the original (NES) Ninja Gaiden; initially it seems daunting until you have all the patterns memorized, and then it's simple. Challenging but not unfair. (Unless you get screwed by the RNG, which does occasionally cause attack patterns that are literally impossible to avoid.)

And yes, its sales most definitely benefited from all the free advertising it got from journos bitching about it.

mercenary kings has alot in common with metal slug except minor differences. like a hub world and upgrades between matches.

cuphead has alot in common with contra except minor differences like a hub world and upgrades between matches.

I'm still surprised no one has complained about the Moon Crickets yet.

Because big vanilla loving dragons are a gift.

That was icing on the cake. But there were a few other factors:

Takahashi was certainly free publicity, but wasn't the end-all when it came to the game's success.

Sanzo is a hero.

What's wrong with the crickets?

They kind of look like blackfaces you'd see in old cartoons.

The only thing unfair about the RNG is the parrying. I honestly dislike the parrying system, because
I don't know whether or not the grades affect anything because I'm taking the game so unbelievably slowly I'm still on world 2, but still.

muh blackface

does the game actually refer to them as moon crickets?

Really makes you think?

I don't see it

Charge Shot is pretty good because it allows you to count your shots.
Spread shot beats it out in DPS though if we're talking sustained fire. Ultimately utility is more important than DPS because you need to find chances to hit the boss in the first place and if you just use charge shot, you won't be able to take care of boss's ADS without killing your DPS.

Cuphead is closer to Gunstar Heroes than Contra.

I only had a passing interest in the game until I saw the game journo butthurt over it's difficulty, then I looked further into the game and then bought out. Thanks journos, your incompetency has helped the industry become a better place.

None of the enemies are given any names as far as I know

Seems like a stretch tbh

true, but it still has alot of differences with gunstar heroes. like the parrying. choice of controls and combining powerups. plus you cant just cheese the entire game with the chase shot.

the developers usually name everything. every enemy in NES metroid had a name.


Don't forget
Exa is a fucking retard, but being a tripfag I guess that's a given.
if/then if/then if/then if/then

But they a disabled boss.


Streamers and Youtubers need to get gassed.

Eww shit taste. I want my mythical reptiles to be 100% reptile. Dogs are for furfags. O and btw,

Grim Matchstick is a female. SUCCC IT (=^_^=)


sanzo is a savant but remember that the towergirls game is a NTR simulator

i want to pollinate carney

I planned to buy it well before any game journalist controversy broke out, though I'd be surprised if the backlash against game journos didn't boost sales somehow.

Honestly, I half suspect this is why game journalists are really still around. Mocking them is the biggest publicity that can be gotten from them.

Nice picture for ants! Next time left click on the u if you want to safe a file.


Are you just pretending or are you actually this retarded?

sorry for the shit rip quality

No, I see what he means about the anatomy. It's some weird dog-dragon anthro.


Its legitimately good game you should pirate and try. Please stop using cuckchan memes we have left behind.

I know.
so was the dev ever cucked out of his game and was the cuckoldry successfully modded out?

That's the only reason I heard about it. The fact it's an actual good game that I would have enjoyed regardless of the triggering is why I actually paid shekels for it. But I only heard about it because of this shitshow.

is it to hard to give people options?

I'd love to see these faggots fight Seven Force.

Weird he didn't get Angry Joe in it and he really sucked hard but still gave the game a 10/10, even if I suspect he didn't beat it. He shows no gameplay past a couple battles in island 2 that isn't his own and the way he talks in his review comes off as disingenuous. It's not impossible hard as people say. About average hard by retro game standards. Much easier if you use the most abusable powers but not dark souls level as people compare it to. I've seen people do worse than DSP so the bar isn't set too high to say Cuphead is "hard".


Dont make things worse



No, I tje fact he appears every cuphead thread and says shit like "Grim Matchstick is a female. SUCCC IT (=^_^=)"

Oh wow Dean Takahashi is Angry Joe.

WEW. This guy was easy.

It isn't that hard. Some bosses in Turrican, Contra or Metal Slug games are worse. Fuck even some rooms in Black Thorne are so much worse than most Bosses Cuphead throws at you.

Its good for what it is. It has trouble on the latest stuff, because it was developed for every windows system ever.

Gigawrecker comes to mind, although I could break the game easily. Gunlord if that counts as recent. Good luck finding a ISO or ordering that from Germany.

As I understand it, Gats is not supporting his content anymore, and I think there's a legal scuffle going on. Check the thread I linked.

So these two idiots are definitely faking it, right?
How the fuck are they struggling so hard?

poor gats, ntr fags truly are the worst.

There's more to the randomness than just the parrying though, although that's definitely a factor too. It's possible for some bosses, especially the later ones, to throw out attack combinations that make it literally impossible to avoid taking damage. (For instance, an attack that can only be dodged by jumping, immediately followed by an attack that hits everything in midair. Or an attack that can only be avoided by hiding in the corner of the screen, while random enemies keep spawning from the corners.)

It doesn't feel like malicious design, but rather just bad luck, since the sequence of attacks is random - and indeed, it's possible to defeat some bosses and never see some of their moves.

Because of? no definitely not, the game had a good amount of microsoft advertisement and its a genuinely good game, butt hurt journalist is just a bonus

he's a confirmed rapist

I got the charge shot super early and just skipped all the run and guns after the second isle. Wasn't too difficult. King Dice is a little bitch though.


I was really surprised at Jydge. Surprisingly good, even after they nerfed the # of points needed to progress.

It was successful because it is random, retro and perfect for hipsters to play on their ipads while sitting in starbucks every single fucking day.

Anyone denying this is a faggot hipster and should be thrown into a bullring to run around screaming "kill the bull, somebody kill the bull!!" - despite having claimed bullfighting was cruel, and them being a vegan.

Journalist fucking up gave great publicity but the game was already surrounded by hype prior to the release. I think the fact they made a pc port definitely improved expectations, I remember groaning soundly at the thought that it would be XBONE exclusive


All too true, they don't understand that DSP has ascended them in terms of acting, since he's genuinely retarded but understands that people love to hate on him and will gladly follow him to do so.

Also he's a retard since P ranks don't really require you to stay at full health at the end of the level and override all A+ ranks.

Legit dying, please post more

cuckchan rapefugee fuck off

You can't even play it on a tablet you nigger.

Jesus Christ how literally retarded.

 >Contra was only successful because of how triggered game journalists gotten over being called out for sucking at it?
 >Metal Slug was only successful because of how triggered game journalists gotten over being called out for sucking at it?
 >Alien Soldier was only successful because of how triggered game journalists gotten over being called out for sucking at it?
 >Gunstar Heroes was only successful because of how triggered game journalists gotten over being called out for sucking at it?

'Chu talkin' 'bout Nigga?

Leading/Shepherding projectiles is a pretty basic shooter skill not that Cuphead needs it, you have an on command invincibility frame with the smoke bombs and I can't think of any unavoidable attacks or patterns in the game.

Alien Soldier wasn't successful


Question, when one is as mentally retarded as you, does it reflect any way physically? I mean, given how fucktarded you are, I assume you're missing two limbs and have to writhe around on the bathroom floor in your own shit.

What 2017 game do you think they're forgetting?

What patterns did they take from those games?

I think that OP was genuinely surprised that in current year+2 a game that wasn't a FPS, a MMO or a walkjing simulator was successful, since "gamers" nowadays are cancer.


No, it wasn't. Sega had given it out for free to the Megadrive at the end of its lifecycle togehter with a that 7 in 1 cartridge.

In particular, I'm thinking of the Devil's first phase dragon/snake attack that is very likely to get you hit if one of his minions spawns while you're trapped in the corner
and the treasure chest on the pirate boss, that can drop on you when you're pinned down by another attack.

And to a lesser extent, Cagney Carnation's free-roaming seed-shooting flower, although if you allowed that to spawn it's your own fault.

Gunstar Heroes is a Contra clone.

doubt, do you have a single fact to back that up.

user, the demographics of games didn't change their was just a huge propaganda push from the left to try to force a new demographic to appreciate games. SJW's and Women don't play video games and even the most casual of players enjoy a challenge from time to time.

Not one of those looks interesting to me.

What interests you?

That fucking thing is pretty difficult to parry because the platforms keep getting in the way.

Nioh, Gravity Rush 2, Hollow Knight, Nier, Sonic Mania, Yakuza 0, Vanquish & Bayonetta are genuinely excellent games. Toukiden 2 is ok the PC port is garbage. Didn't play any of the other games.

cuphead looks visually interesting but after watching the videos and reading gameplay descriptions, it looks like a fairly crap game
no sale

a lot of games these days have a realism fetish. the only way they can think of to improve a game is to make it even-more-photo-realistic. and so it looks nice but plays lousy.

even funnier on steam is when a game has fantastic-looking 3D hand-drawn artwork, but then when you check out the video it's a shit 2D side-scroller or iso that looks only distantly like the advertisement

Nex Machina and Monolith are excellent twin stick shooters, nex machina in particular is pretty damned good.
Cryptark, Aztez and Heat Signature are mediocre and I wouldn't recommend em. Jydge is pretty good if you liked Neon Chrome, but it's the type of game where the true enjoyment comes after the first playthrough and you play on the higher difficulties using all sorts of firemodes and cyberware.

Yeah, that's why I include it on the list as it was a huge bother to me, too.

It's just that it's TECHNICALLY possible to avoid it spawning in the first place, though again that depends on sheer luck as the RNG may decide to drop the seed somewhere you can't possibly parry it.

Not much these days. I used to play lots of Doom and then Q3A. Last game that interested me was witcher 3 though. I don't have the time for online games anymore, they're too much of a timesink.

Most everything seems like shit. I don't like weeb shit, platformer shit, etc.

good game
game was garbage
Oh, I see, you are retarded!

i watched a 7-hour playthrough of some faggot on youtube beating the game on expert. 4 of those 7 hours were him dying over and over. 3 hours of content if you're good. that sounds like a fucking rip-off to me.

aside from that the game just looks boring, just boss after boss, no exploration, no levels, barely any content outside of the boss fights. 0/10 wouldn't even pirate, especially now that i've seen everything the game has to offer.

I meant what would you like to play? A singleplayer FPS? An open world RPG, what?

I think the combination of being a solid game on it's own right and a bit of the Streisand Effect helped out the company.

The fuck do you expect from these kind of games?
I could tell you right now to play Cho Ren Sha 68K, some freeware doujin shmup. The entire concept is that you shoot enemies, dodge bullets and you can bomb if you're in a pinch. That's all there is to it. Just like in virtually every other shmup out there. But I'll guarantee you that if you play it you'll understand how despite having the most generic gameplay imaginable it is one of the best shmups out there. Keyword: execution. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?

Either if they're not lazy shit.

A few years ago I bought a copy of skyrim because a friend kept on pestering me about how it was so good. That game was so shit I almost stopped talking to him. Pissed me off very badly that I'd been duped into buying it.


Overload is on its way to be the bestest first-person shooter in a decade with a singleplayer campaign that has actually good level design, however it is in Early Access at the moment. It's a spiritual successor to Descent made by the same guys, you should also get to playing Descent if you haven't already.

fucking kill yourself, nigger.

The devil's minions are telegraphed in the background before they actually come into the screen, you can time your jump and then delay the landing with a dash.

In the Pirate boss fight there are no attacks which pin you down. Even if you are bad at parrying, you can bait the barrel before any attack to get in a favorable position.

Are you really this fucking retarded?

what's wrong with a game that's entirely a boss rush mode? the platforming stages are pretty meh, so at least they played to their strengths


It looks like it might be okay. I'll check it out.


You can give Powerslave EX a shot, which is a modern saturn port of the game to the PC. If you don't know what it is, it's essentially a doom clone focused more on exploration and has upgrades and shit as opposed to straightforward shootan.
mediafire.com/file/z8pba9xnxzjjv2s/Powerslave EX v.1.0.0 + patch v.
Also I hear there's a hard mode patch for the game but I haven't looked it up. Might be worth a shot considering how easy the game is early on.

Truth be told outside of that I can't really think of anything in the genre that I would say is a must play that everyone would like. In fact I've been waiting for Overload(which an user mentioned so I won't bother) and Spire, which is also a roguelite shooter, but is by Hitbox team(of Dustforce fame) and it talks a big game that I hope they can back up. I can recommend a few games that you may or may not like, but none of them are an honest to god straightforward shooter, they usually have some gimmick to them.

Takes the gimmick of bulletstorm with the stylish kills and makes it into it's own game. It's got the blood dragon aesthetic(I think it also shares a bit of music) and truth be told it's a pretty fun game but it didn't hold my attention to long, I might give it a second chance at some point

as much as I like shmups I don't think its a apropos comparison. That would be like saying Contra the same thing as Abadox.

Not the first time i've wanted to fuck a flower.

I wasn't really setting out to compare them in terms of being a run 'n gun and a shmup, but I was instead trying to compare how adhere both to a arcade gaming design philosophy and how even simple concepts can be executed beautifully

But its objectively a "Contra clone" you fucking dumb nigger. It might mix up the formula a bit, and dose an exelant job at it, but the one is clearly derivative and takes inspiration from the other. Likewise Metal Slug is a Contra clone. Are you just pretending to fishing for a response?

I think this discussion can go in healthier directions if you actually elaborate on how Gunstar Heroes is a Contra clone


And if I may recommend something outside of those two genres, I think Pharaoh Rebirth+ and Steamworld Dig 2(especially if you liked Motherlode as much as I did) are pretty fantastic 2d games.
PR+ in particular is one of my favorite modern games and Steamworld Dig 2 is a gorgeous game that realizes that a 2D platformer must have fun movement first and foremost, and is so toaster friendly I actually get lower temps on this 11 year old toaster playing that game than just browsing normally. Also the music is by El Huervo and it's fucking A++. Same for PR+(the A++ part, not el huervo)
Also you might want to play FEAR if you hadn't already.
Also also, if you're looking for a pretty nice real time tactics game Shadow Tactics Blades of the Shogun came out earlier this year(or late 2016, I don't remember) and it almost became my GOTY for that year.

Isn't that applying the "doom clone" logic to every FPS?

The fact that it wasn't even released in america for one thing.

This thread reminded me I found this pic floating around.


1987's Contra was one of the first wildly popular 2 Player "Run & Gun" game, just like how Doom was one of the first wildly popular FPS. Analogy: Contra is to Gunstar as Doom is to Blood. If Blood is a "doom cone" then Gunstar is a Contra Clone.

what are you talking about?

understandable. Looks like a fun game.



so presumptuous of what I meant but that's the wrong twin

Show me the physical cart, nigger. Probably can't even present the rom.

user you are the one making the ridiculous claim that the game is not popular or profitable without any evidence. I am under no obligation to jump though your asinine hoops. The burden of proof is on you kiddo.

It makes sense in the way that Contra basically kickstarted the run 'n gun genre where you run around scrolling stages shooting things, but at its core it plays rather differently compared to even most run 'n gun games, which is why nobody will in their right mind tell you that Megaman is a Contra clone because of how differently they play despite being in the same genre. Contra revels in randomly spawning zakos coming from either side of the screen so you have to move your ass, with most stages and bosses being massive RNGfests of the good kind. Gunstar Heroes OTOH is more static with more of a focus on bosses and predictable attack patterns, on top of a melee system where getting up close deals fuckhueg damage. The closest cousin to Gunstar Heroes would be Contra: Hard Corps, which like Gunstar Heroes does away with RNGfests in favor of all kinds of wacky bosses, and is unsurprisingly made by the same people who would go on to make Gunstar Heroes. Yet if future sequels to Contra are anything to go by, the boss-centric pacing of Hard Corps doesn't really constitute the core identity of Contra.

Obviously there is Megaman with more of a focus on platforming than shooting, Turrican with its levels you can explore to your hearts content, the Assault Suit games where you control a heavy mech with everything it entails, and so on. Technically it would be true to say it's a Contra clone, but it's so bloody unspecific in a genre where many games so strongly resemble eachother. It's like saying that Castlevania and Ninja Gaiden are the same shit, which is fighting words in old school circles. Or like saying that EDM, dubstep, drum 'n bass and trance are all 'techno'. All it does is betray a lack of knowledge in the genre of question in whoever utters those words.

Cuphead was one of those games where simple gameplay footage generated hype for it because people were blown away over how well the devs nailed the look of the old cartoon.

can't even find the rom, huh.

"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence".



February 24,1995 was the JP release.

I'd love to know why you posted in the wrong fucking thread, you piss me off.

Seems popular enough

this game truly is the gift that keeps on giving
also if the fucker is actually going for some kind of no damage run of the whole game why the fuck did he equip the extra heart?
that shit is worthless normally, but in this case you're JUST getting the fucking damage nerf from it since you might as well have one heart anyway

I didn't realize you could swap weapons to abuse damage so fast, fuck

I think that is far too liberal. Megaman is mechanically far different then contra where platforming is much more important and the lack of 8-way firing. In fact contra has more in common with twin stick shooters like smash TV then megaman. I don't even think megaman is categorized as a run & gun, its more an action-platformer. The fact that you would protest the comparison of contra to gunstar but then use megaman as an analogy makes me think your standards are arbitrary. That granted, Contra 3 came out in 1992 & Hard Corps came out in 1994 before Gunstar. To deny the clear influence is needless obstinacy.

user forgive me I was up all night without sleep.

any other good creepy old cartoons?

also, keep an eye on the backgrounds in this one.

Is this an edit of a doujin, or is there actually more of this?

That's gotta be hell for your fingers.

The devs were apparently such fans of Contra 3 that the same glitch was replicable in Cuphead.

Not if you use a fightstick.

Good man
Are you attending college or university?

are you blind?
are you gay & from cuckchan?



the joke is that the dev's name is chad


It may have had the best Tales girl of all time, but it wasn't very good. Sage for off topic.

Pic related is him

It's not just that, you have to deal just enough damage to the boss that he doesn't trigger his next phase. Basically, there's a threshold of damage that, when passed, makes the boss go from phase 1 to phase 2 etc., but if you manage to deal just enough damage to be at phase 2's doorstep and then, in another go of his first phase you deal so much damage that either gets him into phase 3 or late phase 2, the game doesn't know how to handle the transitions smoothly, so you either get the enemy stuck in an attack pattern or sometimes even freezing in idle. Beppi the Clown and Dr. Kahl's Robot are the biggest offenders as you can see from the video.


no way, I need to take an extra look at his name.


Memes aside, she is pretty female-looking. I just don't understand how people could see her as a male and heavily insist that she is male.

Well yeah but you've seen this already, I hope.

Because it's a fucking androgynous looking DRAGON you scaly fuck

This is some ripe autism right here. First of all, Grim is a female. Second of all, she's got curves and thicc all over the place.

My triple dubs confirm that I am correct. Sorry fags.

>>>/cuckchan/ and stay there you wasted enough digits

Whatever you say, you gay dick licker faggot. Oh, but do tell me user. What does the cum taste like? How does it feel to have a massive nigger cock in your mouth? Morpheus' bluepilled dick. Grim will never be a male you shitniggerfaggot.

no, they aren't going to leave if you tell them to; (you)'s are the only thing they're after and they continue to use bait that nets them (you)'s consistently

Sorry lad, but I'm not baiting and nobody has fell for anything except you. I genuinely think Grim Matchstick is a female and objectively she is. The devs have said it. I know her name is a pun based on Grim Natwick, but she is a female. Dragons in games and fiction are generally female anyways because only cocksucking fags like yourself want a dragon to be male

Why the hell do Tumblr and all the other furfags fixate themselves so much on this dragon?


Because of its innocent eyes. People with autism find it easier to empathize with animals than they do with humans.
Through their spastic eyes, they view the dragon as you would a baby or young child, cute and innocent.
Then just mix in the pedophile nature of the typical "Gender" confused subhuman, and here we are.

Nigger there's like 90 minutes of content in that, and 3 maps. That shit is amazingly good fun if you get pumped up and aim for maximum style though

How the hell did you come to such a distorted conclusion?

replace Nidhogg 2 and Surge with Persona 5

It the first time I actually watch a speed runner…..the autismo is off the charts what's wrong with those people?

begone normalfag

To be fair, if this person ALWAYS mistakes dragons for female despite their appearance, voices, names and so on, it at least makes it a little less bizarre that they'd make that mistake about Grim Matchstick.

it was going to be pretty successful regardless because its an actual good game, I'd probably have put its numbers at around Hollow Knight levels. The journo thing just boosted it way way over the top.


The irony. Here a (you) on the house.

the rest get into "quality" territory.

Holy shit, you fucked up. fuck off newfaggot.

Really activates the almonds.

Who is tagging this shit?

Is this art coming out as a way to counter people who draw Pearl and Cala Maria?

That turned me on….. should I kill myself?

Post proof of that then, Goodrafag.

That depends, with Furries you can call them out for possible Bestiality since they what they want to fuck are part/full on animals, but you can't exactly go out and try to fuck a Dragon in real life now can you?
I would say it's slightly less degenerate to want to fuck something that doesn't actually exist in RL.

Better do it, before its too late.

Cuphead must have had a fully equipped marketing team. That game was on Conan, and was rolling on TV's in Gamestop. The journos got their money and intentionally had a hard time with it to make the game attractive.
This game was given AAA marketing, and just disguised it to make it seem like it was indie and not rolling in the big money.

You may be right about your other points but there is nothing intentional about how trash game Journo's are at all games.

Maybe they intentionally handed coverage of the game to writers that have truoble with action games.

already did the uni stuff, cant get a job in this third world shit country, so i want to make vidya before the narcos kill me

fuck off

Are the final bosses worth sticking it through or should I just drop it here?

user have you not been around for the last 5 years? Every time a game has been even remotely challenging hoards of Game Journo's have complained it's too hard.
There simply aren't any Game Journo's who are actually good at games. They are all hipsters who wish they could be writing about art house movies but have no talent, so they settled for the fact that websites like IGN were the only ones would hire them.

Fucking git gud.

Holla Forums seems to have a really hard time swallowing the notion that a game did well because it's a good game.


It's not that I'm super bad at the game, it just fizzled out on me even though I took it one boss/stage a day. Should I have done it in one go?

I just played through Cuphead for the past four hours. The dragon took me around an hour and I, misunderstanding the clown's final phase (I assumed you couldn't touch him), spent around half an hour on him. The flower boss was tough for me, too much stuff moving at once. The run 'n' gun with the BWAAAAAA saxophone was also extremely difficult for me. Conversely, the genie was something I did on my first go. I've yet to beat the game but nonetheless, I have to say:

Is it possible that maybe, watching other people play the game and learn the tactics necessary from them, I've made playing it easier for myself? I would think that even if you know what to do, doing it would still be difficult but maybe that's just not the case? With the dragon, I don't remember ever looking up or being exposed to any tricks regarding how to deal with the dragon so I think my win was sincere there. With the flower, I definitely knew you could duck below the white boomerang thing. Oh, and parrying. I would've never had any idea that you can parry anything pink (including the cake-woman's giant sweet) unless I'd watched it online.
Overall, I guess I'm pleb because the animation doesn't amaze me. If really good flash was used, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. The music is wonderful though. The watercolour backgrounds add to the immersion but I still don't like them. I don't know if I actually had fun playing it though. I'm happy I made progress but in hindsight, looking back on the past four hours, I don't know if I was having fun. It all seems like a haze now. Only with the dragon did my heartrate soar.


How is this comprehensive when it doesn't even have the best 3 games released this year? How bad is this anons tastes?

Youtube guidelines actually instruct streamers to shill themselves and request that viewers like and subscribe during emotionally intense moments of their stream like a form of Pavlovian conditioning.

So its a good game then? Something doesn't have to be long to be good.

Had more fun playing Millia/Echidna Wars DX than I did Cuphead. It has a better scoring system combined with 4 characters who play like characters from different games. One girl plays like Megaman, one like Marco from Metal Slug, one is a grappler who can throw lighter enemies into others, and the last is a Valkyrie who has multiple jumps and great aerial attacks. Getting EXP in stages levels up your special moves. Megaman's charged shot turns into a thick laser while the Metalslug rabbit girl gets her grenades replaced with shotgun.

For a short ass lewd game with 3 stages and bosses, I had some fun.


Because that's an old version and then new one is here


You can press R to skip any of those scenes. Saying that, it kind of breaks the game because it stops certain chain grab setups enemies try to pull on you. Like a harpy grabbing you and if you break free, you fall into the slime girl below her.

Got to admit that it looks fun
The list really makes you reflect

I feel sorry for him. It is a good game too. It would likely sell better on consoles and handhelds.

Mediocre game whose saving grace is the art not being typical indieshit.

He could port it later on, especially if he used a engine with easy portability.
This and record live gameplay sessions on youtube, to promote his product

770 * 14.5 * 0.6 = $6700
Keyreal is a slav of some kind, so that's worth a bit more than it'd seem too. Not a ton for 20 months of work, but it's mostly a hobby for him as far as I know and if it's anything like his previous game (Hypnorain) it'll slowly gain more sales over time and during sales.

He made his own engine, Linux port should be coming soon. Console/handheld ports are very unlikely.

He should submit it to Ross to be honest

I agree, Ross would probably like it.

Well shit, but he could still try it with Sony and MS program to push indie titles. If it doesnt require to suck their dick.

Mucha suerte, puto.

Its a great game. I personally think Speedev needs to be more proactive. He really seems to lacks confidence or is being far to humble. But he really needs to be pushing this game to big name Jewtubers or something.

I would like to know what this is from.

Contains mom/son futa incest.

Mama Tama by Uno Makoto

Just send free copies to people like "Worth a buy", LGR, ect.

This. Only Twitter snowflakes and Gamergate autists actually care about what video game "journalists" think.

Maplestory android jumpquest

Albeit Velvet being best MC second to Yuri, Berseria was ok at best.

But all of those games suck.:^)



If I'm remembering right, he and a couple of other nodevs in one of the /adgd/ threads talked about him porting it to the Switch at some point, and I think a dev kit costs $500 so he wouldn't be hurting too badly by porting it.

personally, I'd just be happy if the full dragon mom doujin ever got uploaded.



That one where he takes a picture of his dragon tutor/babysitter/mom?'s ass will always be in my mind.

Apparently the singer of that song was a woman originally, she is credited on the song. At least thats what I was told.

Whatever. Sounds like a man anyway.

You're right. Games should either look like shit and play well, or look great and be walking simulators.

The Surge, honestly. I was expecting another disaster like LotF, but it was actually pretty sick with the Eternal Darkness targeting system added in. Past that, Cosmic Star Heroine and Cross Code despite it not being 100% complete I felt kept my attention far better than Cuckhead did.

Thanks anyways

im mad that cuphead completely overshadowed a far superior game. a hat in time

unironically kys yourself

neither are particularly good


The only hard thing about this game is getting A+ and whatnot, even then it doesn't apply for all levels.
For example, the first levels are easy as fuck, I can't imagine how can anyone end up dying to them.

The only time I was annoyed is when I ended up getting hit when trying to get A+ score or ended up getting just A because of time limit or I had forgotten to use my specials enough times.
Which frankly is quite dumb, it's not like you even need to hit with those specials, you just use them for the sake of getting the score.

Too bad the last boss is a bitch unless you're playing with Valkyrie

Fight (((Linda Berg))) as one of the bosses.

feels sad man